     "everybody", "everyone", "everything", "less", "little", "much",
     "neither", "no one", "nobody", "nothing", "one", "other", "plenty",
     "somebody", "someone", "something", "both", "few", "fewer", "many",
     "others", "several", "all", "any", "more", "most", "none", "some",

relative = list_checker(("that", "who", "which", "whom", "where", "whose"))
reflexive = list_checker(
    ("myself", "yourself", "yourselves", "himself", "herself", "itself",
     "ourselves", "themselves", "oneself"))

no_organization = list_checker(
    ("i", "me", "myself", "mine", "my", "yourself", "he", "him", "himself",
     "his", "she", "her", "herself", "hers", "here"))

first_person = list_checker(("i", "me", "myself", "mine", "my", "we", "us",
                             "ourself", "ourselves", "ours", "our"))
second_person = list_checker(
    ("you", "yourself", "yours", "your", "yourselves"))
third_person = list_checker(
    ("he", "him", "himself", "his", "she", "her", "herself", "hers", "her",
     "it", "itself", "its", "one", "oneself", "one's", "they", "them",
     "themself", "themselves", "theirs", "their", "they", "them", "'em",
_others = list_checker(("who", "whom", "whose", "where", "when", "which"))

all = lambda x: first_person(x) or second_person(x) or third_person(
    x) or _others(x)

pleonastic = equality_checker("it")
# coding=utf-8

from corefgraph.resources.lambdas import list_checker, equality_checker, matcher, fail

__author__ = 'Josu Bermudez <*****@*****.**>'

# Is a root constituent
root = list_checker(("root", "top", "ROOT", "TOP"))

# Is a clause
clause = matcher("^S")

# Is a Noun phrase
noun_phrase = equality_checker("NP")

# Is a Noun phrase
#prepositional_phrase = equality_checker("SP")

# Is a Verb phrase
verb_phrase = equality_checker("VP")

# Is a particle constituent
particle_constituent = equality_checker("PRT")

# Is an interjection constituent
past_participle_verb = equality_checker("VBN")

# Is an interjection constituent
interjection = equality_checker("INTJ")

# Is a simple or subordinated clause
__author__ = 'Valeria Quochi <*****@*****.**>'

# Is a root constituent
root = list_checker(("root", "top", "ROOT", "TOP"))

# Is a clause
clause = list_checker((

# Is a simple or subordinated clause
simple_or_sub_phrase = clause

# Is a Noun phrase
noun_phrase = equality_checker("NP")

# Is a Verb phrase
verb_phrase = equality_checker("VP")

# Is a Adverbial phrase
adverbial_phrase = fail()

# Is a complement direct
complement_direct = list_checker(("CD", ))

# Is a particle constituent
particle_constituent = fail()

# Is a past_participle verb constituent
past_participle_verb = equality_checker("VBN")
# coding=utf-8


__author__ = 'Josu Bermudez <*****@*****.**>'
__date__ = '3/13' # DD/MM/YY

from corefgraph.resources.lambdas import list_checker, equality_checker, matcher, fail

# Extracted from CoreNLP

indefinite_articles = list_checker(("a", "an"))

quantifiers = list_checker(("not", "every", "any", "none", "everything", "anything", "nothing", "all", "enough"))

partitives = list_checker((
    "half", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten",
    "hundred", "thousand", "million", "billion", "tens", "dozens", "hundreds", "thousands", "millions", "billions",
    "group", "groups", "bunch", "number", "numbers", "pinch", "amount", "amount", "total", "all", "mile",
    "miles", "pounds"))

partitive_particle = equality_checker("of")
pronoun = matcher("^PRON.*")
personal_pronoun = matcher("^PRON.*PRS.*")
relative_pronoun = matcher("^PRON.*REL.*")
interrogative_pronoun = matcher("^PRON.*INT.*")
mention_pronoun = lambda x: relative_pronoun(x) or personal_pronoun(x)

# Nouns
singular_common_noun = matcher("^NOUN.*SING.*")
plural_common_noun = matcher("^NOUN.*PLUR.*")
common_noun = matcher("^NOUN.*")
proper_noun = matcher("^PROPN.*")
noun = matcher("^PROPN|^NOUN")

# Verbs
verb = matcher("^VERB")
modal = equality_checker("^AUX")
mod_forms = lambda x: common_noun(x) or adjective(x) or verb(x) or cardinal(x)
indefinites = fail()

# Enumerations
enumerable_mention_words = noun

conjunction = equality_checker("CONJ")
interjection = equality_checker("INTERJ")
cardinal = equality_checker("CD")

# Determinant
determinant = lambda x: not verb(x) and matcher("DET")
indefinite = lambda x: not verb(x) and matcher("IND")

head_rules = noun
# coding=utf-8
from corefgraph.resources.lambdas import equality_checker, fail, matcher

__author__ = 'Valeria Quochi <*****@*****.**>'
__date__ = '5/16/2013'

# features questions
female = fail()
male = fail()
neutral = fail()
singular = equality_checker("^NOU_CS")
plural = equality_checker("^NOU_CP")
animate = fail()
inanimate = fail()

# Adjectives
adjective = matcher("^ADJ.*")

# pronouns
personal_pronoun = matcher("^PRO~PE")
relative_pronoun = matcher("^PRO~RE")
pronoun = matcher("^PRO")
mention_pronoun = lambda x: relative_pronoun(x) or personal_pronoun(x)

singular_common_noun = equality_checker("^NOU_CS")
plural_common_noun = equality_checker("^NOU_CP")
proper_noun = matcher("^NOU~PR")
noun = matcher("^NOU.*")

verbs = matcher("^V.*")
modals = equality_checker("^VMO.*")
# Is a clause
clause = list_checker(("S", "SENTENCE"))

