def validate(address, allow_p2sh=True):
    """Make sure the address is valid.

    May throw `AddressError`.
    # Get array of pubkeyhashes to check.
    if is_multisig(address):
        pubkeyhashes = pubkeyhash_array(address)
        pubkeyhashes = [address]

    # Check validity by attempting to decode.
    for pubkeyhash in pubkeyhashes:
            if util.enabled('segwit_support'):
                if not is_bech32(pubkeyhash):
                    base58_check_decode(pubkeyhash, config.ADDRESSVERSION)
                base58_check_decode(pubkeyhash, config.ADDRESSVERSION)
        except VersionByteError as e:
            if not allow_p2sh:
                raise e
            base58_check_decode(pubkeyhash, config.P2SH_ADDRESSVERSION)
        except Base58Error as e:
            if not util.enabled('segwit_support') or not is_bech32(pubkeyhash):
                raise e
def validate(address, allow_p2sh=True):
    """Make sure the address is valid.

    May throw `AddressError`.
    # Get array of pubkeyhashes to check.
    if is_multisig(address):
        pubkeyhashes = pubkeyhash_array(address)
        pubkeyhashes = [address]

    # Check validity by attempting to decode.
    for pubkeyhash in pubkeyhashes:
            if util.enabled('segwit_support'):
                if not is_bech32(pubkeyhash):
                    base58_check_decode(pubkeyhash, config.ADDRESSVERSION)
                base58_check_decode(pubkeyhash, config.ADDRESSVERSION)
        except VersionByteError as e:
            if not allow_p2sh:
                raise e
            base58_check_decode(pubkeyhash, config.P2SH_ADDRESSVERSION)
        except Base58Error as e:
            if not util.enabled('segwit_support') or not is_bech32(pubkeyhash):
                raise e
def is_vendable(db, asset):
    if asset == config.XCP:
        return True  # Always vendable.

    asset = util.resolve_subasset_longname(db, asset)
    cursor = db.cursor()
    issuances = list(
            '''SELECT vendable, reassignable, listed FROM issuances
                                               WHERE (status = ? AND asset = ?)
                                               ORDER BY tx_index DESC LIMIT 1''',
            ('valid', asset)))
    if (len(issuances) <= 0):
        return False

    vendable = issuances[0]['vendable']  # Use the last issuance.
    reassignable = issuances[0]['reassignable']
    listed = issuances[0]['listed']

    if not util.enabled('dispensers'):
        return False
    elif not util.enabled('enable_vendable_fix') and (reassignable == False
                                                      or listed == False):
        return False
        return vendable
def validate (db, source, give_asset, give_quantity, get_asset, get_quantity, expiration, fee_required, block_index):
    problems = []
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # For SQLite3
    if give_quantity > config.MAX_INT or get_quantity > config.MAX_INT or fee_required > config.MAX_INT or block_index + expiration > config.MAX_INT:
        problems.append('integer overflow')

    if give_asset == config.BTC and get_asset == config.BTC:
        problems.append('cannot trade {} for itself'.format(config.BTC))

    if not isinstance(give_quantity, int):
        problems.append('give_quantity must be in satoshis')
        return problems
    if not isinstance(get_quantity, int):
        problems.append('get_quantity must be in satoshis')
        return problems
    if not isinstance(fee_required, int):
        problems.append('fee_required must be in satoshis')
        return problems
    if not isinstance(expiration, int):
        problems.append('expiration must be expressed as an integer block delta')
        return problems

    if give_quantity <= 0: problems.append('non‐positive give quantity')
    if get_quantity <= 0: problems.append('non‐positive get quantity')
    if fee_required < 0: problems.append('negative fee_required')
    if expiration < 0: problems.append('negative expiration')
    if expiration == 0 and not (block_index >= 317500 or config.TESTNET or config.REGTEST):   # Protocol change.
        problems.append('zero expiration')

    if not give_quantity or not get_quantity:
        problems.append('zero give or zero get')

    cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM issuances WHERE (status = ? AND asset = ?) ORDER BY tx_index DESC LIMIT 1', ('valid', give_asset))
    valid_give_asset = cursor.fetchone()
    if give_asset not in (config.BTC, config.XCP):
        if not valid_give_asset:
            problems.append('no such asset to give ({})'.format(give_asset))
        elif util.enabled('delisted_assets', block_index=block_index) and valid_give_asset['listed'] == 0:
            problems.append('Delisted asset ({})'.format(give_asset))
        elif util.enabled('non_reassignable_assets', block_index=block_index):
            if valid_give_asset['reassignable'] == 0 and valid_give_asset['issuer'] != source:
                problems.append('non reassignable asset to give ({})'.format(give_asset))

    # Don't check if `get_asset` is reassignable here. The issuer of the non-reassignable asset can be a maker.
    cursor.execute('select * from issuances where (status = ? and asset = ?) ORDER BY tx_index DESC LIMIT 1', ('valid', get_asset))
    valid_get_asset = cursor.fetchone()
    if get_asset not in (config.BTC, config.XCP):
        if not valid_get_asset:
            problems.append('no such asset to get ({})'.format(get_asset))
        elif util.enabled('delisted_assets', block_index=block_index) and valid_get_asset['listed'] == 0:
            problems.append('Delisted asset ({})'.format(get_asset))

    if expiration > config.MAX_EXPIRATION:
        problems.append('expiration overflow')

    return problems
def test_mock_protocol_changes(cp_server):
    assert util.enabled('multisig_addresses') == True

    with util_test.MockProtocolChangesContext(multisig_addresses=False):
        assert util.enabled('multisig_addresses') == False

        with util_test.MockProtocolChangesContext(multisig_addresses=None):
            assert util.enabled('multisig_addresses') == None

        assert util.enabled('multisig_addresses') == False

    assert util.enabled('multisig_addresses') == True
def test_mock_protocol_changes(cp_server):
    assert util.enabled('multisig_addresses') == True

    with util_test.MockProtocolChangesContext(multisig_addresses=False):
        assert util.enabled('multisig_addresses') == False

        with util_test.MockProtocolChangesContext(multisig_addresses=None):
                assert util.enabled('multisig_addresses') == None

        assert util.enabled('multisig_addresses') == False

    assert util.enabled('multisig_addresses') == True
def validate(db, source, timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, text,
    problems = []

    # For SQLite3
    if timestamp > config.MAX_INT or value > config.MAX_INT or fee_fraction_int > config.MAX_INT:
        problems.append('integer overflow')

    if util.enabled('max_fee_fraction'):
        if fee_fraction_int >= config.UNIT:
            problems.append('fee fraction greater than or equal to 1')
        if fee_fraction_int > 4294967295:
            problems.append('fee fraction greater than 42.94967295')

    if timestamp < 0: problems.append('negative timestamp')

    if not source:
        problems.append('null source address')
    # Check previous broadcast in this feed.
    cursor = db.cursor()
    broadcasts = list(
            '''SELECT * FROM broadcasts WHERE (status = ? AND source = ?) ORDER BY tx_index ASC''',
            ('valid', source)))
    if broadcasts:
        last_broadcast = broadcasts[-1]
        if last_broadcast['locked']:
            problems.append('locked feed')
        elif timestamp <= last_broadcast['timestamp']:
            problems.append('feed timestamps not monotonically increasing')

    if not (block_index >= 317500 or config.TESTNET):  # Protocol change.
        if len(text) > 52:
            problems.append('text too long')

    if util.enabled('options_require_memo') and text and text.lower(
        ops_spl = text.split(" ")
        if len(ops_spl) == 2:
                options_int = int(ops_spl.pop())

                if (options_int > config.MAX_INT) or (options_int < 0):
                    problems.append('integer overflow')
                elif options_int > config.ADDRESS_OPTION_MAX_VALUE:
                    problems.append('options out of range')
                problems.append('options not an integer')

    return problems
def validate(db, source, timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, text,
    problems = []

    # For SQLite3
    if timestamp > config.MAX_INT or value > config.MAX_INT or fee_fraction_int > config.MAX_INT:
        problems.append('integer overflow')

    if util.enabled('max_fee_fraction'):
        if fee_fraction_int >= config.UNIT:
            problems.append('fee fraction greater than or equal to 1')
        if fee_fraction_int > 4294967295:
            problems.append('fee fraction greater than 42.94967295')

    if timestamp < 0: problems.append('negative timestamp')

    if not source:
        problems.append('null source address')
    # Check previous broadcast in this feed.
    cursor = db.cursor()
    broadcasts = list(
            '''SELECT * FROM broadcasts WHERE (status = ? AND source = ?) ORDER BY tx_index ASC''',
            ('valid', source)))
    if broadcasts:
        last_broadcast = broadcasts[-1]
        if last_broadcast['locked']:
            problems.append('locked feed')
        elif timestamp <= last_broadcast['timestamp']:
            problems.append('feed timestamps not monotonically increasing')

    if not (block_index >= 317500 or config.TESTNET
            or config.REGTEST):  # Protocol change.
        if len(text) > 52:
            problems.append('text too long')

    if util.enabled('options_require_memo') and text and text.lower(
            # Check for options and if they are valid.
            options = util.parse_options_from_string(text)
            if options is not False:
        except exceptions.OptionsError as e:

    return problems
def validate (db, source, destination, asset, quantity, memo_bytes, block_index):
    problems = []

    if asset == config.BTC: problems.append('cannot send {}'.format(config.BTC))

    if not isinstance(quantity, int):
        problems.append('quantity must be in satoshis')
        return problems

    if quantity < 0:
        problems.append('negative quantity')

    if quantity == 0:
        problems.append('zero quantity')

    # For SQLite3
    if quantity > config.MAX_INT:
        problems.append('integer overflow')

    # destination is always required
    if not destination:
        problems.append('destination is required')

    # check memo
    if memo_bytes is not None and len(memo_bytes) > MAX_MEMO_LENGTH:
      problems.append('memo is too long')

    if util.enabled('options_require_memo'):
        cursor = db.cursor()
        results = cursor.execute('SELECT options FROM addresses WHERE address=?', (destination,))
        if results:
            result = results.fetchone()
            if result and util.active_options(result['options'], config.ADDRESS_OPTION_REQUIRE_MEMO):
                if memo_bytes is None or (len(memo_bytes) == 0):
                    problems.append('destination requires memo')

    if util.enabled('non_reassignable_assets') and asset != config.BTC and asset != config.XCP:
        cursor = db.cursor()
        # verify not senging non-reassignable asset
        issuances = list(cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM issuances
                                            WHERE asset = ? AND status = ? ORDER BY tx_index DESC LIMIT 1''',
                                                (asset, 'valid')))
        if not issuances:
            problems.append('issuance not found (system error?)')
        elif not issuances[0]['reassignable'] and issuances[0]['issuer'] != source and issuances[0]['issuer'] != destination:
            problems.append('non-reassignable asset')

    return problems
def validate (db, source, destination, flags, memo_bytes, block_index):
    problems = []

    if not util.enabled('sweep_send'):
        problems.append('not activated yet.')

    if source == destination:
        problems.append('destination cannot be the same as source')

    cursor = db.cursor()
    cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM balances WHERE (address = ? AND asset = ?)''', (source, config.XCP))
    result = cursor.fetchall()

    if len(result) == 0:
        problems.append('insufficient XMP balance for sweep. Need %s XMP for antispam fee' % ANTISPAM_FEE_FLOAT)
    elif result[0]['quantity'] < ANTISPAM_FEE:
        problems.append('insufficient XMP balance for sweep. Need %s XMP for antispam fee' % ANTISPAM_FEE_FLOAT)

    if flags > FLAGS_ALL:
        problems.append('invalid flags %i' % flags)
    elif not(flags & (FLAG_BALANCES | FLAG_OWNERSHIP)):
        problems.append('must specify which kind of transfer in flags')

    if memo_bytes and len(memo_bytes) > MAX_MEMO_LENGTH:
        problems.append('memo too long')

    return problems
def validate (db, source, timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, text, block_index):
    problems = []

    if util.enabled('max_fee_fraction'):
        if fee_fraction_int >= config.UNIT:
            problems.append('fee fraction greater than or equal to 1')
        if fee_fraction_int > 4294967295:
            problems.append('fee fraction greater than 42.94967295')

    if timestamp < 0: problems.append('negative timestamp')

    if not source:
        problems.append('null source address')
    # Check previous broadcast in this feed.
    cursor = db.cursor()
    broadcasts = list(cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM broadcasts WHERE (status = ? AND source = ?) ORDER BY tx_index ASC''', ('valid', source)))
    if broadcasts:
        last_broadcast = broadcasts[-1]
        if last_broadcast['locked']:
            problems.append('locked feed')
        elif timestamp <= last_broadcast['timestamp']:
            problems.append('feed timestamps not monotonically increasing')

    if not (block_index >= 317500 or config.TESTNET):  # Protocol change.
        if len(text) > 52:
            problems.append('text too long')

    return problems
def pack(message_type_id, block_index=None):
    # pack message ID into 1 byte if not zero
    if util.enabled('short_tx_type_id', block_index) and message_type_id > 0 and message_type_id < 256:
        return struct.pack(config.SHORT_TXTYPE_FORMAT, message_type_id)
    # pack into 4 bytes
    return struct.pack(config.TXTYPE_FORMAT, message_type_id)
def validate (db, source, timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, text, block_index):
    problems = []

    if util.enabled('max_fee_fraction'):
        if fee_fraction_int >= config.UNIT:
            problems.append('fee fraction greater than or equal to 1')
        if fee_fraction_int > 4294967295:
            problems.append('fee fraction greater than 42.94967295')

    if timestamp < 0: problems.append('negative timestamp')

    if not source:
        problems.append('null source address')
    # Check previous broadcast in this feed.
    cursor = db.cursor()
    broadcasts = list(cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM broadcasts WHERE (status = ? AND source = ?) ORDER BY tx_index ASC''', ('valid', source)))
    if broadcasts:
        last_broadcast = broadcasts[-1]
        if last_broadcast['locked']:
            problems.append('locked feed')
        elif timestamp <= last_broadcast['timestamp']:
            problems.append('feed timestamps not monotonically increasing')

    if not (block_index >= 317500 or config.TESTNET):  # Protocol change.
        if len(text) > 52:
            problems.append('text too long')

    return problems
def make_pubkeyhash(address):
    """Create a new PubKeyHash."""
    if is_multisig(address):
        signatures_required, pubs, signatures_possible = extract_array(address)
        pubkeyhashes = []
        for pub in pubs:
            if is_pubkeyhash(pub):
                pubkeyhash = pub
                pubkeyhash = pubkey_to_pubkeyhash(
                    binascii.unhexlify(bytes(pub, 'utf-8')))
        pubkeyhash_address = construct_array(signatures_required, pubkeyhashes,
        if util.enabled('segwit_support') and is_bech32(address):
            pubkeyhash_address = address  # Some bech32 addresses are valid base58 data
        elif is_pubkeyhash(address):
            pubkeyhash_address = address
        elif is_p2sh(address):
            pubkeyhash_address = address
            pubkeyhash_address = pubkey_to_pubkeyhash(
                binascii.unhexlify(bytes(address, 'utf-8')))
    return pubkeyhash_address
def compose(db, source, timestamp, value, fee_fraction, text):

    # Store the fee fraction as an integer.
    fee_fraction_int = int(fee_fraction * 1e8)

    problems = validate(db, source, timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, text,
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    data = struct.pack(config.TXTYPE_FORMAT, ID)

