def check_entrance_exam_problems_for_rescoring(exam_key):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    Grabs all problem descriptors in exam and checks each descriptor to
    confirm that it supports re-scoring.

    An ItemNotFoundException is raised if the corresponding module
    descriptor doesn't exist for exam_key. NotImplementedError is raised if
    any of the problem in entrance exam doesn't support re-scoring calls.
    problems = get_problems_in_section(exam_key).values()
    if any(not _supports_rescore(problem) for problem in problems):
        msg = _("Not all problems in entrance exam support re-scoring.")
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)
def check_entrance_exam_problems_for_rescoring(exam_key):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    Grabs all problem descriptors in exam and checks each descriptor to
    confirm that it supports re-scoring.

    An ItemNotFoundException is raised if the corresponding module
    descriptor doesn't exist for exam_key. NotImplementedError is raised if
    any of the problem in entrance exam doesn't support re-scoring calls.
    problems = get_problems_in_section(exam_key).values()
    if any(not _supports_rescore(problem) for problem in problems):
        msg = _("Not all problems in entrance exam support re-scoring.")
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)
def perform_module_state_update(update_fcn, filter_fcn, _entry_id, course_id, task_input, action_name):
    Performs generic update by visiting StudentModule instances with the update_fcn provided.

    StudentModule instances are those that match the specified `course_id` and `module_state_key`.
    If `student_identifier` is not None, it is used as an additional filter to limit the modules to those belonging
    to that student. If `student_identifier` is None, performs update on modules for all students on the specified problem.

    If a `filter_fcn` is not None, it is applied to the query that has been constructed.  It takes one
    argument, which is the query being filtered, and returns the filtered version of the query.

    The `update_fcn` is called on each StudentModule that passes the resulting filtering.
    It is passed three arguments:  the module_descriptor for the module pointed to by the
    module_state_key, the particular StudentModule to update, and the xmodule_instance_args being
    passed through.  If the value returned by the update function evaluates to a boolean True,
    the update is successful; False indicates the update on the particular student module failed.
    A raised exception indicates a fatal condition -- that no other student modules should be considered.

    The return value is a dict containing the task's results, with the following keys:

          'attempted': number of attempts made
          'succeeded': number of attempts that "succeeded"
          'skipped': number of attempts that "skipped"
          'failed': number of attempts that "failed"
          'total': number of possible updates to attempt
          'action_name': user-visible verb to use in status messages.  Should be past-tense.
              Pass-through of input `action_name`.
          'duration_ms': how long the task has (or had) been running.

    Because this is run internal to a task, it does not catch exceptions.  These are allowed to pass up to the
    next level, so that it can set the failure modes and capture the error trace in the InstructorTask and the
    result object.

    start_time = time()
    usage_keys = []
    problem_url = task_input.get('problem_url')
    entrance_exam_url = task_input.get('entrance_exam_url')
    student_identifier = task_input.get('student')
    problems = {}

    # if problem_url is present make a usage key from it
    if problem_url:
        usage_key = course_id.make_usage_key_from_deprecated_string(problem_url)

        # find the problem descriptor:
        problem_descriptor = modulestore().get_item(usage_key)
        problems[unicode(usage_key)] = problem_descriptor

    # if entrance_exam is present grab all problems in it
    if entrance_exam_url:
        problems = get_problems_in_section(entrance_exam_url)
        usage_keys = [UsageKey.from_string(location) for location in problems.keys()]

    # find the modules in question
    modules_to_update = StudentModule.objects.filter(course_id=course_id, module_state_key__in=usage_keys)

    # give the option of updating an individual student. If not specified,
    # then updates all students who have responded to a problem so far
    student = None
    if student_identifier is not None:
        # if an identifier is supplied, then look for the student,
        # and let it throw an exception if none is found.
        if "@" in student_identifier:
            student = User.objects.get(email=student_identifier)
        elif student_identifier is not None:
            student = User.objects.get(username=student_identifier)

    if student is not None:
        modules_to_update = modules_to_update.filter(student_id=student.id)

    if filter_fcn is not None:
        modules_to_update = filter_fcn(modules_to_update)

    task_progress = TaskProgress(action_name, modules_to_update.count(), start_time)

    for module_to_update in modules_to_update:
        task_progress.attempted += 1
        module_descriptor = problems[unicode(module_to_update.module_state_key)]
        # There is no try here:  if there's an error, we let it throw, and the task will
        # be marked as FAILED, with a stack trace.
        with dog_stats_api.timer('instructor_tasks.module.time.step', tags=[u'action:{name}'.format(name=action_name)]):
            update_status = update_fcn(module_descriptor, module_to_update)
            if update_status == UPDATE_STATUS_SUCCEEDED:
                # If the update_fcn returns true, then it performed some kind of work.
                # Logging of failures is left to the update_fcn itself.
                task_progress.succeeded += 1
            elif update_status == UPDATE_STATUS_FAILED:
                task_progress.failed += 1
            elif update_status == UPDATE_STATUS_SKIPPED:
                task_progress.skipped += 1
                raise UpdateProblemModuleStateError("Unexpected update_status returned: {}".format(update_status))

    return task_progress.update_task_state()
def perform_module_state_update(update_fcn, filter_fcn, _entry_id, course_id,
                                task_input, action_name):
    Performs generic update by visiting StudentModule instances with the update_fcn provided.

