def test_loss() :
    eps99  = 99.0 * numpy.finfo(float).eps
    # test values for t, param
    r  = numpy.array( [ 1, 2, 3], dtype=float )
    nu = numpy.array( [ 3, 2, 1], dtype=float )
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # f(t) = st_loss
    ar     = cppad_py.independent(r)
    anu    = a_functions.array2a_double(nu)
    aloss  = a_functions.a_st_loss(ar, anu)
    ay     = numpy.array( [ aloss ] )
    f      = cppad_py.d_fun(ar, ay)
    y          = f.forward(0, r)
    check      = curvefit.core.functions.st_loss(r, nu)
    rel_error  = y[0] / check - 1.0
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # f(t) = normal_loss
    ar     = cppad_py.independent(r)
    aloss  = a_functions.a_normal_loss(ar)
    ay     = numpy.array( [ aloss ] )
    f      = cppad_py.d_fun(ar, ay)
    y          = f.forward(0, r)
    check      = curvefit.core.functions.normal_loss(r)
    rel_error  = y[0] / check - 1.0
def test_gaussian_cdf() :
    eps99  = 99.0 * numpy.finfo(float).eps
    # test values for t, param
    t      = numpy.array( [ 5.0 , 10.0 ] )
    beta   = numpy.array( [ 30.0 , 20.0 ] )
    alpha  = 2.0 / beta
    p      = numpy.array( [ 0.1, 0.2 ] )
    param  = numpy.vstack( (alpha, beta, p) )
    # aparam
    aparam = numpy.empty( param.shape , dtype = cppad_py.a_double )
    for i in range( param.shape[0] ) :
        for j in range( param.shape[1] ) :
            aparam[i][j] = cppad_py.a_double( param[i][j] )
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # f(t) = gaussian_cdf(t, param)
    at = cppad_py.independent(t)
    ay = a_functions.a_gaussian_cdf(at, aparam)
    f  = cppad_py.d_fun(at, ay)
    # zero order foward mode using same values as during recording
    y  = f.forward(0, t)
    # check using curvefit values for same function
    check     = curvefit.core.functions.gaussian_cdf(t, param)
    rel_error = y / check - 1.0
    assert all( abs( rel_error ) < eps99 )
    # compute entire Jacobian of f
    # (could instead calculate a sparse Jacobian here).
    J = f.jacobian(t)
    assert J.shape[0] == t.size
    assert J.shape[1] == t.size
    # check using curvefitl values for derivative function
    check = curvefit.core.functions.gaussian_pdf(t, param)
    for i in range( t.size ) :
        for i in range( t.size ) :
            if i == j :
                rel_error = J[i,j] / check[i] - 1.0
                assert abs( rel_error ) < eps99
            else :
                assert J[i,j] == 0.0
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # g(t) = ln_gaussian_cdf(t, param)
    at = cppad_py.independent(t)
    ay = a_functions.a_ln_gaussian_cdf(at, aparam)
    g  = cppad_py.d_fun(at, ay)
    # zero order foward mode using same values as during recording
    y  = g.forward(0, t)
    # check using curvefit values for same function
    check     = curvefit.core.functions.ln_gaussian_cdf(t, param)
    rel_error = y / check - 1.0
    assert all( abs( rel_error ) < eps99 )
def a_fun_xam():
    import numpy
    import cppad_py
    # initialize return variable
    ok = True
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # number of dependent and independent variables
    m = 1
    n = 3
    # Record the function
    #	f(x) = 0.5 * ( x[0]^2 + ... + x[n-1]^2 )
    x = numpy.empty(n, dtype=float)
    for i in range(n):
        x[i] = i
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
    ay = numpy.empty(m, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    asum = cppad_py.a_double(0.0)
    for i in range(n):
        asum = asum + ax[i] * ax[i]
    ay[0] = cppad_py.a_double(0.5) * asum
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
    af = cppad_py.a_fun(f)
    # Record the function
    #	g(x) = f'(x) * v
    au = numpy.empty(m, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    av = numpy.empty(n, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    for i in range(n):
        av[i] = cppad_py.a_double(i)
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
    af.forward(0, ax)
    au = af.forward(1, av)
    g = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, au)
    # compute g(x)
    u = g.forward(0, x)
    # compute g'(x)
    uq = numpy.empty((m, 1), dtype=float)
    uq[0, 0] = 1.0
    xq = g.reverse(1, uq)
    # g'(x) = f''(x) * v = v
    for i in range(n):
        ok = ok and cppad_py.a_double(xq[i, 0]) == av[i]
    return ok
def optimize_fixed_1() :
    import cppad_py
    import numpy
