merged = merger(aust.results, [1, 2], newname = 'australian(s)') plot('After merging Australian and Australians', merged, num_to_plot = 2) # <headingcell level=4> # conc() # <markdowncell> # The final function is *conc()*, which produces concordances of a subcorpus based on a Tregex query. Its main arguments are: # 1. A subcorpus to search *(remember to put it in quotation marks!)* # 2. A Tregex query # <codecell> # here, we use a subcorpus of politics articles, # rather than the total annual editions. conc(os.path.join(path,'1966'), r'/(?i)\baustral.?/') # adj containing a risk word # <markdowncell> # You can set *conc()* to print *n* random concordances with the *random = n* parameter. You can also store the output to a variable for further searching. # <codecell> randoms = conc(os.path.join(path,'1963'), r'/(?i)\baustral.?/', random = 5) randoms # <markdowncell> # *conc()* takes another argument, window, which alters the amount of cowordsext appearing either side of the match. # <codecell> conc(os.path.join(path,'1981'), r'/(?i)\baustral.?/', random = 5, window = 50) # <markdowncell>
# <codecell> # # <markdowncell> # ### conc() # <markdowncell> # `conc()` produces concordances of a subcorpus. Its main arguments are: # 1. A subcorpus to search *(remember to put it in quotation marks!)* # 2. A query # If your data consists of parse trees, you can use a Tregex query. If your data is one or more plain-text files, you can just a regex. We'll show Tregex style here. # <codecell> lines = conc('data/nyt/years/1999', r'/JJ.?/ << /(?i).?\brisk.?\b/') # adj containing a risk word # <markdowncell> # You can set `conc()` to print only the first ten examples with `n = 10`, or ten random these with the `n = 15, random = True` parameter. # <codecell> lines = conc('data/nyt/years/2007', r'/VB.?/ < /(?i).?\brisk.?\b/', n = 15, random = True) # <markdowncell> # `conc()` takes another argument, window, which alters the amount of co-text appearing either side of the match. The default is 50 characters # <codecell> lines = conc('data/nyt/topics/health/2013', r'/VB.?/ << /(?i).?\brisk.?\b/', n = 15, random = True, window = 20) # <markdowncell> # `conc()` also allows you to view parse trees. By default, it's false: