def delete_replica_schedule(context, replica_id, schedule_id, pre_delete_callable=None, post_delete_callable=None): # NOTE(gsamfira): we need to refactor the DB layer a bit to allow # two-phase transactions or at least allow running these functions # inside a single transaction block. q = _soft_delete_aware_query(context, models.ReplicaSchedule).filter( == schedule_id, models.ReplicaSchedule.replica_id == replica_id) schedule = q.first() if not schedule: raise exception.NotFound("No such schedule") if is_user_context(context): if not q.join(models.Replica).filter( models.Replica.project_id == context.tenant).first(): raise exception.NotAuthorized() if pre_delete_callable: pre_delete_callable(context, schedule) count = q.soft_delete() if post_delete_callable: post_delete_callable(context, schedule) if count == 0: raise exception.NotFound("0 entries were soft deleted")
def update_endpoint(context, endpoint_id, updated_values): endpoint = get_endpoint(context, endpoint_id) if not endpoint: raise exception.NotFound("Endpoint not found") for n in ["name", "description", "connection_info"]: if n in updated_values: setattr(endpoint, n, updated_values[n])
def update_replica(context, replica_id, updated_values): replica = get_replica(context, replica_id) if not replica: raise exception.NotFound("Replica not found") mapped_info_fields = {'destination_environment': 'target_environment'} updateable_fields = [ "source_environment", "destination_environment", "notes", "network_map", "storage_mappings" ] for field in updateable_fields: if mapped_info_fields.get(field, field) in updated_values: LOG.debug("Updating the '%s' field of Replica '%s' to: '%s'", field, replica_id, updated_values[mapped_info_fields.get(field, field)]) setattr(replica, field, updated_values[mapped_info_fields.get(field, field)]) non_updateable_fields = set(updated_values.keys()).difference( {mapped_info_fields.get(field, field) for field in updateable_fields}) if non_updateable_fields: LOG.warn("The following Replica fields can NOT be updated: %s", non_updateable_fields) # the oslo_db library uses this method for both the `created_at` and # `updated_at` fields setattr(replica, 'updated_at', timeutils.utcnow())
def delete_endpoint(context, endpoint_id): args = {"id": endpoint_id} if is_user_context(context): args["project_id"] = context.tenant count = _soft_delete_aware_query( context, models.Endpoint).filter_by(**args).soft_delete() if count == 0: raise exception.NotFound("0 entries were soft deleted")
def delete_minion_machine(context, minion_machine_id): minion_machine = get_minion_machine(context, minion_machine_id) # TODO(aznashwan): update models to be soft-delete-aware to # avoid needing to hard-delete here: count = _soft_delete_aware_query(context, models.MinionMachine).filter_by( id=minion_machine_id).delete() if count == 0: raise exception.NotFound("0 MinionMachine entries were soft deleted")
def get_provider(platform_name, provider_type, event_handler): if provider_type == constants.PROVIDER_TYPE_EXPORT: cls = EXPORT_PROVIDERS.get(platform_name) elif provider_type == constants.PROVIDER_TYPE_IMPORT: cls = IMPORT_PROVIDERS.get(platform_name) if not cls: raise exception.NotFound("Provider not found: %s" % platform_name) return cls(event_handler)
def delete_replica_tasks_execution(context, execution_id): q = _soft_delete_aware_query(context, models.TasksExecution).filter( == execution_id) if is_user_context(context): if not q.join(models.Replica).filter( models.Replica.project_id == context.tenant).first(): raise exception.NotAuthorized() count = q.soft_delete() if count == 0: raise exception.NotFound("0 entries were soft deleted")
def get_action(context, action_id): action = _soft_delete_aware_query(context, models.BaseTransferAction) if is_user_context(context): action = action.filter( models.BaseTransferAction.project_id == context.tenant) action = action.filter( models.BaseTransferAction.base_id == action_id).first() if not action: raise exception.NotFound("Transfer action not found: %s" % action_id) return action
def update_replica(context, replica_id, updated_values): replica = get_replica(context, replica_id) if not replica: raise exception.NotFound("Replica not found") for n in [ "source_environment", "destination_environment", "notes", "network_map", "storage_mappings" ]: if n in updated_values: setattr(replica, n, updated_values[n]) setattr(replica, 'updated_at',
def delete_minion_pool_lifecycle_execution(context, execution_id): q = _soft_delete_aware_query(context, models.TasksExecution).filter( == execution_id) if is_user_context(context): if not q.join(models.MinionPoolLifecycle).filter( models.MinionPoolLifecycle.project_id == ( context.tenant)).first(): raise exception.NotAuthorized() count = q.soft_delete() if count == 0: raise exception.NotFound("0 entries were soft deleted")
def _delete_transfer_action(context, cls, id): args = {"base_id": id} if is_user_context(context): args["project_id"] = context.tenant count = _soft_delete_aware_query(context, cls).filter_by(**args).soft_delete() if count == 0: raise exception.NotFound("0 entries were soft deleted") _soft_delete_aware_query( context, models.TasksExecution).filter_by(action_id=id).soft_delete()