    ok         = True
    theta_true = 2.0
    theta      = numpy.array([ 1 ], dtype=float )
    atheta     = cppad_py.independent(theta)
    av_0       = (atheta[0] - theta_true) * (atheta[0] - theta_true) / 2.0
    av         = numpy.array( [ av_0 ] )
    f          = cppad_py.d_fun(atheta, av)
    mixed_obj = cppad_py.mixed(
        fixed_init = theta ,
        fix_likelihood = f,
    options  = 'String  sb    yes\n'     # suppress optimizer banner
    options += 'Integer print_level 0\n' # suppress optimizer trace
    solution  = mixed_obj.optimize_fixed(
        fixed_ipopt_options = options
    theta_opt = solution.fixed_opt[0]
    ok        = ok and abs( theta_true - theta_opt ) < 1e-10
    return ok
def to_json_xam():
    import numpy
    import cppad_py
    import re
    # initialize return variable
    ok = True
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    n = 1  # number of independent variables
    m = 2  # number of dependent variables
    # independent variables
    x = numpy.array([1.0])
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
    # f(x) = [ x0 + x0, sin(x0) ]
    ay = numpy.empty(m, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    ay[0] = ax[0] + ax[0]
    ay[1] = ax[0].sin()
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
    # check f.to_json
    json = f.to_json()
    pattern = r'"op_code" *: *([^,]*),'
    match = re.search(pattern, json)
    op_code = int(match.group(1))
    ok &= op_code == 1
    pattern = r'"name" *: *"([^"]*)" *,'
    match = re.search(pattern, json)
    name = match.group(1)
    ok &= name == 'add' or name == 'sub'
    return ok
def fun_property_xam():
    import numpy
    import cppad_py
    # initialize return variable
    ok = True
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    n_ind = 1  # number of independent variables
    n_dep = 2  # number of dependent variables
    n_var = 1  # phantom variable at address 0
    n_op = 1  # special operator at beginning
    # dimension some vectors
    # x  = numpy.empty(n_ind, dtype=float)
    x = numpy.empty(n_ind, dtype=float)
    ay = numpy.empty(n_dep, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    # independent variables
    x[0] = 1.0
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
    n_var = n_var + n_ind  # one for each indpendent
    n_op = n_op + n_ind
    # first dependent variable
    ay[0] = ax[0] + ax[0]
    n_var = n_var + 1  # one variable and operator
    n_op = n_op + 1
    # second dependent variable
    ax0 = ax[0]
    ay[1] = ax0.sin()
    n_var = n_var + 2  # two varialbes, one operator
    n_op = n_op + 1
    # define f(x) = y
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
    n_op = n_op + 1  # speical operator at end
    # check af properties
    ok = ok and f.size_domain() == n_ind
    ok = ok and f.size_range() == n_dep
    ok = ok and f.size_var() == n_var
    ok = ok and f.size_op() == n_op
    ok = ok and f.size_order() == 0
    # compute zero order Taylor coefficients
    y = f.forward(0, x)
    ok = ok and f.size_order() == 1
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    af = cppad_py.a_fun(f)
    # check af properties
    ok = ok and af.size_domain() == n_ind
    ok = ok and af.size_range() == n_dep
    ok = ok and af.size_var() == n_var
    ok = ok and af.size_op() == n_op
    ok = ok and af.size_order() == 0
    return (ok)
def simple_inv_xam():
    ok = True
    x = numpy.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
    # create the matrix [ [x_0, x_1], [x_2, x_3] ]
    aA = numpy.reshape(ax, (2, 2), order='C')
    # compute inverse of A
    aAinv = simple_inv(aA)
    # create f(x)
    ay = numpy.reshape(aAinv, 4, order='C')
    ay = (ax[3] * ax[0] - ax[1] * ax[2]) * ay
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
    # evaluate the derivative f'(x)
    J = f.jacobian(x)
    # Check the derivative
    check = numpy.zeros((4, 4))
    check[0, 3] = 1.0
    check[1, 1] = -1.0
    check[2, 2] = -1.0
    check[3, 0] = 1.0
    eps99 = 99.0 * numpy.finfo(float).eps
    ok &= numpy.all(numpy.fabs(J - check) < eps99)
    return ok
def objective_d_fun(t_all, I_data):
    # 8 variables, 4 in ode_p, 4 in y_init
    x = numpy.ones(8)
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
    # x = concatenate( ode_p , y_init )
    aode_p = ax[0:4]
    ay_init = ax[4:8]
    # set up seirs model
    seirs = seirs_class()
    # compute model for data
    ay_model = seirs.model()
