def _writeMacroDependenciesTable(theS, theEnv, theAdjList, theItu): """Writes all the macro dependencies to a rowspan/colspan HTML that references something. table with links to the position in the HTML representation of the file This uses a particular design pattern that uses a DictTree to sort out the rows and columns. In this case the DictTree values are lists of pairs (href, nav_text) where nav_text is the line_col of the referencing file.""" myDt = DictTree.DictTreeHtmlTable('list') for branch in theAdjList.branches(): # I might depend on a macro (that is referenced) but I am not referenced. if theEnv.macro(branch[-1]).refCount > 0: href = '%s#%s' % ( _macroHistoryRefName(theItu), _retMacroId(theEnv.macro(branch[-1]), 0), ) else: href = '%s#%s' % ( _macroHistoryNorefName(theItu), _retMacroId(theEnv.macro(branch[-1]), 0), ) # TODO: theIntOccurence is set 0 here myDt.add(branch, ( href, branch[-1], )) # Now iterate with rowspan/colspan if len(myDt) > 0: HtmlUtils.writeDictTreeAsTable(theS, myDt, tableAttrs={'class': "filetable"}, includeKeyTail=False)
def setUp(self): self._dt = DictTree.DictTree() self.assertEqual([], list(self._dt.keys())) self.assertEqual([], list(self._dt.values())) self.assertEqual(0, len(self._dt)) self.assertNotEqual(True, 'spam' in self._dt) self.assertEqual(0, self._dt.depth())
def test_01(self): """TestDictTreeCtor: test_01(): constructor fails.""" try: DictTree.DictTree(valIterable='int')'DictTree.ExceptionDictTree not raised.') except DictTree.ExceptionDictTree: pass
def test_01(self): """TestTreeAdd: simple add and convert to a Dict Tree.""" t = Tree.Tree('A') t.addChild('AA') t.youngestChild.addChild('AAA') t.addChild('AB') t.youngestChild.addChild('ABA') # print(t.branches()) self.assertEquals([['A'], ['A', 'AA'], ['A', 'AA', 'AAA'], ['A', 'AB'], ['A', 'AB', 'ABA']], t.branches()) dt = DictTree.DictTree('list') for branch in t.branches(): dt.add(branch, None) # print(dt.indentedStr()) self.assertEqual( """A [None] AA [None] AAA [None] AB [None] ABA [None]""", dt.indentedStr())
def test_02(self): """TestDictTreeCtor: test_02(): constructor OK, change valIterable and fail.""" myDt = DictTree.DictTree() myDt._vI = 'int' try: myDt.add(list(range(1)), 'one')'DictTree.ExceptionDictTree not raised.') except DictTree.ExceptionDictTree as err: pass
def writeFilePathsAsTable(valueType, theS, theKvS, tableStyle, fnTd): """Writes file paths as a table, for example as a directory structure. *valueType* The type of the value; ``None, |'list' | 'set'`` *theKvS* A list of pairs ``(file_path, value)``. *tableStyle* The style used for the table. *fnTd* A callback function that is executed for a ``<td>`` element when there is a non-None value. This is called with the following arguments: *theS* The HTML stream. *attrs* A map of attrs that include the rowspan/colspan for the <td> *k* The key as a list of path components. *v* The value given by the caller. """ myDict = DictTree.DictTreeHtmlTable(valueType) for k, v in theKvS: myDict.add(pathSplit(k), v) # Propagate table class attribute with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'table', {'class': tableStyle}): for anEvent in myDict.genColRowEvents(): if anEvent == myDict.ROW_OPEN: # Write out the '<tr>' element theS.startElement('tr', {}) elif anEvent == myDict.ROW_CLOSE: # Write out the '</tr>' element theS.endElement('tr') else: #print 'TRACE: anEvent', anEvent k, v, r, c = anEvent # Write '<td rowspan="%d" colspan="%d">%s</td>' % (r, c, txt[-1]) myTdAttrs = {'class': tableStyle} if r > 1: myTdAttrs['rowspan'] = "%d" % r if c > 1: myTdAttrs['colspan'] = "%d" % c if v is not None: fnTd(theS, myTdAttrs, k, v) else: with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'td', myTdAttrs): # Write out part of the file name theS.characters(k[-1])
def writeFileListTrippleAsTable(theS, theFileLinkS, tableAttrs, includeKeyTail): """Writes a list of file names as an HTML table looking like a directory structure. *theFileLinkS* is a list of triples ``(file_name, href, nav_text)``.""" #print 'TRACE: theFileLinkS', theFileLinkS myDict = DictTree.DictTreeHtmlTable('list') for f, h, n in theFileLinkS: keyList = pathSplit(f) myDict.add(keyList, (h, n)) #print 'TRACE: myDict.keys():', myDict.keys() #print 'TRACE: myDict.values():', myDict.values() writeDictTreeAsTable(theS, myDict, tableAttrs, includeKeyTail)
