def alarm_clock(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
    '''The core of the alarm_clock program'''
    alarm_time = extract_time_from_args()
    if alarm_time:
        print("Alarm set for %s" % alarm_time)
        print("No Alarm time provided. Usage example: 'alarm_clock.py 17:23' to set alarm for 5:23 PM. (Input uses the 24-hour clock.)")
    print("Press CTRL-C to quit")
    was_before_alarm_time = False
    last_displayed_time = None
    while True:
        current_time = datetime.datetime.now().time()
        do_alarm = False
        if alarm_time:
            is_before_alarm_time = current_time < alarm_time
            do_alarm = was_before_alarm_time and not is_before_alarm_time
            was_before_alarm_time = is_before_alarm_time
        if do_alarm:
            with robot.perform_off_charger():
                short_time_string = str(current_time.hour) + ":" + str(current_time.minute)
                robot.say_text("Wake up lazy human! it's " + short_time_string).wait_for_completed()
            if (last_displayed_time is None) or (current_time.second != last_displayed_time.second):
                clock_image = make_clock_image(current_time)
                oled_face_data = cozmo.oled_face.convert_image_to_screen_data(clock_image)
                # display for 1 second
                robot.display_oled_face_image(oled_face_data, 1000.0)
                last_displayed_time = current_time
def drone(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
    # code for state drone
    # look for nearby cubes
    lookaround = robot.start_behavior(cozmo.behavior.BehaviorTypes.LookAroundInPlace)
    cubes = robot.world.wait_until_observe_num_objects(num=1, object_type=cozmo.objects.LightCube, timeout=60)
    # stop looking around if it finds any of the cubes
    # pick up the cube in front of it, making 5 attempts
    current_action = robot.pickup_object(cubes[0], num_retries=5)
    # move forward 100mm
    robot.drive_straight(distance_mm(100), speed_mmps(50)).wait_for_completed()
    # drop the cube
    current_action = robot.place_object_on_ground_here(cubes[0]).wait_for_completed()
    # go back 100mm
    robot.drive_straight(distance_mm(-100), speed_mmps(50)).wait_for_completed()
    # return to idle state
def alarm_clock(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
    '''The core of the alarm_clock program'''

    alarm_time = extract_time_from_args()
    if alarm_time:
        print("Alarm set for %s" % alarm_time)
            "No Alarm time provided. Usage example: 'alarm_clock.py 17:23' to set alarm for 5:23 PM. (Input uses the 24-hour clock.)"
    print("Press CTRL-C to quit")


    was_before_alarm_time = False
    last_displayed_time = None

    while True:
        # Check the current time, and see if it's time to play the alarm

        current_time = datetime.datetime.now().time()

        do_alarm = False
        if alarm_time:
            is_before_alarm_time = current_time < alarm_time
            do_alarm = was_before_alarm_time and not is_before_alarm_time  # did we just cross the alarm time
            was_before_alarm_time = is_before_alarm_time

        if do_alarm:
            # Cancel the latest image display action so that the alarm actions can play
            # Speak The Time (off the charger as it's an animation)
            with robot.perform_off_charger():
                short_time_string = str(current_time.hour) + ":" + str(
                robot.say_text("Wake up lazy human! it's " +

            # See if the displayed time needs updating

            if (last_displayed_time is None) or (current_time.second !=
                # Create the updated image with this time
                clock_image = make_clock_image(current_time)
                oled_face_data = cozmo.oled_face.convert_image_to_screen_data(

                # display for 1 second
                robot.display_oled_face_image(oled_face_data, 1000.0)
                last_displayed_time = current_time

        # only sleep for a fraction of a second to ensure we update the seconds as soon as they change
def order(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
    # code for state order
    # drive in a circle with radius of approximately 10 cm
    robot.drive_wheels(80, 40)
    # drive for about 13 seconds, approximately one cycle
    # stop driving after 13 sec
    robot.drive_wheels(0, 0)