    # always use custom length byte instead of problematic usage of 52p format and make sure to encode('utf-8') for length
    if util.enabled('broadcast_pack_text'):
        data += struct.pack(FORMAT, timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int)
        data += VarIntSerializer.serialize(len(text.encode('utf-8')))
        data += text.encode('utf-8')
        if len(text) <= 52:
            curr_format = FORMAT + '{}p'.format(len(text) + 1)
            curr_format = FORMAT + '{}s'.format(len(text))

        data += struct.pack(curr_format, timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int,
    return (source, [], data)
def dispense(db, tx):
    cursor = db.cursor()
    cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM dispensers WHERE source=:source AND status=:status ORDER BY asset', {
        'source': tx['destination'],
        'status': STATUS_OPEN
    dispensers = cursor.fetchall()

    dispense_index = 0
    for dispenser in dispensers:
        satoshirate = dispenser['satoshirate']
        give_quantity = dispenser['give_quantity']

        if satoshirate > 0 and give_quantity > 0:
            must_give = int(floor(tx['btc_amount'] / satoshirate))
            remaining = int(floor(dispenser['give_remaining'] / give_quantity))
            actually_given = min(must_give, remaining) * give_quantity
            give_remaining = dispenser['give_remaining'] - actually_given

            assert give_remaining >= 0

            # Skip dispense if quantity is 0
            if util.enabled('zero_quantity_value_adjustment_1') and actually_given==0:

  , tx['source'], dispenser['asset'], actually_given, action='dispense', event=tx['tx_hash'])

            dispenser['give_remaining'] = give_remaining
            if give_remaining < dispenser['give_quantity']:
                # close the dispenser
                dispenser['give_remaining'] = 0
                if give_remaining > 0:
                    # return the remaining to the owner
          , dispenser['source'], dispenser['asset'], give_remaining, action='dispenser close', event=tx['tx_hash'])
                dispenser['status'] = STATUS_CLOSED

            dispenser['block_index'] = tx['block_index']
            dispenser['prev_status'] = STATUS_OPEN
            cursor.execute('UPDATE DISPENSERS SET give_remaining=:give_remaining, status=:status \
                    WHERE source=:source AND asset=:asset AND satoshirate=:satoshirate AND give_quantity=:give_quantity AND status=:prev_status', dispenser)

            bindings = {
                'tx_index': tx['tx_index'],
                'tx_hash': tx['tx_hash'],
                'dispense_index': dispense_index,
                'block_index': tx['block_index'],
                'source': tx['destination'],
                'destination': tx['source'],
                'asset': dispenser['asset'],
                'dispense_quantity': actually_given,
                'dispenser_tx_hash': dispenser['tx_hash']
            sql = 'INSERT INTO dispenses(tx_index, dispense_index, tx_hash, block_index, source, destination, asset, dispense_quantity, dispenser_tx_hash) \
                    VALUES(:tx_index, :dispense_index, :tx_hash, :block_index, :source, :destination, :asset, :dispense_quantity, :dispenser_tx_hash);'
            cursor.execute(sql, bindings)
            dispense_index += 1

def validate (db, source, asset_, give_quantity, escrow_quantity, mainchainrate, status, block_index):
    problems = []
    asset_id = None

    if not util.enabled('dispensers'):
        problems.append('not activated yet.')

    if asset_ == config.BTC:
        problems.append('cannot dispense %s' % config.BTC)
        return None, problems

    # resolve subassets
    asset = util.resolve_subasset_longname(db, asset_)

    if status == STATUS_OPEN:
        if not issuance.is_vendable(db, asset):
            problems.append('asset "%s" is not vendable' % asset_)
        if give_quantity <= 0: problems.append('give_quantity must be positive')
        if mainchainrate <= 0: problems.append('mainchainrate must be positive')
        if escrow_quantity < give_quantity:
            problems.append('escrow_quantity must be greater or equal than give_quantity')
    elif not(status == STATUS_CLOSED):
        problems.append('invalid status %i' % status)

    cursor = db.cursor()
    cursor.execute('''SELECT quantity FROM balances \
                      WHERE address = ? and asset = ?''', (source,asset,))
    available = cursor.fetchall()

    if len(available) == 0:
        problems.append('address doesn\'t has the asset %s' % asset_)
    elif len(available) >= 1 and available[0]['quantity'] < escrow_quantity:
        problems.append('address doesn\'t has enough balance of %s (%i < %i)' % (asset_, available[0]['quantity'], escrow_quantity))
        cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM dispensers WHERE source = ? AND asset = ? AND status=?''', (source, asset, STATUS_OPEN))
        open_dispensers = cursor.fetchall()
        if status == STATUS_OPEN:
            if len(open_dispensers) > 0 and open_dispensers[0]['satoshirate'] != mainchainrate:
                problems.append('address has a dispenser already opened for asset %s with a different mainchainrate' % asset_)

            if len(open_dispensers) > 0 and open_dispensers[0]['give_quantity'] != give_quantity:
                problems.append('address has a dispenser already opened for asset %s with a different give_quantity' % asset_)
        elif status == STATUS_CLOSED:
            if len(open_dispensers) == 0:
                problems.append('address doesnt has an open dispenser for asset %s' % asset_)

        if len(problems) == 0:
            asset_id = util.generate_asset_id(asset, block_index)
            if asset_id == 0:
                problems.append('cannot dispense %s' % asset_) # How can we test this on a test vector?

    if give_quantity > config.MAX_INT or escrow_quantity > config.MAX_INT or mainchainrate > config.MAX_INT:
        problems.append('integer overflow')

    if len(problems) > 0:
        return None, problems
        return asset_id, None
def dispense(db, tx):
    cursor = db.cursor()
    cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM dispensers WHERE source=:source AND status=:status', {
        'source': tx['destination'],
        'status': STATUS_OPEN
    dispensers = cursor.fetchall()

    dispense_logs = []

    for dispenser in dispensers:

        # They should be rejected in `validate()`.
        assert dispenser['satoshirate'] > 0
        assert dispenser['give_quantity'] > 0

        must_give = int(floor(tx['btc_amount'] / dispenser['satoshirate']))
        remaining = int(floor(dispenser['give_remaining'] / dispenser['give_quantity']))
        actually_given = min(must_give, remaining) * dispenser['give_quantity']
        give_remaining = dispenser['give_remaining'] - actually_given

        assert give_remaining >= 0

        # Skip dispense if quantity is 0
        if util.enabled('zero_quantity_value_adjustment_1') and actually_given==0:
            continue, tx['source'], dispenser['asset'], actually_given, action='dispense', event=tx['tx_hash'])
            "tx_index": tx['tx_index'],
            "tx_hash": tx['tx_hash'],
            "block_index": tx['block_index'],
            "source": tx['source'],
            "destination": tx['destination'],
            "asset": dispenser['asset'],
            "must_give": must_give,
            "remaining": remaining,
            "actually_given": actually_given,
            "satoshirate": dispenser['satoshirate'],
            "dispenser_tx_hash": dispenser['tx_hash']
        dispenser['give_remaining'] = give_remaining
        if give_remaining < dispenser['give_quantity']:
            # close the dispenser
            dispenser['give_remaining'] = 0
            if give_remaining > 0:
                # return the remaining to the owner
      , dispenser['source'], dispenser['asset'], give_remaining, action='dispenser close', event=tx['tx_hash'])
            dispenser['status'] = STATUS_CLOSED

        dispenser['block_index'] = tx['block_index']
        dispenser['prev_status'] = STATUS_OPEN
        cursor.execute('UPDATE DISPENSERS SET give_remaining=:give_remaining, status=:status \
                WHERE source=:source AND asset=:asset AND satoshirate=:satoshirate AND give_quantity=:give_quantity AND status=:prev_status', dispenser)

    for log in dispense_logs:
        cursor.execute('INSERT INTO DISPENSES VALUES (:tx_index, :tx_hash, :block_index, :source, :destination,  :asset, :must_give, :remaining, :actually_given, :satoshirate, :dispenser_tx_hash)', log)
def compose (db, source, destination, asset, quantity, memo=None, memo_is_hex=False, use_enhanced_send=None):
    # special case - enhanced_send replaces send by default when it is enabled
    #   but it can be explicitly disabled with an API parameter
    if util.enabled('enhanced_sends'):
        if use_enhanced_send is None or use_enhanced_send == True:
            return enhanced_send.compose(db, source, destination, asset, quantity, memo, memo_is_hex)
    elif memo is not None or use_enhanced_send == True:
        raise exceptions.ComposeError('enhanced sends are not enabled')

    return send1.compose(db, source, destination, asset, quantity)
def expire (db, block_index):
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # Expire orders and give refunds for the quantity give_remaining (if non-zero; if not BTC).
    cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM orders \
                      WHERE (status = ? AND expire_index < ?)''', ('open', block_index))
    orders = list(cursor)
    for order in orders:
        cancel_order(db, order, 'expired', block_index)

    # Expire order_matches for BTC with no BTC.
    cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM order_matches \
                      WHERE (status = ? and match_expire_index < ?)''', ('pending', block_index))
    order_matches = list(cursor)
    for order_match in order_matches:
        cancel_order_match(db, order_match, 'expired', block_index)

        # Expire btc sell order if match expires
        if util.enabled('btc_sell_expire_on_match_expire'):
            # Check for other pending order matches involving either tx0_hash or tx1_hash
            bindings = {
                'status': 'pending',
                'tx0_hash': order_match['tx0_hash'],
                'tx1_hash': order_match['tx1_hash']
            sql='select * from order_matches where status = :status and ((tx0_hash in (:tx0_hash, :tx1_hash)) or ((tx1_hash in (:tx0_hash, :tx1_hash))))'
            cursor.execute(sql, bindings)
            order_matches_pending = cursor.fetchall()
            # Set BTC sell order status as expired only if there are no pending order matches
            if len(order_matches_pending) == 0:
                if order_match['backward_asset'] == "BTC" and order_match['status'] == "expired":
                    cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM orders \
                                      WHERE tx_hash = ?''', (order_match['tx1_hash'],))
                    cancel_order(db, list(cursor)[0], 'expired', block_index)
                if order_match['forward_asset'] == "BTC" and order_match['status'] == "expired":
                    cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM orders \
                                      WHERE tx_hash = ?''', (order_match['tx0_hash'],))
                    cancel_order(db, list(cursor)[0], 'expired', block_index)

    if block_index >= 315000 or config.TESTNET or config.REGTEST: # Protocol change.
        # Re‐match.
        for order_match in order_matches:
            cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM transactions\
                              WHERE tx_hash = ?''', (order_match['tx0_hash'],))
            match(db, list(cursor)[0], block_index)
            cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM transactions\
                              WHERE tx_hash = ?''', (order_match['tx1_hash'],))
            match(db, list(cursor)[0], block_index)

def expire (db, block_index):
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # Expire orders and give refunds for the quantity give_remaining (if non-zero; if not BTC).
    cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM orders \
                      WHERE (status = ? AND expire_index < ?)''', ('open', block_index))
    orders = list(cursor)
    for order in orders:
        cancel_order(db, order, 'expired', block_index)

    # Expire order_matches for BTC with no BTC.
    cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM order_matches \
                      WHERE (status = ? and match_expire_index < ?)''', ('pending', block_index))
    order_matches = list(cursor)
    for order_match in order_matches:
        cancel_order_match(db, order_match, 'expired', block_index)

        # Expire btc sell order if match expires
        if util.enabled('btc_sell_expire_on_match_expire'):
            # Check for other pending order matches involving either tx0_hash or tx1_hash
            bindings = {
                'status': 'pending',
                'tx0_hash': order_match['tx0_hash'],
                'tx1_hash': order_match['tx1_hash']
            sql='select * from order_matches where status = :status and ((tx0_hash in (:tx0_hash, :tx1_hash)) or ((tx1_hash in (:tx0_hash, :tx1_hash))))'
            cursor.execute(sql, bindings)
            order_matches_pending = cursor.fetchall()
            # Set BTC sell order status as expired only if there are no pending order matches
            if len(order_matches_pending) == 0:
                if order_match['backward_asset'] == "BTC" and order_match['status'] == "expired":
                    cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM orders \
                                      WHERE tx_hash = ?''', (order_match['tx1_hash'],))
                    cancel_order(db, list(cursor)[0], 'expired', block_index)
                if order_match['forward_asset'] == "BTC" and order_match['status'] == "expired":
                    cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM orders \
                                      WHERE tx_hash = ?''', (order_match['tx0_hash'],))
                    cancel_order(db, list(cursor)[0], 'expired', block_index)

    if block_index >= 315000 or config.TESTNET or config.REGTEST: # Protocol change.
        # Re‐match.
        for order_match in order_matches:
            cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM transactions\
                              WHERE tx_hash = ?''', (order_match['tx0_hash'],))
            match(db, list(cursor)[0], block_index)
            cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM transactions\
                              WHERE tx_hash = ?''', (order_match['tx1_hash'],))
            match(db, list(cursor)[0], block_index)

def get_tx_info(tx_hex, block_parser=None, block_index=None):
    """Get the transaction info. Calls one of two subfunctions depending on signature type."""
    if not block_index:
        block_index = util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX
        if util.enabled('multisig_addresses', block_index=block_index):   # Protocol change.
            tx_info = get_tx_info2(tx_hex, block_parser=block_parser)
            tx_info = get_tx_info1(tx_hex, block_index, block_parser=block_parser)
    except (DecodeError, BTCOnlyError) as e:
        # NOTE: For debugging, logger.debug('Could not decode: ' + str(e))
        tx_info = b'', None, None, None, None

    return tx_info
def extract_pubkeys(pub):
    """Assume pubkey if not pubkeyhash. (Check validity later.)"""
    pubkeys = []
    if is_multisig(pub):
        _, pubs, _ = extract_array(pub)
        for pub in pubs:
            if not is_pubkeyhash(pub):
    elif is_p2sh(pub):
    elif util.enabled('segwit_support') and is_bech32(pub):
        if not is_pubkeyhash(pub):
    return pubkeys
def extract_pubkeys(pub):
    """Assume pubkey if not pubkeyhash. (Check validity later.)"""
    pubkeys = []
    if is_multisig(pub):
        _, pubs, _ = extract_array(pub)
        for pub in pubs:
            if not is_pubkeyhash(pub):
    elif is_p2sh(pub):
    elif util.enabled('segwit_support') and is_bech32(pub):
        if not is_pubkeyhash(pub):
    return pubkeys
def get_tx_list(block):
    raw_transactions = {}
    tx_hash_list = []

    for ctx in block.vtx:
        if util.enabled('correct_segwit_txids'):
            hsh = ctx.GetTxid()
            hsh = ctx.GetHash()
        tx_hash = bitcoinlib.core.b2lx(hsh)
        raw = ctx.serialize()

        raw_transactions[tx_hash] = bitcoinlib.core.b2x(raw)

    return (tx_hash_list, raw_transactions)
def validate(db, source, destination, asset, quantity, block_index):

        util.get_asset_id(db, asset, block_index)
    except AssetError:
        raise ValidateError('asset invalid')

    except AddressError:
        raise ValidateError('source address invalid')

    except AddressError:
        raise ValidateError('destination address invalid')

    if asset == config.BTC:
        raise ValidateError('cannot send {}'.format(config.BTC))

    if type(quantity) != int:
        raise ValidateError('quantity not integer')

    if quantity > config.MAX_INT:
        raise ValidateError('quantity too large')

    if quantity <= 0:
        raise ValidateError('quantity non‐positive')

    if util.get_balance(db, source, asset) < quantity:
        raise BalanceError('balance insufficient')

    if util.enabled('options_require_memo'):
        # Check destination address options

        cursor = db.cursor()
            results = cursor.execute(
                'SELECT options FROM addresses WHERE address=?',
                (destination, ))
            if results:
                result = results.fetchone()
                if result and result[
                        'options'] & config.ADDRESS_OPTION_REQUIRE_MEMO:
                    raise ValidateError('destination requires memo')
def get_tx_info(tx_hex, block_parser=None, block_index=None):
    """Get the transaction info. Calls one of two subfunctions depending on signature type."""
    if not block_index:
        block_index = util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX
        if util.enabled('multisig_addresses',
                        block_index=block_index):  # Protocol change.
            tx_info = get_tx_info2(tx_hex, block_parser=block_parser)
            tx_info = get_tx_info1(tx_hex,
    except (DecodeError, BTCOnlyError) as e:
        # NOTE: For debugging, logger.debug('Could not decode: ' + str(e))
        tx_info = b'', None, None, None, None

    return tx_info
def validate(db, source, destination, asset, quantity, memo_bytes,
    problems = []

    if asset == config.BTC:
        problems.append('cannot send {}'.format(config.BTC))

    if not isinstance(quantity, int):
        problems.append('quantity must be in satoshis')
        return problems

    if quantity < 0:
        problems.append('negative quantity')

    if quantity == 0:
        problems.append('zero quantity')

