def test_function_in_function_with_ref(caplog): from covimerage import Profile fname = 'tests/fixtures/function_in_function_with_ref.profile' p = Profile(fname) p.parse() assert len(p.scripts) == 1 s = p.scripts[0] assert [(l.count, l.line) for l in s.lines.values() if not l.line.startswith('"')] == [(None, ''), (1, 'let g:refs = []'), (None, ''), (1, 'function! Outer()'), (1, ' function! GetObj()'), (1, ' let obj = {}'), (1, ' function obj.func()'), (1, ' return 1'), (None, ' endfunction'), (1, ' return obj'), (None, ' endfunction'), (None, ''), (1, ' let obj = GetObj()'), (1, ' call obj.func()'), (None, ''), (1, ' let g:refs += [obj]'), (None, 'endfunction'), (1, 'call Outer()')] assert not caplog.records
def test_duplicate_s_function(caplog): from covimerage import Profile fname = 'tests/fixtures/duplicate_s_function.profile' p = Profile(fname) p.parse() assert len(p.scripts) == 2 N = None assert [(l.count, l.line) for l in p.scripts[0].lines.values() if not l.line.startswith('"')] == [ (1, 'function! s:function(name) abort'), (1, ' echom a:name'), (N, 'endfunction'), (N, ''), (1, "call s:function('name')"), (1, "call test_plugin#function#function('name')"), ] assert [(l.count, l.line) for l in p.scripts[1].lines.values() if not l.line.startswith('"')] == [ (1, 'function! s:function(name) abort'), (1, ' echom a:name'), (N, 'endfunction'), (N, ''), (1, 'function! test_plugin#function#function(name) abort'), (1, ' call s:function(a:name)'), (N, 'endfunction') ] assert not caplog.records
def test_merged_profiles(): from covimerage import MergedProfiles, Profile p1 = Profile('tests/fixtures/merge-1.profile') p1.parse() p2 = Profile('tests/fixtures/merge-2.profile') p2.parse() assert p1.scriptfiles == p2.scriptfiles m = MergedProfiles([p1, p2]) assert list(m.scripts) == p1.scripts + p2.scripts assert m.scriptfiles == p1.scriptfiles N = None s_fname = '/test_plugin/merged_profiles.vim' assert [ (l.count, l.line) for lnum, l in m.lines[s_fname].items() ] == [(N, '" Generate profile output for merged profiles.'), (N, '" Used merged_profiles-init.vim'), (2, "if !exists('s:conditional')"), (1, ' function! F()'), (1, ' echom 1'), (N, ' endfunction'), (1, ' let s:conditional = 1'), (1, ' echom 1'), (1, ' call F()'), (N, ' call NeomakeTestsProfileRestart()'), (N, " exe 'source ' . expand('<sfile>')"), (1, 'else'), (1, ' function! F()'), (1, ' echom 2'), (N, ' endfunction'), (1, ' echom 2'), (1, ' call F()'), (1, 'endif'), (N, '')]
def test_mergedprofiles_fixes_line_count(): """Ref:""" from covimerage import MergedProfiles, Profile profile = textwrap.dedent(""" SCRIPT /path/to/t.vim Sourced 1 time Total time: 0.000009 Self time: 0.000009 count total (s) self (s) let foo = 1 1 0.000002 let bar = 2 """) p = Profile(StringIO(profile)) p.parse() script = p.scripts[0] assert [(l.count, l.line) for l in script.lines.values()] == [ (None, 'let foo = 1'), (1, 'let bar = 2'), ] m = MergedProfiles([p]) assert [(l.count, l.line) for l in m.lines[script.path].values()] == [ (1, 'let foo = 1'), (1, 'let bar = 2'), ]
def test_profile_parse(): from covimerage import Line, Profile fname = 'tests/fixtures/test_plugin.profile' p = Profile(fname) p.parse() assert len(p.scripts) == 1 script_fname = '/test_plugin/autoload/test_plugin.vim' # assert script_fname in p.scripts s = p.scripts[0] assert s.path == script_fname assert len(s.lines) == 8 assert s.lines == { 1: Line(line='function! test_plugin#func1(a) abort', count=None, total_time=None, self_time=None), 2: Line(line=" echom 'func1'", count=1, total_time=None, self_time=3.5e-05), 3: Line(line='endfunction', count=None, total_time=None, self_time=None), 4: Line(line='', count=None, total_time=None, self_time=None), 5: Line(line='function! test_plugin#func2(a) abort', count=1, total_time=None, self_time=5e-06), 6: Line(line=" echom 'func2'", count=0, total_time=None, self_time=None), 7: Line(line='endfunction', count=None, total_time=None, self_time=None), 8: Line(line='', count=None, total_time=None, self_time=None)}
