def scale_radius(conc, z_halo,Om=0.3, Ol=0.7, Or=0.0,
                 A_200=5.71, B_200=-0.084, C_200=-0.47, h_scale=0.7):
    purpose: compute the scale radius given the concentration parameter
    default parameters based on full profiles of Duffy et al. 2008
    conc = concentration parameter at r200 
    z_halo = redshift of that halo 
    Om, Ol, Or = cosmological paramters
    A200 = duffy et al parameter for concentration radius relationship
    B200 = "
    C200 = "
    h_scale = reduced hubble parameter

    scale radius in Mpc  
    #unit conversion values
    minMpc = 3.08568025*10**22 #m in a Megaparsec
    kginMsun = 1.988e30 #kg

    rho_cr = cosmo.rhoCrit(z_halo,h_scale,Om,Ol,Or) #in kg/m**3 
    #the h_scale is multiplied because the pivotal mass 
    #m_pivotal = 2e12 is in unit of M_sun h_scale^(-1) 
    m_200 = profiles.nfwM200(conc,z_halo, A_200,B_200,C_200,h_scale)*\
    r_200 =  (m_200/(4*np.pi/3*200*rho_cr))**(1/3.) #in m 
    r_s = r_200 / conc / minMpc 

    return r_s 
def nfwparam_extended(M_200, z, h_scale=0.7, Om=0.3, Ol=0.7, Or=0.0):
    This is the same as nfwparam except that it offers extended output.
    M_200 = [array of floats; units=e14 M_sun]
    del_c, r_s = characteristic overdensity of the CDM halo, scale radius of
    the halo (Mpc)
    r_200 (Mpc)
    c = concentration
    rho_s (M_sun/Mpc^3)

    Assumes Duffy et al. 2008 M_200 vs. c relationship.
    # calculate the concentration parameter based on Duffy et al. 2008
    # for full samples profile
    A200 = 5.71
    B200 = -0.084
    C200 = -0.47
    rho_cr = cosmo.rhoCrit(z, h_scale, Om, Ol, Or) / kginMsun * minMpc ** 3
    # calculate the r_200 radius
    r_200 = (M_200 * 1e14 * 3 / (4 * numpy.pi * 200 * rho_cr)) ** (1 / 3.)
    c = A200 / (1 + z) ** numpy.abs(C200) * (M_200 * h_scale / 2e-2) ** (B200)
    #c = 5.71/(1+z)**0.47*(M_200*h_scale/2e12)**(-0.084)
    del_c = 200 / 3. * c ** 3 / (numpy.log(1 + c) - c / (1 + c))
    r_s = r_200 / c
    rho_s = del_c * rho_cr
    return del_c, r_s, r_200, c, rho_s
def nfwparam(M_200, z, A200=5.71, B200=-0.084, C200=-0.47,
             h_scale=0.7, Om=0.3, Ol=0.7, Or=0.0, debug=False):
    M_200 = [array of floats; units=1e14 M_sun]

    del_c, r_s = characteristic overdensity of the CDM halo, scale radius of
    the halo (Mpc)
    Assumes Duffy et al. 2008 M_200 vs. c relationship.

    assert numpy.sum(M_200 < 5e2) / M_200.size, "M_200 has to be in units of \
        1e14 M_sun check your input M_200"

    # calculate the concentration parameter based on Duffy et al. 2008
    # for full samples profile
    rho_cr = cosmo.rhoCrit(z, h_scale, Om, Ol, Or) / kginMsun * minMpc ** 3
    # calculate the r_200 radius
    r_200 = (M_200 * 1e14 * 3 / (4 * numpy.pi * 200 * rho_cr)) ** (1 / 3.)
    # the h_scale is multiplied because the scaling relationship uses
    # 2e-2 h_scale^{-1}  using 1e14 Msun as unit
    c = A200 * ((1 + z) ** C200) * (M_200 * h_scale / 2e-2) ** (B200)
    del_c = 200 / 3. * c ** 3 / (numpy.log(1 + c) - c / (1 + c))
    r_s = r_200 / c
    if debug is True:
        print "c = {0}".format(c)
        print "r_200 = {0}".format(r_200)
    return del_c, r_s
def nfw_den(del_c, r_s, r, z, h=0.7, Om=0.3, Ol=0.7, Or=0):
    NFW density at radius r [kg/m^3]. Note that this function accepts a single number
    or list for r.