    # For SQLite3
    if quantity > config.MAX_INT:
        problems.append('integer overflow')

    # destination is always required
    if not destination:
        problems.append('destination is required')

    # check memo
    if memo_bytes is not None and len(memo_bytes) > MAX_MEMO_LENGTH:
        problems.append('memo is too long')

    if util.enabled('options_require_memo'):
        cursor = db.cursor()
            results = cursor.execute(
                'SELECT options FROM addresses WHERE address=?',
                (destination, ))
            if results:
                result = results.fetchone()
                if result and result[
                        'options'] & config.ADDRESS_OPTION_REQUIRE_MEMO:
                    if memo_bytes is None or (len(memo_bytes) == 0):
                        problems.append('destination requires memo')

    return problems
def unpack(packed_data, block_index=None):
    message_type_id = None
    message_remainder = None

    if len(packed_data) > 1:
        # try to read 1 byte first
        if util.enabled('short_tx_type_id', block_index):
            message_type_id = struct.unpack(config.SHORT_TXTYPE_FORMAT, packed_data[:1])[0]
            if message_type_id > 0:
                message_remainder = packed_data[1:]
                return (message_type_id, message_remainder)

    # First message byte was 0.  We will read 4 bytes
    if len(packed_data) > 4:
        message_type_id = struct.unpack(config.TXTYPE_FORMAT, packed_data[:4])[0]
        message_remainder = packed_data[4:]

    return (message_type_id, message_remainder)
def compose(db,
    # special case - enhanced_send replaces send by default when it is enabled
    #   but it can be explicitly disabled with an API parameter
    if util.enabled('enhanced_sends'):
        if use_enhanced_send is None or use_enhanced_send == True:
            return enhanced_send.compose(db, source, destination, asset,
                                         quantity, memo, memo_is_hex)
    elif memo is not None or use_enhanced_send == True:
        raise exceptions.ComposeError('enhanced sends are not enabled')

    return send1.compose(db, source, destination, asset, quantity)
def validate (db, source, destination, asset, quantity, memo_bytes, block_index):
    problems = []

    if asset == config.BTC: problems.append('cannot send {}'.format(config.BTC))

    if not isinstance(quantity, int):
        problems.append('quantity must be in satoshis')
        return problems

    if quantity < 0:
        problems.append('negative quantity')

    if quantity == 0:
        problems.append('zero quantity')

    # For SQLite3
    if quantity > config.MAX_INT:
        problems.append('integer overflow')

    # destination is always required
    if not destination:
        problems.append('destination is required')

    # check memo
    if memo_bytes is not None and len(memo_bytes) > MAX_MEMO_LENGTH:
      problems.append('memo is too long')

    if util.enabled('options_require_memo'):
        cursor = db.cursor()
            results = cursor.execute('SELECT options FROM addresses WHERE address=?', (destination,))
            if results:
                result = results.fetchone()
                if result and util.active_options(result['options'], config.ADDRESS_OPTION_REQUIRE_MEMO):
                    if memo_bytes is None or (len(memo_bytes) == 0):
                        problems.append('destination requires memo')

    return problems
def validate(db, source, possible_moves, wager, move_random_hash, expiration,
    problems = []

    if util.enabled('disable_rps'):
        problems.append('rps disabled')

    if not isinstance(possible_moves, int):
        problems.append('possible_moves must be a integer')
        return problems
    if not isinstance(wager, int):
        problems.append('wager must be in satoshis')
        return problems
    if not isinstance(expiration, int):
            'expiration must be expressed as an integer block delta')
        return problems

    if not all(c in string.hexdigits for c in move_random_hash):
        problems.append('move_random_hash must be an hexadecimal string')
        return problems
    move_random_hash_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(move_random_hash)

    if possible_moves < 3:
        problems.append('possible moves must be at least 3')
    if possible_moves % 2 == 0:
        problems.append('possible moves must be odd')
    if wager <= 0:
        problems.append('non‐positive wager')
    if expiration < 0: problems.append('negative expiration')
    if expiration == 0 and not (block_index >= 317500 or config.TESTNET
                                or config.REGTEST):  # Protocol change.
        problems.append('zero expiration')
    if expiration > config.MAX_EXPIRATION:
        problems.append('expiration overflow')
    if len(move_random_hash_bytes) != 32:
            'move_random_hash must be 32 bytes in hexadecimal format')

    return problems
def make_pubkeyhash(address):
    """Create a new PubKeyHash."""
    if is_multisig(address):
        signatures_required, pubs, signatures_possible = extract_array(address)
        pubkeyhashes = []
        for pub in pubs:
            if is_pubkeyhash(pub):
                pubkeyhash = pub
                pubkeyhash = pubkey_to_pubkeyhash(binascii.unhexlify(bytes(pub, 'utf-8')))
        pubkeyhash_address = construct_array(signatures_required, pubkeyhashes, signatures_possible)
        if util.enabled('segwit_support') and is_bech32(address):
            pubkeyhash_address = address # Some bech32 addresses are valid base58 data
        elif is_pubkeyhash(address):
            pubkeyhash_address = address
        elif is_p2sh(address):
            pubkeyhash_address = address
            pubkeyhash_address = pubkey_to_pubkeyhash(binascii.unhexlify(bytes(address, 'utf-8')))
    return pubkeyhash_address
def validate(db, source, timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, text, block_index):
    problems = []

    # For SQLite3
    if timestamp > config.MAX_INT or value > config.MAX_INT or fee_fraction_int > config.MAX_INT:
        problems.append("integer overflow")

    if util.enabled("max_fee_fraction"):
        if fee_fraction_int >= config.UNIT:
            problems.append("fee fraction greater than or equal to 1")
        if fee_fraction_int > 4294967295:
            problems.append("fee fraction greater than 42.94967295")

    if timestamp < 0:
        problems.append("negative timestamp")

    if not source:
        problems.append("null source address")
    # Check previous broadcast in this feed.
    cursor = db.cursor()
    broadcasts = list(
            """SELECT * FROM broadcasts WHERE (status = ? AND source = ?) ORDER BY tx_index ASC""", ("valid", source)
    if broadcasts:
        last_broadcast = broadcasts[-1]
        if last_broadcast["locked"]:
            problems.append("locked feed")
        elif timestamp <= last_broadcast["timestamp"]:
            problems.append("feed timestamps not monotonically increasing")

    if not (block_index >= 317500 or config.TESTNET):  # Protocol change.
        if len(text) > 52:
            problems.append("text too long")

    return problems
def compose (db, source, timestamp, value, fee_fraction, text):

    # Store the fee fraction as an integer.
    fee_fraction_int = int(fee_fraction * 1e8)

    problems = validate(db, source, timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, text, util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    data = struct.pack(config.TXTYPE_FORMAT, ID)

    # always use custom length byte instead of problematic usage of 52p format and make sure to encode('utf-8') for length
    if util.enabled('broadcast_pack_text'):
        data += struct.pack(FORMAT, timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int)
        data += VarIntSerializer.serialize(len(text.encode('utf-8')))
        data += text.encode('utf-8')
        if len(text) <= 52:
            curr_format = FORMAT + '{}p'.format(len(text) + 1)
            curr_format = FORMAT + '{}s'.format(len(text))

        data += struct.pack(curr_format, timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, text.encode('utf-8'))
    return (source, [], data)
def compose(db, source, asset_dest_quant_list, memo, memo_is_hex):
    cursor = db.cursor()

    out_balances = util.accumulate([(t[0], t[2])
                                    for t in asset_dest_quant_list])
    for (asset, quantity) in out_balances:
        if util.enabled('mpma_subasset_support'):
            # resolve subassets
            asset = util.resolve_subasset_longname(db, asset)

        if not isinstance(quantity, int):
            raise exceptions.ComposeError(
                'quantities must be an int (in satoshis) for {}'.format(asset))

        balances = list(
                '''SELECT * FROM balances WHERE (address = ? AND asset = ?)''',
                (source, asset)))
        if not balances or balances[0]['quantity'] < quantity:
            raise exceptions.ComposeError(
                'insufficient funds for {}'.format(asset))

    block_index = util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX


    problems = validate(db, source, asset_dest_quant_list, block_index)
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    data = message_type.pack(ID)
    data += _encode_mpmaSend(db,

    return (source, [], data)
def validate (db, source, possible_moves, wager, move_random_hash, expiration, block_index):
    problems = []

    if util.enabled('disable_rps'):
        problems.append('rps disabled')

    if not isinstance(possible_moves, int):
        problems.append('possible_moves must be a integer')
        return problems
    if not isinstance(wager, int):
        problems.append('wager must be in satoshis')
        return problems
    if not isinstance(expiration, int):
        problems.append('expiration must be expressed as an integer block delta')
        return problems

    if not all(c in string.hexdigits for c in move_random_hash):
        problems.append('move_random_hash must be an hexadecimal string')
        return problems
    move_random_hash_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(move_random_hash)

    if possible_moves < 3:
        problems.append('possible moves must be at least 3')
    if possible_moves % 2 == 0:
        problems.append('possible moves must be odd')
    if wager <= 0:
        problems.append('non‐positive wager')
    if expiration < 0: problems.append('negative expiration')
    if expiration == 0 and not (block_index >= 317500 or config.TESTNET or config.REGTEST):   # Protocol change.
        problems.append('zero expiration')
    if expiration > config.MAX_EXPIRATION:
        problems.append('expiration overflow')
    if len(move_random_hash_bytes) != 32:
        problems.append('move_random_hash must be 32 bytes in hexadecimal format')

    return problems
def validate (db, source, quantity_per_unit, asset, dividend_asset, block_index):
    cursor = db.cursor()
    problems = []

    if asset == config.BTC:
        problems.append('cannot pay dividends to holders of {}'.format(config.BTC))
    if asset == config.XCP:
        if (not block_index >= 317500) or block_index >= 320000 or config.TESTNET or config.REGTEST:   # Protocol change.
            problems.append('cannot pay dividends to holders of {}'.format(config.XCP))

    if quantity_per_unit <= 0:
        problems.append('non‐positive quantity per unit')

    # For SQLite3
    if quantity_per_unit > config.MAX_INT:
        problems.append('integer overflow')

    # Examine asset.
    issuances = list(cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM issuances WHERE (status = ? AND asset = ?) ORDER BY tx_index ASC''', ('valid', asset)))
    if not issuances:
        problems.append('no such asset, {}.'.format(asset))
        return None, None, problems, 0
    divisible = issuances[0]['divisible']

    # Only issuer can pay dividends.
    if block_index >= 320000 or config.TESTNET or config.REGTEST:   # Protocol change.
        if issuances[-1]['issuer'] != source:
            problems.append('only issuer can pay dividends')

    # Examine dividend asset.
    if dividend_asset in (config.BTC, config.XCP):
        dividend_divisible = True
        issuances = list(cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM issuances WHERE (status = ? AND asset = ?)''', ('valid', dividend_asset)))
        if not issuances:
            problems.append('no such dividend asset, {}.'.format(dividend_asset))
            return None, None, problems, 0
        dividend_divisible = issuances[0]['divisible']

    # Calculate dividend quantities.
    exclude_empty = False
    if util.enabled('zero_quantity_value_adjustment_1'):
        exclude_empty = True
    holders = util.holders(db, asset, exclude_empty)

    outputs = []
    addresses = []
    dividend_total = 0
    for holder in holders:
        if block_index < 294500 and not (config.TESTNET or config.REGTEST): # Protocol change.
            if holder['escrow']: continue

        address = holder['address']
        address_quantity = holder['address_quantity']

        if block_index >= 296000 or config.TESTNET or config.REGTEST: # Protocol change.
            if address == source: continue

        dividend_quantity = address_quantity * quantity_per_unit

        if divisible: dividend_quantity /= config.UNIT
        if not util.enabled('nondivisible_dividend_fix') and not dividend_divisible: dividend_quantity /= config.UNIT # Pre-fix behaviour

        if dividend_asset == config.BTC and dividend_quantity < config.DEFAULT_MULTISIG_DUST_SIZE: continue    # A bit hackish.
        dividend_quantity = int(dividend_quantity)

        outputs.append({'address': address, 'address_quantity': address_quantity, 'dividend_quantity': dividend_quantity})
        dividend_total += dividend_quantity

    if not dividend_total: problems.append('zero dividend')

    if dividend_asset != config.BTC:
        dividend_balances = list(cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM balances WHERE (address = ? AND asset = ?)''', (source, dividend_asset)))
        if not dividend_balances or dividend_balances[0]['quantity'] < dividend_total:
            problems.append('insufficient funds ({})'.format(dividend_asset))

    fee = 0
    if not problems and dividend_asset != config.BTC:
        holder_count = len(set(addresses))
        if block_index >= 330000 or config.TESTNET or config.REGTEST: # Protocol change.
            fee = int(0.0002 * config.UNIT * holder_count)
        if fee:
            balances = list(cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM balances WHERE (address = ? AND asset = ?)''', (source, config.XCP)))
            if not balances or balances[0]['quantity'] < fee:
                problems.append('insufficient funds ({})'.format(config.XCP))

    if not problems and dividend_asset == config.XCP:
        total_cost = dividend_total + fee
        if not dividend_balances or dividend_balances[0]['quantity'] < total_cost:
            problems.append('insufficient funds ({})'.format(dividend_asset))

    # For SQLite3
    if fee > config.MAX_INT or dividend_total > config.MAX_INT:
        problems.append('integer overflow')


    return dividend_total, outputs, problems, fee
def parse(db, tx, message):
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # Unpack message.
        if util.enabled("broadcast_pack_text"):
            timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, rawtext = struct.unpack(
                FORMAT + "{}s".format(len(message) - LENGTH), message
            textlen = VarIntSerializer.deserialize(rawtext)
            text = rawtext[-textlen:]

            assert len(text) == textlen
            if len(message) - LENGTH <= 52:
                curr_format = FORMAT + "{}p".format(len(message) - LENGTH)
                curr_format = FORMAT + "{}s".format(len(message) - LENGTH)

            timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, text = struct.unpack(curr_format, message)

            text = text.decode("utf-8")
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            text = ""
        status = "valid"
    except (struct.error) as e:
        timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, text = 0, None, 0, None
        status = "invalid: could not unpack"

    if status == "valid":
        # For SQLite3
        timestamp = min(timestamp, config.MAX_INT)
        value = min(value, config.MAX_INT)

        problems = validate(db, tx["source"], timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, text, tx["block_index"])
        if problems:
            status = "invalid: " + "; ".join(problems)

    # Lock?
    lock = False
    if text and text.lower() == "lock":
        lock = True
        timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, text = 0, None, None, None
        lock = False

