def testSecondBoundary2(self): run = 'PAL2012' sundownDate = '20121211' obsDate = '20121212' seq = '121229' t0 = 123 t1 = 133 nSigma = 1 stride = 1 threshold = 15 fn = FileName.FileName(run, sundownDate, obsDate+"-"+seq) cosmic = Cosmic(fn, beginTime=t0, endTime=t1, loggingLevel=logging.CRITICAL) fc = cosmic.findCosmics(stride=stride, threshold=threshold, populationMax=2000, nSigma=nSigma) print "len if timeHgValues=",len(fc['timeHgValues']) plt.clf() t = np.arange(len(fc['timeHgValues']))/1e6 plt.plot(t,fc['timeHgValues']) plt.ylabel("number of photons per tick") plt.xlabel("time after %.1f (sec)"%t0) plt.title("run=%s obsDate=%s seq=%s t0=%d t1=%d"%(run,obsDate,seq,t0,t1)) plt.grid(axis='x') #plt.yscale('symlog', linthreshy=0.9) plt.yscale('log') plt.ylim(ymin=-0.1) plt.savefig(inspect.stack()[0][3]+".png")
def findv1(self): populationMax=2000 ySum = np.zeros(populationMax) frameSum = 'none' seq5 = self.s['seq5'].split() for seq in seq5: print "seq=",seq outfileName = "cosmicTimeList-"+seq+".pkl" if not os.path.exists(outfileName): fn = FileName(self.s['run'], self.s['sundownDate'], self.s['obsDate']+"-"+str(seq)) cosmic = Cosmic(fn, beginTime=self.s['beginTime'], endTime=self.s['endTime'], loggingLevel = logging.INFO) fc = cosmic.findCosmics(stride=int(self.s['stride']), threshold=int(self.s['threshold']), populationMax=populationMax, nSigma=float(self.s['nSigma'])) outfile = open(outfileName, "wb") pickle.dump(fc['cosmicTimeList'],outfile) pickle.dump(fc['binContents'],outfile) outfile.close() cfn = "cosmicMask-%s.h5"%seq ObsFile.writeCosmicIntervalToFile(fc['interval'],1.0e6, cfn, self.s['beginTime'], self.s['endTime'], int(self.s['stride']), int(self.s['threshold']), float(self.s['nSigma']), populationMax) del cosmic
def testCosmicTimeMasking(self): """ tests the cosmic time masking function """ ymax = sys.float_info.max/100.0 run = 'PAL2012' sundownDate = '20121211' obsDate = '20121212' seq = '121229' fn = FileName.FileName(run, sundownDate, obsDate+"-"+seq) beginTime = 123.247400 endTime = 123.248400 cosmic = Cosmic(fn, beginTime=beginTime, endTime=endTime) stride = 10 threshold = 100 populationMax=2000 nSigma=10 dictionary0 = cosmic.findCosmics(stride=stride, threshold=threshold, populationMax=populationMax, nSigma=nSigma) interval = dictionary0['interval'] plt.clf() plt.plot(dictionary0['timeHgValues']) for oneInt in interval: x0 = (oneInt[0]-beginTime)*cosmic.file.ticksPerSec x1 = (oneInt[1]-beginTime)*cosmic.file.ticksPerSec plt.fill_between((x0,x1),(0,0),(ymax,ymax),alpha=0.2,color='red') plt.title("timeHgValues stride=%d threshold=%d nSigma=%d"%(stride,threshold,nSigma)) plt.xlabel("ticks after t=%f seconds"%beginTime) plt.yscale("symlog",linthreshy=0.5) plt.ylim(0,dictionary0['timeHgValues'].max()) plt.savefig("testCosmicTimeMasking-0.png") ObsFile.ObsFile.writeCosmicIntervalToFile(interval, cosmic.file.ticksPerSec, 'junk.h5') cosmic.file.loadCosmicMask('junk.h5') dictionary1 = cosmic.findCosmics(populationMax=1000) plt.clf() hist = dictionary0['populationHg'][0] bins = np.arange(len(hist)) plt.plot(bins, hist) plt.ylabel("no mask") plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') hist = dictionary1['populationHg'][0] bins = np.arange(len(hist)) plt.plot(bins, hist, color='g') plt.ylabel("cosmic mask") plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.savefig("testCosmicTimeMasking.png")
def test_findCosmics(self): run = 'PAL2012' obsDate = '20121211' seq = '20121212-113212' fn = FileName.FileName(run, obsDate, seq) cosmic = Cosmic(fn, beginTime= 222, endTime=232,\ nBinsPerSec = 10, loggingLevel=logging.FATAL) stride = 10 threshold = 20 populationMax = 2000 fc = cosmic.findCosmics(stride, threshold, populationMax) cosmicTimeList = fc['cosmicTimeList'] # 4 events found on 2013-09-27 self.assertEquals(4,len(cosmicTimeList))