    StudentModule instances are those that match the specified `course_id` and `module_state_key`.
    If `student_identifier` is not None, it is used as an additional filter to limit the modules to those belonging
    to that student. If `student_identifier` is None, performs update on modules for all students on the specified

    If a `filter_fcn` is not None, it is applied to the query that has been constructed.  It takes one
    argument, which is the query being filtered, and returns the filtered version of the query.

    The `update_fcn` is called on each StudentModule that passes the resulting filtering.
    It is passed four arguments:  the module_descriptor for the module pointed to by the
    module_state_key, the particular StudentModule to update, the xmodule_instance_args, and the task_input
    being passed through.  If the value returned by the update function evaluates to a boolean True,
    the update is successful; False indicates the update on the particular student module failed.
    A raised exception indicates a fatal condition -- that no other student modules should be considered.

    The return value is a dict containing the task's results, with the following keys:

          'attempted': number of attempts made
          'succeeded': number of attempts that "succeeded"
          'skipped': number of attempts that "skipped"
          'failed': number of attempts that "failed"
          'total': number of possible updates to attempt
          'action_name': user-visible verb to use in status messages.  Should be past-tense.
              Pass-through of input `action_name`.
          'duration_ms': how long the task has (or had) been running.

    Because this is run internal to a task, it does not catch exceptions.  These are allowed to pass up to the
    next level, so that it can set the failure modes and capture the error trace in the InstructorTask and the
    result object.

    start_time = time()
    usage_keys = []
    problem_url = task_input.get('problem_url')
    entrance_exam_url = task_input.get('entrance_exam_url')
    student_identifier = task_input.get('student')
    problems = {}

    # if problem_url is present make a usage key from it
    if problem_url:
        usage_key = course_id.make_usage_key_from_deprecated_string(

        # find the problem descriptor:
        problem_descriptor = modulestore().get_item(usage_key)
        problems[unicode(usage_key)] = problem_descriptor

    # if entrance_exam is present grab all problems in it
    if entrance_exam_url:
        problems = get_problems_in_section(entrance_exam_url)
        usage_keys = [
            UsageKey.from_string(location) for location in problems.keys()

    # find the modules in question
    modules_to_update = StudentModule.objects.filter(
        course_id=course_id, module_state_key__in=usage_keys)

    # give the option of updating an individual student. If not specified,
    # then updates all students who have responded to a problem so far
    student = None
    if student_identifier is not None:
        # if an identifier is supplied, then look for the student,
        # and let it throw an exception if none is found.
        if "@" in student_identifier:
            student = User.objects.get(email=student_identifier)
        elif student_identifier is not None:
            student = User.objects.get(username=student_identifier)

    if student is not None:
        modules_to_update = modules_to_update.filter(student_id=student.id)

    if filter_fcn is not None:
        modules_to_update = filter_fcn(modules_to_update)

    task_progress = TaskProgress(action_name, modules_to_update.count(),

    for module_to_update in modules_to_update:
        task_progress.attempted += 1
        module_descriptor = problems[unicode(
        # There is no try here:  if there's an error, we let it throw, and the task will
        # be marked as FAILED, with a stack trace.
        with dog_stats_api.timer(
            update_status = update_fcn(module_descriptor, module_to_update,
            if update_status == UPDATE_STATUS_SUCCEEDED:
                # If the update_fcn returns true, then it performed some kind of work.
                # Logging of failures is left to the update_fcn itself.
                task_progress.succeeded += 1
            elif update_status == UPDATE_STATUS_FAILED:
                task_progress.failed += 1
            elif update_status == UPDATE_STATUS_SKIPPED:
                task_progress.skipped += 1
                raise UpdateProblemModuleStateError(
                    "Unexpected update_status returned: {}".format(

    return task_progress.update_task_state()
def perform_module_state_update(update_fcn, filter_fcn, _entry_id, course_id,
                                task_input, action_name):
    Performs generic update by visiting StudentModule instances with the update_fcn provided.

    The student modules are fetched for update the `update_fcn` is called on each StudentModule
    that passes the resulting filtering. It is passed four arguments:  the module_descriptor for
    the module pointed to by the module_state_key, the particular StudentModule to update, the
    xmodule_instance_args, and the task_input being passed through.  If the value returned by the
    update function evaluates to a boolean True, the update is successful; False indicates the update
    on the particular student module failed.
    A raised exception indicates a fatal condition -- that no other student modules should be considered.

    The return value is a dict containing the task's results, with the following keys:

          'attempted': number of attempts made
          'succeeded': number of attempts that "succeeded"
          'skipped': number of attempts that "skipped"
          'failed': number of attempts that "failed"
          'total': number of possible updates to attempt
          'action_name': user-visible verb to use in status messages.  Should be past-tense.
              Pass-through of input `action_name`.
          'duration_ms': how long the task has (or had) been running.