    # Add parsed transaction to message-type–specific table.
    bindings = {
        "tx_index": tx["tx_index"],
        "tx_hash": tx["tx_hash"],
        "block_index": tx["block_index"],
        "source": tx["source"],
        "timestamp": timestamp,
        "value": value,
        "fee_fraction_int": fee_fraction_int,
        "text": text,
        "locked": lock,
        "status": status,
    if "integer overflow" not in status:
        sql = "insert into broadcasts values(:tx_index, :tx_hash, :block_index, :source, :timestamp, :value, :fee_fraction_int, :text, :locked, :status)"
        cursor.execute(sql, bindings)
        logger.warn("Not storing [broadcast] tx [%s]: %s" % (tx["tx_hash"], status))
        logger.debug("Bindings: %s" % (json.dumps(bindings),))

    # stop processing if broadcast is invalid for any reason
    if util.enabled("broadcast_invalid_check") and status != "valid":

    # Negative values (default to ignore).
    if value is None or value < 0:
        # Cancel Open Bets?
        if value == -2:
                """SELECT * FROM bets \
                              WHERE (status = ? AND feed_address = ?)""",
                ("open", tx["source"]),
            for i in list(cursor):
                bet.cancel_bet(db, i, "dropped", tx["block_index"])
        # Cancel Pending Bet Matches?
        if value == -3:
                """SELECT * FROM bet_matches \
                              WHERE (status = ? AND feed_address = ?)""",
                ("pending", tx["source"]),
            for bet_match in list(cursor):
                bet.cancel_bet_match(db, bet_match, "dropped", tx["block_index"])

    # stop processing if broadcast is invalid for any reason
    # @TODO: remove this check once broadcast_invalid_check has been activated
    if util.enabled("max_fee_fraction") and status != "valid":

    # Handle bet matches that use this feed.
        """SELECT * FROM bet_matches \
                      WHERE (status=? AND feed_address=?)
                      ORDER BY tx1_index ASC, tx0_index ASC""",
        ("pending", tx["source"]),
    for bet_match in cursor.fetchall():
        broadcast_bet_match_cursor = db.cursor()
        bet_match_id = util.make_id(bet_match["tx0_hash"], bet_match["tx1_hash"])
        bet_match_status = None

        # Calculate total funds held in escrow and total fee to be paid if
        # the bet match is settled. Escrow less fee is amount to be paid back
        # to betters.
        total_escrow = bet_match["forward_quantity"] + bet_match["backward_quantity"]
        fee_fraction = fee_fraction_int / config.UNIT
        fee = int(fee_fraction * total_escrow)  # Truncate.
        escrow_less_fee = total_escrow - fee

        # Get known bet match type IDs.
        cfd_type_id = util.BET_TYPE_ID["BullCFD"] + util.BET_TYPE_ID["BearCFD"]
        equal_type_id = util.BET_TYPE_ID["Equal"] + util.BET_TYPE_ID["NotEqual"]

        # Get the bet match type ID of this bet match.
        bet_match_type_id = bet_match["tx0_bet_type"] + bet_match["tx1_bet_type"]

        # Contract for difference, with determinate settlement date.
        if bet_match_type_id == cfd_type_id:

            # Recognise tx0, tx1 as the bull, bear (in the right direction).
            if bet_match["tx0_bet_type"] < bet_match["tx1_bet_type"]:
                bull_address = bet_match["tx0_address"]
                bear_address = bet_match["tx1_address"]
                bull_escrow = bet_match["forward_quantity"]
                bear_escrow = bet_match["backward_quantity"]
                bull_address = bet_match["tx1_address"]
                bear_address = bet_match["tx0_address"]
                bull_escrow = bet_match["backward_quantity"]
                bear_escrow = bet_match["forward_quantity"]

            leverage = Fraction(bet_match["leverage"], 5040)
            initial_value = bet_match["initial_value"]

            bear_credit = bear_escrow - (value - initial_value) * leverage * config.UNIT
            bull_credit = escrow_less_fee - bear_credit
            bear_credit = round(bear_credit)
            bull_credit = round(bull_credit)

            # Liquidate, as necessary.
            if bull_credit >= escrow_less_fee or bull_credit <= 0:
                if bull_credit >= escrow_less_fee:
                    bull_credit = escrow_less_fee
                    bear_credit = 0
                    bet_match_status = "settled: liquidated for bull"
                        action="bet {}".format(bet_match_status),
                elif bull_credit <= 0:
                    bull_credit = 0
                    bear_credit = escrow_less_fee
                    bet_match_status = "settled: liquidated for bear"
                        action="bet {}".format(bet_match_status),

                # Pay fee to feed.
      , bet_match["feed_address"], config.XCP, fee, action="feed fee", event=tx["tx_hash"])

                # For logging purposes.
                bindings = {
                    "bet_match_id": bet_match_id,
                    "bet_match_type_id": bet_match_type_id,
                    "block_index": tx["block_index"],
                    "settled": False,
                    "bull_credit": bull_credit,
                    "bear_credit": bear_credit,
                    "winner": None,
                    "escrow_less_fee": None,
                    "fee": fee,
                sql = "insert into bet_match_resolutions values(:bet_match_id, :bet_match_type_id, :block_index, :settled, :bull_credit, :bear_credit, :winner, :escrow_less_fee, :fee)"
                cursor.execute(sql, bindings)

            # Settle (if not liquidated).
            elif timestamp >= bet_match["deadline"]:
                bet_match_status = "settled"

                    action="bet {}".format(bet_match_status),
                    action="bet {}".format(bet_match_status),

                # Pay fee to feed.
      , bet_match["feed_address"], config.XCP, fee, action="feed fee", event=tx["tx_hash"])

                # For logging purposes.
                bindings = {
                    "bet_match_id": bet_match_id,
                    "bet_match_type_id": bet_match_type_id,
                    "block_index": tx["block_index"],
                    "settled": True,
                    "bull_credit": bull_credit,
                    "bear_credit": bear_credit,
                    "winner": None,
                    "escrow_less_fee": None,
                    "fee": fee,
                sql = "insert into bet_match_resolutions values(:bet_match_id, :bet_match_type_id, :block_index, :settled, :bull_credit, :bear_credit, :winner, :escrow_less_fee, :fee)"
                cursor.execute(sql, bindings)

        # Equal[/NotEqual] bet.
        elif bet_match_type_id == equal_type_id and timestamp >= bet_match["deadline"]:

            # Recognise tx0, tx1 as the bull, bear (in the right direction).
            if bet_match["tx0_bet_type"] < bet_match["tx1_bet_type"]:
                equal_address = bet_match["tx0_address"]
                notequal_address = bet_match["tx1_address"]
                equal_address = bet_match["tx1_address"]
                notequal_address = bet_match["tx0_address"]

            # Decide who won, and credit appropriately.
            if value == bet_match["target_value"]:
                winner = "Equal"
                bet_match_status = "settled: for equal"
                    action="bet {}".format(bet_match_status),
                winner = "NotEqual"
                bet_match_status = "settled: for notequal"
                    action="bet {}".format(bet_match_status),

            # Pay fee to feed.
  , bet_match["feed_address"], config.XCP, fee, action="feed fee", event=tx["tx_hash"])

            # For logging purposes.
            bindings = {
                "bet_match_id": bet_match_id,
                "bet_match_type_id": bet_match_type_id,
                "block_index": tx["block_index"],
                "settled": None,
                "bull_credit": None,
                "bear_credit": None,
                "winner": winner,
                "escrow_less_fee": escrow_less_fee,
                "fee": fee,
            sql = "insert into bet_match_resolutions values(:bet_match_id, :bet_match_type_id, :block_index, :settled, :bull_credit, :bear_credit, :winner, :escrow_less_fee, :fee)"
            cursor.execute(sql, bindings)

        # Update the bet match’s status.
        if bet_match_status:
            bindings = {
                "status": bet_match_status,
                "bet_match_id": util.make_id(bet_match["tx0_hash"], bet_match["tx1_hash"]),
            sql = "update bet_matches set status = :status where id = :bet_match_id"
            cursor.execute(sql, bindings)
            log.message(db, tx["block_index"], "update", "bet_matches", bindings)


def validate (db, source, destination, asset, quantity, divisible, callable_, call_date, call_price, description, block_index):
    problems = []
    fee = 0

    if asset in (config.BTC, config.XCP):
        problems.append('cannot issue {} or {}'.format(config.BTC, config.XCP))

    if call_date is None: call_date = 0
    if call_price is None: call_price = 0.0
    if description is None: description = ""
    if divisible is None: divisible = True

    if isinstance(call_price, int): call_price = float(call_price)
    #^ helps especially with calls from JS‐based clients, where parseFloat(15) returns 15 (not 15.0), which json takes as an int

    if not isinstance(quantity, int):
        problems.append('quantity must be in satoshis')
        return call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, None
    if call_date and not isinstance(call_date, int):
        problems.append('call_date must be epoch integer')
        return call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, None
    if call_price and not isinstance(call_price, float):
        problems.append('call_price must be a float')
        return call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, None

    if quantity < 0: problems.append('negative quantity')
    if call_price < 0: problems.append('negative call price')
    if call_date < 0: problems.append('negative call date')

    # Callable, or not.
    if not callable_:
        if block_index >= 312500 or config.TESTNET: # Protocol change.
            call_date = 0
            call_price = 0.0
        elif block_index >= 310000:                 # Protocol change.
            if call_date:
                problems.append('call date for non‐callable asset')
            if call_price:
                problems.append('call price for non‐callable asset')

    # Valid re-issuance?
    cursor = db.cursor()
    cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM issuances \
                      WHERE (status = ? AND asset = ?)
                      ORDER BY tx_index ASC''', ('valid', asset))
    issuances = cursor.fetchall()
    if issuances:
        reissuance = True
        last_issuance = issuances[-1]

        if last_issuance['issuer'] != source:
            problems.append('issued by another address')
        if bool(last_issuance['divisible']) != bool(divisible):
            problems.append('cannot change divisibility')
        if bool(last_issuance['callable']) != bool(callable_):
            problems.append('cannot change callability')
        if last_issuance['call_date'] > call_date and (call_date != 0 or (block_index < 312500 and not config.TESTNET)):
            problems.append('cannot advance call date')
        if last_issuance['call_price'] > call_price:
            problems.append('cannot reduce call price')
        if last_issuance['locked'] and quantity:
            problems.append('locked asset and non‐zero quantity')
        reissuance = False
        if description.lower() == 'lock':
            problems.append('cannot lock a non‐existent asset')
        if destination:
            problems.append('cannot transfer a non‐existent asset')

    # Check for existence of fee funds.
    if quantity or (block_index >= 315000 or config.TESTNET):   # Protocol change.
        if not reissuance or (block_index < 310000 and not config.TESTNET):  # Pay fee only upon first issuance. (Protocol change.)
            cursor = db.cursor()
            cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM balances \
                              WHERE (address = ? AND asset = ?)''', (source, config.XCP))
            balances = cursor.fetchall()
            if util.enabled('numeric_asset_names'):  # Protocol change.
                if len(asset) >= 13:
                    fee = 0
                    fee = int(0.5 * config.UNIT)
            elif block_index >= 291700 or config.TESTNET:     # Protocol change.
                fee = int(0.5 * config.UNIT)
            elif block_index >= 286000 or config.TESTNET:   # Protocol change.
                fee = 5 * config.UNIT
            elif block_index > 281236 or config.TESTNET:    # Protocol change.
                fee = 5
            if fee and (not balances or balances[0]['quantity'] < fee):
                problems.append('insufficient funds')

    if not (block_index >= 317500 or config.TESTNET):  # Protocol change.
        if len(description) > 42:
            problems.append('description too long')

    # For SQLite3
    call_date = min(call_date, config.MAX_INT)
    total = sum([issuance['quantity'] for issuance in issuances])
    assert isinstance(quantity, int)
    if total + quantity > config.MAX_INT:
        problems.append('total quantity overflow')

    if destination and quantity:
        problems.append('cannot issue and transfer simultaneously')

    # For SQLite3
    if util.enabled('integer_overflow_fix', block_index=block_index) and (fee > config.MAX_INT or quantity > config.MAX_INT):
        problems.append('integer overflow')

    return call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, reissuance
def parse (db, tx, message):
    issuance_parse_cursor = db.cursor()

    # Unpack message.
        if (tx['block_index'] > 283271 or config.TESTNET) and len(message) >= LENGTH_2: # Protocol change.
            if len(message) - LENGTH_2 <= 42:
                curr_format = FORMAT_2 + '{}p'.format(len(message) - LENGTH_2)
                curr_format = FORMAT_2 + '{}s'.format(len(message) - LENGTH_2)
            asset_id, quantity, divisible, callable_, call_date, call_price, description = struct.unpack(curr_format, message)

            call_price = round(call_price, 6) # TODO: arbitrary
                description = description.decode('utf-8')
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                description = ''
            if len(message) != LENGTH_1:
                raise exceptions.UnpackError
            asset_id, quantity, divisible = struct.unpack(FORMAT_1, message)
            callable_, call_date, call_price, description = False, 0, 0.0, ''
            asset = util.generate_asset_name(asset_id, tx['block_index'])
        except exceptions.AssetNameError:
            asset = None
            status = 'invalid: bad asset name'
        status = 'valid'
    except exceptions.UnpackError as e:
        asset, quantity, divisible, callable_, call_date, call_price, description = None, None, None, None, None, None, None
        status = 'invalid: could not unpack'

    fee = 0
    if status == 'valid':
        call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, reissuance = validate(db, tx['source'], tx['destination'], asset, quantity, divisible, callable_, call_date, call_price, description, block_index=tx['block_index'])
        if problems: status = 'invalid: ' + '; '.join(problems)
        if not util.enabled('integer_overflow_fix', block_index=tx['block_index']) and 'total quantity overflow' in problems:
            quantity = 0

    if tx['destination']:
        issuer = tx['destination']
        transfer = True
        quantity = 0
        issuer = tx['source']
        transfer = False

    # Debit fee.
    if status == 'valid':
        util.debit(db, tx['source'], config.XCP, fee, action="issuance fee", event=tx['tx_hash'])

    # Lock?
    lock = False
    if status == 'valid':
        if description and description.lower() == 'lock':
            lock = True
            cursor = db.cursor()
            issuances = list(cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM issuances \
                                               WHERE (status = ? AND asset = ?)
                                               ORDER BY tx_index ASC''', ('valid', asset)))
            description = issuances[-1]['description']  # Use last description. (Assume previous issuance exists because tx is valid.)
            timestamp, value_int, fee_fraction_int = None, None, None

        if not reissuance:
            # Add to table of assets.
            bindings= {
                'asset_id': str(asset_id),
                'asset_name': str(asset),
                'block_index': tx['block_index'],
            sql='insert into assets values(:asset_id, :asset_name, :block_index)'
            issuance_parse_cursor.execute(sql, bindings)

    # Add parsed transaction to message-type–specific table.
    bindings= {
        'tx_index': tx['tx_index'],
        'tx_hash': tx['tx_hash'],
        'block_index': tx['block_index'],
        'asset': asset,
        'quantity': quantity,
        'divisible': divisible,
        'source': tx['source'],
        'issuer': issuer,
        'transfer': transfer,
        'callable': callable_,
        'call_date': call_date,
        'call_price': call_price,
        'description': description,
        'fee_paid': fee,
        'locked': lock,
        'status': status,
    if "integer overflow" not in status:
        sql='insert into issuances values(:tx_index, :tx_hash, :block_index, :asset, :quantity, :divisible, :source, :issuer, :transfer, :callable, :call_date, :call_price, :description, :fee_paid, :locked, :status)'
        issuance_parse_cursor.execute(sql, bindings)
        logger.warn("Not storing [issuance] tx [%s]: %s" % (tx['tx_hash'], status))
        logger.debug("Bindings: %s" % (json.dumps(bindings), ))