def testExponAndGaussFit(self): run = 'PAL2012' sundownDate = '20121211' obsDate = '20121212' seq = '131254' fn = FileName(run, sundownDate, obsDate+"-"+seq) beginTime=79.248482 endTime = beginTime+200*1e-6 cosmic = Cosmic(fn, beginTime=beginTime,endTime=endTime) dictionary = cosmic.findCosmics(populationMax=1000) hist = np.array(dictionary['timeHgValues']) bins = np.arange(len(hist)) plt.plot(bins, hist) plt.savefig(inspect.stack()[0][3]+".png")
def testPopulationFromTimeHgValues1(self): """ test one specific example with stride of 4 """ timeHgValues = np.array([0,0,10,20,0,0,5,6,7,8,9,1]) populationMax = 40 stride = 4 threshold = 15 d = Cosmic.populationFromTimeHgValues(timeHgValues, populationMax, stride, threshold) populationTrue = np.zeros(populationMax) populationTrue[11] = 1 populationTrue[25] = 1 populationTrue[26] = 1 populationTrue[30] = 2 self.assertEquals(None, np.testing.assert_array_equal( d['populationHg'][0], populationTrue)) self.assertEquals(None, np.testing.assert_array_equal( d['cosmicTimeList'], np.array([0,2,6,8]))) self.assertEquals(None, np.testing.assert_array_equal( d['binContents'], np.array([30,30,26,25])))
def test_pfthv2(self): """ Demonstrate the static method populationFromTimeHgValues Put 1 photon in 10 successive time ticks (starting at tick 15), and 0 photons in the rest of the time ticks. For a stride of 10, the method samples 7 time bins. The bins overlap by stride/2. The populationHg returned reports that 4 of these bins have zero photons, 2 of the bins have 5 photons, and 1 bin has 10 photons. """ length = 40 timeHgValues = np.zeros(length, dtype=np.int64) for i in range(15,25,1): timeHgValues[i] = 1 populationMax = 40 stride = 10 threshold = 4 pfthv = Cosmic.populationFromTimeHgValues(timeHgValues, populationMax, stride, threshold) self.assertEquals(populationMax, len(pfthv['populationHg'][0])) self.assertEquals(4, pfthv['populationHg'][0][0]) self.assertEquals(2, pfthv['populationHg'][0][5]) self.assertEquals(1, pfthv['populationHg'][0][10])
def testPopulationFromTimeHgValues3(self): """ test one specific example with stride of 5 and a number of timeHgValues that is not a multiple of stride """ timeHgValues = np.array([0,0,10,20,0,0,5,6,7,8,9,1,99]) populationMax = 40 stride = 5 threshold = 15 d = Cosmic.populationFromTimeHgValues(timeHgValues, populationMax, stride, threshold) populationTrue = np.zeros(populationMax) populationTrue[26] = 1 populationTrue[30] = 1 populationTrue[35] = 1 self.assertEquals(None, np.testing.assert_array_equal( d['populationHg'][0], populationTrue)) self.assertEquals(None, np.testing.assert_array_equal( d['cosmicTimeList'], np.array([0,2,5]))) self.assertEquals(None, np.testing.assert_array_equal( d['binContents'], np.array([30,35,26])))
def testSecondBoundary(self): run = 'PAL2012' sundownDate = '20121211' obsDate = '20121212' seq = '121229' t0 = 123 t1 = 133 nSigma = 1 stride = 1 threshold = 15 fn = FileName.FileName(run, sundownDate, obsDate+"-"+seq) tsum = None for t in range(t0,t1,1): beginTime = t-15e-5 endTime = t+15e-5 cosmic = Cosmic(fn, beginTime=beginTime, endTime=endTime, loggingLevel=logging.CRITICAL) fc = cosmic.findCosmics(stride=stride, threshold=threshold, populationMax=2000, nSigma=nSigma) if tsum == None: tsum = np.array(fc['timeHgValues']) else: tsum += np.array(fc['timeHgValues']) plt.clf() dt = (endTime-beginTime) x0 = (t-beginTime)*(len(tsum)-1)/dt