    # Only have I(t) data.
    aI_model = ay_model[:, 2]  # S=0, E=1, I=2, R=3
    # compute Gaussian loss function
    aresidual = I_data - aI_model
    aloss = numpy.sum(aresidual * aresidual)
    aloss = numpy.array([aloss])
    objective_ad = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, aloss)
    return objective_ad
def optimize_fixed_2() :
    import cppad_py
    import numpy
    ok         = True
    inf        = numpy.inf
    # define f(x) = x_0 x_3 ( x_0 + x_1 + x_2) + x_2
    x_start = numpy.array([ 1, 5, 5, 1 ], dtype=float )
    ax      = cppad_py.independent(x_start)
    av_0    = ax[0] * ax[3] * ( ax[0] + ax[1] + ax[2] ) + ax[2]
    av      = numpy.array( [ av_0 ] )
    f       = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, av)
    # define g_0 (x) = x_0 * x_1 * x_2 * x_3
    #        g_1 (x) = x_0^2 + x_1^2 + x_2^2 + x_3^2
    ax       = cppad_py.independent(x_start)
    av_0     = ax[0] * ax[1] * ax[2] * ax[3]
    av_1     = ax[0]*ax[0] + ax[1]*ax[1] + ax[2]*ax[2] + ax[3]*ax[3]
    av       = numpy.array( [av_0, av_1] )
    g        = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, av)
    x_lower  = numpy.array( [1, 1, 1, 1], dtype=float )
    x_upper  = numpy.array( [5, 5, 5, 5], dtype=float )
    g_lower  = numpy.array( [  25, 40], dtype=float )
    g_upper  = numpy.array( [ inf, 40], dtype=float )
    mixed_obj = cppad_py.mixed(
        fixed_init     = x_start,
        fix_likelihood = f,
        fix_constraint = g,
    options  = 'String  sb    yes\n'     # suppress optimizer banner
    options += 'Integer print_level 0\n' # suppress optimizer trace
    solution  = mixed_obj.optimize_fixed(
        fixed_ipopt_options   = options,
        fixed_lower           = x_lower,
        fixed_upper           = x_upper,
        fixed_in              = x_start,
        fix_constraint_lower  = g_lower,
        fix_constraint_upper  = g_upper,
    x_opt   = solution.fixed_opt
    x_check =  numpy.array( [1.00000000, 4.74299963, 3.82114998, 1.37940829] )
    ok      = ok and numpy.all( numpy.abs( x_opt - x_check ) < 1e-7 )
    return ok
def fix_constraint_xam() :
    import cppad_py
    import numpy
    ok         = True
    g_L        = 10.0
    theta_hat  = numpy.sqrt(g_L) - 2
    # value of theta at which we will record fix_likelihood( theta )
    theta      = numpy.array([ 0 ], dtype=float )
    # fix_likelihood
    atheta  = cppad_py.independent(theta)
    av_0    =  ( atheta[0] - 1.0 ) * ( atheta[0] - 1.0 )
    av      = numpy.array( [ av_0 ] )
    f       = cppad_py.d_fun(atheta, av)
    # fix_constraint
    atheta  = cppad_py.independent(theta)
    av_0    =  ( atheta[0] + 2.0 ) * ( atheta[0] + 2.0 )
    av      = numpy.array( [ av_0] )
    g       = cppad_py.d_fun(atheta, av)
    # mixed_obj
    mixed_obj = cppad_py.mixed(
        fixed_init     = theta ,
        fix_likelihood = f,
        fix_constraint = g,
    # optimize_fixed
    options  = 'String  sb    yes\n'     # suppress optimizer banner
    options += 'Integer print_level 0\n' # suppress optimizer trace
    solution  = mixed_obj.optimize_fixed(
        fixed_ipopt_options  = options,
        fix_constraint_lower = numpy.array( [g_L], dtype=float)
    # optimal value for theta
    theta_opt = solution.fixed_opt[0]
    # check solution
    ok = ok and abs(theta_opt / theta_hat - 1.0 ) < 1e-9
    return ok
def ran_likelihood_xam():
    import cppad_py
    import numpy
    ok = True
    y_bar = 1.0  # mean of the data y
    y = 2.0  # data that depends on random effects
    sigma = 0.5  # standard deviation for the random effects
