def bias_numerator_integrand(logm, a, delta, cd) :
	import cosmocalc
	import numpy as np
	## Set the cosmocalc cosmology
	## Need the mass in the integral, not the log10(mass)
	m = np.power(10., logm)
	## Return the integrand
	return cosmocalc.tinker2010_mass_function(m, a, delta)*\
	cosmocalc.tinker2010_bias(m, a, delta)*m
def get_bG(cosmo_dict, a, Masses):
    return cc.growth_function(a)*np.array([cc.tinker2010_bias(Mi, a, 200) for Mi in Masses])
#Set up cosmocalc
ombh2, omch2, w0, ns, ln10As, H0, Neff, sigma8 = test_cosmo
h = H0 / 100.
Ob = ombh2 / h**2
Om = Ob + omch2 / h**2
cosmo_dict = {"om":Om,"ob":Ob,"ol":1-Om,\
cc.set_cosmology(cosmo_dict)  #Used to create the splines in cosmocalc

#Get the biases
bias = np.zeros_like(lM)
a = 1. / (1 + redshifts[z_index])
for i in xrange(0, len(lM)):
    M = 10**lM[i]
    bias[i] = cc.tinker2010_bias(M, a, 200)

#Get sigmaR
R = (3. / 4. / np.pi * volume)**(1. / 3.)
sigmaR = cc.sigmaRtophat_exact(R, a)
print sigmaR**2

for i in xrange(0, len(bias)):
    for j in xrange(0, len(bias)):
        if i == j: continue
        cov_an[i, j] = bias[i] * bias[j] * N_emu[i] * N_emu[j] * sigmaR**2
print cov_an[0]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        z = redshifts[zind]
        a = scale_factors[zind]
        sigmaR = cc.sigmaRtophat_exact(R,a)
        #Read in the data
        MF_data = np.genfromtxt("../../all_MF_data/building_MF_data/full_mf_data/Box%03d_full/Box%03d_full_Z%d.txt"%(box,box,zind))
        lM_bins = MF_data[:,:2]
        lM = np.mean(lM_bins,1)
        N_data = MF_data[:,2]

        #Get the biases
        bias = np.zeros_like(lM)
        for i in xrange(0,len(bias)):
            bias[i] = cc.tinker2010_bias(10**lM[i],a,200)

        #Predict the TMF
        n = mf_emulator.predict_mass_function(test_cosmo,redshift=z,lM_bins=lM_bins)
        N_emu = n*volume

        #Make the covariance matrix
        cov_emu = np.diag(N_emu)
        logcov_emu = np.diag(1./N_emu)
        for i in xrange(0,len(lM)):
            for j in xrange(0,len(lM)):
                cov_emu[i,j] += bias[i]*bias[j]*N_emu[i]*N_emu[j]*sigmaR**2
                logcov_emu[i,j] += bias[i]*bias[j]*sigmaR**2
                continue #end i