print "dt=",dt print "x0=",x0 print "len(tsum)=",len(tsum) x = np.arange(len(tsum))-x0 plt.plot(x,tsum, drawstyle='steps-mid') ymin = -1 ymax = 1.1*tsum.max() xAtMax = tsum.argmax()-x0 #plt.vlines(xAtMax, ymin, ymax, linestyles='dotted', label="beginning of second") plt.text(xAtMax+10,ymax/2, "t at max=%.1f"%xAtMax, ha="left",va="center") plt.ylim(-1,ymax) plt.ylabel("number of photons per time tick") plt.xlabel("ticks since beginning of second") plt.title("run=%s obsDate=%s seq=%s t0=%d t1=%d"%(run,obsDate,seq,t0,t1)) plt.savefig(inspect.stack()[0][3]+".png")
def run(self): for obs in self.param['obsSequence']: fn = FileName.FileName(run=self.param['run'], date=self.param['sunsetDate'], tstamp = obs) cosmic = Cosmic(fn, loggingLevel=logging.INFO, beginTime=self.s['beginTime'], endTime=self.s['endTime']) fc = cosmic.findCosmics(stride=int(self.s['stride']), threshold=int(self.s['threshold']), populationMax=int(self.s['populationMax']), nSigma=float(self.s['nSigma']), writeCosmicMask=True) cosmic = Cosmic(fn, loggingLevel=logging.INFO, beginTime=self.s['beginTime'], endTime=self.s['endTime'], applyCosmicMask=True) fcm = cosmic.findCosmics(stride=int(self.s['stride']), threshold=int(self.s['threshold']), populationMax=int(self.s['populationMax']), nSigma=float(self.s['nSigma']), writeCosmicMask=False) p = { 'populationHg':fc['populationHg'][0], 'populationHgM':fcm['populationHg'][0], 'pps':fc['pps'], 'ppsM':fcm['pps'], 'ppmMasked':fc['ppmMasked'], 'ppsTime':fc['ppsTime'], 'beginTime':cosmic.beginTime, 'endTime':cosmic.endTime } outfileName = "cosmic-summary-"+obs+".pkl" outfile = open(outfileName, "wb") pickle.dump(p,outfile) outfile.close()
def testFitExponRealData(self): """ Read timestamps from part of one data file where there was an event. """ # We imported FileName at the top of this file. Use this to # locate the file for this specific observation. # on turk, the file with the observation is this one: # /ScienceData/PAL2012/20121211/obs_20121212-1333303.h5 run = 'PAL2012' sundownDate = '20121211' obsDate = '20121212' seq = '133303' fn = FileName(run, sundownDate, obsDate+"-"+seq) # The class Cosmic is in ARCONS-pipeline/cosmic/ cosmic = Cosmic(fn) t0 = 138595526 t1 = 138595666 dictionary = cosmic.fitExpon(t0,t1) hist = dictionary['timeHgValues'] bins = np.arange(len(hist)) width = 0.7*(bins[1]-bins[0]) center = (bins[:-1]+bins[1:])/2 #plt.step(center, hist, where = 'post') plt.plot(bins,hist, label='data') xFit = np.linspace(0,len(hist),10*len(hist)) pFit = dictionary['pExponFit'] yFit = Cosmic.funcExpon(xFit,*pFit) plt.plot(xFit,yFit, label='Exponential Fit') xFit = np.linspace(0,len(hist),10*len(hist)) pFit = dictionary['pGaussFit'] print "pFit=",pFit yFit = Cosmic.funcGauss(xFit,*pFit) plt.plot(xFit,yFit, label='Gaussian Fit') plt.legend() xLimit = dictionary['xLimit'] plt.axvline(x=xLimit[0], color='magenta', linestyle='-.') plt.axvline(x=xLimit[1], color='magenta', linestyle='-.') plt.savefig(inspect.stack()[0][3]+".png")
def testCosmic(self): run = 'PAL2012' sundownDate = '20121211' obsDate = '20121212' seq = '121229' fn = FileName.FileName(run, sundownDate, obsDate+"-"+seq) cosmic = Cosmic(fn, beginTime=123, endTime=125) dictionary0 = cosmic.findCosmics(threshold=500, populationMax=2000) print "dictionary0 keyst=",dictionary0.keys() print "interval=",dictionary0['interval'] hist = dictionary0['populationHg'][0] bins = np.arange(len(hist)) plt.plot(bins, hist, label="no mask") plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.legend() plt.savefig(inspect.stack()[0][3]+".png")