    # value of theta and u at which we will record ran_likelihood( theta , u)
    theta_u = numpy.array([sigma * sigma, 0.0], dtype=float)
    # independent variables during the recording
    atheta_u = cppad_py.independent(theta_u)
    # split out theta and u
    atheta = atheta_u[0]
    au = atheta_u[1]
    # - log[ p(y|theta,u) ] (dropping terms that are constant w.r.t. theta,u)
    atmp = (y - y_bar - au)
    ap_y_theta_u = 0.5 * atmp * atmp / atheta
    ap_y_theta_u += 0.5 * numpy.log(atheta)
    # - log[ p(u|theta) ] (dropping terms that are constant w.r.t. theta,u)
    atmp = au / sigma
    ap_u_theta = 0.5 * atmp * atmp
    # - log[ p(y|theta, u) p(u|theta) ]
    av_0 = ap_y_theta_u + ap_u_theta
    # function mapping (theta,u) -> v
    av = numpy.array([av_0])
    r = cppad_py.d_fun(atheta_u, av)
    # mixed_obj
    mixed_obj = cppad_py.mixed(
    # optimize_fixed
    options = 'String  sb    yes\n'  # suppress optimizer banner
    options += 'Integer print_level 0\n'  # suppress optimizer trace
    solution = mixed_obj.optimize_fixed(
    # optimal value for theta
    theta_opt = solution.fixed_opt[0]
    theta_hat = (y - y_bar) * (y - y_bar) - sigma * sigma
    # check solution
    ok = ok and abs(theta_opt / theta_hat - 1.0) < 1e-8
    return ok
def test_gaussian_pdf():
    eps99 = 99.0 * numpy.finfo(float).eps
    # test values for t, param
    t = numpy.array([5.0, 10.0])
    beta = numpy.array([30.0, 20.0])
    alpha = 2.0 / beta
    p = numpy.array([0.1, 0.2])
    param = numpy.vstack((alpha, beta, p))
    # aparam
    aparam = numpy.empty(param.shape, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    for i in range(param.shape[0]):
        for j in range(param.shape[1]):
            aparam[i][j] = cppad_py.a_double(param[i][j])
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # f(t) = gaussian_cdf(t, param)
    at = cppad_py.independent(t)
    ay = a_functions.a_gaussian_cdf(at, aparam)
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(at, ay)
    # g(t) = d/dt gaussian_cdf(t, param)
    at = cppad_py.independent(t)
    ay = a_functions.a_gaussian_pdf(at, aparam)
    g = cppad_py.d_fun(at, ay)
    # check a_gaussian_pdf
    f.forward(0, t)
    g0 = g.forward(0, t)
    dt = a_functions.constant_array((t.size, ), 0.0)
    for i in range(len(t)):
        dt[i] = 1.0
        df = f.forward(1, dt)
        rel_error = g0[i] / df[i] - 1.0
        dt[i] = 0.0
        assert abs(rel_error) < eps99
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # check a_ln_dgaussain_cdf
    at = cppad_py.independent(t)
    ay = a_functions.a_ln_gaussian_pdf(at, aparam)
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(at, ay)
    f0 = f.forward(0, t)
    rel_error = f0 / numpy.log(g0) - 1
    assert all(abs(rel_error) < eps99)
def runge4_multi_step_xam():
    ok = True
    nx = 4
    eps99 = 99.0 * numpy.finfo(float).eps
    # independent variables for this g(x) = y(1, x)
    x = numpy.array(nx * [1.0])
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)

    # function to pass to runge4.multi_step
    def fun(t, ay):
        return f(t, ay, ax)

    # initiali value for the ODE
    n_step = 10
    ay_init = numpy.array(nx * [cppad_py.a_double(0.0)])
    t_final = 0.75
    t_all = [t_final * i / (n_step - 1) for i in range(n_step)]
    t_all = numpy.array(t_all)
    # take multiple steps
    ay = runge4.multi_step(fun, t_all, ay_init)
    ay_final = ay[n_step - 1, :]
    # g(x) = y(t_final, x)
    g = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay_final)
