	def result_view(self):
		# Is this a logged-in user? If not, forward them to log-in
		UserID = session.get("UserID")
		if not UserID:
			redirect(url(controller="users", action="login"))
		# Pull up this results's information
		ResultID = request.path[request.path.find("result/") + 7 : len(request.path)]
		# Query the results information
		Solution = Solver.QueryResultID(UserID, ResultID)
		# If no solution, post error
		if not Solution:
			abort(status_code = 404, detail = "Result ID \"" + ResultID + "\" does not exist.")
		# Query the challenge
		# Note to self: can I directly access via foriegn key?
		Challenge = Challenges.ChallengeQueryID(Solution.ChallengeID)
		if not Challenge:
			abort(status_code = 404, detail = "Challenge ID \"" + Solution.ChallengeID + "\" does not exist.")
		# Find all user solutions to this Challenge...
		Challenge.solutions = Solutions.SolutionsUserIDChallengeID(UserID, Solution.ChallengeID)
		Challenge.attempts = len(Challenge.solutions)
		Challenge.solved = False
		# Check if we have solved this challenge
		for solution in Challenge.solutions:
			if solution.ResultCode == 1:
				Challenge.solved = True
		# Post the owner group of this challenge
		c.groupname = Challenges.ChallengesGroupQueryGroupID(Challenge.ChallengeGroupID, False).ChallengeGroupName
		# Post the challenge view content
		c.challenge = Challenge
		# Post the parent group directory
		c.group_id = Challenge.ChallengeGroupID
		c.group_name = c.groupname
		# Post the user-level directory data
		c.challenge_id = Challenge.ChallengeID
		c.challenge_name = Challenge.Title
		# Convert the source code into html friendly code
		# NOTE: We are defaulting everything to just render in Python
		c.formated_code = h.code_to_html(Solution.SourceCode, "Python")
		c.formated_samplecode = h.code_to_html(Challenge.SampleCode, "Python")
		# Render the solution information
		c.challenge = Challenge
		c.result = Solution
		c.body_content = render("/content_resultview.html")
		return render("/theme.html")
    def challenge_view(self):

        # Pull up this challenge's information
        ChallengeID = request.path[request.path.find("challenge/") + 10 : len(request.path)]

        # Is this a valid integer?
        if not ChallengeID.isdigit():
            abort(status_code=404, detail='Challenge ID "' + ChallengeID + '" does not exist.')

            # Query the challenge
        Challenge = Challenges.ChallengeQueryID(ChallengeID)
        if Challenge is None:
            abort(status_code=404, detail='Challenge ID "' + ChallengeID + '" failed to load.')
        if not Challenge.IsValid:
            abort(status_code=500, detail='Challenge ID "' + ChallengeID + '" failed to load: ' + Challenge.ErrorStr)

            # Find all user solutions to this Challenge...
        Challenge.solutions = Solutions.SolutionsUserIDChallengeID(session.get("UserID"), ChallengeID)
        Challenge.attempts = len(Challenge.solutions)
        Challenge.solved = False

        # Check if we have solved this challenge
        for solution in Challenge.solutions:
            if solution.ResultCode == 1:
                Challenge.solved = True

                # Generate graphics / tables

        # Post the owner group of this challenge
        c.groupname = Challenges.ChallengesGroupQueryGroupID(Challenge.ChallengeGroupID, False).ChallengeGroupName

        # Convert the source code into html friendly code
        # NOTE: We are defaulting everything to just render in Python
        c.formated_code = h.code_to_html(Challenge.StarterCode, "Python")
        c.formated_samplecode = h.code_to_html(Challenge.SampleCode, "Python")

        # Post the challenge view content
        c.challenge = Challenge

        # Post the parent group directory
        c.group_id = Challenge.ChallengeGroupID
        c.group_name = c.groupname

        # Post the user-level directory data
        c.challenge_id = Challenge.ChallengeID
        c.challenge_name = Challenge.Title

        # Render regular form
        c.body_content = render("/content_challengeview.html")
        return render("/theme.html")
    def challenge_view(self):

        # Pull up this challenge's information
        ChallengeID = request.path[request.path.find("challenge/") +

        # Is this a valid integer?
        if not ChallengeID.isdigit():
                  detail="Challenge ID \"" + ChallengeID +
                  "\" does not exist.")

        # Query the challenge
        Challenge = Challenges.ChallengeQueryID(ChallengeID)
        if Challenge is None:
                  detail="Challenge ID \"" + ChallengeID +
                  "\" failed to load.")
        if not Challenge.IsValid:
                  detail="Challenge ID \"" + ChallengeID +
                  "\" failed to load: " + Challenge.ErrorStr)

        # Find all user solutions to this Challenge...
        Challenge.solutions = Solutions.SolutionsUserIDChallengeID(
            session.get("UserID"), ChallengeID)
        Challenge.attempts = len(Challenge.solutions)
        Challenge.solved = False

        # Check if we have solved this challenge
        for solution in Challenge.solutions:
            if solution.ResultCode == 1:
                Challenge.solved = True

        # Generate graphics / tables

        # Post the owner group of this challenge
        c.groupname = Challenges.ChallengesGroupQueryGroupID(
            Challenge.ChallengeGroupID, False).ChallengeGroupName

        # Convert the source code into html friendly code
        # NOTE: We are defaulting everything to just render in Python
        c.formated_code = h.code_to_html(Challenge.StarterCode, "Python")
        c.formated_samplecode = h.code_to_html(Challenge.SampleCode, "Python")

        # Post the challenge view content
        c.challenge = Challenge

        # Post the parent group directory
        c.group_id = Challenge.ChallengeGroupID
        c.group_name = c.groupname

        # Post the user-level directory data
        c.challenge_id = Challenge.ChallengeID
        c.challenge_name = Challenge.Title

        # Render regular form
        c.body_content = render("/content_challengeview.html")
        return render("/theme.html")