 def __init__(self):
     e = self.domain.extent
     assert abs(e[0] - e[1]) < 10.**-15
     assert abs(e[0] - e[2]) < 10.**-15
     if self._bc == BCType.FREE_SPACE:
         self._direct = kmc_direct.FreeSpaceDirect()
     elif self._bc == BCType.NEAREST:
         self._direct = kmc_direct.NearestDirect(float(e[0]))
     elif self._bc == BCType.PBC:
         self._direct = kmc_direct.PBCDirect(float(e[0]), self.domain, self.L)
     elif self._bc == BCType.FF_ONLY:
         self._direct = kmc_direct.FarFieldDirect(self.domain, self.L)
         raise NotImplementedError('BCType unknown: ' + str(self._bc))
def test_free_space_1():

    N = 100
    e = 10.
    R = 4
    L = 12

    rng = np.random.RandomState(3418)

    A = state.State()
    A.domain = domain.BaseDomainHalo(extent=(e, e, e))
    A.domain.boundary_condition = domain.BoundaryTypePeriodic()

    A.P = data.PositionDat()
    A.Q = data.ParticleDat(ncomp=1)

    pi = np.array(rng.uniform(low=-0.5*e, high=0.5*e, size=(N, 3)), REAL)
    qi = np.array(rng.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(N, 1)), REAL)

    with A.modify() as m:
            A.P: pi,
            A.Q: qi,

    MC = mc_fmm_lm.MCFMM_LM(A.P, A.Q, A.domain, 'free_space', R, L)


    DFS = kmc_direct.FreeSpaceDirect()

    correct = DFS(N, A.P.view, A.Q.view)

    err = abs(MC.energy - correct) / abs(correct)
    assert err < 10.**-6
def test_free_space_4():

    N = 100
    e = 10.
    R = max(4, int(math.log(4*N, 8)))
    R = 5
    L = 18

    rng = np.random.RandomState(34118)

    A = state.State()
    A.domain = domain.BaseDomainHalo(extent=(e, e, e))
    A.domain.boundary_condition = domain.BoundaryTypePeriodic()

    A.P = data.PositionDat()
    A.Q = data.ParticleDat(ncomp=1)
    A.G = data.ParticleDat(ncomp=1, dtype=INT64)

    pi = np.array(rng.uniform(low=-0.5*e, high=0.5*e, size=(N, 3)), REAL)
    qi = np.array(rng.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(N, 1)), REAL)
    gi = np.arange(N).reshape((N, 1))

    with A.modify() as m:
            A.P: pi,
            A.Q: qi,
            A.G: gi

    MC = mc_fmm_lm.MCFMM_LM(A.P, A.Q, A.domain, 'free_space', R, L)

    DFS = kmc_direct.FreeSpaceDirect()

    correct = DFS(N, A.P.view, A.Q.view)

    err = abs(MC.energy - correct) / abs(correct)
    assert err < 10.**-5

    for testx in range(100):

        gid = rng.randint(0, N)
        lid = np.where(A.G.view[:, 0] == gid)[0]

        pos = rng.uniform(-0.5*e, 0.5*e, (3,))

        ed = MC.propose((lid, pos.copy()))
        MC.propose((lid, pos.copy()))
        e0 = ed + MC.energy

        old_pos = pi[gid, :].copy()

        #print("\t==>", get_old_energy(N, lid, pi, qi), get_new_energy(N, lid, pi, qi, pos), get_self_energy(qi[gid, 0], old_pos, pos))

        pi[gid, :] = pos.copy()
        correct = DFS(N, pi, qi)

        err = abs(correct - e0) / abs(correct)
        #print(err, correct, e0)

        assert err < 10.**-5

        # accept the move
        MC.accept((lid, pos.copy()), ed)

        assert abs(MC.energy - correct) < 10**-5