    def get_address(scriptpubkey):
        pubkeyhash = get_pubkeyhash(scriptpubkey)
        if not pubkeyhash:
            return False
        pubkeyhash = binascii.hexlify(pubkeyhash).decode('utf-8')
        address = script.base58_check_encode(pubkeyhash, config.ADDRESSVERSION)
        # Test decoding of address.
        if address != config.UNSPENDABLE and binascii.unhexlify(bytes(pubkeyhash, 'utf-8')) != script.base58_check_decode(address, config.ADDRESSVERSION):
            return False

        return address
    def decode_checksig(asm):
        pubkeyhash = script.get_checksig(asm)
        chunk = arc4_decrypt(pubkeyhash)
        if chunk[1:len(config.PREFIX) + 1] == config.PREFIX:        # Data
            # Padding byte in each output (instead of just in the last one) so that encoding methods may be mixed. Also, it’s just not very much data.
            chunk_length = chunk[0]
            chunk = chunk[1:chunk_length + 1]
            destination, data = None, chunk[len(config.PREFIX):]
        else:                                                       # Destination
            pubkeyhash = binascii.hexlify(pubkeyhash).decode('utf-8')
            destination, data = script.base58_check_encode(pubkeyhash, config.ADDRESSVERSION), None

        return destination, data
    def get_address(scriptpubkey):
        pubkeyhash = get_pubkeyhash(scriptpubkey)
        if not pubkeyhash:
            return False
        pubkeyhash = binascii.hexlify(pubkeyhash).decode('utf-8')
        address = script.base58_check_encode(pubkeyhash, config.ADDRESSVERSION)
        # Test decoding of address.
        if address != config.UNSPENDABLE and binascii.unhexlify(
                bytes(pubkeyhash, 'utf-8')) != script.base58_check_decode(
                    address, config.ADDRESSVERSION):
            return False

        return address
    def decode_checksig(asm):
        pubkeyhash = script.get_checksig(asm)
        chunk = arc4_decrypt(pubkeyhash)
        if chunk[1:len(config.PREFIX) + 1] == config.PREFIX:  # Data
            # Padding byte in each output (instead of just in the last one) so that encoding methods may be mixed. Also, it’s just not very much data.
            chunk_length = chunk[0]
            chunk = chunk[1:chunk_length + 1]
            destination, data = None, chunk[len(config.PREFIX):]
        else:  # Destination
            pubkeyhash = binascii.hexlify(pubkeyhash).decode('utf-8')
            destination, data = script.base58_check_encode(
                pubkeyhash, config.ADDRESSVERSION), None

        return destination, data
def test_p2sh_encoding(server_db):
    source = ADDR[0]
    destination = ADDR[1]

    with util_test.ConfigContext(
            OLD_STYLE_API=True), util_test.MockProtocolChangesContext(
                enhanced_sends=True, p2sh_encoding=True):
        utxos = dict(((utxo['txid'], utxo['vout']), utxo)
                     for utxo in backend.get_unspent_txouts(source))

        # pprint.pprint(utxos)

        fee = 20000
        fee_per_kb = 50000
        result = api.compose_transaction(server_db,
                                         'send', {
                                             'source': source,
                                             'destination': destination,
                                             'asset': 'XCP',
                                             'quantity': 100
        assert not isinstance(result, list)
        pretxhex = result

        pretx = bitcoinlib.core.CTransaction.deserialize(

        sumvin = sum([
                vin.prevout.hash), vin.prevout.n)]['amount'] * 1e8)
            for vin in pretx.vin
        sumvout = sum([vout.nValue for vout in pretx.vout])

        assert len(pretx.vout) == 2
        assert len(pretxhex) / 2 == 142
        assert sumvin == 199909140
        assert sumvout < sumvin
        assert sumvout == (sumvin - fee)

        # data P2SH output
        expected_datatx_length = 435
        expected_datatx_fee = int(expected_datatx_length / 1000 * fee_per_kb)
        assert repr(
        ) == "CScript([OP_HASH160, x('7698101f9b9e5cdf0a0e11c2972dbc4860f374bf'), OP_EQUAL])"
        assert pretx.vout[0].nValue == expected_datatx_fee
        # change output
        assert pretx.vout[1].nValue == sumvin - expected_datatx_fee - fee

        assert pretxhex == "0100000001c1d8c075936c3495f6d653c50f73d987f75448d97a750249b1eb83bee71b24ae000000001976a9144838d8b3588c4c7ba7c1d06f866e9b3739c6303788acffffffff02f65400000000000017a9147698101f9b9e5cdf0a0e11c2972dbc4860f374bf87febbe90b000000001976a9144838d8b3588c4c7ba7c1d06f866e9b3739c6303788ac00000000"
        # 01000000                                                          | version
        # 01                                                                | inputs
        # c1d8c075936c3495f6d653c50f73d987f75448d97a750249b1eb83bee71b24ae  | txout hash
        # 00000000                                                          | txout index
        # 19                                                                | script length
        # 76a9144838d8b3588c4c7ba7c1d06f866e9b3739c6303788ac                | tx_script
        # ffffffff                                                          | Sequence
        # 02                                                                | number of outputs
        # f654000000000000                                                  | output 1 value (21750)
        # 17                                                                | output 1 length (23 bytes)
        # a9147698101f9b9e5cdf0a0e11c2972dbc4860f374bf87                    | output 1 script
        # febbe90b00000000                                                  | output 2 value (199867390)
        # 19                                                                | output 2 length (25 bytes)
        # 76a9144838d8b3588c4c7ba7c1d06f866e9b3739c6303788ac                | output 2 script
        # 00000000                                                          | locktime