    # Credit.
    if status == 'valid' and quantity:, tx['source'], asset, quantity, action="issuance", event=tx['tx_hash'])

def validate(db, source, destination, asset, quantity, divisible, callable_,
             call_date, call_price, description, subasset_parent,
             subasset_longname, block_index):
    problems = []
    fee = 0

    if asset in (config.BTC, config.XCP):
        problems.append('cannot issue {} or {}'.format(config.BTC, config.XCP))

    if call_date is None: call_date = 0
    if call_price is None: call_price = 0.0
    if description is None: description = ""
    if divisible is None: divisible = True

    if isinstance(call_price, int): call_price = float(call_price)
    #^ helps especially with calls from JS‐based clients, where parseFloat(15) returns 15 (not 15.0), which json takes as an int

    if not isinstance(quantity, int):
        problems.append('quantity must be in satoshis')
        return call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, None, None
    if call_date and not isinstance(call_date, int):
        problems.append('call_date must be epoch integer')
        return call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, None, None
    if call_price and not isinstance(call_price, float):
        problems.append('call_price must be a float')
        return call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, None, None

    if quantity < 0: problems.append('negative quantity')
    if call_price < 0: problems.append('negative call price')
    if call_date < 0: problems.append('negative call date')

    # Callable, or not.
    if not callable_:
        if block_index >= 312500 or config.TESTNET:  # Protocol change.
            call_date = 0
            call_price = 0.0
        elif block_index >= 310000:  # Protocol change.
            if call_date:
                problems.append('call date for non‐callable asset')
            if call_price:
                problems.append('call price for non‐callable asset')

    # Valid re-issuance?
    cursor = db.cursor()
        '''SELECT * FROM issuances \
                      WHERE (status = ? AND asset = ?)
                      ORDER BY tx_index ASC''', ('valid', asset))
    issuances = cursor.fetchall()
    reissued_asset_longname = None
    if issuances:
        reissuance = True
        last_issuance = issuances[-1]
        reissued_asset_longname = last_issuance['asset_longname']
        issuance_locked = False
        if util.enabled('issuance_lock_fix'):
            for issuance in issuances:
                if issuance['locked']:
                    issuance_locked = True
        elif last_issuance['locked']:
            # before the issuance_lock_fix, only the last issuance was checked
            issuance_locked = True

        if last_issuance['issuer'] != source:
            problems.append('issued by another address')
        if bool(last_issuance['divisible']) != bool(divisible):
            problems.append('cannot change divisibility')
        if bool(last_issuance['callable']) != bool(callable_):
            problems.append('cannot change callability')
        if last_issuance['call_date'] > call_date and (
                call_date != 0 or
            (block_index < 312500 and not config.TESTNET)):
            problems.append('cannot advance call date')
        if last_issuance['call_price'] > call_price:
            problems.append('cannot reduce call price')
        if issuance_locked and quantity:
            problems.append('locked asset and non‐zero quantity')
        reissuance = False
        if description.lower() == 'lock':
            problems.append('cannot lock a non‐existent asset')
        if destination:
            problems.append('cannot transfer a non‐existent asset')

    # validate parent ownership for subasset
    if subasset_longname is not None:
        cursor = db.cursor()
            '''SELECT * FROM issuances \
                          WHERE (status = ? AND asset = ?)
                          ORDER BY tx_index ASC''', ('valid', subasset_parent))
        parent_issuances = cursor.fetchall()
        if parent_issuances:
            last_parent_issuance = parent_issuances[-1]
            if last_parent_issuance['issuer'] != source:
                problems.append('parent asset owned by another address')
            problems.append('parent asset not found')

    # validate subasset issuance is not a duplicate
    if subasset_longname is not None and not reissuance:
        cursor = db.cursor()
            '''SELECT * FROM assets \
                          WHERE (asset_longname = ?)''', (subasset_longname, ))
        assets = cursor.fetchall()
        if len(assets) > 0:
            problems.append('subasset already exists')

        # validate that the actual asset is numeric
        if asset[0] != 'A':
            problems.append('a subasset must be a numeric asset')

    # Check for existence of fee funds.
    if quantity or (block_index >= 315000
                    or config.TESTNET):  # Protocol change.
        if not reissuance or (
                block_index < 310000 and not config.TESTNET
        ):  # Pay fee only upon first issuance. (Protocol change.)
            cursor = db.cursor()
                '''SELECT * FROM balances \
                              WHERE (address = ? AND asset = ?)''',
                (source, config.XCP))
            balances = cursor.fetchall()
            if util.enabled('numeric_asset_names'):  # Protocol change.
                if subasset_longname is not None and util.enabled(
                        'subassets'):  # Protocol change.
                    # subasset issuance is 0.25
                    fee = int(0.25 * config.UNIT)
                elif len(asset) >= 13:
                    fee = 0
                    fee = int(0.5 * config.UNIT)
            elif block_index >= 291700 or config.TESTNET:  # Protocol change.
                fee = int(0.5 * config.UNIT)
            elif block_index >= 286000 or config.TESTNET:  # Protocol change.
                fee = 5 * config.UNIT
            elif block_index > 281236 or config.TESTNET:  # Protocol change.
                fee = 5
            if fee and (not balances or balances[0]['quantity'] < fee):
                problems.append('insufficient funds')

    if not (block_index >= 317500 or config.TESTNET):  # Protocol change.
        if len(description) > 42:
            problems.append('description too long')

    # For SQLite3
    call_date = min(call_date, config.MAX_INT)
    total = sum([issuance['quantity'] for issuance in issuances])
    assert isinstance(quantity, int)
    if total + quantity > config.MAX_INT:
        problems.append('total quantity overflow')

    if destination and quantity:
        problems.append('cannot issue and transfer simultaneously')

    # For SQLite3
    if util.enabled('integer_overflow_fix', block_index=block_index) and (
            fee > config.MAX_INT or quantity > config.MAX_INT):
        problems.append('integer overflow')

    return call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, reissuance, reissued_asset_longname
def parse(db, tx, message, message_type_id):
    issuance_parse_cursor = db.cursor()

    # Unpack message.
        subasset_longname = None
        if message_type_id == SUBASSET_ID:
            if not util.enabled('subassets', block_index=tx['block_index']):
                logger.warn("subassets are not enabled at block %s" %
                raise exceptions.UnpackError

            # parse a subasset original issuance message
            asset_id, quantity, divisible, compacted_subasset_length = struct.unpack(
            description_length = len(
                message) - SUBASSET_FORMAT_LENGTH - compacted_subasset_length
            if description_length < 0:
                logger.warn("invalid subasset length: [issuance] tx [%s]: %s" %
                            (tx['tx_hash'], compacted_subasset_length))
                raise exceptions.UnpackError
            messages_format = '>{}s{}s'.format(compacted_subasset_length,
            compacted_subasset_longname, description = struct.unpack(
                messages_format, message[SUBASSET_FORMAT_LENGTH:])
            subasset_longname = util.expand_subasset_longname(
            callable_, call_date, call_price = False, 0, 0.0
                description = description.decode('utf-8')
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                description = ''
        elif (tx['block_index'] > 283271 or
              config.TESTNET) and len(message) >= LENGTH_2:  # Protocol change.
            if len(message) - LENGTH_2 <= 42:
                curr_format = FORMAT_2 + '{}p'.format(len(message) - LENGTH_2)
                curr_format = FORMAT_2 + '{}s'.format(len(message) - LENGTH_2)
            asset_id, quantity, divisible, callable_, call_date, call_price, description = struct.unpack(
                curr_format, message)

            call_price = round(call_price, 6)  # TODO: arbitrary
                description = description.decode('utf-8')
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                description = ''
            if len(message) != LENGTH_1:
                raise exceptions.UnpackError
            asset_id, quantity, divisible = struct.unpack(FORMAT_1, message)
            callable_, call_date, call_price, description = False, 0, 0.0, ''
            asset = util.generate_asset_name(asset_id, tx['block_index'])
        except exceptions.AssetNameError:
            asset = None
            status = 'invalid: bad asset name'
        status = 'valid'
    except exceptions.UnpackError as e:
        asset, quantity, divisible, callable_, call_date, call_price, description = None, None, None, None, None, None, None
        status = 'invalid: could not unpack'

    # parse and validate the subasset from the message
    subasset_parent = None
    if status == 'valid' and subasset_longname is not None:  # Protocol change.
            # ensure the subasset_longname is valid
            subasset_parent, subasset_longname = util.parse_subasset_from_asset_name(
        except exceptions.AssetNameError as e:
            asset = None
            status = 'invalid: bad subasset name'

    reissuance = None
    fee = 0
    if status == 'valid':
        call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, reissuance, reissued_asset_longname = validate(

        if problems: status = 'invalid: ' + '; '.join(problems)
        if not util.enabled('integer_overflow_fix',
                            ) and 'total quantity overflow' in problems:
            quantity = 0

    if tx['destination']:
        issuer = tx['destination']
        transfer = True
        quantity = 0
        issuer = tx['source']
        transfer = False

    # Debit fee.
    if status == 'valid':
                   action="issuance fee",

    # Lock?
    lock = False
    if status == 'valid':
        if description and description.lower() == 'lock':
            lock = True
            cursor = db.cursor()
            issuances = list(
                    '''SELECT * FROM issuances \
                                               WHERE (status = ? AND asset = ?)
                                               ORDER BY tx_index ASC''',
                    ('valid', asset)))
            description = issuances[-1][
                'description']  # Use last description. (Assume previous issuance exists because tx is valid.)
            timestamp, value_int, fee_fraction_int = None, None, None

        if not reissuance:
            # Add to table of assets.
            bindings = {
                'asset_id': str(asset_id),
                'asset_name': str(asset),
                'block_index': tx['block_index'],
                'asset_longname': subasset_longname,
            sql = 'insert into assets values(:asset_id, :asset_name, :block_index, :asset_longname)'
            issuance_parse_cursor.execute(sql, bindings)

    if status == 'valid' and reissuance:
        # when reissuing, add the asset_longname to the issuances table for API lookups
        asset_longname = reissued_asset_longname
        asset_longname = subasset_longname

    # Add parsed transaction to message-type–specific table.
    bindings = {
        'tx_index': tx['tx_index'],
        'tx_hash': tx['tx_hash'],
        'block_index': tx['block_index'],
        'asset': asset,
        'quantity': quantity,
        'divisible': divisible,
        'source': tx['source'],
        'issuer': issuer,
        'transfer': transfer,
        'callable': callable_,
        'call_date': call_date,
        'call_price': call_price,
        'description': description,
        'fee_paid': fee,
        'locked': lock,
        'status': status,
        'asset_longname': asset_longname,
    if "integer overflow" not in status:
        sql = 'insert into issuances values(:tx_index, :tx_hash, :block_index, :asset, :quantity, :divisible, :source, :issuer, :transfer, :callable, :call_date, :call_price, :description, :fee_paid, :locked, :status, :asset_longname)'
        issuance_parse_cursor.execute(sql, bindings)
        logger.warn("Not storing [issuance] tx [%s]: %s" %
                    (tx['tx_hash'], status))
        logger.debug("Bindings: %s" % (json.dumps(bindings), ))

    # Credit.
    if status == 'valid' and quantity:,

def compose(db, source, transfer_destination, asset, quantity, divisible,

    # Callability is deprecated, so for re‐issuances set relevant parameters
    # to old values; for first issuances, make uncallable.
    cursor = db.cursor()
        '''SELECT * FROM issuances \
                      WHERE (status = ? AND asset = ?)
                      ORDER BY tx_index ASC''', ('valid', asset))
    issuances = cursor.fetchall()
    if issuances:
        last_issuance = issuances[-1]
        callable_ = last_issuance['callable']
        call_date = last_issuance['call_date']
        call_price = last_issuance['call_price']
        callable_ = False
        call_date = 0
        call_price = 0.0

    # check subasset
    subasset_parent = None
    subasset_longname = None
    if util.enabled('subassets'):  # Protocol change.
        subasset_parent, subasset_longname = util.parse_subasset_from_asset_name(
        if subasset_longname is not None:
            # try to find an existing subasset
            sa_cursor = db.cursor()
                '''SELECT * FROM assets \
                              WHERE (asset_longname = ?)''',
                (subasset_longname, ))
            assets = sa_cursor.fetchall()
            if len(assets) > 0:
                # this is a reissuance
                asset = assets[0]['asset_name']
                # this is a new issuance
                #   generate a random numeric asset id which will map to this subasset
                asset = util.generate_random_asset()

    call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, reissuance, reissued_asset_longname = validate(
        db, source, transfer_destination, asset, quantity, divisible,
        callable_, call_date, call_price, description, subasset_parent,
        subasset_longname, util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    asset_id = util.generate_asset_id(asset, util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)
    if subasset_longname is None or reissuance:
        # Type 20 standard issuance FORMAT_2 >QQ??If
        #   used for standard issuances and all reissuances
        data = message_type.pack(ID)
        if len(description) <= 42:
            curr_format = FORMAT_2 + '{}p'.format(len(description) + 1)
            curr_format = FORMAT_2 + '{}s'.format(len(description))
        data += struct.pack(curr_format, asset_id, quantity,
                            1 if divisible else 0, 1 if callable_ else 0,
                            call_date or 0, call_price or 0.0,
        # Type 21 subasset issuance SUBASSET_FORMAT >QQ?B
        #   Used only for initial subasset issuance
        # compacts a subasset name to save space
        compacted_subasset_longname = util.compact_subasset_longname(
        compacted_subasset_length = len(compacted_subasset_longname)
        data = message_type.pack(SUBASSET_ID)
        curr_format = SUBASSET_FORMAT + '{}s'.format(
            compacted_subasset_length) + '{}s'.format(len(description))
        data += struct.pack(curr_format, asset_id, quantity,
                            1 if divisible else 0, compacted_subasset_length,

    if transfer_destination:
        destination_outputs = [(transfer_destination, None)]
        destination_outputs = []
    return (source, destination_outputs, data)
def get_tx_info2(tx_hex, block_parser=None):
    """Get multisig transaction info.
    The destinations, if they exists, always comes before the data output; the
    change, if it exists, always comes after.
    # Decode transaction binary.
    ctx = backend.deserialize(tx_hex)

    def arc4_decrypt(cyphertext):
        '''Un‐obfuscate. Initialise key once per attempt.'''
        key =[0].prevout.hash[::-1])
        return key.decrypt(cyphertext)

    def get_opreturn(asm):
        if len(asm) == 2 and asm[0] == 'OP_RETURN':
            pubkeyhash = asm[1]
            if type(pubkeyhash) == bytes:
                return pubkeyhash
        raise DecodeError('invalid OP_RETURN')

    def decode_opreturn(asm):
        chunk = get_opreturn(asm)
        chunk = arc4_decrypt(chunk)
        if chunk[:len(config.PREFIX)] == config.PREFIX:             # Data
            destination, data = None, chunk[len(config.PREFIX):]
            raise DecodeError('unrecognised OP_RETURN output')

        return destination, data

    def decode_checksig(asm):
        pubkeyhash = script.get_checksig(asm)
        chunk = arc4_decrypt(pubkeyhash)
        if chunk[1:len(config.PREFIX) + 1] == config.PREFIX:        # Data
            # Padding byte in each output (instead of just in the last one) so that encoding methods may be mixed. Also, it’s just not very much data.
            chunk_length = chunk[0]
            chunk = chunk[1:chunk_length + 1]
            destination, data = None, chunk[len(config.PREFIX):]
        else:                                                       # Destination
            pubkeyhash = binascii.hexlify(pubkeyhash).decode('utf-8')
            destination, data = script.base58_check_encode(pubkeyhash, config.ADDRESSVERSION), None

        return destination, data

    def decode_checkmultisig(asm):
        pubkeys, signatures_required = script.get_checkmultisig(asm)
        chunk = b''
        for pubkey in pubkeys[:-1]:     # (No data in last pubkey.)
            chunk += pubkey[1:-1]       # Skip sign byte and nonce byte.
        chunk = arc4_decrypt(chunk)
        if chunk[1:len(config.PREFIX) + 1] == config.PREFIX:        # Data
            # Padding byte in each output (instead of just in the last one) so that encoding methods may be mixed. Also, it’s just not very much data.
            chunk_length = chunk[0]
            chunk = chunk[1:chunk_length + 1]
            destination, data = None, chunk[len(config.PREFIX):]
        else:                                                       # Destination
            pubkeyhashes = [script.pubkey_to_pubkeyhash(pubkey) for pubkey in pubkeys]
            destination, data = script.construct_array(signatures_required, pubkeyhashes, len(pubkeyhashes)), None

        return destination, data

    # Ignore coinbase transactions.
    if ctx.is_coinbase():
        raise DecodeError('coinbase transaction')

    # Get destinations and data outputs.
    destinations, btc_amount, fee, data = [], 0, 0, b''
    for vout in ctx.vout:
        # Fee is the input values minus output values.
        output_value = vout.nValue
        fee -= output_value