    # end all actions
async def test_color_pass(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
    await robot.set_head_angle(degrees(80)).wait_for_completed()

    color_finder_game = custom_color_finder.ColorFinder(robot, "purple")
    await color_finder_game.run()
    await robot.say_text("testing").wait_for_completed()


    await robot.play_anim_trigger(cozmo.anim.Triggers.CodeLabExcited).wait_for_completed()
async def gameOne_cozmo_program(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
    # purpose of setting the head angle is so each game starts with the robot looking in the same direction.  80
    # degrees is slightly up from the x plane
    await robot.set_head_angle(degrees(80)).wait_for_completed()

    # determine a random number between 0 and 5 to determine which color Cozmo will speak
    index = random.randint(0, 5)
    # this calculation determines the color that is passed to the color_finder object.
    # order that the colors appear in the color_list array is the order on the addative color wheel
    # if that list is changed, the following formula will no longer generate the correct complementary color

    correct_color_to_find = (index + 3) % len(color_list)

    # print to screen will let the facilitator know what color the robot is looking for
    print("Color to find is " + color_list[correct_color_to_find])

    # these lines used for testing.  allows developers to monitor what colors are being selected
    # print(correct_color_to_find)
    # print(color_list[correct_color_to_find])

    # prompt for the user that begins the game
    # purpose of print line is to let the facilator know what color the robot is looking for.
    await robot.say_text("What color is opposite of " + color_list[index], duration_scalar=0.5).wait_for_completed()

    color_finder_game object is dependent on the imported custom_color_finder.py file.  
    this file is part of the Anki SDK but is modified for this game. 
    changes made custom_color_finder.py will affect the execution of main.py
    modifications made have been documented in custom_color_finder.py
    ARGS - color_list[correct_color_to_find] is a string that is used to initialize the object with the 
    color that Cozmo will search for
    color_finder_game = custom_color_finder.ColorFinder(robot, color_list[correct_color_to_find])

    # execute the color_finder object
    await color_finder_game.run()

    # purpose of this call is to clear out all actions pending on the robot


    # speaks the string passed in the array reference.
    await robot.say_text("Correct" + color_list[correct_color_to_find] +
                         "is opposite of " + color_list[index], duration_scalar=0.80).wait_for_completed()

    # executes a dance.  this is a standard function provided in the import cozmo
    await robot.play_anim_trigger(cozmo.anim.Triggers.CodeLabExcited).wait_for_completed()
def example4_abort_all_actions(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
    cozmo.logger.info("Example 4: Abort all parallel actions.")
    cozmo.logger.info("Start multiple parallel actions:")
    action1 = robot.set_lift_height(0.0, in_parallel=True, duration=6.0)
    action2 = robot.set_head_angle(cozmo.robot.MAX_HEAD_ANGLE, duration=6.0, in_parallel=True)
    action3 = robot.drive_straight(distance_mm(75), speed_mmps(25), should_play_anim=False, in_parallel=True)
    action4 = robot.display_oled_face_image(face_image, 30000.0)  # Note: face image is in_parallel by default
    # wait two seconds and abort everything
    # wait for results to come back for all actions
    # All actions should have aborted
    cozmo.logger.info("action1 res = %s", action1)
    cozmo.logger.info("action2 res = %s", action2)
    cozmo.logger.info("action3 res = %s", action3)
    cozmo.logger.info("action4 res = %s", action4)
def inspection(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
    # Use a "for loop" to repeat the indented code 4 times
    # Note: the _ variable name can be used when you don't need the value
    # drive in a square with side 20cm
    robot.set_lift_height(0.0, in_parallel=False, duration=1.0).wait_for_completed()
    for i in range(4):

        # raise the arm for 3 seconds, at a speed of 1/3 = 0.333
        robot.drive_straight(distance_mm(200), speed_mmps(40), should_play_anim=False, in_parallel=True, num_retries=0)

        # lower the arm for 2 seconds, at a speed of 1/2 = 0.5

        # abort all ongoing actions

        # perform the turn: 90 degree
    # stop all actions, if there are any
    # return to idle state
async def react(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
	Cozmo will react to the facial expressions of the first face it sees.