def writeFileListAsTable(theS, theFileLinkS, tableAttrs, includeKeyTail): """Writes a list of file names as an HTML table looking like a directory structure. theFileLinkS is a list of pairs (file_path, href). The navigation text in the cell will be the basename of the file_path.""" #myList = [(f, h, os.path.basename(f)) for f, h in theFileLinkS] #writeFileListTrippleAsTable(theS, myList, tableAttrs, includeKeyTail) #print 'TRACE: theFileLinkS', theFileLinkS myDict = DictTree.DictTreeHtmlTable(None) for f, h in theFileLinkS: keyList = pathSplit(f) myDict.add(keyList, (h, os.path.basename(f))) writeDictTreeAsTable(theS, myDict, tableAttrs, includeKeyTail)
def _writeMacroDependenciesTable(theS, theEnv, theAdjList, theItu): """Writes all the macro dependencies to a rowspan/colspan HTML that references something. table with links to the position in the HTML representation of the file This uses a particular design pattern that uses a DictTree to sort out the rows and columns. In this case the DictTree values are lists of pairs ``(href, nav_text)`` where ``nav_text`` is the line_col of the referencing file. :param theS: HTML stream. :type theS: :py:class:`cpip.util.XmlWrite.XhtmlStream` :param theEnv: The macro environment. :type theEnv: :py:class:`cpip.core.MacroEnv.MacroEnv` :param theAdjList: Dependency adjacency list. :type theAdjList: :py:class:`cpip.util.Tree.Tree` :param theItu: The Initial Translation Unit (ITU). :type theItu: ``str`` :returns: ``NoneType`` """ myDt = DictTree.DictTreeHtmlTable('list') for branch in theAdjList.branches(): # I might depend on a macro (that is referenced) but I am not referenced. if theEnv.macro(branch[-1]).refCount > 0: href = '%s#%s' % ( _macroHistoryRefName(theItu), _retMacroId(theEnv.macro(branch[-1]), 0), ) else: href = '%s#%s' % ( _macroHistoryNorefName(theItu), _retMacroId(theEnv.macro(branch[-1]), 0), ) # TODO: theIntOccurence is set 0 here myDt.add(branch, ( href, branch[-1], )) # Now iterate with rowspan/colspan if len(myDt) > 0: HtmlUtils.writeDictTreeAsTable(theS, myDt, tableAttrs={'class': "filetable"}, includeKeyTail=False)
def setUp(self): self._dt = DictTree.DictTreeHtmlTable('list') self.assertEqual([], list(self._dt.keys())) self.assertEqual([], list(self._dt.values())) self.assertEqual(0, len(self._dt)) self.assertNotEqual(True, 'spam' in self._dt)
def test_00(self): """TestDictTreeCtor: test_00(): constructor.""" DictTree.DictTree() self.assertTrue(True)
def writeFilePathsAsTable(valueType, theS, theKvS, tableStyle, fnTd, fnTrTh=None): """Writes file paths as a table, for example as a directory structure. :param valueType: The type of the value: ``None, |'list' | 'set'`` :type valueType: ``NoneType, str`` :param theS: The HTML stream. :type theS: ``cpip.util.XmlWrite.XhtmlStream`` :param theKvS: A list of pairs ``(file_path, value)``. :type theKvS: ``list([tuple([str, tuple([str, str, tuple([<class 'int'>, int, int])])]), tuple([str, tuple([str, str, tuple([int, int, int])])])]), list([tuple([str, tuple([str, str])])])`` :param tableStyle: The CSS style used for the table. :type tableStyle: ``str`` :param fnTd: A callback function that is executed for a ``<td>`` element when there is a non-None value. This is called with the following arguments: *theS* The HTML stream. *attrs : dict* A map of attrs that include the rowspan/colspan for the <td> *k : list* The key as a list of path components. *v* The value given by the caller. :type fnTd: ``function`` :param fnTrTh: Optional callback function for the header that will be called with the following arguments: *theS* The HTML stream. *pathDepth* Maximum depth of the largest path, this can be used for ``<th colspan="...">File path</th>``. :type fnTrTh: ``NoneType, function`` :returns: ``NoneType`` :raises: ``StopIteration`` """ myDict = DictTree.DictTreeHtmlTable(valueType) for k, v in theKvS: myDict.add(pathSplit(k), v) # Propagate table class attribute with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'table', {'class' : tableStyle}): if fnTrTh is not None: # Here we will write the first row <th colspan="..."> </th> # or <th colspan="...">File path</th> fnTrTh(theS, myDict.depth()) for anEvent in myDict.genColRowEvents(): if anEvent == myDict.ROW_OPEN: # Write out the '<tr>' element theS.startElement('tr', {}) elif anEvent == myDict.ROW_CLOSE: # Write out the '</tr>' element theS.endElement('tr') else: #print 'TRACE: anEvent', anEvent k, v, r, c = anEvent # Write '<td rowspan="%d" colspan="%d">%s</td>' % (r, c, txt[-1]) myTdAttrs = {'class' : tableStyle} if r > 1: myTdAttrs['rowspan'] = "%d" % r if c > 1: myTdAttrs['colspan'] = "%d" % c if v is not None: fnTd(theS, myTdAttrs, k, v) else: with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'td', myTdAttrs): # Write out part of the file name theS.characters(k[-1])