def delete_service(context, service_id): service = get_service(context, service_id) count = _soft_delete_aware_query(context, models.Service).filter_by( id=service_id).soft_delete() if count == 0: raise exception.NotFound("0 service entries were soft deleted") # NOTE(aznashwan): many-to-many tables with soft deletion on either end of # the association are not handled properly so we must manually delete each # association ourselves: for reg in service.mapped_regions: delete_service_region_mapping(context, service_id,
def update_region(context, region_id, updated_values): if not region_id: raise exception.InvalidInput( "No region ID specified for updating.") region = get_region(context, region_id) if not region: raise exception.NotFound( "Region with ID '%s' does not exist." % region_id) updateable_fields = ["name", "description", "enabled"] _update_sqlalchemy_object_fields( region, updateable_fields, updated_values)
def get_provider(platform_name, provider_type, event_handler): for provider in CONF.providers: cls = utils.load_class(provider) if (cls.platform == platform_name and issubclass(cls, PROVIDER_TYPE_MAP[provider_type])): return cls(event_handler) raise exception.NotFound( "Provider not found for: %(platform_name)s, %(provider_type)s" % { "platform_name": platform_name, "provider_type": provider_type })
def get_replica_schedule(self, ctxt, replica_id, schedule_id, expired=True): schedule = self._get_replica_schedule(ctxt, replica_id, schedule_id, expired=True) if not schedule: raise exception.NotFound("Schedule not found") return schedule
def get_tasks_execution(context, execution_id): q = _soft_delete_aware_query(context, models.TasksExecution) q = q.join(models.BaseTransferAction) q = q.options(orm.joinedload("action")) q = q.options(orm.joinedload("tasks")) if is_user_context(context): q = q.filter(models.BaseTransferAction.project_id == context.tenant) execution = q.filter( == execution_id).first() if not execution: raise exception.NotFound("Tasks execution not found: %s" % execution_id) return execution
def set_execution_status(context, execution_id, status): execution = _soft_delete_aware_query(context, models.TasksExecution).join( models.TasksExecution.action) if is_user_context(context): execution = execution.filter( models.BaseTransferAction.project_id == context.tenant) execution = execution.filter( == execution_id).first() if not execution: raise exception.NotFound("Tasks execution not found: %s" % execution_id) execution.status = status
def delete_region(context, region_id): region = get_region(context, region_id) count = _soft_delete_aware_query(context, models.Region).filter_by( id=region_id).soft_delete() if count == 0: raise exception.NotFound("0 region entries were soft deleted") # NOTE(aznashwan): many-to-many tables with soft deletion on either end of # the association are not handled properly so we must manually delete each # association ourselves: for endp in region.mapped_endpoints: delete_endpoint_region_mapping(context,, region_id) for svc in region.mapped_services: delete_service_region_mapping(context,, region_id)
def delete_service_region_mapping(context, service_id, region_id): args = {"service_id": service_id, "region_id": region_id} # TODO(aznashwan): many-to-many realtionships have no sane way of # supporting soft deletion from the sqlalchemy layer wihout # writing join condictions, so we hard-`delete()` instead of # `soft_delete()` util we find a better option: count = _soft_delete_aware_query( context, models.ServiceRegionMapping).filter_by( **args).delete() if count == 0: raise exception.NotFound( "There is no mapping between service '%s' and region '%s'." % ( service_id, region_id))
def update_minion_machine(context, minion_machine_id, updated_values): if not minion_machine_id: raise exception.InvalidInput( "No minion_machine ID specified for updating.") minion_machine = get_minion_machine(context, minion_machine_id) if not minion_machine: raise exception.NotFound( "MinionMachine with ID '%s' does not exist." % minion_machine_id) updateable_fields = [ "connection_info", "provider_properties", "status", "backup_writer_connection_info", "allocated_action"] _update_sqlalchemy_object_fields( minion_machine, updateable_fields, updated_values)
def delete_endpoint(context, endpoint_id): endpoint = get_endpoint(context, endpoint_id) args = {"id": endpoint_id} if is_user_context(context): args["project_id"] = context.tenant count = _soft_delete_aware_query(context, models.Endpoint).filter_by( **args).soft_delete() if count == 0: raise exception.NotFound("0 Endpoint entries were soft deleted") # NOTE(aznashwan): many-to-many tables with soft deletion on either end of # the association are not handled properly so we must manually delete each # association ourselves: for reg in endpoint.mapped_regions: delete_endpoint_region_mapping(context, endpoint_id,
def update_replica(context, replica_id, updated_values): replica = get_replica(context, replica_id) if not replica: raise exception.NotFound("Replica not found") for n in [ "source_environment", "destination_environment", "notes", "network_map", "storage_mappings" ]: if n in updated_values: setattr(replica, n, updated_values[n]) # the oslo_db library uses this method for both the `created_at` and # `updated_at` fields setattr(replica, 'updated_at', timeutils.utcnow())