    del_c = characteristic overdensity of the CDM halo
    r_s = scale radius of the halo
    r = radius of interest [same units as r_s]
    z = halo redshift
    rho_crit = cosmo.rhoCrit(z, h, Om, Ol, Or)

    return rho_crit * del_c / (r / r_s * (1. + r / r_s) ** 2)
文件: MCMAC.py 项目: MCTwo/MCMAC
def NFWprop(M_200,z,c):
    Determines the NFW halo related properties. Added this for the case of user
    specified concentration.
    M_200 = [float; units:M_sun] mass of the halo. Assumes M_200 with
        respect to the critical density at the halo redshift.    
    z = [float; unitless] redshift of the halo.
    c = [float; unitless] concentration of the NFW halo.
    rho_cr = cosmo.rhoCrit(z)/kginMsun*minMpc**3
    #calculate the r_200 radius
    r_200 = (M_200*3/(4*numpy.pi*200*rho_cr))**(1/3.)
    del_c = 200/3.*c**3/(numpy.log(1+c)-c/(1+c))
    r_s = r_200/c
    rho_s = del_c*rho_cr   
    return del_c, r_s, r_200, c, rho_s
def nfw_Sigmabar(del_c,r_s,r,z,h=0.7,Om=0.3,Ol=0.7,Or=0):
    NFW average surface mass density within radius r [kg/m^2]. Note that this
    function accepts a single number or list for r.
    del_c = characteristic overdensity of the CDM halo
    r_s = scale radius of the halo [Mpc]
    r = radius of interest [Mpc]
    z = halo redshift
    compare expressions in Umetsu 2010 table 1 and equations in discussion on
    p.21 to get this expression
    rho_crit = cosmo.rhoCrit(z,h,Om,Ol,Or)
    #convert r to an array so that the function will work for ints and arrays
    r = r*numpy.ones(numpy.shape(r))
    x = r/r_s
    if numpy.sum(x==0)!=0 or r_s==0:
        print 'profiles.nfw_Sigmabar: r or r_s = 0 leads to infinity, exiting'
    mask_lt = x<1
    mask_eq = x==1
    mask_gt = x>1
    g = numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(x))
    #if x<1
    if numpy.sum(mask_lt) !=0:
        g[mask_lt] = numpy.log(x[mask_lt]/2.)+\
    #elif x==1
    if numpy.sum(mask_eq) !=0:
        g[mask_eq] = numpy.log(x[mask_eq]/2.) + 1
    #elif x > 1:
    if numpy.sum(mask_gt) !=0:
        g[mask_gt] = numpy.log(x[mask_gt]/2.)+\
    #if only single value of r was input then make the g array into a float
    if numpy.size(g) == 1:
        g = g[0]
    return 4*del_c*rho_crit*r_s*g/x**2*minMpc
def nfw_Sigma(del_c,r_s,r,z,h=0.7,Om=0.3,Ol=0.7,Or=0):
    NFW surface mass density at radius theta [kg/m^2]. Note that this function
    accepts a single number or list for r.
    del_c = characteristic overdensity of the CDM halo
    r_s = scale radius of the halo (Mpc)
    r = radius of interest (Mpc)
    z = halo redshift
    compare expressions in Umetsu 2010 table 1 and equations in discussion on
    p.21 to get this expression 
    rho_crit = cosmo.rhoCrit(z,h,Om,Ol,Or)
    #convert r to an array so that the function will work for ints and arrays
    r = r*numpy.ones(numpy.shape(r))    
    x = r/r_s
    if numpy.sum(r_s==0)!=0:
        print 'profiles.nfw_Sigma: r_s = 0 leads to infinity, exiting'
    mask_lt = x<1
    mask_eq = x==1
    mask_gt = x>1
    f = numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(x))
    #if x<1
    if numpy.sum(mask_lt) !=0:
        f[mask_lt] = 1/(1.-x[mask_lt]**2)*\
    #elif x==1
    if numpy.sum(mask_eq) !=0:
        f[mask_eq] = 1/3.
    #elif x > 1
    if numpy.sum(mask_gt) !=0:
        f[mask_gt] = 1/(x[mask_gt]**2-1.)*\
    #if only single value of r was input then make the f array into a float
    if numpy.size(f) == 1:
        f = f[0]
    return 2*del_c*rho_crit*r_s*f*minMpc
def nfwparam(M_200,z,h_scale=0.7,Om=0.3,Ol=0.7,Or=0.0):
    M_200 = [array of floats; units=1e14 M_sun]

    del_c, r_s = characteristic overdensity of the CDM halo, scale radius of 
    the halo (Mpc)
    Assumes Duffy et al. 2008 M_200 vs. c relationship.
    #calculate the concentration parameter based on Duffy et al. 2008
    #for full samples profile
    A200 = 5.71
    B200 = -0.084
    C200 = -0.47
    rho_cr = cosmo.rhoCrit(z,h_scale,Om,Ol,Or)/kginMsun*minMpc**3
    #calculate the r_200 radius
    r_200 = (M_200*1e14*3/(4*numpy.pi*200*rho_cr))**(1/3.)
    #the h_scale is multiplied because the scaling relationship uses 
    # 2e-2 h_scale^{-1}  using 1e14 Msun as unit 
    c = A200/(1+z)**numpy.abs(C200)*(M_200*h_scale/2e-2)**(B200)
    del_c = 200/3.*c**3/(numpy.log(1+c)-c/(1+c))
    r_s = r_200/c
    return del_c, r_s
def ext_1D_reduced_shear(theta, conc, r_s):
    function for calculating the tangential shear given by a NFW profile
    for fitting the concentration parameter and the scale radius r_s 