    # Check g_i (x) = prod_{j=0}^i x[j] t^(i+1) / (i+1) !
    # 4th order method should be very accutate for functions
    # or order 4 or less in t.
    x = numpy.arange(0, nx) + 1.0
    gx = g.forward(0, x)
    prod = 1.0
    for i in range(nx):
        prod = prod * x[i]
        power = numpy.power(t_final, i + 1)
        factorial = scipy.misc.factorial(i + 1)
        check = prod * power / factorial
        rel_error = gx[i] / check - 1.0
        ok &= abs(rel_error) < eps99
    # Check derivative of g_i (x) w.r.t x_j
    # is zero for i < j and  g_i(x) / x_j otherwise
    J = g.jacobian(x)
    for j in range(nx):
        for i in range(nx):
            if i < j:
                ok &= J[i, j] == 0.0
                check = gx[i] / x[j]
                rel_error = J[i, j] / check - 1.0
                ok &= abs(rel_error) < eps99

    return ok
def objective_d_fun(t_all, D_data):
    n_x = len(x_name)
    x = 0.1 * numpy.ones(n_x)
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
    aloss = objective(t_all, D_data, ax)
    aloss = numpy.array([aloss])
    objective_ad = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, aloss)
    return objective_ad
def fun_jacobian_xam() :
	import numpy
	import cppad_py
	# initialize return variable
	ok = True
	# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	# number of dependent and independent variables
	n_dep = 1
	n_ind = 3
	# create the independent variables ax
	x = numpy.empty(n_ind, dtype=float)
	for i in range( n_ind  ) :
		x[i] = i + 2.0
	ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
	# create dependent variables ay with ay0 = ax_0 * ax_1 * ax_2
	ax_0  = ax[0]
	ax_1  = ax[1]
	ax_2  = ax[2]
	ay    = numpy.empty(n_dep, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
	ay[0] = ax_0 * ax_1 * ax_2
	# define af corresponding to f(x) = x_0 * x_1 * x_2
	f  = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
	# compute the Jacobian f'(x) = ( x_1*x_2, x_0*x_2, x_0*x_1 )
	fp = f.jacobian(x)
	# check Jacobian
	x_0 = x[0]
	x_1 = x[1]
	x_2 = x[2]
	ok = ok and fp[0, 0] == x_1 * x_2
	ok = ok and fp[0, 1] == x_0 * x_2
	ok = ok and fp[0, 2] == x_0 * x_1
	# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	af = cppad_py.a_fun(f)
	ax   = numpy.empty(n_ind, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
	for i in range( n_ind ) :
		ax[i] = x[i]
	# compute the Jacobian f'(x) = ( x_1*x_2, x_0*x_2, x_0*x_1 )
	afp = af.jacobian(ax)
	# check Jacobian
	ok = ok and afp[0, 0] == cppad_py.a_double(x_1 * x_2)
	ok = ok and afp[0, 1] == cppad_py.a_double(x_0 * x_2)
	ok = ok and afp[0, 2] == cppad_py.a_double(x_0 * x_1)
	return( ok )
def test_expit() :
    eps99  = 99.0 * numpy.finfo(float).eps
    # test values for t, param
    t      = numpy.array( [ 5.0 , 10.0 ] )
    beta   = numpy.array( [ 30.0 , 20.0 ] )
    alpha  = 2.0 / beta
    p      = numpy.array( [ 0.1, 0.2 ] )
    param  = numpy.vstack( (alpha, beta, p) )
    # aparam
    aparam = numpy.empty( param.shape , dtype = cppad_py.a_double )
    for i in range( param.shape[0] ) :
        for j in range( param.shape[1] ) :
            aparam[i][j] = cppad_py.a_double( param[i][j] )
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # f(t) = expit(t, param)
    at = cppad_py.independent(t)
    ay = a_functions.a_expit(at, aparam)
    f  = cppad_py.d_fun(at, ay)
    # zero order foward mode using same values as during recording