def testPopulationFromTimeHgValues0(self): """ test one specific example with stride of 1 """ timeHgValues = np.array([0,10,5,0,0,0,0,10,8,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]) populationMax = 20 stride = 1 threshold = 9 d = Cosmic.populationFromTimeHgValues(timeHgValues, populationMax, stride, threshold) self.assertEquals(None, np.testing.assert_array_equal( d['populationHg'][0], np.array([11,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]))) self.assertEquals(None, np.testing.assert_array_equal( d['cosmicTimeList'], np.array([1,7]))) self.assertEquals(None, np.testing.assert_array_equal( d['binContents'], np.array([10,10])))
def test_populationFromTimeHgValues(self): """ test the funcion Cosmic.populationFromTimeHgValues. Make a time stream where in successive time values you have 1,3,1 photons. Look for cosmic events with a threshold of 4. Arrange the time stream so that one of the large bins (starting at 89995) overlaps the time stamps with all five photons, but the next one (starting at 90000) only overlaps 4 photons. With the threshold set to 4, the bin starting at 89995 is found and the bin starting at 90000 is not found. """ minLength = 1000000 timeHgValues = np.zeros(minLength, dtype=np.int64) timeHgValues[89999] = 1 timeHgValues[90000] = 3 timeHgValues[90001] = 1 populationMax = 10 stride = 10 threshold = 4 pfthv = Cosmic.populationFromTimeHgValues( timeHgValues, populationMax, stride, threshold) cosmicTimeList = pfthv['cosmicTimeList'] #print "cosmicTimeList=",cosmicTimeList self.assertEquals(cosmicTimeList.size,1) self.assertEquals(cosmicTimeList[0], 89995) populationHg = pfthv['populationHg'] #print "populationHg[0]=",populationHg[0] self.assertEquals(populationHg[0][0], 199996) self.assertEquals(populationHg[0][1], 1) self.assertEquals(populationHg[0][2], 0) self.assertEquals(populationHg[0][3], 0) self.assertEquals(populationHg[0][4], 1) self.assertEquals(populationHg[0][5], 1)
seq5 = ['112709', '113212', '113714', '114216', '114718', '115220', '115722', '120224', '120727', '121229', '121732', '122234', '122736', '123238', '123740', '124242', '124744', '125246', '125748', '130250', '130752', '131254', '131756', '132258', '132800', '133303'] #seq5 = ['133303'] nSigma = 7 stride = 10 threshold = 50 populationMax=2000 ySum = np.zeros(populationMax) frameSum = 'none' for seq in seq5: print "seq=",seq fn = FileName(run, sundownDate, obsDate+"-"+seq) #cosmic = Cosmic(fn, endTime='exptime') cosmic = Cosmic(fn, beginTime=0) fc = cosmic.findCosmics(stride=stride, threshold=threshold, populationMax=populationMax, nSigma=nSigma) if frameSum == 'none': frameSum = fc['frameSum'] else: frameSum += fc['frameSum'] outfile = open("cosmicTimeList-"+seq+".pkl", "wb") pickle.dump(fc['cosmicTimeList'],outfile) pickle.dump(fc['binContents'],outfile) outfile.close() cfn = "cosmicMax-%s.h5"%seq ObsFile.writeCosmicIntervalToFile(fc['interval'],1.0e6, cfn) populationHg = fc['populationHg']
nSigma = 7 threshold = 25 stride = 10 populationMax = 1000 nlist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40] nlist2 = [10, 20, 30] for n in nlist: beginTime = n-1 endTime = n cosmic = Cosmic(fn, beginTime, endTime) dictionary0 = cosmic.findCosmics(nSigma, threshold, stride, populationMax) interval = dictionary0['interval'] hist0 = dictionary0['populationHg'][0] bins0 = np.arange(len(hist0)) muNum = (bins0*hist0).sum() muDen = float(hist0.sum()) mu1 = muNum/muDen mu1Err = np.sqrt(mu1/muDen) print "mu1=",mu1," mu1Err=",mu1Err," muNum=",muNum," muDen=",muDen mean.append(mu1) meanErr.append(mu1Err)