    This is written by adopting the expression in Umetsu

    theta = range of radius of the halo that we 're considering, 
    unit in arcsec
    conc = concentration parameter at the given radius 

    r_s = scale radius of the NFW profile (Mpc)
    z_halo = halo redshift 

    ### WARNING 
    ### cosmological parameters are written within the function

    h_scale = hubble scale H = h*100 km/s / Mpc 
    Om = matter energy density 
    Ol = dark energy density 
    Or radiation energy density 
    halo coord 1 
    halo coord 2 

    z_halo = redshift of the lens  
    z_source = redshift of the source galaxies
    beta = ratio of D_LS and D_S see James Jee 's paper for exact def 

    ##latest parameters for El Gordo 
    z_halo = 0.87
    z_source = 1.318
    beta = 0.258

    #old parameters
    #z_halo =0.89
    #z_source = 1.22
    #beta = 0.216

    #Cosmological parameters 
    #print "profile_1D.tan_1D_reduced_shear: this func uses its own " 
    #print "cosmological parameters"
    Om = 0.3
    Ol = 0.7
    Or = 0.0
    c = 3e5 #speed of light units km/s 
    G = 6.673*10**(-11) # m^3/kg/s^2 
    kminMpc = 3.08568025*10**19 # km in a Megaparsec
    minMpc = 3.08568025*10**22 #m in a Megaparsec
    kginMsun = 1.988e30 #kg 

    #angular diameter distance to the lens 
    dl = cosmo.Da(z_halo,h_scale,Om,Ol) #in Mpc 
    del_c = 200/3.*conc**3/(np.log(1+conc)-conc/(1+conc)) #unitless 
    nfwSigmacr = c**2/(4*np.pi*G*dl*beta)*1000/kminMpc #in units of kg/m^2 
    #print 'nfwSigmacr in units of M_sun /pc^2 is ', nfwSigmacr/kginMsun*(3.086*10**16)**2
    # in units of kg/m^3
    rho_cr = cosmo.rhoCrit(z_halo,h_scale,Om,Ol,Or)#/kginMsun*minMpc**3 

    #if scale radius is not given then infer from Duffy et al. 
    #assuming full halo 
    #if r_s == np.nan:
    #r_s = scale_radius(conc,z_halo,Om,Ol,Or)

    kappa_s = 2*del_c*rho_cr*(r_s*minMpc)/nfwSigmacr 
    #just do a simple conversion from arcsec to physical distance using
    #angular diameter distance 
    #make sure that the units is in arcsec 
    theta_s = r_s /dl*180.0/np.pi*60.*60. 
    x = theta / theta_s 

    #write an array with finer bins than x 
    fx = x #np.arange(np.min(x),np.max(x),(x[1]-x[0])/10.)
    #code the expression for kappa as a function of x
    #print kappa_s
    func_kappa0 = lambda fx: kappa_s/(1-fx**2.)*\
    func_kappa1 = lambda fx: kappa_s*1./3.
    func_kappa2 = lambda fx: kappa_s/(fx**2.-1)*\
    kappa = np.piecewise(fx,[fx<1.0, fx==1.0, fx>1.0],

    g_theta = np.piecewise(x, [x<1.0, x==1.0, x>1.0],
                           [lambda x: np.log(x/2.)+2./np.sqrt(1-x**2)*\
                            lambda x: np.log(x/2.)+1.,
                            lambda x: np.log(x/2.)+2./np.sqrt(x**2.-1.)*\
    kappa_bar = 2.*kappa_s/x**2.*g_theta
    azim_kappa = kappa #no need to azimuthally smooth function since 
    #the function did n't contain azimuthal angular info to begin with
    #, azim_bins = azimuthal_avg_shear_in_bins(kappa, fx, np.min(x), np.max(x)+x[1]-x[0], x[1]-x[0]) 
    #print 'bins are ', x
    #print 'azim_bins are ', azim_bins 
    #print 'size of kappa_bar is ', kappa_bar.size
    #print 'size of azim_kappa is ', azim_kappa.size
    #print 'kappa_bar is ', kappa_bar
    #print 'azim_kappa is ', azim_kappa

    red_shear= (kappa_bar-azim_kappa)/(1-azim_kappa)

    return red_shear