# Is a Noun phrase
noun_phrase = list_checker(("SN", "GRUP.NOM", "SUJ"))

# Is a Verb phrase
verb_phrase = list_checker(("GRUP.VERB",))

# Is a complement direct
complement_direct = list_checker(("CD",))

# Is a particle constituent
particle_constituent = fail()

# Is a past_participle verb constituent
past_participle_verb = fail()

# Is an interjection constituent
interjection = equality_checker("INTERJECCIÓ")

# Is a NER annotated into semantic tree
ner_constituent = fail()

# Is a simple or subordinated clause
simple_or_sub_phrase = clause

#TODO Remove this check
mention_constituents = lambda x: noun_phrase(x) or complement_direct(x)

enumerable = list_checker(("^SN", "GRUP.NOM"))

generics_you_verbs = equality_checker("saps")

pleonastic_verbs = list_checker(("ser", "estar", "semblar", "explicar"))
     "determine", "disagree", "disclose", "discount", "discover", "discuss",
     "dismiss", "dispute", "disregard", "doubt", "emphasize", "encourage",
     "endorse", "equate", "estimate", "expect", "explain", "express", "extoll",
     "fear", "feel", "find", "forbid", "forecast", "foretell", "forget",
     "gather", "guarantee", "guess", "hear", "hint", "hope", "illustrate",
     "imagine", "imply", "indicate", "inform", "insert", "insist", "instruct",
     "interpret", "interview", "invite", "issue", "justify", "learn",
     "maintain", "mean", "mention", "negotiate", "note", "observe", "offer",
     "oppose", "order", "persuade", "pledge", "point", "point out", "praise",
     "pray", "predict", "prefer", "present", "promise", "prompt", "propose",
     "protest", "prove", "provoke", "question", "quote", "raise", "rally",
     "read", "reaffirm", "realise", "realize", "rebut", "recall", "reckon",
     "recommend", "refer", "reflect", "refuse", "refute", "reiterate",
     "reject", "relate", "remark", "remember", "remind", "repeat", "reply",
     "add_report", "request", "respond", "restate", "reveal", "rule", "say",
     "see", "show", "signal", "sing", "slam", "speculate", "spoke", "spread",
     "state", "stipulate", "stress", "suggest", "support", "suppose",
     "surmise", "suspect", "swear", "teach", "tell", "testify", "think",
     "threaten", "told", "uncover", "underline", "underscore", "urge", "voice",
     "vow", "warn", "welcome", "wish", "wonder", "worry", "write"))

generics_you_verbs = equality_checker("know")

pleonastic_verbs = list_checker(("is", "was", "became", "become"))
pleonastic_verbs_full = list_checker(
    ("is", "was", "be", "becomes", "become", "became"))
alternative_a_pleonastic_verbs = list_checker(
    ("seems", "appears", "means", "follows"))
alternative_b_pleonastic_verbs = equality_checker("turns")
alternative_c_pleonastic_verbs = list_checker(("be", "become"))
ADJ~IR : interrogative adjective
ADJ~EX : exclamative adjective

following lines modified accordingly
TODO check correctedness
adjective_qualif = "ADJ~QU"
adjective_ord = "ADJ~OR"
adjective_indef = "ADJ~IN"
adjective_dem = "ADJ~DE"
adjective_poss = "ADJ~PO"
adjective_deitt = "ADJ~DI"
adjective_interr = "ADJ~IR"
adjective_excl = "ADJ~EX"

_conjunctions = equality_checker("CONJ", )

# Usable functions

# features questions
female = fail()
male = fail()
neutral = fail()
singular = fail()
plural = fail()
animate = fail()
inanimate = fail()

# Adjectives
adjective = list_checker(
    (_adjective, _adjective_comparative, _adjective_superlative))
__author__ = 'Josu Bermudez <*****@*****.**>'

# Is a root constituent
root = list_checker(("root", "top", "ROOT", "TOP"))

# Is a clause
clause = list_checker(("S", "SENTENCE"))

# Is a simple or subordinated clause
simple_or_sub_phrase = clause

# Is a Noun phrase
noun_phrase = list_checker(("SN", "SUJ", "GRUP.NOM"))

# Is a Verb phrase
verb_phrase = equality_checker("GRUP.VERB")

# Is a Adverbial phrase
adverbial_phrase = equality_checker("SADV")

# Is a complement direct
complement_direct = equality_checker("CD")

# Is a particle constituent
particle_constituent = fail()

# Is a past_participle verb constituent
past_participle_verb = fail()

# Is an interjection constituent
interjection = equality_checker("INTERJECCIÓ")
plural = matcher("^NNP?S$")

animate = fail()
inanimate = fail()

# Adjectives
adjective = list_checker((_adjective, ))

# Pronouns
pronoun = list_checker((_personal_pronoun, _possessive_pronoun, _wh_pronoun,
relative_pronoun = list_checker((_wh_pronoun, _wh_possessive_pronoun))
mention_pronoun = matcher("^PRP")

# Nouns
singular_common_noun = equality_checker(_noun)
plural_common_noun = equality_checker(_noun_plural)
proper_noun = list_checker((_proper_noun, _proper_noun_plural))
noun = lambda x: x is not None and (singular_common_noun(x) or
                                    plural_common_noun(x) or proper_noun(x))

# Verbs
verb = list_checker(_verbs_list)
modal = equality_checker(_modal)

mod_forms = lambda x: x is not None and (x.startswith("N") or x.startswith(
    "JJ") or x.startswith("V") or x == "CD")
indefinite = fail

# Enumerations
enumerable_mention_words = matcher("^NNP")