import pickle from interval import interval, inf, imath import logging, os import pickle run = 'PAL2013' sundownDate = '20131204' obsDate = '20131205' seq = '033506' populationMax=1000 beginTime = 0 endTime = 100 stride = 1000 fn = FileName(run, sundownDate, obsDate+"-"+seq) cosmic = Cosmic(fn, beginTime=beginTime, endTime=endTime, loggingLevel=logging.INFO) timeHgValues,frameSum = cosmic.getTimeHgAndFrameSum(beginTime,endTime) lthgv=len(timeHgValues) print "length of timeHgValues=",lthgv nStride=lthgv/stride binnedTimeHgValues = np.reshape(timeHgValues[0:nStride*stride],[nStride,stride]).sum(axis=1) #plt.xkcd() dt = cosmic.file.tickDuration*stride times = cosmic.beginTime + dt*np.arange(nStride) plt.plot(times,binnedTimeHgValues, drawstyle='steps-mid',label="all data") #plt.xlim(xmax=1000) #plt.xscale('symlog',linthreshx=0.9) plt.yscale('symlog',linthreshy=0.5)
import logging, os import pickle run = 'PAL2013' sundownDate = '20131204' obsDate = '20131205' seq = '033506' populationMax=1000 beginTime = 0 expTime = 300 fn = FileName(run, sundownDate, obsDate+"-"+seq) cosmic = Cosmic(fn, beginTime=0, endTime=10, loggingLevel=logging.INFO) fcd = cosmic.findCosmics(nSigma=10, stride=10, threshold=15) print "done: fcd.keys=",fcd.keys() maskedTime = Cosmic.countMaskedBins(fcd['interval']) maskedPercent = 100*maskedTime/(cosmic.endTime-cosmic.beginTime) print "maskedPercent=",maskedPercent cosmic.file.setCosmicMask(fcd['interval']) fcd2 = cosmic.findCosmics() #plt.xkcd() plt.plot(fcd['populationHg'][0],drawstyle='steps-mid',label="all data") plt.plot(fcd2['populationHg'][0],drawstyle='steps-mid',label="cosmics masked") plt.xlim(xmax=1000) plt.xscale('symlog',linthreshx=0.9) plt.yscale('symlog',linthreshy=0.5)
Makes a plot for the entire file showing the mean for every ten seconds of data and the cosmic events. This plot is saved as MeanAndCosmicEvents.png Makes a scatter plot of the number of cosmics masked out and the mean which is saved as scatter.png """ #loads the file run = 'PAL2012' sundownDate = '20121211' obsDate = '20121212' seq = '121229' fn = FileName.FileName(run, sundownDate, obsDate+"-"+seq) #this particular plot is for only ten seconds of data cosmic = Cosmic(fn, beginTime=123, endTime=133) dictionary0 = cosmic.findCosmics(nSigma=6, threshold=15, populationMax=1000) interval = dictionary0['interval'] ObsFile.ObsFile.writeCosmicIntervalToFile(interval, cosmic.file.ticksPerSec, 'junk.h5') cosmic.file.loadCosmicMask('junk.h5') dictionary1 = cosmic.findCosmics(nSigma=6, threshold=15, populationMax=1000) nSigma = 6 threshold = 15 plt.clf() hist0 = dictionary0['populationHg'][0]
def testCountMaskedBins(self): """count the number of time bins that the interval masks""" i = interval([1,3]) | interval([10,20]) cmb = Cosmic.countMaskedBins(i) self.assertEquals(12,cmb)
nSigmas = [10, 10, 1000, 10] strides = [10, 10, 10, 10] thresholds = [5000, 30, 30, 15] styles = ['b-', 'ro', 'g+', 'cx'] populationMax=1000 ySum = np.zeros(populationMax) frameSum = 'none' beginTime = 123 endTime = 133 plt.clf() for nSigma,stride,threshold,style in zip(nSigmas, strides, thresholds, styles): print "seq=",seq fn = FileName(run, sundownDate, obsDate+"-"+seq) #cosmic = Cosmic(fn, endTime='exptime') cosmic = Cosmic(fn, beginTime=beginTime, endTime=endTime, loggingLevel=logging.CRITICAL) fc = cosmic.findCosmics(stride=stride, threshold=threshold, populationMax=populationMax, nSigma=nSigma) tMasked = Cosmic.countMaskedBins(fc['interval']) ppmMasked = 1000000*tMasked/(endTime-beginTime) print "ppmMasked=",ppmMasked cosmic.file.cosmicMask = fc['interval'] cosmic.file.cosmicMaskIsApplied = True fc = cosmic.findCosmics(stride=stride, threshold=threshold,