def test_conditional_functions(): from covimerage import Profile fname = 'tests/fixtures/conditional_function.profile' p = Profile(fname) p.parse() assert len(p.scripts) == 1 s = p.scripts[0] N = None assert [(l.count, l.line) for l in s.lines.values()] == [ (N, '" Test for detection of conditional functions.'), (N, ''), (1, 'if 0'), (N, ' function Foo()'), (N, ' return 1'), (N, ' endfunction'), (N, 'else'), (1, ' function Foo()'), (1, ' return 1'), (N, ' endfunction'), (1, 'endif'), (N, ''), (1, 'if Foo()'), (1, ' function Bar()'), (1, ' echom 1'), (N, ' endfunction'), (1, 'else'), (N, ' function Bar()'), (N, ' echom 1'), (N, ' endfunction'), (N, 'endif'), (N, ''), (1, 'call Bar()')]
def test_profile_parse_dict_function_with_continued_lines(): from covimerage import Profile fname = 'tests/fixtures/dict_function_with_continued_lines.profile' p = Profile(fname) p.parse() assert len(p.scripts) == 1 s = p.scripts[0] assert s.dict_functions == {3} assert s.mapped_dict_functions == {3} N = None assert [(l.count, l.line) for l in s.lines.values()] == [ (N, '" Test parsing of dict function with continued lines.'), (1, 'let obj = {}'), (1, 'function! obj.dict_function(arg) abort'), (3, ' if a:arg'), (2, ' echom'), (2, ' \\ a:arg'), (2, ' \\ .\'.\''), (2, ' else'), (1, ' echom a:arg'), (1, ' endif'), (N, 'endfunction'), (N, ''), (1, 'call obj.dict_function(0)'), (1, 'call obj.dict_function(1)'), (1, 'call obj.dict_function(1)')]
def test_profile_continued_lines(): from covimerage import Profile fname = 'tests/fixtures/continued_lines.profile' p = Profile(fname) p.parse() assert len(p.scripts) == 1 s = p.scripts[0] N = None assert [(l.count, l.line) for l in s.lines.values()] == [(N, 'echom 1'), (1, 'echom 2'), (N, ' \\ 3'), (1, 'echom 4')]
def test_profile_parse_dict_function_with_same_source(caplog): from covimerage import Profile fname = 'tests/fixtures/dict_function_with_same_source.profile' with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger='covimerage'): p = Profile(fname) p.parse() assert len(p.scripts) == 1 script_fname = 'tests/test_plugin/dict_function_with_same_source.vim' s = p.scripts[0] assert s.path == script_fname assert s.dict_functions == {3, 12} assert s.mapped_dict_functions == {3, 12} N = None assert [(l.count, l.line) for l in s.lines.values()] == [ (N, '" Test parsing of dict function (with same source).'), (1, 'let obj1 = {}'), (1, 'function! obj1.dict_function(arg) abort'), (1, ' if a:arg'), (1, ' echom a:arg'), (1, ' else'), (0, ' echom a:arg'), (N, ' endif'), (N, 'endfunction'), (N, ''), (1, 'let obj2 = {}'), (1, 'function! obj2.dict_function(arg) abort'), (3, ' if a:arg'), (2, ' echom a:arg'), (2, ' else'), (1, ' echom a:arg'), (1, ' endif'), (N, 'endfunction'), (N, ''), (1, 'call obj2.dict_function(0)'), (1, 'call obj2.dict_function(1)'), (1, 'call obj2.dict_function(2)'), (1, 'call obj1.dict_function(3)')] msgs = [r.message for r in caplog.records] assert 'Found multiple sources for anonymous function 1 (tests/test_plugin/dict_function_with_same_source.vim:3, tests/test_plugin/dict_function_with_same_source.vim:12).' in msgs assert 'Found multiple sources for anonymous function 2 (tests/test_plugin/dict_function_with_same_source.vim:3, tests/test_plugin/dict_function_with_same_source.vim:12).' in msgs assert 'Found already mapped dict function again (tests/test_plugin/dict_function_with_same_source.vim:3).' in msgs