	1. If Cozmo sees a sad face, she will try to cheer you up.
	2. If Cozmo sees an angry face, she will run away.
	3. If Cozmo sees a happy face, she will celebrate with you.
	4. At any point, you can ask Cozmo why she did something. She will stop what
	   she's doing, explain, and then go back to her alert "watching" state.


    state = "finding face"
    face_visible = False
    explanation = "I'm just chilling."
    any_face = None

    def on_press(key):
        #print('{0} release'.format(key))
        if key == Key.shift_l or key == Key.shift_r:
            state = "explaining"

    while True:

        ########## INITIAL CHECKS ##########

        # check for key input
        # later, check for voice input (from computer microphone)
        listener = Listener(on_press=on_press)

        if not face_visible:
            state = "finding face"

        ########## STATE MACHINE ##########


        if state is "init":

            # explanation = "I'm just getting started."

        if state is "finding face":

            # explanation = "I'm trying to find a face."
            any_face = None
            print("Looking for a face!")
            look_around = robot.start_behavior(

                any_face = await (robot.world.wait_for_observed_face(

            except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                print("Didn't find anyone :-(")

                # whether we find it or not, we want to stop the behavior

            if any_face is None:
                print("no faces found :(")
                face_visible = False
                print("FOUND A FACE")
                face_visible = True
                state = "watching face"

        elif state is "watching face":
            # explanation = "I'm just staying alert."

            print("face is ", any_face)

            expression = any_face.expression
            print("expression is ", expression)

            if expression is "sad":
                state = "reacting to sad face"
            elif expression is "angry":
                state = "reacting to angry face"
            elif expression is "happy":
                state = "reacting to happy face"
                state = "finding face"

        elif state is "reacting to sad face":

            explanation = "You seemed sad, so I'm sad too."

            reaction = robot.play_anim_trigger(
            await (reaction.wait_for_completed())
            print("tried to cheer you up")

            state = "watching face"

        elif state is "reacting to angry face":

            explanation = "You seemed angry, so I'm angry too."

            reaction = robot.play_anim_trigger(
            await (reaction.wait_for_completed())
            print("ran away")

            state = "watching face"

        elif state is "reacting to happy face":

            explanation = "You seemed happy, so I'm celebrating!"

            reaction = robot.play_anim_trigger(
            await (reaction.wait_for_completed())
            print("did a happy dance")

            state = "watching face"

        elif state is "explaining":

            explain = cozmo.say_text(explanation)
            await (explain.wait_for_completed())
            state = "watching face"
def idle(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
    # code for state idle
    robot.camera.image_stream_enabled = True
    robot.camera.color_image_enabled = False

    # reset head angle so it is facing forward

    # reuse the model from lab 1
    classifier = load('clf.joblib')

    # initialize the detection window of size 5
    img_window = ['none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none']

    # intialize the array of labels
    label_arr = ['drone', 'hands', 'inspection', 'none', 'order', 'place', 'plane', 'truck']
    state_idle = True

    # pause 0.5 sec
    while (state_idle):

        # take the image
        latest_image = robot.world.latest_image
        new_image = latest_image.raw_image
        new_image = np.array(new_image)

        # rescale the image into 32 X 32 X 3 array
        image = rescale(new_image,32,32)
        image = img_to_array(image)

        # normalize the image array
        img = np.array(image, dtype="float") / 255.0

        img = img.reshape(-1, 32, 32, 3)
        # make the prediction, the result is an array with the maximum number corresponding
        # the correct prediction
        result = classifier.predict(img)

        # convert the prediction result to array
        result = result[0].tolist()

        # extract the index for the maximum label
        idx = result.index(max(result))

        # extract the label
        label = label_arr[idx]
        for i in range(1, len(img_window)):
            img_window[i] = img_window[i - 1]
        img_window[0] = label
        majority_label = statistics.mode(img_window)
        if majority_label == 'drone':