        # Ignore transactions with invalid script.
          asm = script.get_asm(vout.scriptPubKey)
        except CScriptInvalidError as e:
          raise DecodeError(e)

        if asm[0] == 'OP_RETURN':
            new_destination, new_data = decode_opreturn(asm)
        elif asm[-1] == 'OP_CHECKSIG':
            new_destination, new_data = decode_checksig(asm)
        elif asm[-1] == 'OP_CHECKMULTISIG':
            new_destination, new_data = decode_checkmultisig(asm)
            raise DecodeError('unrecognised output type')
        assert not (new_destination and new_data)
        assert new_destination != None or new_data != None  # `decode_*()` should never return `None, None`.

        if util.enabled('null_data_check'):
            if new_data == []:
                raise DecodeError('new destination is `None`')

        # All destinations come before all data.
        if not data and not new_data and destinations != [config.UNSPENDABLE,]:
            btc_amount += output_value
            if new_destination:     # Change.
            else:                   # Data.
                data += new_data

    # Only look for source if data were found or destination is `UNSPENDABLE`,
    # for speed.
    if not data and destinations != [config.UNSPENDABLE,]:
        raise BTCOnlyError('no data and not unspendable')

    # Collect all (unique) source addresses.
    sources = []
    for vin in[:]:                   # Loop through inputs.
        # Get the full transaction data for this input transaction.
        if block_parser:
            vin_tx = block_parser.read_raw_transaction(ib2h(vin.prevout.hash))
            vin_ctx = backend.deserialize(vin_tx['__data__'])
            vin_tx = backend.getrawtransaction(ib2h(vin.prevout.hash))
            vin_ctx = backend.deserialize(vin_tx)
        vout = vin_ctx.vout[vin.prevout.n]
        fee += vout.nValue

        asm = script.get_asm(vout.scriptPubKey)
        if asm[-1] == 'OP_CHECKSIG':
            new_source, new_data = decode_checksig(asm)
            if new_data or not new_source:
                raise DecodeError('data in source')
        elif asm[-1] == 'OP_CHECKMULTISIG':
            new_source, new_data = decode_checkmultisig(asm)
            if new_data or not new_source:
                raise DecodeError('data in source')
            raise DecodeError('unrecognised source type')

        # Collect unique sources.
        if new_source not in sources:

    sources = '-'.join(sources)
    destinations = '-'.join(destinations)
    return sources, destinations, btc_amount, round(fee), data
def parse (db, tx, message):
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # Unpack message.
        if len(message) - LENGTH <= 52:
            curr_format = FORMAT + '{}p'.format(len(message) - LENGTH)
            curr_format = FORMAT + '{}s'.format(len(message) - LENGTH)
        timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, text = struct.unpack(curr_format, message)

            text = text.decode('utf-8')
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            text = ''
        status = 'valid'
    except (struct.error) as e:
        timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, text = 0, None, 0, None
        status = 'invalid: could not unpack'

    if status == 'valid':
        # For SQLite3
        timestamp = min(timestamp, config.MAX_INT)
        value = min(value, config.MAX_INT)

        problems = validate(db, tx['source'], timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, text, tx['block_index'])
        if problems: status = 'invalid: ' + '; '.join(problems)

    # Lock?
    lock = False
    if text and text.lower() == 'lock':
        lock = True
        timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, text = 0, None, None, None
        lock = False

    # Add parsed transaction to message-type–specific table.
    bindings = {
        'tx_index': tx['tx_index'],
        'tx_hash': tx['tx_hash'],
        'block_index': tx['block_index'],
        'source': tx['source'],
        'timestamp': timestamp,
        'value': value,
        'fee_fraction_int': fee_fraction_int,
        'text': text,
        'locked': lock,
        'status': status,
    sql='insert into broadcasts values(:tx_index, :tx_hash, :block_index, :source, :timestamp, :value, :fee_fraction_int, :text, :locked, :status)'
    cursor.execute(sql, bindings)

    # Negative values (default to ignore).
    if value == None or value < 0:
        # Cancel Open Bets?
        if value == -2:
            cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM bets \
                              WHERE (status = ? AND feed_address = ?)''',
                           ('open', tx['source']))
            for i in list(cursor):
                bet.cancel_bet(db, i, 'dropped', tx['block_index'])
        # Cancel Pending Bet Matches?
        if value == -3:
            cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM bet_matches \
                              WHERE (status = ? AND feed_address = ?)''',
                           ('pending', tx['source']))
            for bet_match in list(cursor):
                bet.cancel_bet_match(db, bet_match, 'dropped', tx['block_index'])

    # Handle bet matches that use this feed.
    cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM bet_matches \
                      WHERE (status=? AND feed_address=?)
                      ORDER BY tx1_index ASC, tx0_index ASC''',
                   ('pending', tx['source']))
    for bet_match in cursor.fetchall():
        if util.enabled('max_fee_fraction'):
            if status != 'valid':

        broadcast_bet_match_cursor = db.cursor()
        bet_match_id = util.make_id(bet_match['tx0_hash'], bet_match['tx1_hash'])
        bet_match_status = None

        # Calculate total funds held in escrow and total fee to be paid if
        # the bet match is settled. Escrow less fee is amount to be paid back
        # to betters.
        total_escrow = bet_match['forward_quantity'] + bet_match['backward_quantity']
        fee_fraction = fee_fraction_int / config.UNIT
        fee = int(fee_fraction * total_escrow)              # Truncate.
        escrow_less_fee = total_escrow - fee

        # Get known bet match type IDs.
        cfd_type_id = util.BET_TYPE_ID['BullCFD'] + util.BET_TYPE_ID['BearCFD']
        equal_type_id = util.BET_TYPE_ID['Equal'] + util.BET_TYPE_ID['NotEqual']

        # Get the bet match type ID of this bet match.
        bet_match_type_id = bet_match['tx0_bet_type'] + bet_match['tx1_bet_type']

        # Contract for difference, with determinate settlement date.
        if bet_match_type_id == cfd_type_id:

            # Recognise tx0, tx1 as the bull, bear (in the right direction).
            if bet_match['tx0_bet_type'] < bet_match['tx1_bet_type']:
                bull_address = bet_match['tx0_address']
                bear_address = bet_match['tx1_address']
                bull_escrow = bet_match['forward_quantity']
                bear_escrow = bet_match['backward_quantity']
                bull_address = bet_match['tx1_address']
                bear_address = bet_match['tx0_address']
                bull_escrow = bet_match['backward_quantity']
                bear_escrow = bet_match['forward_quantity']

            leverage = Fraction(bet_match['leverage'], 5040)
            initial_value = bet_match['initial_value']

            bear_credit = bear_escrow - (value - initial_value) * leverage * config.UNIT
            bull_credit = escrow_less_fee - bear_credit
            bear_credit = round(bear_credit)
            bull_credit = round(bull_credit)

            # Liquidate, as necessary.
            if bull_credit >= escrow_less_fee or bull_credit <= 0:
                if bull_credit >= escrow_less_fee:
                    bull_credit = escrow_less_fee
                    bear_credit = 0
                    bet_match_status = 'settled: liquidated for bull'
          , bull_address, config.XCP, bull_credit, action='bet {}'.format(bet_match_status), event=tx['tx_hash'])
                elif bull_credit <= 0:
                    bull_credit = 0
                    bear_credit = escrow_less_fee
                    bet_match_status = 'settled: liquidated for bear'
          , bear_address, config.XCP, bear_credit, action='bet {}'.format(bet_match_status), event=tx['tx_hash'])

                # Pay fee to feed.
      , bet_match['feed_address'], config.XCP, fee, action='feed fee', event=tx['tx_hash'])

                # For logging purposes.
                bindings = {
                    'bet_match_id': bet_match_id,
                    'bet_match_type_id': bet_match_type_id,
                    'block_index': tx['block_index'],
                    'settled': False,
                    'bull_credit': bull_credit,
                    'bear_credit': bear_credit,
                    'winner': None,
                    'escrow_less_fee': None,
                    'fee': fee
                sql='insert into bet_match_resolutions values(:bet_match_id, :bet_match_type_id, :block_index, :settled, :bull_credit, :bear_credit, :winner, :escrow_less_fee, :fee)'
                cursor.execute(sql, bindings)

            # Settle (if not liquidated).
            elif timestamp >= bet_match['deadline']:
                bet_match_status = 'settled'

      , bull_address, config.XCP, bull_credit, action='bet {}'.format(bet_match_status), event=tx['tx_hash'])
      , bear_address, config.XCP, bear_credit, action='bet {}'.format(bet_match_status), event=tx['tx_hash'])

                # Pay fee to feed.
      , bet_match['feed_address'], config.XCP, fee, action='feed fee', event=tx['tx_hash'])

                # For logging purposes.
                bindings = {
                    'bet_match_id': bet_match_id,
                    'bet_match_type_id': bet_match_type_id,
                    'block_index': tx['block_index'],
                    'settled': True,
                    'bull_credit': bull_credit,
                    'bear_credit': bear_credit,
                    'winner': None,
                    'escrow_less_fee': None,
                    'fee': fee
                sql='insert into bet_match_resolutions values(:bet_match_id, :bet_match_type_id, :block_index, :settled, :bull_credit, :bear_credit, :winner, :escrow_less_fee, :fee)'
                cursor.execute(sql, bindings)

        # Equal[/NotEqual] bet.
        elif bet_match_type_id == equal_type_id and timestamp >= bet_match['deadline']:

            # Recognise tx0, tx1 as the bull, bear (in the right direction).
            if bet_match['tx0_bet_type'] < bet_match['tx1_bet_type']:
                equal_address = bet_match['tx0_address']
                notequal_address = bet_match['tx1_address']
                equal_address = bet_match['tx1_address']
                notequal_address = bet_match['tx0_address']

            # Decide who won, and credit appropriately.
            if value == bet_match['target_value']:
                winner = 'Equal'
                bet_match_status = 'settled: for equal'
      , equal_address, config.XCP, escrow_less_fee, action='bet {}'.format(bet_match_status), event=tx['tx_hash'])
                winner = 'NotEqual'
                bet_match_status = 'settled: for notequal'
      , notequal_address, config.XCP, escrow_less_fee, action='bet {}'.format(bet_match_status), event=tx['tx_hash'])

            # Pay fee to feed.
  , bet_match['feed_address'], config.XCP, fee, action='feed fee', event=tx['tx_hash'])

            # For logging purposes.
            bindings = {
                'bet_match_id': bet_match_id,
                'bet_match_type_id': bet_match_type_id,
                'block_index': tx['block_index'],
                'settled': None,
                'bull_credit': None,
                'bear_credit': None,
                'winner': winner,
                'escrow_less_fee': escrow_less_fee,
                'fee': fee
            sql='insert into bet_match_resolutions values(:bet_match_id, :bet_match_type_id, :block_index, :settled, :bull_credit, :bear_credit, :winner, :escrow_less_fee, :fee)'
            cursor.execute(sql, bindings)

        # Update the bet match’s status.
        if bet_match_status:
            bindings = {
                'status': bet_match_status,
                'bet_match_id': util.make_id(bet_match['tx0_hash'], bet_match['tx1_hash'])
            sql='update bet_matches set status = :status where id = :bet_match_id'
            cursor.execute(sql, bindings)
            log.message(db, tx['block_index'], 'update', 'bet_matches', bindings)


def test_bytespersigop(server_db):
    assert util.enabled('bytespersigop') == False

    # ADDR[0], bytespersigop=False, desc 41 bytes, opreturn
    txhex = api.compose_transaction(
        server_db, 'issuance',
        {'source': ADDR[0],
         'asset': 'TESTING',
         'quantity': 100,
         'transfer_destination': None,
         'divisible': False,
         'description': 't' * 41},

    tx = bitcoinlib.core.CTransaction.deserialize(binascii.unhexlify(txhex))

    assert len( == 1
    assert len(tx.vout) == 2
    assert "OP_RETURN" in repr(tx.vout[0].scriptPubKey)

    # ADDR[0], bytespersigop=False, desc 42 bytes, multisig
    txhex = api.compose_transaction(
        server_db, 'issuance',
        {'source': ADDR[0],
         'asset': 'TESTING',
         'quantity': 100,
         'transfer_destination': None,
         'divisible': False,
         'description': 't' * 42},

    tx = bitcoinlib.core.CTransaction.deserialize(binascii.unhexlify(txhex))

    assert len( == 1
    assert len(tx.vout) == 3
    assert "OP_CHECKMULTISIG" in repr(tx.vout[0].scriptPubKey)
    assert "OP_CHECKMULTISIG" in repr(tx.vout[1].scriptPubKey)

    # enable byterpersigop
    with util_test.MockProtocolChangesContext(bytespersigop=True):
        assert util.enabled('bytespersigop') == True

        # ADDR[0], bytespersigop=True, desc 41 bytes, opreturn
        txhex = api.compose_transaction(
            server_db, 'issuance',
            {'source': ADDR[0],
             'asset': 'TESTING',
             'quantity': 100,
             'transfer_destination': None,
             'divisible': False,
             'description': 't' * 41},

        tx = bitcoinlib.core.CTransaction.deserialize(binascii.unhexlify(txhex))

        assert len( == 1
        assert len(tx.vout) == 2
        assert "OP_RETURN" in repr(tx.vout[0].scriptPubKey)

        # ADDR[0], bytespersigop=True, desc 42 bytes, pubkeyhash encoding
        #  pubkeyhash because ADDR[0] only has 1 UTXO to spend from
        txhex = api.compose_transaction(
            server_db, 'issuance',
            {'source': ADDR[0],
             'asset': 'TESTING',
             'quantity': 100,
             'transfer_destination': None,
             'divisible': False,
             'description': 't' * 42},

        tx = bitcoinlib.core.CTransaction.deserialize(binascii.unhexlify(txhex))

        assert len( == 1
        assert len(tx.vout) == 8
        for i in range(7):
            assert "OP_CHECKSIG" in repr(tx.vout[i].scriptPubKey)

        # ADDR[0], bytespersigop=True, desc 20 bytes, FORCED multisig encoding
        #  will error because it's not possible, ADDR[0] only has 1 UTXO
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.EncodingError):
            txhex = api.compose_transaction(
                server_db, 'issuance',
                {'source': ADDR[0],
                 'asset': 'TESTING',
                 'quantity': 100,
                 'transfer_destination': None,
                 'divisible': False,
             'description': 't' * 20},

        # ADDR[1], bytespersigop=True, desc 41 bytes, opreturn encoding
        txhex = api.compose_transaction(
            server_db, 'issuance',
            {'source': ADDR[1],
             'asset': 'TESTING',
             'quantity': 100,
             'transfer_destination': None,
             'divisible': False,
             'description': 't' * 41},

        tx = bitcoinlib.core.CTransaction.deserialize(binascii.unhexlify(txhex))

        assert len( == 1
        assert len(tx.vout) == 2
        assert "OP_RETURN" in repr(tx.vout[0].scriptPubKey)