def test_function_in_function_count(caplog): from covimerage import Profile fname = 'tests/fixtures/function_in_function_count.profile' p = Profile(fname) p.parse() assert len(p.scripts) == 1 s = p.scripts[0] assert [(l.count, l.line) for l in s.lines.values() ] == [(None, '" Test for line count with inner functions.'), (1, 'function! Outer()'), (None, ' " comment1'), (1, ' function! Inner()'), (None, ' " comment2'), (None, ' endfunction'), (None, 'endfunction'), (1, 'call Outer()')] assert not caplog.records
def test_function_in_function(): from covimerage import Profile fname = 'tests/fixtures/function_in_function.profile' p = Profile(fname) p.parse() assert len(p.scripts) == 1 s = p.scripts[0] assert [(l.count, l.line) for l in s.lines.values() ] == [(None, '" Test for dict function in function.'), (None, ''), (1, 'function! GetObj()'), (1, ' let obj = {}'), (1, ' function obj.func()'), (1, ' return 1'), (None, ' endfunction'), (1, ' return obj'), (None, 'endfunction'), (None, ''), (1, 'let obj = GetObj()'), (1, 'call obj.func()')]
def test_mergedprofiles_fixes_line_count(): from covimerage import MergedProfiles, Profile fname = 'tests/fixtures/continued_lines.profile' p = Profile(fname) p.parse() script = p.scripts[0] N = None assert [(l.count, l.line) for l in script.lines.values()] == [(N, 'echom 1'), (1, 'echom 2'), (N, ' \\ 3'), (1, 'echom 4')] m = MergedProfiles([p]) assert [(l.count, l.line) for l in m.lines[script.path].values()] == [(1, 'echom 1'), (1, 'echom 2'), (N, ' \\ 3'), (1, 'echom 4')]
def test_profile_parse_dict_function(): from covimerage import Profile fname = 'tests/fixtures/dict_function.profile' p = Profile(fname) p.parse() assert len(p.scripts) == 1 script_fname = '/test_plugin/dict_function.vim' # assert script_fname in p.scripts s = p.scripts[0] assert s.path == script_fname assert s.dict_functions == {3} assert s.mapped_dict_functions == {3} assert len(s.lines) == 13 assert [l.line for l in s.lines.values()] == [ '" Test parsing of dict function.', 'let obj = {}', 'function! obj.dict_function(arg) abort', ' if a:arg', ' echom a:arg', ' else', ' echom a:arg', ' endif', 'endfunction', '', 'call obj.dict_function(0)', 'call obj.dict_function(1)', 'call obj.dict_function(2)', ] assert s.lines[4].count == 3 assert s.lines[5].count == 2
def test_handles_unmatched_defined(defined_format, defined_lnum, caplog): from covimerage import Profile defined = "Defined: invalid_defined.vim" if defined_format == "old": defined += " line " + str(defined_lnum) else: defined += ":" + str(defined_lnum) file_object = StringIO( textwrap.dedent(""" SCRIPT invalid_defined.vim Sourced 1 time Total time: 0.000037 Self time: 0.000032 count total (s) self (s) 1 0.000015 execute "function! F_via_execute_1()\\nreturn 0\\nendfunction" 1 0.000011 0.000007 call F_via_execute_1() 1 0.000006 0.000005 call F_via_execute_1() FUNCTION F_via_execute_1() {defined} Called 2 times Total time: 0.000005 Self time: 0.000005 count total (s) self (s) 2 0.000003 return 0 FUNCTIONS SORTED ON TOTAL TIME count total (s) self (s) function 2 0.000005 F_via_execute_1() FUNCTIONS SORTED ON SELF TIME count total (s) self (s) function 2 0.000005 F_via_execute_1() """.format(defined=defined))) p = Profile(file_object) p.parse() assert len(p.scripts) == 1 s = p.scripts[0] assert [ (l.count, l.line) for l in s.lines.values() if not l.line.startswith('"') ] == [ (1, 'execute "function! F_via_execute_1()\\nreturn 0\\nendfunction"'), (1, 'call F_via_execute_1()'), (1, 'call F_via_execute_1()'), ] logmsgs = [x[1:] for x in caplog.record_tuples] if defined_lnum == -1: assert logmsgs == [ (30, "Could not find script line for function F_via_execute_1 (-1, 1)" ), (40, "Could not find source for function: F_via_execute_1"), ] else: assert defined_lnum == 1 assert logmsgs == [ (30, "Script line does not match function line, ignoring: 'call F_via_execute_1()' != 'return 0'." ), (40, "Could not find source for function: F_via_execute_1"), ]