            # say the text "drone", and jump to drone
        if majority_label == 'order':

            # say the text "order" and jump to order
            img_window = ['none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none']
        if majority_label == 'inspection':

            # say the text "inspection", and jump to inspection
            img_window = ['none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none']
    # exit the code execution if there are any keyboard interrupts
def cozmo_program(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
	global angle
	angle = 25.
	robot.camera.image_stream_enabled = True
	robot.camera.color_image_enabled = True
	robot.camera.enable_auto_exposure = True
	os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
	frame = os.path.join(directory, "current.jpeg")

	print("Starting Tensorflow...")
	with tf.Session() as sess:
		print("Session successfully started")
		model = load_model('modelv1.07-0.96.hdf5')		
		while True:
			global X, Y, W, H
			global result
			X = 245.
			Y = 165.
			W = 150.
			H = 150.
			gt = [X, Y, W, H]
			pos_x, pos_y, target_w, target_h = region_to_bbox(gt)
			frame = os.path.join(directory, "current.jpeg")
			result = 0
			dog_counter = 0
			cat_counter = 0
			background_counter = 0
			next_state = 0
			current_state = 0 #Background: 0, Cat:1, Dog:2
			while True:
				latest_img = robot.world.latest_image
				if latest_img is not None:
					pilImage = latest_img.raw_image
					pilImage.resize((640,480), Image.ANTIALIAS).save(os.path.join(directory, "current.jpeg"), "JPEG") 
				show_frame(np.asarray(Image.open(frame)), [900.,900.,900.,900.], 1)
				img = load_image(frame)
				[result,out_relu,global_average_pooling2d] = sess.run([model.outputs,model.get_layer('out_relu').output\
										   ,model.get_layer('global_average_pooling2d').output ], feed_dict={model.input.name:img})
				next_state = np.argmax(result)
				print('Arg max: ',next_state)
				# Initial Current State is Background
				if current_state == 0: 
					if next_state == 1: # Detected a Cat
						current_state = 1   # Transition to Cat State
						background_counter = 0
						cat_counter = 1
						dog_counter = 0
					elif next_state == 2: # Detected a Dog
						current_state = 2   # Transition to Dog state
						background_counter = 0
						cat_counter = 0
						dog_counter = 1
				# Current State is Cat
				elif current_state == 1: 
					if next_state == 0:   # Detected Background
						background_counter += 1
						if background_counter >= 6:  # Transition to Background only if Background appeared for more than 6 times
							background_counter = 0
							current_state = 0
							cat_counter = 0
					elif next_state == 1: # Detected Cat itself
						cat_counter +=1
						if cat_counter >= 30:
							print('Cozmo sees a cat')
							dense = model.get_layer('dense').get_weights()
							weights = dense[0].T
							testing_counter = 0
							detected_centroid = 0
							xmin_avg = 0
							xmax_avg = 0
							ymin_avg = 0
							ymax_avg = 0
							frame_average = 2
							frame_count = 0
							while True:
								latest_img = robot.world.latest_image
								if latest_img is not None:
									pilImage = latest_img.raw_image
									pilImage.resize((640,480), Image.ANTIALIAS).save(os.path.join(directory, "current.jpeg"), "JPEG")
								img = load_image(frame)
								[result,out_relu,global_average_pooling2d] = sess.run([model.outputs,model.get_layer('out_relu').output\
														   ,model.get_layer('global_average_pooling2d').output ], feed_dict={model.input.name:img})
								kernels = out_relu.reshape(7,7,1280)
								final = np.dot(kernels,weights[result[0].argmax()])
								final1 = array_to_img(final.reshape(7,7,1))
								final1 = final1.resize((224,224), Image.ANTIALIAS)
								box = img_to_array(final1).reshape(224,224)
								#box = cv2.blur(box,(30,30))
								temp = (box > box.max()*.8) *1 
								temp_adjusted = np.ndarray(shape=np.shape(temp), dtype=np.dtype(np.uint8))
								temp_adjusted[:,:] = np.asarray(temp)*255
								contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(temp_adjusted, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)[-2:]
								contours = np.array(contours)
								max_area = [0,0] # contours index and area
								for index, contour in enumerate(contours):
									if(max_area[1]< len(contour)):
										max_area = [index,len(contour)]
								contours_adjusted = contours[max_area[0]].squeeze(axis=1).T
								xmin = contours_adjusted[0].min() * (640./224.)
								ymin = contours_adjusted[1].min() * (480./224.)
								xmax = contours_adjusted[0].max() * (640./224.)
								ymax = contours_adjusted[1].max() * (480./224.)
								if result[0].argmax() == 1:
									# Frame smoothing
									frame_count = frame_count + 1
									xmin_avg = xmin_avg + xmin
									xmax_avg = xmax_avg + xmax