        # ADDR[1], bytespersigop=True, desc 20 bytes, FORCED encoding=multisig
        #  will use 2 UTXOs to make the bytes:sigop ratio in our favor
        txhex = api.compose_transaction(
            server_db, 'issuance',
            {'source': ADDR[1],
             'asset': 'TESTING',
             'quantity': 100,
             'transfer_destination': None,
             'divisible': False,
             'description': 't' * 20},

        tx = bitcoinlib.core.CTransaction.deserialize(binascii.unhexlify(txhex))

        assert len( == 2
        assert len(tx.vout) == 2
        assert "OP_CHECKMULTISIG" in repr(tx.vout[0].scriptPubKey)
def parse (db, tx, message):
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # Unpack message.
        if len(message) != LENGTH:
            raise exceptions.UnpackError
        tx0_hash_bytes, tx1_hash_bytes = struct.unpack(FORMAT, message)
        tx0_hash, tx1_hash = binascii.hexlify(tx0_hash_bytes).decode('utf-8'), binascii.hexlify(tx1_hash_bytes).decode('utf-8')
        order_match_id = util.make_id(tx0_hash, tx1_hash)
        status = 'valid'
    except (exceptions.UnpackError, struct.error) as e:
        tx0_hash, tx1_hash, order_match_id = None, None, None
        status = 'invalid: could not unpack'

    if status == 'valid':
        destination, btc_quantity, escrowed_asset, escrowed_quantity, order_match, problems = validate(db, tx['source'], order_match_id, tx['block_index'])
        if problems:
            order_match = None
            status = 'invalid: ' + '; '.join(problems)

    if status == 'valid':
        # BTC must be paid all at once.
        if tx['btc_amount'] >= btc_quantity:

            # Credit source address for the currency that he bought with the bitcoins.
  , tx['source'], escrowed_asset, escrowed_quantity, action='btcpay', event=tx['tx_hash'])
            status = 'valid'

            # Update order match.
            bindings = {
                'status': 'completed',
                'order_match_id': order_match_id
            sql='update order_matches set status = :status where id = :order_match_id'
            cursor.execute(sql, bindings)
            log.message(db, tx['block_index'], 'update', 'order_matches', bindings)

            # Update give and get order status as filled if order_match is completed
            if util.enabled('btc_order_filled'):
                bindings = {
                    'status': 'pending',
                    'tx0_hash': tx0_hash,
                    'tx1_hash': tx1_hash
                sql='select * from order_matches where status = :status and ((tx0_hash in (:tx0_hash, :tx1_hash)) or ((tx1_hash in (:tx0_hash, :tx1_hash))))'
                cursor.execute(sql, bindings)
                order_matches = cursor.fetchall()
                if len(order_matches) == 0:
                    # mark both btc get and give orders as filled when order_match is completed and give or get remaining = 0
                    bindings = {
                        'status': 'filled',
                        'tx0_hash': tx0_hash,
                        'tx1_hash': tx1_hash
                    sql='update orders set status = :status where ((tx_hash in (:tx0_hash, :tx1_hash)) and ((give_remaining = 0) or (get_remaining = 0)))'
                    cursor.execute(sql, bindings)
                    # always mark btc get order as filled when order_match is completed and give or get remaining = 0
                    bindings = {
                        'status': 'filled',
                        'source': tx['destination'],
                        'tx0_hash': tx0_hash,
                        'tx1_hash': tx1_hash
                    sql='update orders set status = :status where ((tx_hash in (:tx0_hash, :tx1_hash)) and ((give_remaining = 0) or (get_remaining = 0)) and (source = :source))'
                    cursor.execute(sql, bindings)

    # Add parsed transaction to message-type–specific table.
    bindings = {
        'tx_index': tx['tx_index'],
        'tx_hash': tx['tx_hash'],
        'block_index': tx['block_index'],
        'source': tx['source'],
        'destination': tx['destination'],
        'btc_amount': tx['btc_amount'],
        'order_match_id': order_match_id,
        'status': status,
    if "integer overflow" not in status:
        sql = 'insert into btcpays values(:tx_index, :tx_hash, :block_index, :source, :destination, :btc_amount, :order_match_id, :status)'
        cursor.execute(sql, bindings)
        logger.warn("Not storing [btcpay] tx [%s]: %s" % (tx['tx_hash'], status))
        logger.debug("Bindings: %s" % (json.dumps(bindings), ))

def construct (db, tx_info, encoding='auto',
               estimate_fee_per_kb=None, estimate_fee_per_kb_nblocks=config.ESTIMATE_FEE_NBLOCKS,
               exact_fee=None, fee_provided=0, provided_pubkeys=None, dust_return_pubkey=None,
               allow_unconfirmed_inputs=False, unspent_tx_hash=None, custom_inputs=None, disable_utxo_locks=False):

    if estimate_fee_per_kb is None:
        estimate_fee_per_kb = config.ESTIMATE_FEE_PER_KB

    global UTXO_LOCKS

    desired_encoding = encoding
    (source, destination_outputs, data) = tx_info

    if dust_return_pubkey:
        dust_return_pubkey = binascii.unhexlify(dust_return_pubkey)

    # Source.
        # If public key is necessary for construction of (unsigned)
        # transaction, use the public key provided, or find it from the
        # blockchain.
    if source:

    source_is_p2sh = script.is_p2sh(source)

    # Sanity checks.
    if exact_fee and not isinstance(exact_fee, int):
        raise exceptions.TransactionError('Exact fees must be in satoshis.')
    if not isinstance(fee_provided, int):
        raise exceptions.TransactionError('Fee provided must be in satoshis.')

    if UTXO_LOCKS is None and config.UTXO_LOCKS_MAX_ADDRESSES > 0:  # initialize if configured
        UTXO_LOCKS = util.DictCache(size=config.UTXO_LOCKS_MAX_ADDRESSES)


    # Destination outputs.
        # Replace multi‐sig addresses with multi‐sig pubkeys. Check that the
        # destination output isn’t a dust output. Set null values to dust size.
    destination_outputs_new = []
    for (address, value) in destination_outputs:

        # Value.
        if script.is_multisig(address):
            dust_size = multisig_dust_size
            dust_size = regular_dust_size
        if value == None:
            value = dust_size
        elif value < dust_size:
            raise exceptions.TransactionError('Destination output is dust.')

        # Address.
        if script.is_multisig(address):
            destination_outputs_new.append((backend.multisig_pubkeyhashes_to_pubkeys(address, provided_pubkeys), value))
            destination_outputs_new.append((address, value))

    destination_outputs = destination_outputs_new
    destination_btc_out = sum([value for address, value in destination_outputs])


    if data:
        # Data encoding methods (choose and validate).
        if encoding == 'auto':
            if len(data) + len(config.PREFIX) <= config.OP_RETURN_MAX_SIZE:
                encoding = 'opreturn'
                encoding = 'multisig'

        elif encoding not in ('pubkeyhash', 'multisig', 'opreturn'):
            raise exceptions.TransactionError('Unknown encoding‐scheme.')

        if encoding == 'multisig':
            # dust_return_pubkey should be set or explicitly set to False to use the default configured for the node
            #  the default for the node is optional so could fail
            if (source_is_p2sh and dust_return_pubkey is None) or (dust_return_pubkey is False and config.P2SH_DUST_RETURN_PUBKEY is None):
                raise exceptions.TransactionError("Can't use multisig encoding when source is P2SH and no dust_return_pubkey is provided.")
            elif dust_return_pubkey is False:
                dust_return_pubkey = binascii.unhexlify(config.P2SH_DUST_RETURN_PUBKEY)

        # Divide data into chunks.
        if encoding == 'pubkeyhash':
            # Prefix is also a suffix here.
            chunk_size = 20 - 1 - 8
        elif encoding == 'multisig':
            # Two pubkeys, minus length byte, minus prefix, minus two nonces,
            # minus two sign bytes.
            chunk_size = (33 * 2) - 1 - 8 - 2 - 2
        elif encoding == 'opreturn':
            chunk_size = config.OP_RETURN_MAX_SIZE
            if len(data) + len(config.PREFIX) > chunk_size:
                raise exceptions.TransactionError('One `OP_RETURN` output per transaction.')
        data_array = list(chunks(data, chunk_size))

        # Data outputs.
        if encoding == 'multisig':
            data_value = multisig_dust_size
        elif encoding == 'opreturn':
            data_value = op_return_value
            # Pay‐to‐PubKeyHash, e.g.
            data_value = regular_dust_size
        data_output = (data_array, data_value)

        if not dust_return_pubkey:
            if encoding == 'multisig':
                dust_return_pubkey = get_dust_return_pubkey(source, provided_pubkeys, encoding)
                dust_return_pubkey = None
        data_array = []
        data_output = None
        dust_return_pubkey = None

    data_btc_out = sum([data_value for data_chunk in data_array])


    # Calculate collective size of outputs, for fee calculation.
    p2pkhsize = 25 + 9
    if encoding == 'multisig':
        data_output_size = 81       # 71 for the data
    elif encoding == 'opreturn':
        data_output_size = 90       # 80 for the data
        data_output_size = p2pkhsize   # Pay‐to‐PubKeyHash (25 for the data?)
    outputs_size = (p2pkhsize * len(destination_outputs)) + (len(data_array) * data_output_size)

    # Get inputs.
    multisig_inputs = not data

    use_inputs = custom_inputs  # Array of UTXOs, as retrieved by listunspent function from bitcoind
    if custom_inputs is None:
        if unspent_tx_hash is not None:
            unspent = backend.get_unspent_txouts(source, unconfirmed=allow_unconfirmed_inputs, unspent_tx_hash=unspent_tx_hash, multisig_inputs=multisig_inputs)
            unspent = backend.get_unspent_txouts(source, unconfirmed=allow_unconfirmed_inputs, multisig_inputs=multisig_inputs)

        # filter out any locked UTXOs to prevent creating transactions that spend the same UTXO when they're created at the same time
        if UTXO_LOCKS is not None and source in UTXO_LOCKS:
            unspentkeys = {make_outkey(output) for output in unspent}
            filtered_unspentkeys = unspentkeys - UTXO_LOCKS[source].keys()
            unspent = [output for output in unspent if make_outkey(output) in filtered_unspentkeys]

        unspent = backend.sort_unspent_txouts(unspent)
        logger.debug('Sorted candidate UTXOs: {}'.format([print_coin(coin) for coin in unspent]))
        use_inputs = unspent

    # use backend estimated fee_per_kb
    if estimate_fee_per_kb:
        estimated_fee_per_kb = backend.fee_per_kb(estimate_fee_per_kb_nblocks)
        if estimated_fee_per_kb is not None:
            fee_per_kb = max(estimated_fee_per_kb, fee_per_kb)  # never drop below the default fee_per_kb

    logger.debug('Fee/KB {:.8f}'.format(fee_per_kb / config.UNIT))

    inputs = []
    btc_in = 0
    change_quantity = 0
    sufficient_funds = False
    final_fee = fee_per_kb
    desired_input_count = 1

    if encoding == 'multisig' and data_array and util.enabled('bytespersigop'):
        desired_input_count = len(data_array) * 2

    for coin in use_inputs:
        logger.debug('New input: {}'.format(print_coin(coin)))
        btc_in += round(coin['amount'] * config.UNIT)

        size = 181 * len(inputs) + outputs_size + 10
        necessary_fee = int(size / 1000 * fee_per_kb)

        # If exact fee is specified, use that. Otherwise, calculate size of tx
        # and base fee on that (plus provide a minimum fee for selling BTC).
        if exact_fee:
            final_fee = exact_fee
            final_fee = max(fee_provided, necessary_fee)

        # Check if good.
        btc_out = destination_btc_out + data_btc_out
        change_quantity = btc_in - (btc_out + final_fee)
        logger.debug('Size: {} Fee: {:.8f} Change quantity: {:.8f} BTC'.format(size, final_fee / config.UNIT, change_quantity / config.UNIT))
        # If change is necessary, must not be a dust output.
        if change_quantity == 0 or change_quantity >= regular_dust_size:
            sufficient_funds = True
            if len(inputs) >= desired_input_count:

    if not sufficient_funds:
        # Approximate needed change, fee by with most recently calculated
        # quantities.
        btc_out = destination_btc_out + data_btc_out
        total_btc_out = btc_out + max(change_quantity, 0) + final_fee
        raise exceptions.BalanceError('Insufficient {} at address {}. (Need approximately {} {}.) To spend unconfirmed coins, use the flag `--unconfirmed`. (Unconfirmed coins cannot be spent from multi‐sig addresses.)'.format(config.BTC, source, total_btc_out / config.UNIT, config.BTC))

    # Lock the source's inputs (UTXOs) chosen for this transaction
    if UTXO_LOCKS is not None and not disable_utxo_locks:
        if source not in UTXO_LOCKS:
            UTXO_LOCKS[source] = cachetools.TTLCache(

        for input in inputs:
            UTXO_LOCKS[source][make_outkey(input)] = input

        logger.debug("UTXO locks: Potentials ({}): {}, Used: {}, locked UTXOs: {}".format(
            len(unspent), [make_outkey(coin) for coin in unspent],
            [make_outkey(input) for input in inputs], list(UTXO_LOCKS[source].keys())))


    # Change output.
    if change_quantity:
        if script.is_multisig(source):
            change_address = backend.multisig_pubkeyhashes_to_pubkeys(source, provided_pubkeys)
            change_address = source
        change_output = (change_address, change_quantity)
        change_output = None

    # in bitcoin core v0.12.1 a -bytespersigop was added that messes with bare multisig transactions,
    #  as a safeguard we fall back to pubkeyhash encoding when unsure
    # when len(inputs) > len(data_outputs) there's more bytes:sigops ratio and we can safely continue
    if encoding == 'multisig' and inputs and data_output and len(inputs) < len(data_array) * 2 and util.enabled('bytespersigop'):
        # if auto encoding we can do pubkeyhash encoding instead
        if desired_encoding == 'auto':
            return construct(db, tx_info,
                             exact_fee=exact_fee, fee_provided=fee_provided, provided_pubkeys=provided_pubkeys,
                             allow_unconfirmed_inputs=allow_unconfirmed_inputs, unspent_tx_hash=unspent_tx_hash, custom_inputs=custom_inputs)
        # otherwise raise exception
            raise exceptions.EncodingError("multisig will be rejected by Bitcoin Core >= v0.12.1, you should use `encoding=auto` or `encoding=pubkeyhash`")

    # Serialise inputs and outputs.
    unsigned_tx = serialise(encoding, inputs, destination_outputs,
                            data_output, change_output,
    unsigned_tx_hex = binascii.hexlify(unsigned_tx).decode('utf-8')

    '''Sanity Check'''

    from counterpartylib.lib import blocks

    # Desired transaction info.
    (desired_source, desired_destination_outputs, desired_data) = tx_info
    desired_source = script.make_canonical(desired_source)
    desired_destination = script.make_canonical(desired_destination_outputs[0][0]) if desired_destination_outputs else ''
    # NOTE: Include change in destinations for BTC transactions.
    # if change_output and not desired_data and desired_destination != config.UNSPENDABLE:
    #    if desired_destination == '':
    #        desired_destination = desired_source
    #    else:
    #        desired_destination += '-{}'.format(desired_source)
    # NOTE
    if desired_data == None:
        desired_data = b''

    # Parsed transaction info.
        parsed_source, parsed_destination, x, y, parsed_data = blocks._get_tx_info(unsigned_tx_hex)
    except exceptions.BTCOnlyError:
        # Skip BTC‐only transactions.
        return unsigned_tx_hex
    desired_source = script.make_canonical(desired_source)