    Because this is run internal to a task, it does not catch exceptions.  These are allowed to pass up to the
    next level, so that it can set the failure modes and capture the error trace in the InstructorTask and the
    result object.

    start_time = time()
    usage_keys = []
    problem_url = task_input.get('problem_url')
    entrance_exam_url = task_input.get('entrance_exam_url')
    student_identifier = task_input.get('student')
    override_score_task = action_name == ugettext_noop('overridden')
    problems = {}

    # if problem_url is present make a usage key from it
    if problem_url:
        usage_key = UsageKey.from_string(problem_url).map_into_course(

        # find the problem descriptor:
        problem_descriptor = modulestore().get_item(usage_key)
        problems[unicode(usage_key)] = problem_descriptor

    # if entrance_exam is present grab all problems in it
    if entrance_exam_url:
        problems = get_problems_in_section(entrance_exam_url)
        usage_keys = [
            UsageKey.from_string(location) for location in problems.keys()

    modules_to_update = _get_modules_to_update(course_id, usage_keys,
                                               student_identifier, filter_fcn,

    task_progress = TaskProgress(action_name, len(modules_to_update),

    for module_to_update in modules_to_update:
        task_progress.attempted += 1
        module_descriptor = problems[unicode(
        # There is no try here:  if there's an error, we let it throw, and the task will
        # be marked as FAILED, with a stack trace.
        update_status = update_fcn(module_descriptor, module_to_update,
        if update_status == UPDATE_STATUS_SUCCEEDED:
            # If the update_fcn returns true, then it performed some kind of work.
            # Logging of failures is left to the update_fcn itself.
            task_progress.succeeded += 1
        elif update_status == UPDATE_STATUS_FAILED:
            task_progress.failed += 1
        elif update_status == UPDATE_STATUS_SKIPPED:
            task_progress.skipped += 1
            raise UpdateProblemModuleStateError(
                "Unexpected update_status returned: {}".format(update_status))

    return task_progress.update_task_state()
def perform_module_state_update(update_fcn, filter_fcn, _entry_id, course_id, task_input, action_name):
    Performs generic update by visiting StudentModule instances with the update_fcn provided.

    The student modules are fetched for update the `update_fcn` is called on each StudentModule
    that passes the resulting filtering. It is passed four arguments:  the module_descriptor for
    the module pointed to by the module_state_key, the particular StudentModule to update, the
    xmodule_instance_args, and the task_input being passed through.  If the value returned by the
    update function evaluates to a boolean True, the update is successful; False indicates the update
    on the particular student module failed.
    A raised exception indicates a fatal condition -- that no other student modules should be considered.

    The return value is a dict containing the task's results, with the following keys:

          'attempted': number of attempts made
          'succeeded': number of attempts that "succeeded"
          'skipped': number of attempts that "skipped"
          'failed': number of attempts that "failed"
          'total': number of possible updates to attempt
          'action_name': user-visible verb to use in status messages.  Should be past-tense.
              Pass-through of input `action_name`.
          'duration_ms': how long the task has (or had) been running.

    Because this is run internal to a task, it does not catch exceptions.  These are allowed to pass up to the
    next level, so that it can set the failure modes and capture the error trace in the InstructorTask and the
    result object.

    start_time = time()
    usage_keys = []
    problem_url = task_input.get('problem_url')
    entrance_exam_url = task_input.get('entrance_exam_url')
    student_identifier = task_input.get('student')
    override_score_task = action_name == ugettext_noop('overridden')
    problems = {}

    # if problem_url is present make a usage key from it
    if problem_url:
        usage_key = UsageKey.from_string(problem_url).map_into_course(course_id)

        # find the problem descriptor:
        problem_descriptor = modulestore().get_item(usage_key)
        problems[unicode(usage_key)] = problem_descriptor

    # if entrance_exam is present grab all problems in it
    if entrance_exam_url:
        problems = get_problems_in_section(entrance_exam_url)
        usage_keys = [UsageKey.from_string(location) for location in problems.keys()]

    modules_to_update = _get_modules_to_update(
        course_id, usage_keys, student_identifier, filter_fcn, override_score_task

    task_progress = TaskProgress(action_name, len(modules_to_update), start_time)

    for module_to_update in modules_to_update:
        task_progress.attempted += 1
        module_descriptor = problems[unicode(module_to_update.module_state_key)]
        # There is no try here:  if there's an error, we let it throw, and the task will
        # be marked as FAILED, with a stack trace.
        with dog_stats_api.timer('instructor_tasks.module.time.step', tags=[u'action:{name}'.format(name=action_name)]):
            update_status = update_fcn(module_descriptor, module_to_update, task_input)
            if update_status == UPDATE_STATUS_SUCCEEDED:
                # If the update_fcn returns true, then it performed some kind of work.
                # Logging of failures is left to the update_fcn itself.
                task_progress.succeeded += 1
            elif update_status == UPDATE_STATUS_FAILED:
                task_progress.failed += 1
            elif update_status == UPDATE_STATUS_SKIPPED:
                task_progress.skipped += 1
                raise UpdateProblemModuleStateError("Unexpected update_status returned: {}".format(update_status))

    return task_progress.update_task_state()