    y  = f.forward(0, t)
    # check using curvefit values for same function
    check     = curvefit.core.functions.expit(t, param)
    rel_error = y / check - 1.0
    assert all( abs( rel_error ) < eps99 )
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # g(t) = ln_gaussian_cdf(t, param)
    at = cppad_py.independent(t)
    ay = a_functions.a_ln_expit(at, aparam)
    g  = cppad_py.d_fun(at, ay)
    # zero order foward mode using same values as during recording
    y  = g.forward(0, t)
    # check using curvefit values for same function
    check     = curvefit.core.functions.ln_expit(t, param)
    rel_error = y / check - 1.0
    assert all( abs( rel_error ) < eps99 )
def test_case(case):
    ok = True
    nx = 3
    eps99 = 99.0 * numpy.finfo(float).eps
    # independent variables for this g(x) = y(1, x)
    x = numpy.array(nx * [1.0])
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
    if case == 1:
        fun = first_fun_class(ax)
    elif case == 2:
        fun = second_fun_class(ax)
        assert (False)
    # initiali value for the ODE
    ay_start = numpy.array(nx * [cppad_py.a_double(0.0)])
    t_start = 0.0
    t_step = 0.75
    # take one step
    ay = rosen3_step(fun, t_start, ay_start, t_step)
    # g(x) = y(t_step, x)
    g = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
    # Check g_i (x) = prod_{j=0}^i x[j] t^(i+1) / (i+1) !
    # 3th order method should be very accutate for functions
    # or order 3 or less in t.
    x = numpy.arange(0, nx) + 1.0
    gx = g.forward(0, x)
    prod = 1.0
    for i in range(nx):
        prod = prod * x[i]
        check = prod * numpy.power(t_step, i + 1) / factorial(i + 1)
        rel_error = gx[i] / check - 1.0
        ok &= abs(rel_error) < eps99
    # Check derivative of g_i (x) w.r.t x_j
    # is zero for i < j and  g_i(x) / x_j otherwise
    J = g.jacobian(x)
    for j in range(nx):
        for i in range(nx):
            if i < j:
                ok &= J[i, j] == 0.0
                check = gx[i] / x[j]
                rel_error = J[i, j] / check - 1.0
                ok &= abs(rel_error) < eps99

    return ok
def hes_fixed_obj():
    import cppad_py
    import numpy
    ok = True
    n_fixed = 5
    n_random = 0
    # value of theta and we will record fix_likelihood( theta )
    theta = numpy.ones(n_fixed, dtype=float)
    # independent variables during the recording
    atheta = cppad_py.independent(theta)
    a_sum = 0.0
    for i in range(n_fixed):
        j = (i + 1) % n_fixed
        a_sum += (i + j) * atheta[i] * atheta[j]
    av = numpy.array([a_sum], dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(atheta, av)
    # mixed_obj
    empty = numpy.array([], dtype=float)
    mixed_obj = cppad_py.mixed(
    # hes_fixed_obj_rcv
    hes_fixed_obj_rcv = cppad_py.sparse_rcv()
    # check lower triangle of the Hessian
    ok = ok and hes_fixed_obj_rcv.nr() == n_fixed
    ok = ok and hes_fixed_obj_rcv.nc() == n_fixed
    ok = ok and hes_fixed_obj_rcv.nnz() == n_fixed
    row = hes_fixed_obj_rcv.row()
    col = hes_fixed_obj_rcv.col()
    val = hes_fixed_obj_rcv.val()
    for k in range(hes_fixed_obj_rcv.nnz()):
        i = row[k]
        j = col[k]
        ok = ok and j < i
        ok = ok and ((j + 1 == i) or (j == 0 and i == n_fixed - 1))
        ok = ok and val[k] == (i + j)
    return ok
def from_json_xam():
    import numpy
    import cppad_py
    import math
