def encrypt(self, nonce: bytes, key: SymmetricKey, alg: Optional[CoseAlgorithms] = None) -> bytes: """ Encrypts the payload. :param nonce: Nonce for decryption. Length tof the nonce depends on the AEAD. Nonce cannot be empty or None. :param key: A Symmetric COSE key object containing the symmetric key bytes and a optionally an AEAD algorithm. :param alg: If the 'alg' parameter is unset in the COSE key object, this parameter cannot be None. :raises ValueError: When the nonce is empty or None :raises CoseIllegalKeyType: When the key is not of type 'SymmetricKey'. :returns: ciphertext as bytes """ if nonce == b"" or nonce is None: raise ValueError(f"{nonce} is not a valid nonce value") if not isinstance(key, SymmetricKey): raise CoseIllegalKeyType( "COSE key should be of type 'SymmetricKey', got {}".format( type(key))) return key.encrypt(plaintext=self.payload, aad=self._enc_structure, nonce=nonce, alg=alg)
def test_symmetric_key_aeads(kid, alg, key_ops, base_iv, k, pl, aad, nonce, algo, ct): key = SymmetricKey(kid=kid, alg=alg, key_ops=key_ops, base_iv=base_iv, k=k) assert ct == key.encrypt(pl, aad, nonce, algo) # switch to another key operation key.key_ops = KeyOps.DECRYPT assert pl == key.decrypt(ct, aad, nonce, algo)