    # Check desired info against parsed info.
    desired = (desired_source, desired_destination, desired_data)
    parsed = (parsed_source, parsed_destination, parsed_data)
    if desired != parsed:
        # Unlock (revert) UTXO locks
        if UTXO_LOCKS is not None:
            for input in inputs:
                UTXO_LOCKS[source].pop(make_outkey(input), None)

        raise exceptions.TransactionError('Constructed transaction does not parse correctly: {} ≠ {}'.format(desired, parsed))

    return unsigned_tx_hex
def compose (db, source, transfer_destination, asset, quantity, divisible, description):

    # Callability is deprecated, so for re‐issuances set relevant parameters
    # to old values; for first issuances, make uncallable.
    cursor = db.cursor()
    cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM issuances \
                      WHERE (status = ? AND asset = ?)
                      ORDER BY tx_index ASC''', ('valid', asset))
    issuances = cursor.fetchall()
    if issuances:
        last_issuance = issuances[-1]
        callable_ = last_issuance['callable']
        call_date = last_issuance['call_date']
        call_price = last_issuance['call_price']
        callable_ = False
        call_date = 0
        call_price = 0.0

    # check subasset
    subasset_parent = None
    subasset_longname = None
    if util.enabled('subassets'): # Protocol change.
        subasset_parent, subasset_longname = util.parse_subasset_from_asset_name(asset)
        if subasset_longname is not None:
            # try to find an existing subasset
            sa_cursor = db.cursor()
            sa_cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM assets \
                              WHERE (asset_longname = ?)''', (subasset_longname,))
            assets = sa_cursor.fetchall()
            if len(assets) > 0:
                # this is a reissuance
                asset = assets[0]['asset_name']
                # this is a new issuance
                #   generate a random numeric asset id which will map to this subasset
                asset = util.generate_random_asset()

    call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, reissuance, reissued_asset_longname = validate(db, source, transfer_destination, asset, quantity, divisible, callable_, call_date, call_price, description, subasset_parent, subasset_longname, util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    asset_id = util.generate_asset_id(asset, util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)
    if subasset_longname is None or reissuance:
        # Type 20 standard issuance FORMAT_2 >QQ??If
        #   used for standard issuances and all reissuances
        data = message_type.pack(ID)
        if len(description) <= 42:
            curr_format = FORMAT_2 + '{}p'.format(len(description) + 1)
            curr_format = FORMAT_2 + '{}s'.format(len(description))
        data += struct.pack(curr_format, asset_id, quantity, 1 if divisible else 0, 1 if callable_ else 0,
            call_date or 0, call_price or 0.0, description.encode('utf-8'))
        # Type 21 subasset issuance SUBASSET_FORMAT >QQ?B
        #   Used only for initial subasset issuance
        # compacts a subasset name to save space
        compacted_subasset_longname = util.compact_subasset_longname(subasset_longname)
        compacted_subasset_length = len(compacted_subasset_longname)
        data = message_type.pack(SUBASSET_ID)
        curr_format = SUBASSET_FORMAT + '{}s'.format(compacted_subasset_length) + '{}s'.format(len(description))
        data += struct.pack(curr_format, asset_id, quantity, 1 if divisible else 0, compacted_subasset_length, compacted_subasset_longname, description.encode('utf-8'))

    if transfer_destination:
        destination_outputs = [(transfer_destination, None)]
        destination_outputs = []
    return (source, destination_outputs, data)
def parse (db, tx, message, message_type_id):
    issuance_parse_cursor = db.cursor()

    # Unpack message.
        subasset_longname = None
        if message_type_id == SUBASSET_ID:
            if not util.enabled('subassets', block_index=tx['block_index']):
                logger.warn("subassets are not enabled at block %s" % tx['block_index'])
                raise exceptions.UnpackError

            # parse a subasset original issuance message
            asset_id, quantity, divisible, compacted_subasset_length = struct.unpack(SUBASSET_FORMAT, message[0:SUBASSET_FORMAT_LENGTH])
            description_length = len(message) - SUBASSET_FORMAT_LENGTH - compacted_subasset_length
            if description_length < 0:
                logger.warn("invalid subasset length: [issuance] tx [%s]: %s" % (tx['tx_hash'], compacted_subasset_length))
                raise exceptions.UnpackError
            messages_format = '>{}s{}s'.format(compacted_subasset_length, description_length)
            compacted_subasset_longname, description = struct.unpack(messages_format, message[SUBASSET_FORMAT_LENGTH:])
            subasset_longname = util.expand_subasset_longname(compacted_subasset_longname)
            callable_, call_date, call_price = False, 0, 0.0
                description = description.decode('utf-8')
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                description = ''
        elif (tx['block_index'] > 283271 or config.TESTNET or config.REGTEST) and len(message) >= LENGTH_2: # Protocol change.
            if len(message) - LENGTH_2 <= 42:
                curr_format = FORMAT_2 + '{}p'.format(len(message) - LENGTH_2)
                curr_format = FORMAT_2 + '{}s'.format(len(message) - LENGTH_2)
            asset_id, quantity, divisible, callable_, call_date, call_price, description = struct.unpack(curr_format, message)

            call_price = round(call_price, 6) # TODO: arbitrary
                description = description.decode('utf-8')
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                description = ''
            if len(message) != LENGTH_1:
                raise exceptions.UnpackError
            asset_id, quantity, divisible = struct.unpack(FORMAT_1, message)
            callable_, call_date, call_price, description = False, 0, 0.0, ''
            asset = util.generate_asset_name(asset_id, tx['block_index'])
            status = 'valid'
        except exceptions.AssetIDError:
            asset = None
            status = 'invalid: bad asset name'
    except exceptions.UnpackError as e:
        asset, quantity, divisible, callable_, call_date, call_price, description = None, None, None, None, None, None, None
        status = 'invalid: could not unpack'

    # parse and validate the subasset from the message
    subasset_parent = None
    if status == 'valid' and subasset_longname is not None: # Protocol change.
            # ensure the subasset_longname is valid
            subasset_parent, subasset_longname = util.parse_subasset_from_asset_name(subasset_longname)
        except exceptions.AssetNameError as e:
            asset = None
            status = 'invalid: bad subasset name'

    reissuance = None
    fee = 0
    if status == 'valid':
        call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, reissuance, reissued_asset_longname = validate(db, tx['source'], tx['destination'], asset, quantity, divisible, callable_, call_date, call_price, description, subasset_parent, subasset_longname, block_index=tx['block_index'])

        if problems: status = 'invalid: ' + '; '.join(problems)
        if not util.enabled('integer_overflow_fix', block_index=tx['block_index']) and 'total quantity overflow' in problems:
            quantity = 0

    if tx['destination']:
        issuer = tx['destination']
        transfer = True
        quantity = 0
        issuer = tx['source']
        transfer = False

    # Debit fee.
    if status == 'valid':
        util.debit(db, tx['source'], config.XCP, fee, action="issuance fee", event=tx['tx_hash'])

    # Lock?
    lock = False
    if status == 'valid':
        if description and description.lower() == 'lock':
            lock = True
            cursor = db.cursor()
            issuances = list(cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM issuances \
                                               WHERE (status = ? AND asset = ?)
                                               ORDER BY tx_index ASC''', ('valid', asset)))
            description = issuances[-1]['description']  # Use last description. (Assume previous issuance exists because tx is valid.)
            timestamp, value_int, fee_fraction_int = None, None, None

        if not reissuance:
            # Add to table of assets.
            bindings= {
                'asset_id': str(asset_id),
                'asset_name': str(asset),
                'block_index': tx['block_index'],
                'asset_longname': subasset_longname,
            sql='insert into assets values(:asset_id, :asset_name, :block_index, :asset_longname)'
            issuance_parse_cursor.execute(sql, bindings)

    if status == 'valid' and reissuance:
        # when reissuing, add the asset_longname to the issuances table for API lookups
        asset_longname = reissued_asset_longname
        asset_longname = subasset_longname

    # Add parsed transaction to message-type–specific table.
    bindings= {
        'tx_index': tx['tx_index'],
        'tx_hash': tx['tx_hash'],
        'block_index': tx['block_index'],
        'asset': asset,
        'quantity': quantity,
        'divisible': divisible,
        'source': tx['source'],
        'issuer': issuer,
        'transfer': transfer,
        'callable': callable_,
        'call_date': call_date,
        'call_price': call_price,
        'description': description,
        'fee_paid': fee,
        'locked': lock,
        'status': status,
        'asset_longname': asset_longname,
    if "integer overflow" not in status:
        sql='insert into issuances values(:tx_index, :tx_hash, :block_index, :asset, :quantity, :divisible, :source, :issuer, :transfer, :callable, :call_date, :call_price, :description, :fee_paid, :locked, :status, :asset_longname)'
        issuance_parse_cursor.execute(sql, bindings)
        logger.warn("Not storing [issuance] tx [%s]: %s" % (tx['tx_hash'], status))
        logger.debug("Bindings: %s" % (json.dumps(bindings), ))

    # Credit.
    if status == 'valid' and quantity:, tx['source'], asset, quantity, action="issuance", event=tx['tx_hash'])

def parse(db, tx, message):
    order_parse_cursor = db.cursor()

    # Unpack message.
        if len(message) != LENGTH:
            raise exceptions.UnpackError
        give_id, give_quantity, get_id, get_quantity, expiration, fee_required = struct.unpack(
            FORMAT, message)
        give_asset = util.get_asset_name(db, give_id, tx['block_index'])
        get_asset = util.get_asset_name(db, get_id, tx['block_index'])
        status = 'open'
    except (exceptions.UnpackError, exceptions.AssetNameError,
            struct.error) as e:
        give_asset, give_quantity, get_asset, get_quantity, expiration, fee_required = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
        status = 'invalid: could not unpack'

    price = 0
    if status == 'open':
            price = util.price(get_quantity, give_quantity)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            price = 0

        # Overorder
            '''SELECT * FROM balances \
                                      WHERE (address = ? AND asset = ?)''',
            (tx['source'], give_asset))
        balances = list(order_parse_cursor)
        if give_asset != config.BTC:
            if not balances:
                give_quantity = 0
                balance = balances[0]['quantity']
                if balance < give_quantity:
                    give_quantity = balance
                    get_quantity = int(price * give_quantity)

        problems = validate(db, tx['source'], give_asset, give_quantity,
                            get_asset, get_quantity, expiration, fee_required,
        if problems: status = 'invalid: ' + '; '.join(problems)

        if util.enabled('btc_order_minimum'):
            min_btc_quantity = 0.001 * config.UNIT  # 0.001 BTC
            if (give_asset == config.BTC and give_quantity < min_btc_quantity
                ) or (get_asset == config.BTC
                      and get_quantity < min_btc_quantity):
                if problems:
                    status += '; btc order below minimum'
                    status = 'invalid: btc order below minimum'

    # Debit give quantity. (Escrow.)
    if status == 'open':
        if give_asset != config.BTC:  # No need (or way) to debit BTC.
                       action='open order',

    # Add parsed transaction to message-type–specific table.
    bindings = {
        'tx_index': tx['tx_index'],
        'tx_hash': tx['tx_hash'],
        'block_index': tx['block_index'],
        'source': tx['source'],
        'give_asset': give_asset,
        'give_quantity': give_quantity,
        'give_remaining': give_quantity,
        'get_asset': get_asset,
        'get_quantity': get_quantity,
        'get_remaining': get_quantity,
        'expiration': expiration,
        'expire_index': tx['block_index'] + expiration,
        'fee_required': fee_required,
        'fee_required_remaining': fee_required,
        'fee_provided': tx['fee'],
        'fee_provided_remaining': tx['fee'],
        'status': status,
    if "integer overflow" not in status:
        sql = 'insert into orders values(:tx_index, :tx_hash, :block_index, :source, :give_asset, :give_quantity, :give_remaining, :get_asset, :get_quantity, :get_remaining, :expiration, :expire_index, :fee_required, :fee_required_remaining, :fee_provided, :fee_provided_remaining, :status)'
        order_parse_cursor.execute(sql, bindings)
        logger.warn("Not storing [order] tx [%s]: %s" %
                    (tx['tx_hash'], status))
        logger.debug("Bindings: %s" % (json.dumps(bindings), ))

    # Match.
    if status == 'open' and tx['block_index'] != config.MEMPOOL_BLOCK_INDEX:
        match(db, tx)

def parse (db, tx, message):
    order_parse_cursor = db.cursor()

    # Unpack message.
        if len(message) != LENGTH:
            raise exceptions.UnpackError
        give_id, give_quantity, get_id, get_quantity, expiration, fee_required = struct.unpack(FORMAT, message)
        give_asset = util.get_asset_name(db, give_id, tx['block_index'])
        get_asset = util.get_asset_name(db, get_id, tx['block_index'])
        status = 'open'
    except (exceptions.UnpackError, exceptions.AssetNameError, struct.error) as e:
        give_asset, give_quantity, get_asset, get_quantity, expiration, fee_required = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
        status = 'invalid: could not unpack'

    price = 0
    if status == 'open':
            price = util.price(get_quantity, give_quantity)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            price = 0

        # Overorder
        order_parse_cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM balances \
                                      WHERE (address = ? AND asset = ?)''', (tx['source'], give_asset))
        balances = list(order_parse_cursor)
        if give_asset != config.BTC:
            if not balances:
                give_quantity = 0
                balance = balances[0]['quantity']
                if balance < give_quantity:
                    give_quantity = balance
                    get_quantity = int(price * give_quantity)

        problems = validate(db, tx['source'], give_asset, give_quantity, get_asset, get_quantity, expiration, fee_required, tx['block_index'])
        if problems: status = 'invalid: ' + '; '.join(problems)

        if util.enabled('btc_order_minimum'):
            min_btc_quantity = 0.001 * config.UNIT  # 0.001 BTC
            if (give_asset == config.BTC and give_quantity < min_btc_quantity) or (get_asset == config.BTC and get_quantity < min_btc_quantity):
                if problems:
                    status += '; btc order below minimum'
                    status = 'invalid: btc order below minimum'

    # Debit give quantity. (Escrow.)
    if status == 'open':
        if give_asset != config.BTC:  # No need (or way) to debit BTC.
            util.debit(db, tx['source'], give_asset, give_quantity, action='open order', event=tx['tx_hash'])

    # Add parsed transaction to message-type–specific table.
    bindings = {
        'tx_index': tx['tx_index'],
        'tx_hash': tx['tx_hash'],
        'block_index': tx['block_index'],
        'source': tx['source'],
        'give_asset': give_asset,
        'give_quantity': give_quantity,
        'give_remaining': give_quantity,
        'get_asset': get_asset,
        'get_quantity': get_quantity,
        'get_remaining': get_quantity,
        'expiration': expiration,
        'expire_index': tx['block_index'] + expiration,
        'fee_required': fee_required,
        'fee_required_remaining': fee_required,
        'fee_provided': tx['fee'],
        'fee_provided_remaining': tx['fee'],
        'status': status,
    if "integer overflow" not in status:
        sql = 'insert into orders values(:tx_index, :tx_hash, :block_index, :source, :give_asset, :give_quantity, :give_remaining, :get_asset, :get_quantity, :get_remaining, :expiration, :expire_index, :fee_required, :fee_required_remaining, :fee_provided, :fee_provided_remaining, :status)'
        order_parse_cursor.execute(sql, bindings)
        logger.warn("Not storing [order] tx [%s]: %s" % (tx['tx_hash'], status))
        logger.debug("Bindings: %s" % (json.dumps(bindings), ))

    # Match.
    if status == 'open' and tx['block_index'] != config.MEMPOOL_BLOCK_INDEX:
        match(db, tx)