    # initialize return variable
    ok = True
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # AD graph repersentation of f(x) = sin(x) / cos(x)
    # node_1 : x[0]
    # node_2 : sin( x[0] )
    # node_3 : cos( x[0] )
    # node_4 : sin( x[0] ) / cos( x[0] )
    # y[0]   = sin( x[0] ) / cos( x[0] )
    json = '''
			"function_name" : "tangent function",
			"op_define_vec" : [ 3, [
				{ "op_code":1, "name":"sin", "n_arg":1 } ,
				{ "op_code":2, "name":"cos", "n_arg":1 } ,
				{ "op_code":3, "name":"div", "n_arg":2 } ]
			"n_dynamic_ind"  : 0,
			"n_variable_ind" : 1,
			"constant_vec"   : [ 0, [ ] ],
			"op_usage_vec"   : [ 3, [
				[ 1, 1 ]   ,
				[ 2, 1 ]   ,
				[ 3, 2, 3] ]
			"dependent_vec" : [ 1, [4] ]
    # convert json to a fucntion object
    f = cppad_py.d_fun()
    # compute y = f(x)
    x = numpy.array([1.0])
    y = f.forward(0, x)
    # check the function value
    eps99 = 99.0 * numpy.finfo(float).eps
    check = math.tan(x[0])
    rel_error = y[0] / check - 1.0
    ok &= abs(rel_error) < eps99
    return ok
def fix_likelihood_xam() :
    import cppad_py
    import numpy
    ok         = True
    theta_bar = 1.5 # mean of prior for theta
    z         = 2.0 # data that does not depend on random effects
    sigma     = 0.5 # standard deviation of both data and prior
    # value of theta at which we will record fix_likelihood( theta )
    theta      = numpy.array([ theta_bar ], dtype=float )
    # independent variables during the recording
    atheta     = cppad_py.independent(theta)
    # - log[ p(theta) ] (dropping terms that are constant w.r.t theta)
    atmp     = ( atheta[0] - theta_bar ) / sigma
    ap_theta = 0.5 * atmp * atmp
    # - log[ p(z|theta) ] (dropping terms that are constant w.r.t. theta)
    atmp       = ( z  - atheta[0] ) / sigma
    ap_z_theta = 0.5 * atmp * atmp
    # - log[ p(z|theta) p(theta) ]
    av_0 = ap_z_theta + ap_theta
    # function mapping theta -> v
    av   = numpy.array( [ av_0 ] )
    f    = cppad_py.d_fun(atheta, av)
    # mixed_obj
    mixed_obj = cppad_py.mixed(
        fixed_init     = theta ,
        fix_likelihood = f,
    # optimize_fixed
    options  = 'String  sb    yes\n'     # suppress optimizer banner
    options += 'Integer print_level 0\n' # suppress optimizer trace
    solution  = mixed_obj.optimize_fixed(
        fixed_ipopt_options = options
    # optimal value for theta
    theta_opt = solution.fixed_opt[0]
    theta_hat = (theta_bar + z) / 2.0
    # check solution
    ok = ok and abs( theta_opt - theta_hat ) < 1e-10
    return ok
def fun_check_for_nan_xam():
    import numpy
    import cppad_py
    # initialize return variable
    ok = True
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    n_ind = 2  # number of independent variables
    n_dep = 2  # number of dependent variables
    # dimension some vectors
    x = numpy.empty(n_ind, dtype=float)
    ay = numpy.empty(n_dep, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    # independent variables
    x[0] = -1.0
    x[1] = 2.0
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
    # dependent variables
    ay[0] = ax[0]**ax[1]
    ay[1] = ax[0]**2.0
    # define f(x) = y
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
    # turn off checking for nan
    # funtion values are not nan
    y = f.forward(0, x)
    ok = ok and y[0] == 1.0  # y[0] = f(x)
    ok = ok and y[1] == 1.0  # y[1] = f(x)