        # first transaction should be considered BTC only
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.BTCOnlyError):

        # store transaction
        pretxid, _ = util_test.insert_raw_transaction(pretxhex, server_db)

        logger.debug('pretxid %s' % (pretxid))

        # check that when we do another, unrelated, send that it won't use our UTXO
        result = api.compose_transaction(
            server_db, 'send', {
                'source': source,
                'destination': destination,
                'asset': 'XCP',
                'quantity': 100
        othertx = bitcoinlib.core.CTransaction.deserialize(
        othertxid = bitcoinlib.core.lx(
            bitcoinlib.core.b2x(othertx.vin[0].prevout.hash))  # reverse hash
        assert not (binascii.hexlify(othertxid).decode('ascii') == pretxid
                    and othertx.vin[0].prevout.n == 0)

        # now compose the data transaction
        result = api.compose_transaction(
                'source': source,
                'destination': destination,
                'asset': 'XCP',
                'quantity': 100
            p2sh_pretx_txid=pretxid,  # pass the pretxid
        assert not isinstance(result, list)
        datatxhex = result

        datatx = bitcoinlib.core.CTransaction.deserialize(
        sumvin = sum(
            [pretx.vout[n].nValue for n, vin in enumerate(datatx.vin)])
        sumvout = sum([vout.nValue for vout in datatx.vout])
        fee = 10000

        assert len(datatxhex) / 2 == 190
        assert sumvin == expected_datatx_fee
        assert sumvout < sumvin
        assert sumvout == sumvin - expected_datatx_fee
        assert len(datatx.vout) == 1
        # opreturn signalling P2SH
        assert repr(
        ) == "CScript([OP_RETURN, x('8a5dda15fb6f0562da344d2f')])"  # arc4(PREFIX + 'P2SH')
        assert datatx.vout[0].nValue == 0

        assert datatxhex == "01000000010a0746fe9308ac6e753fb85780a8b788b40655148dcde1435f2048783b784f06000000007431544553545858585800000002000000000000000100000000000000646f8d6ae8a3b381663118b4e1eff4cfc7d0954dd6ec2975210282b886c087eb37dc8182f14ba6cc3e9485ed618b95804d44aecc17c300b585b0ad007574008717a9147698101f9b9e5cdf0a0e11c2972dbc4860f374bf87ffffffff0100000000000000000e6a0c8a5dda15fb6f0562da344d2f00000000"
        # 01000000                                                                                    | version
        # 01                                                                                          | inputs
        # 0a0746fe9308ac6e753fb85780a8b788b40655148dcde1435f2048783b784f06                            | txout hash
        # 00000000                                                                                    | txout index (0)
        # 74                                                                                          | script length (116)
        # 31544553545858585800000002000000000000000100000000000000                                    | tx_script
        #         646f8d6ae8a3b381663118b4e1eff4cfc7d0954dd6ec2975210282b886c087eb37dc8182f14ba6cc    |   ...
        #         3e9485ed618b95804d44aecc17c300b585b0ad007574008717a9147698101f9b9e5cdf0a0e11c297    |   ...
        #         2dbc4860f374bf87                                                                    |   ...
        # ffffffff                                                                                    | Sequence
        # 01                                                                                          | number of outputs
        # 0000000000000000                                                                            | output 1 value (0)
        # 0e                                                                                          | output 1 length (14 bytes)
        # 6a0c8a5dda15fb6f0562da344d2f                                                                | output 1 script
        # 00000000                                                                                    | locktime

        # verify parsed result
        parsed_source, parsed_destination, parsed_btc_amount, parsed_fee, parsed_data, extra = blocks._get_tx_info(
        assert parsed_source == source
        assert parsed_data == binascii.unhexlify(
        )  # ID=enhanced_send(0x02) ASSET=XCP(0x01) VALUE=100(0x64) destination_pubkey(0x6f8d...d6ec)
        assert parsed_btc_amount == 0
        assert parsed_fee == expected_datatx_fee

        # check signing pubkey
        tx_script_start = 8 + 2 + 64 + 8
        tx_script_length = int(datatxhex[tx_script_start:tx_script_start + 2],
                               16) * 2
        tx_script = datatxhex[tx_script_start + 2:tx_script_start + 2 +
        signing_pubkey_hash = tx_script[-44:-4]
        address = script.base58_check_encode(signing_pubkey_hash,