									ymin_avg = ymin_avg + ymin
									ymax_avg = ymax_avg + ymax
									if frame_count % frame_average == 0:
										frame_count = 0
										xmin_avg = xmin_avg/frame_average
										xmax_avg = xmax_avg/frame_average
										ymin_avg = ymin_avg/frame_average
										ymax_avg = ymax_avg/frame_average
										print(xmin_avg, end=",")
										print(ymin_avg, end=",")
										print(xmax_avg, end=",")
										print(ymax_avg, end="\n")
										ymin_avg = ymin_avg + (ymax_avg - ymin_avg)/2. - H/2.
										xmin_avg = xmin_avg + (xmax_avg - xmin_avg)/2. - W/2.
										print("150: ",xmin_avg, end=",")
										print("150: ",ymin_avg, end="\n")
										gt = [xmin_avg, ymin_avg, W, H]
										xmin_avg = 0
										xmax_avg = 0
										ymin_avg = 0
										ymax_avg = 0
										pos_x, pos_y, target_w, target_h = region_to_bbox(gt)
										bboxes = np.zeros((1, 4))
										#bboxes[0,:] = pos_x-target_w/2, pos_y-target_h/2, target_w, target_h
										bboxes[0,:] = pos_x-W/2, pos_y-H/2, W, H
										testing_counter = testing_counter + 1
										print("Testing_counter: ",testing_counter)
										show_frame(np.asarray(Image.open(frame)), gt, 1)
										print("Cat is detected")								
										print("Starting the tracker ...")
										if (bboxes[0,1] + bboxes[0,3]/2) < (Y + H/2 - 40):
											print("Command: Raise the head")
											angle = angle + 0.5
											if angle > 44.5:
												angle = 44.5
										elif (bboxes[0,1] + bboxes[0,3]/2) > (Y + H/2 + 40):
											print("Command: Lower the head")
											angle = angle - 0.5
											if angle < 0:
												angle = 0
										set_head_angle_action = robot.set_head_angle(degrees(angle), max_speed=20, in_parallel=True)
										if straight(bboxes[0,:])[0] != 0 and turn(bboxes[0,:])[0] != 0:
											robot.drive_wheel_motors(straight(bboxes[0,:])[0] + turn(bboxes[0,:])[0], straight(bboxes[0,:])[1] + turn(bboxes[0,:])[1])
											detected_centroid = 0
										elif straight(bboxes[0,:])[0] == 0 and turn(bboxes[0,:])[0] == 0:
											detected_centroid = detected_centroid + 1
										elif straight(bboxes[0,:])[0] == 0:
											robot.drive_wheel_motors(turn(bboxes[0,:])[0], turn(bboxes[0,:])[1])
											detected_centroid = 0
										elif turn(bboxes[0,:])[0] == 0:
											robot.drive_wheel_motors(straight(bboxes[0,:])[0], straight(bboxes[0,:])[1])
											detected_centroid = 0
											detected_centroid = detected_centroid + 1
										if detected_centroid > 20//frame_average:
											detected_centroid = 0
											print("Reached a stable state.........\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t STABLE")
											# Go near the object
											print("Robot's head angle: ",robot.head_angle)
											target_frame_count = 1
											while True:
												latest_img = None
												while latest_img is None:
													latest_img = robot.world.latest_image
												target_frame1 = latest_img.raw_image
												target_frame1 = target_frame1.resize((640,480), Image.ANTIALIAS)
												#target_frame1 = target_frame1.convert('L')
												target_frame1 = np.asarray(target_frame1)
												#orb1 = cv2.ORB_create(500)
												#kp1 = orb1.detect(target_frame1,None)
												#kp1, des1 = orb1.compute(target_frame1, kp1)
												#features_img1 = cv2.drawKeypoints(target_frame1, kp1, None, color=(255,0,0), flags=0)
												drive_straight_action = robot.drive_straight(distance=cozmo.util.distance_mm(distance_mm=10),speed=cozmo.util.speed_mmps(10), in_parallel=True)
												print("Robot's head angle: ",robot.head_angle)
												latest_img = None
												while latest_img is None:
													latest_img = robot.world.latest_image
												target_frame2 = latest_img.raw_image
												target_frame2 = target_frame2.resize((640,480), Image.ANTIALIAS)
												#target_frame2 = target_frame2.convert('L')
												target_frame2 = np.asarray(target_frame2)
												#orb2 = cv2.ORB_create(500)
												#kp2 = orb2.detect(target_frame2,None)
												#kp2, des2 = orb2.compute(target_frame2, kp2)
												#features_img2 = cv2.drawKeypoints(target_frame2, kp2, None, color=(255,0,0), flags=0)
												target_frame_count = target_frame_count + 1
												matcher = cv2.DescriptorMatcher_create(cv2.DESCRIPTOR_MATCHER_BRUTEFORCE_HAMMING)
												matches = matcher.match(des1, des2, None)
												matches.sort(key=lambda x: x.distance, reverse=False)
												matches = matches[:10]
												imMatches = cv2.drawMatches(target_frame1, kp1, target_frame2, kp2, matches, None)
												cv2.imwrite("matches_tf1_tf2.jpg", imMatches)
												points1 = np.zeros((len(matches), 2), dtype=np.float32)
												points2 = np.zeros((len(matches), 2), dtype=np.float32)