def get_provider( platform_name, provider_type, event_handler, raise_if_not_found=True): for provider in CONF.providers: cls = utils.load_class(provider) parent = PROVIDER_TYPE_MAP.get(provider_type) if not parent: continue if (cls.platform == platform_name and issubclass(cls, parent)): return cls(event_handler) if raise_if_not_found: raise exception.NotFound( "Provider not found for: %(platform_name)s, %(provider_type)s" % {"platform_name": platform_name, "provider_type": provider_type}) return None
def _task_process(ctxt, task_id, task_type, origin, destination, instance, task_info, mp_q, mp_log_q): try: _setup_task_process(mp_log_q) if task_type == constants.TASK_TYPE_EXPORT_INSTANCE: provider_type = constants.PROVIDER_TYPE_EXPORT data = origin elif task_type == constants.TASK_TYPE_IMPORT_INSTANCE: provider_type = constants.PROVIDER_TYPE_IMPORT data = destination else: raise exception.NotFound("Unknown task type: %s" % task_type) event_handler = _ConductorProviderEventHandler(ctxt, task_id) provider = factory.get_provider(data["type"], provider_type, event_handler) connection_info = data.get("connection_info") or {} target_environment = data.get("target_environment") or {} secret_ref = connection_info.get("secret_ref") if secret_ref:"Retrieving connection info from secret: %s", secret_ref) connection_info = secrets.get_secret(ctxt, secret_ref) if provider_type == constants.PROVIDER_TYPE_EXPORT: export_path = _get_task_export_path(task_id, create=True) result = provider.export_instance(ctxt, connection_info, instance, export_path) result[TMP_DIRS_KEY] = [export_path] else: result = provider.import_instance(ctxt, connection_info, target_environment, instance, task_info) mp_q.put(result) except Exception as ex: mp_q.put(str(ex)) LOG.exception(ex) finally: # Signal the log event handler that there are no more events mp_log_q.put(None)
def get_rpc_client_for_service(service, *client_args, **client_kwargs): rpc_client_class = RPC_TOPIC_TO_CLIENT_CLASS_MAP.get(service.topic) if not rpc_client_class: raise exception.NotFound( "No RPC client class for service with topic '%s'." % (service.topic)) topic = service.topic if service.topic == constants.WORKER_MAIN_MESSAGING_TOPIC: # NOTE: coriolis.service.MessagingService-type services (such # as the worker), always have a dedicated per-host queue # which can be used to target the service: topic = constants.SERVICE_MESSAGING_TOPIC_FORMAT % ( { "main_topic": constants.WORKER_MAIN_MESSAGING_TOPIC, "host": }) return rpc_client_class(*client_args, topic=topic, **client_kwargs)
def update_minion_pool_lifecycle(context, minion_pool_id, updated_values): lifecycle = get_minion_pool_lifecycle( context, minion_pool_id, include_tasks_executions=False, include_machines=False) if not lifecycle: raise exception.NotFound( "Minion pool '%s' not found" % minion_pool_id) updateable_fields = [ "minimum_minions", "maximum_minions", "minion_max_idle_time", "minion_retention_strategy", "environment_options", "pool_shared_resources", "notes", "pool_name", "pool_os_type"] # TODO(aznashwan): this should no longer be required when the # transfer action class hirearchy is to be overhauled: redundancies = { "environment_options": [ "source_environment", "destination_environment"]} for field in updateable_fields: if field in updated_values: if field in redundancies: for old_key in redundancies[field]: LOG.debug( "Updating the '%s' field of Minion Pool '%s' to: '%s'", old_key, minion_pool_id, updated_values[field]) setattr(lifecycle, old_key, updated_values[field]) else: LOG.debug( "Updating the '%s' field of Minion Pool '%s' to: '%s'", field, minion_pool_id, updated_values[field]) setattr(lifecycle, field, updated_values[field]) non_updateable_fields = set( updated_values.keys()).difference(updateable_fields) if non_updateable_fields: LOG.warn( "The following Replica fields can NOT be updated: %s", non_updateable_fields) # the oslo_db library uses this method for both the `created_at` and # `updated_at` fields setattr(lifecycle, 'updated_at', timeutils.utcnow())
def set_minion_machines_allocation_statuses( context, minion_machine_ids, action_id, allocation_status): machines = get_minion_machines(context) existing_machine_id_mappings = { machine for machine in machines} missing = [ mid for mid in minion_machine_ids if mid not in existing_machine_id_mappings] if missing: raise exception.NotFound( "The following minion machines could not be found: %s" % ( missing)) for machine_id in minion_machine_ids: machine = existing_machine_id_mappings[machine_id] LOG.debug( "Changing allocation status in DB for minion machine '%s' " "from '%s' to '%s' and allocated action from '%s' to '%s'" % (, machine.status, allocation_status, machine.allocated_action, action_id)) machine.allocated_action = action_id machine.status = allocation_status
def get_task_runner(task_type): cls = _TASKS_MAP.get(task_type) if not cls: raise exception.NotFound("TaskRunner not found for task type: %s" % task_type) return cls()
def _get_task(context, task_id): task = _soft_delete_aware_query(context, models.Task).filter_by(id=task_id).first() if not task: raise exception.NotFound("Task not found: %s" % task_id) return task
def _get_migration(self, ctxt, migration_id): migration = db_api.get_migration(ctxt, migration_id) if not migration: raise exception.NotFound("Migration not found") return migration