 def __init__(self, excel):
     self.excel = excel
     self.t = Tool()
     self.pdf = self.t.excel2pdf(excel)
     self.mt = MethodsTxt()
     self.code = "taipingyang"
     self.name = "太平洋"
     self.me = MethodExcel()
 def __init__(self, excel):
     self.excel = excel
     self.t = Tool()
     self.pdf = self.t.excel2pdf(excel)
     self.mt = MethodsTxt()
     self.code = "rensou"
     self.name = "中国人寿"
     self.me = MethodExcel()
 def __init__(self,excel):
     self.t = Tool()
     self.mt = MethodsTxt()
     self.code= "renbao"
     self.name= "中国人保"
     self.me = MethodExcel()
 def __init__(self, excel):
     self.excel = excel
     self.t = Tool()
     self.mt = MethodsTxt()
     self.code = "pingan"
     self.name = "平安保险"
     self.me = MethodExcel()
 def __init__(self, excel):
     self.excel = excel
     self.t = Tool()
     self.mt = MethodsTxt()
     self.code = "dadi"
     self.name = "大地保险公司"
     self.me = MethodExcel()
 def __init__(self, excel):
     self.excel = excel
     self.t = Tool()
     self.pdf = self.t.excel2pdf(excel)
     self.mt = MethodsTxt()
     self.code = "zongceng"
     self.name = "众诚"
     self.me = MethodExcel()
 def __init__(self, excel):
     self.excel = excel
     self.t = Tool()
     self.pdf = self.t.excel2pdf(excel)
     self.mt = MethodsTxt()
     self.code = "yingda"
     self.name = "英大"
     self.me = MethodExcel()
 def __init__(self, excel):
     self.excel = excel
     self.t = Tool()
     self.pdf = self.t.excel2pdf(excel)
     self.mt = MethodsTxt()
     self.code = "guoren"
     self.name = "国任"
     self.me = MethodExcel()
class TaiPingYang:
    def __init__(self, excel):
        self.excel = excel
        self.t = Tool()
        self.pdf = self.t.excel2pdf(excel)
        self.mt = MethodsTxt()
        self.code = "taipingyang"
        self.name = "太平洋"
        self.me = MethodExcel()

    def bao_dan_hao(self, ws):
        cell = self.me.find_key_cell(ws, "保险单号")
        pat = r'保险单号(.*?)$'
        res = re.findall(pat, cell, flags=re.DOTALL)
        if len(res) > 0:
            res1 = self.t.date_format(res[0])
            return res1
        return ""

    def begin_end_date(self, ws):
        pdf = self.pdf
        k = "保险期间"
        pat = r'保险期间(.*?)00时起至(.*?)24时止'
        res = self.mt.find_key_pat_in_tab(pdf, k, pat)
        if res and len(res[0]) == 2:
            begin = res[0][0]
            end = res[0][1]
            return self.t.date_format(begin), self.t.date_format(end)
        return "", ""

    def ce_pai_hao(self, ws):
        pdf = self.pdf
        k = '号牌号码'
        pat = r'号牌号码(.*?)厂牌'
        res = self.mt.find_key_pat_in_tab(pdf, k, pat)
        if res == None or len(res) == 0: return ""
        s = self.t.clean(res[0]).replace(":", "").replace(":", "")
        return s

    def fa_dong_ji(self, ws):
        pdf = self.pdf
        k = '发动机号'
        pat = r'发动机号(.*?)初次'
        res = self.mt.find_key_pat_in_tab(pdf, k, pat)
        if res == None or len(res) == 0: return ""
        s = res[0]
        return s.replace(":", "")

    def ce_jia_hao(self, ws):
        pdf = self.pdf
        k = '车架号'
        res = self.mt.find_key_line_in_tab(pdf, k)
        l = res.split(k)
        s = l[-1].replace(":", "")
        return s

    def jin_e(self, ws):
        pdf = self.pdf
        k = '保险费合计'
        pat = r'¥:(.*?)元'
        res = self.mt.find_key_pat_in_tab(pdf, k, pat)
        if res == None: return ""
        return self.t.clean(res[0])

    def bei_bao_xian_ren(self, ws):
        pdf = self.pdf
        k = '被保险人'
        pat = r'被保险人(.*?)手机号'
        res = self.mt.find_key_pat_in_tab(pdf, k, pat)
        if res == None: return ""
        return self.t.clean(res[0])

    def ce_zu(self, ws):
        pdf = self.pdf
        pat = r'车主(.*?)投保人'
        k = '车主'
        res = self.mt.find_key_pat_in_tab(pdf, k, pat)
        if res == None: return ""
        return self.t.clean(res[0])

    def tou_bao_ren(self, ws):
        pdf = self.pdf
        pat = r'投保人:(.*?)$'
        k = '投保人:'
        res = self.mt.find_key_pat_in_tab(pdf, k, pat)
        if res == None: return ""
        return self.t.clean(res[0])

    def te_bie_tiao_kuan(self, ws):
        pdf = self.pdf
        pat = r'24时止(.*?)保险合同争议解决方式'
        res = self.mt.find_patter_in_txt(pdf, pat)
        return res
class RenSou:
    def __init__(self, excel):
        self.excel = excel
        self.t = Tool()
        self.pdf = self.t.excel2pdf(excel)
        self.mt = MethodsTxt()
        self.code = "rensou"
        self.name = "中国人寿"
        self.me = MethodExcel()

    def bao_dan_hao(self, ws):
        pat = r'保险单号(.*?)鉴于投保人'
        res = self.mt.find_patter_in_txt(self.pdf, pat)
        return res.replace(":", "").replace(":", "")

    def begin_end_date(self, ws):
        k = "保险期间"
        cell = self.me.find_key_cell_right(ws, k)
        pat = r'自(.*?)00时00分起至(.*?)24时00分止'
        res = re.findall(pat, cell, flags=re.DOTALL)
        if res and len(res[0]) == 2:
            begin = res[0][0]
            end = res[0][1]
            return self.t.date_format(begin), self.t.date_format(end)
        return "", ""

    def ce_pai_hao(self, ws):
        k = '号牌号码'
        res = self.me.find_key_cell_right(ws, k)
        return res

    def fa_dong_ji(self, ws):
        k = '发动机号'
        res = self.me.find_key_cell_right(ws, k)
        return res

    def ce_jia_hao(self, ws):
        k = '车架号'
        res = self.me.find_key_cell_right(ws, k)
        return res

    def jin_e(self, ws):
        k = '保险费合计'
        cell = self.me.find_key_cell(ws, k)
        pat = r'¥:(.*?)元'
        res = re.findall(pat, cell, flags=re.DOTALL)
        if res == None: return ""
        return self.t.clean(res[0])

    def bei_bao_xian_ren(self, ws):
        k = '姓名/名称'
        res = self.me.find_key_cell_right(ws, k)
        if res == None: return ""
        return self.t.clean(res)

    def ce_zu(self, ws):
        k = '行驶证车主'
        res = self.me.find_key_cell_right(ws, k)
        if res == None: return ""
        return self.t.clean(res)

    def tou_bao_ren(self, ws):
        pat = r'本保单投保人为:(.*?)$'
        k = '本保单投保人为'
        cell = self.me.find_key_cell(ws, k)
        res = re.findall(pat, cell, flags=re.DOTALL)
        if res == None: return ""
        return self.t.clean(res[0])

    def te_bie_tiao_kuan(self, ws):
        pdf = self.t.excel2pdf(self.excel)
        pat = r'时00分止(.*?)保险合同争议解决方式'
        res = self.mt.find_patter_in_txt(pdf, pat)
        return res