def main():
    """Main function"""
    # get the options
    optmgr = MyOptionParser()
    opts = optmgr.get_opt()
    # build the result from user input
    result = Result(unicode(opts.path))
    result.description = unicode(opts.desc)
    result.author = unicode(opts.author)
    result.creation_time = opts.datetime
    result.elog = unicode(opts.elog)
    result.analysis_id = opts.ana
    # connect to the MySQL database using default credentials
    dbstore = DbStore()
    # unless the source is set, prompt the user and present a list to make a choice
    if opts.inputSamples is None:
        inputSamples = prompt_samples(dbstore)
        inputSamples = parse_samples(opts.inputSamples)
    # create and store the relations
    samples = dbstore.find(Sample, Sample.sample_id.is_in(inputSamples))
    if samples.is_empty():
        for sample in samples:
    # flush (populates the analysis if needed)
    # print the resulting object and ask for confirmation
    print result
    if confirm(prompt="Insert into the database?", resp=True):
def main():
    """Main function"""
    # get the options
    optmgr = MyOptionParser()
    opts   = optmgr.get_opt()
    # build the sample from user input
    sample  = Sample(unicode(opts.name), unicode(opts.path), unicode(opts.sampletype), opts.nevents_processed)
    sample.nevents = opts.nevents
    sample.normalization = opts.normalization
    sample.event_weight_sum = opts.weight_sum
    sample.luminosity = opts.luminosity
    sample.code_version = unicode(opts.code_version)
    sample.user_comment = unicode(opts.user_comment)
    sample.source_dataset_id = opts.source_dataset_id
    sample.source_sample_id = opts.source_sample_id
    sample.author = unicode(opts.author)
    sample.creation_time = opts.datetime
    # connect to the MySQL database using default credentials
    dbstore = DbStore()
    # unless the source is set, prompt the user and present a list to make a choice
    if sample.source_dataset_id is None:
    if sample.source_sample_id is None:
    # check that source sample and dataset exist
    if sample.source_dataset_id is not None:
      checkExisting = dbstore.find(Dataset,Dataset.dataset_id==sample.source_dataset_id)
      if checkExisting.is_empty():
        raise IndexError("No dataset with such index: %d"%sample.source_dataset_id)
    if sample.source_sample_id is not None:
      checkExisting = dbstore.find(Sample,Sample.sample_id==sample.source_sample_id)
      if checkExisting.is_empty():
        raise IndexError("No sample with such index: %d"%sample.source_sample_id)
    # if opts.nevents is not set, take #events from source sample (if set) or from source dataset (if set) in that order
    if sample.nevents_processed is None and sample.source_sample_id is not None:
      sample.nevents_processed = dbstore.find(Sample,Sample.sample_id==sample.source_sample_id).one().nevents_processed
    if sample.nevents_processed is None and sample.source_dataset_id is not None:
      sample.nevents_processed = dbstore.find(Dataset,Dataset.dataset_id==sample.source_dataset_id).one().nevents
    if sample.nevents_processed is None:
      print "Warning: Number of processed events not given, and no way to guess it."

    # List input files
    files = []
    if opts.files == "":
        files = glob.glob(os.path.join(sample.path, '*.root'))
        files = unicode(opts.files).split(",")
    if len(files) == 0:
      print "Warning: no root files found in %r" % sample.path

    # Try to guess the number of events stored into the file, as well as the weight sum
    for f in files:
        (weight_sum, entries) = get_file_data_(f)
        sample.files.add(File(f, f, weight_sum, entries))

    # check that there is no existing entry
    checkExisting = dbstore.find(Sample,Sample.name==sample.name)
    if checkExisting.is_empty():
      print sample
      if confirm(prompt="Insert into the database?", resp=True):
        # compute the luminosity, if possible
        if sample.luminosity is None:
          sample.luminosity = sample.getLuminosity()
      existing = checkExisting.one()
      prompt  = "Replace existing "
      prompt += str(existing)
      prompt += "\nby new "
      prompt += str(sample)
      prompt += "\n?"
      if confirm(prompt, resp=False):
        if existing.luminosity is None:
          existing.luminosity = existing.getLuminosity()
    # commit
def main():
    """Main function"""
    # get the options
    optmgr = MyOptionParser()
    opts = optmgr.get_opt()
    # build the sample from user input
    sample = Sample(unicode(opts.name), unicode(opts.path),
                    unicode(opts.sampletype), opts.nevents_processed)
    sample.nevents = opts.nevents
    sample.normalization = opts.normalization
    sample.event_weight_sum = opts.weight_sum
    sample.luminosity = opts.luminosity
    sample.code_version = unicode(opts.code_version)
    sample.user_comment = unicode(opts.user_comment)
    sample.source_dataset_id = opts.source_dataset_id
    sample.source_sample_id = opts.source_sample_id
    sample.author = unicode(opts.author)
    sample.creation_time = opts.datetime
    # connect to the MySQL database using default credentials
    dbstore = DbStore()
    # unless the source is set, prompt the user and present a list to make a choice
    if sample.source_dataset_id is None:
        prompt_dataset(sample, dbstore)
    if sample.source_sample_id is None:
        prompt_sample(sample, dbstore)
    # check that source sample and dataset exist
    if sample.source_dataset_id is not None:
        checkExisting = dbstore.find(
            Dataset, Dataset.dataset_id == sample.source_dataset_id)
        if checkExisting.is_empty():
            raise IndexError("No dataset with such index: %d" %
    if sample.source_sample_id is not None:
        checkExisting = dbstore.find(
            Sample, Sample.sample_id == sample.source_sample_id)
        if checkExisting.is_empty():
            raise IndexError("No sample with such index: %d" %
    # if opts.nevents is not set, take #events from source sample (if set) or from source dataset (if set) in that order
    if sample.nevents_processed is None and sample.source_sample_id is not None:
        sample.nevents_processed = dbstore.find(
            Sample, Sample.sample_id ==
    if sample.nevents_processed is None and sample.source_dataset_id is not None:
        sample.nevents_processed = dbstore.find(
            Dataset.dataset_id == sample.source_dataset_id).one().nevents
    if sample.nevents_processed is None:
        print "Warning: Number of processed events not given, and no way to guess it."

    # List input files
    files = []
    if opts.files == "":
        files = glob.glob(os.path.join(sample.path, '*.root'))
        files = unicode(opts.files).split(",")
    if len(files) == 0:
        print "Warning: no root files found in %r" % sample.path

    # Try to guess the number of events stored into the file, as well as the weight sum
    for f in files:
        (weight_sum, entries) = get_file_data_(f)
        sample.files.add(File(f, f, weight_sum, entries))

    # check that there is no existing entry
    checkExisting = dbstore.find(Sample, Sample.name == sample.name)
    if checkExisting.is_empty():
        print sample
        if confirm(prompt="Insert into the database?", resp=True):
            # compute the luminosity, if possible
            if sample.luminosity is None:
                sample.luminosity = sample.getLuminosity()
        existing = checkExisting.one()
        prompt = "Replace existing "
        prompt += str(existing)
        prompt += "\nby new "
        prompt += str(sample)
        prompt += "\n?"
        if confirm(prompt, resp=False):
            if existing.luminosity is None:
                existing.luminosity = existing.getLuminosity()
    # commit