												for i, match in enumerate(matches):
													points1[i, :] = kp1[match.queryIdx].pt
													points2[i, :] = kp2[match.trainIdx].pt
													print("Points1 [{}]: {}".format(i,points1[i][0]), points1[i][1],"\tPoints2: ",points2[i][0], points2[i][1]) 
												index = None
												dist1_x = []
												dist2_x = []
												for index in range(len(points1)):
													dist1_x.append((W/2.)-points1[index][0]) # Extract only the x-coordinate
													dist2_x.append((W/2.)-points2[index][0]) # Extract only the x-coordinate
												fw_x = 1./((1./np.array(dist2_x)) - (1./np.array(dist1_x))) # Calculate the image plane to obj plane mapping in x direction
												pt1_x = []
												pt2_x = []
												for index in range(len(points1)):
													pt1_x.append(fw_x[index]/(W/2. - points1[index][0])) 
													pt2_x.append(fw_x[index]/(W/2. - points2[index][0]))
													print("Approx. distance[{}]: {}".format(index, pt1_x[index]))
												if len(pt2_x) < 10:
					else:				   # Detected Dog
						dog_counter += 1
						if dog_counter >= 6:  # Transition to Dog only if Dog appeared for more than 6 times
							cat_counter = 0
							current_state = 2
				# Current State is Dog
				elif current_state == 2:
					if next_state == 0:	 # Detected Background
						background_counter += 1
						if background_counter >= 6:  # Transition to Background only if Background appeared for more than 6 times
							background_counter = 0
							current_state = 0
							dog_counter = 0 
					elif next_state == 2:   # Detected Dog itself
						dog_counter +=1
						if dog_counter >= 30:
							print('Cozmo sees a Dog')
							robot.drive_wheels(-50, -50)
							robot.drive_wheels(70, -70)
							robot.drive_wheels(0, 0)						
					else:				   # Detected Cat
						cat_counter += 1
						if cat_counter >= 6:  # Transition to Cat only if Cat appeared for more than 6 times
							dog_counter = 0
							current_state = 1			
async def gameTwo_cozmo_program(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
    # purpose of setting the head angle is so each game starts with the robot looking in the same direction.  80
    # degrees is slightly up from the x plane
    await robot.set_head_angle(degrees(80)).wait_for_completed()

