def GetTimetable():
    if 'X-App-Token' in request.headers and ApiSession.isValid(request):
        userId, userType = ApiSession.getUserId_req(request)
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'Invalid session. Did you login?'

    if userType == 'student':
        return JsonResponse.ok({
            Timetable.getStudentTimetable(userId, 1050194809, 1950194809)
    elif userType == 'teacher':
        return JsonResponse.ok({
            Timetable.getTeacherTimetable(userId, 1050194809, 1950194809)

    return JsonResponse.internalServerError({
        'Unexpected user type. Contact system administrator.'
def SessionLogin():
    if 'X-App-Token' in request.headers and ApiSession.isValid(request):
        return JsonResponse.ok({'token': request.headers['X-App-Token']})

    userEmail = request.form.get('email')
    userPassword = request.form.get('password')
    userType = request.form.get('user_type')

    # Step 1: Verify presence of values and validate them
    if not userEmail or not userPassword or not userType:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'message': 'post_property_missing',
            'nice_message': 'Missing POST property.'

    if userType not in ('student', 'teacher'):
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Given user type is invalid! Allowable types are: student/teacher.'

    # Step 2: Verify password
    if userType == 'student':
        user = StudentModel.findBy('email', userEmail)
    elif userType == 'teacher':
        user = TeacherModel.findBy('email', userEmail)
        return JsonResponse.internalServerError({
            'Unexpected user type. Contact system administrator.'

    if len(user) != 1:
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'Supplied credentials (email/password) are invalid.'

    user = user[0]

    salt = user.getSalt()

    hashedPassword = Security.hashPassword(userPassword, salt)

    if hashedPassword != user.getPassword():
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'Supplied credentials (email/password) are invalid.'

    userId = user.getId()

    # Step 3: Create session
    ipAddress = request.remote_addr

    if Config.getValue('DEPLOYMENT') == 'heroku':
        ipAddress = request.headers['X-Forwarded-For']

    token = ApiSession.create(userId, userType, ipAddress,

    if token:
        return JsonResponse.ok({'token': token})

    return JsonResponse.internalServerError({
        'Session generation failed. Contact system administrator.'
def CreateRecurringBooking(module_id, session_id):
    """ Updates a module session. """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact system administrator'

    # Get session object
    theSession = ModuleSessionModel.findById(session_id)

    if not theSession:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Session not found.'

    module = ModuleModel.findById(theSession.getModule())

    if not module:
        return JsonResponse.internalServerError({
            'Module not found.'

    enrolments = StudentModuleModel.findBy('module', module.getId())

    # Get post values
    building_id = request.form.get('building')
    duration = request.form.get('duration')
    day = request.form.get('day')
    frequency = request.form.get('frequency')
    term_id = request.form.get('term')

    if not building_id or not duration or not day or not frequency or not term_id:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please enter a building, duration, day, frequency and term'

    if day not in ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5'):
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please choose a day Monday to Friday.'

    day = int(day)

    if frequency not in ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8'):
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please select a frequency.'

    frequency = int(frequency)
    duration = int(duration)

    if duration <= 0 or duration > 3:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please select a duration betweene 1 and 3 hours.'

    building = CampusBuildingModel.findById(building_id)

    if not building:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Building not found.'

    term = TermModel.findById(term_id)

    if not term:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Term not found.'

    #def scheduleRecurring(term_id, session_id, building_id, day_of_week, frequency, duration, sessionType):
    res = Scheduler.scheduleRecurring(term.getId(), theSession.getId(),
                                      building.getId(), day, frequency,
                                      duration, theSession.getType())

    #if not res:
    #    return JsonResponse.badRequest()

    return JsonResponse.ok()
def CreateBooking(module_id, session_id):
    """ Creates a new room booking. """
    # Verify user access
    if not Authorization.canAccess(session.get('user'), ('scheduling_admin')):
        return JsonResponse.unauthorized({
            'You do not have access to this function. Contact sytem administrator.'

    # Get session object
    theSession = ModuleSessionModel.findById(session_id)

    if not theSession:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Session not found.'

    module = ModuleModel.findById(theSession.getModule())

    if not module:
        return JsonResponse.internalServerError({
            'Module not found.'

    enrolments = StudentModuleModel.findBy('module', module.getId())

    # Get post values
    building_id = request.form.get('building')
    duration = request.form.get('duration')
    day = request.form.get('day')
    hour = request.form.get('hour')

    duration = int(duration)

    if duration <= 0 or duration > 3:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please enter a duration between 1 and 3.'

    if not building_id or not duration or not day or not hour:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'Please ensure you enter a buildng, duration and time.'

    day = day + " 03:00"  # Daylight savings time fix

    ts = int(
        datetime.strptime(day + " UTC", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %Z").strftime("%s"))

    building = CampusBuildingModel.findById(building_id)

    if not building:
        return JsonResponse.notFound({
            'message': 'not_found',
            'nice_message': 'Building not found.'

    #def scheduleOneOff(building_id, duration, capacity, day, hour, sessionType = None, session = None):
    res = Scheduler.scheduleOneOff(building_id, duration, len(enrolments), ts,
                                   hour, theSession.getType(),

    if not res:
        return JsonResponse.badRequest({
            'message': 'booking_failed',
            'nice_message': 'Booking not made.'

    return JsonResponse.ok()