    # colors_not_different purpose to ensure that Cozmo doesn't select te same primary color for both inputs
    colors_not_different = True
    # color_to_pass = ""

    # select a random primary color
    primary_color_1_selected_index = random.randint(0, 2)
    primary_color_2_selected_index = 0

    # select a second random primary color.  the while loop ensures the same color is not selected twice
    while colors_not_different:
        primary_color_2_selected_index = random.randint(0, 2)
        if primary_color_1_selected_index is not primary_color_2_selected_index:
            colors_not_different = False

    # Next two lines for tesing during development
    # print(primary_color_list[primary_color_1_selected_index])
    # print(primary_color_list[primary_color_2_selected_index])

    # selects the color that cozmo will look for

    # this formula determines what color is selected that cozmo is looking for as for the chart below
    # if correct_color_to_find = 1 : Green
    # if correct_color_to_find = 2 : Orange
    # if correct_color_to_find = 3 : Purple

    # calculation to determine which elment in the color_list Cozmo will select.  the adjusment of -1 due to
    # 0 indexing
    correct_color_to_find_index = (primary_color_1_selected_index + primary_color_2_selected_index) - 1

    # print to screen will let the facilitator know what color the robot is looking for
    print("Color to find is " + secondary_color_list[correct_color_to_find_index])

    # cozmo will speak the two colors that he is looking forward
    await robot.say_text("What color is made by " + primary_color_list[primary_color_1_selected_index] +
                         " and" + primary_color_list[primary_color_2_selected_index], duration_scalar=0.5).wait_for_completed()

    # print statement for testing
    # print("index: " + str(correct_color_to_find_index))

    # declare the object color)_finder_game
    # ARGS - robot, and array color_list and index correct_color_to_find

    color_finder_game object is dependent on the imported custom_color_finder.py file.  
    this file is part of the Anki SDK but is modified for this game. 
    changes made custom_color_finder.py will affect the execution of main.py
    modifications made have been documented in custom_color_finder.py
    ARGS - color_list[correct_color_to_find] is a string that is used to initialize the object with the 
    color that Cozmo will search for

    color_finder_game = custom_color_finder.ColorFinder(robot, secondary_color_list[correct_color_to_find_index])

    # run the color_finder_object
    await color_finder_game.run()

    # following code is for development and testing
    # if correct_color_to_find_index == 1:
    #    color_to_pass = "******"
    # elif correct_color_to_find_index == 2:
    #    color_to_pass = "******"
    # else:
    #    color_to_pass = "******"

    # purpose of this call is to clear out all actions pending on the robot
    # await robot.say_text("testing").wait_for_completed()

    # added the extra spaced in the first string has the affect of putting more of a delay before Cozmo
    # speaks the string passed in the array reference.
    await robot.say_text("Correct        " + primary_color_list[primary_color_1_selected_index]
                         + " and     " + primary_color_list[primary_color_2_selected_index]
                         + " will make      " + secondary_color_list[correct_color_to_find_index], duration_scalar=0.55).wait_for_completed()

    # purpose of this call is to clear out all actions pending on the robot

    await robot.play_anim_trigger(cozmo.anim.Triggers.CodeLabExcited).wait_for_completed()