    # Derivative of pow is nan. This would case an assert
    # if build_type were debug and check_for_nan were true.
    dx = numpy.ones(n_ind, dtype=float)
    dy = f.forward(1, dx)
    ok = ok and numpy.isnan(dy[0])
    ok = ok and dy[1] == -2.0  # dy[1] = f'(x)
    # Second derivative of pow in also nan
    ddx = numpy.zeros(n_ind, dtype=float)
    ddy = f.forward(2, ddx)
    ok = ok and numpy.isnan(ddy[0])
    ok = ok and ddy[1] == 1.0  # ddy[1] = 1/2 * f''(x)
    return ok
def fun_optimize_xam():
    import numpy
    import cppad_py
    # initialize return variable
    ok = True
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    n_ind = 1  # number of independent variables
    n_dep = 1  # number of dependent variables
    n_var = 1  # phantom variable at address 0
    n_op = 1  # special operator at beginning
    # dimension some vectors
    x = numpy.empty(n_ind, dtype=float)
    ay = numpy.empty(n_dep, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    # independent variables
    x[0] = 1.0
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
    n_var = n_var + n_ind  # one for each indpendent
    n_op = n_op + n_ind
    # accumulate summation
    ax0 = ax[0]
    csum = cppad_py.a_double(0.0)
    csum = ax0 + ax0 + ax0 + ax0
    n_var = n_var + 3  # one per + operator
    n_op = n_op + 3
    # define f(x) = y_0 = csum
    ay[0] = csum
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
    n_op = n_op + 1  # speical operator at end
    # check number of variables and operators
    ok = ok and f.size_var() == n_var
    ok = ok and f.size_op() == n_op
    # optimize
    # number of variables and operators has decreased by two
    ok = ok and f.size_var() == n_var - 2
    ok = ok and f.size_op() == n_op - 2
    return (ok)
def check_rosen3_step(fun, ti, yi, h) :
    ok    = True
    eps99 = 99.0 * numpy.finfo(float).eps
    ny    = yi.size
    both  = numpy.concatenate( (yi, [ti]) )
    aboth = cppad_py.independent(both)
    az    = fun.f(aboth[ny], aboth[0:ny] )
    fun_d = cppad_py.d_fun(aboth, az)
    J     = fun_d.jacobian(both)
    # check fun.f_t(t, y)
    fun_t   = fun.f_t(ti, yi)
    printed = False
    for i in range(ny) :
        if J[i, ny] == 0.0 :
            ok = ok and fun_t[i] == 0.0
        else :
            rel_error = fun_t[i] / J[i,ny] - 1.0
            if abs(rel_error) > eps99 :
                ok = False
                if not printed :
                    print('check_rosen3_step: fun.f_t check failed')
                    printed = True
                print('fun_t[', i, '] = ', fun_t[i], ', check = ', J[i,ny])
    # check fun.f_y(t, y)
    fun_y = fun.f_y(ti, yi)
    printed = False
    for i in range(ny) :
        for j in range(ny) :
            if J[i, j] == 0.0 :
                ok_ij =fun_y[i, j] == 0.0
            else :
                rel_error = fun_y[i, j] / J[i, j] - 1.0
                ok_ij = abs( rel_error ) < eps99
            if (not ok_ij) and (not printed) :
                print('check_rosen3_step: fun.f_y check failed')
                printed = True
            if not ok_ij :
                msg  = 'fun_y[' + str(i) + ',' + str(j) + '] ='
                msg += str( fun_y[i, j] )
                msg += ', check = ' + str( J[i, j] )
    return ok
def fun_dynamic_xam():
    ok = True
    nx = 2
    nd = 2
    # value of independent variables during recording
    x = numpy.empty(nx, dtype=float)
    x[0] = 1.0
    x[1] = 2.0
    # value of independent dynamic parameters during recording
    dynamic = numpy.empty(nd, dtype=float)
    dynamic[0] = 3.0
    dynamic[1] = 4.0
    # start recording
    (ax, adynamic) = cppad_py.independent(x, dynamic)
    # create another dynamic paramerer
    adyn = adynamic[0] + adynamic[1]
    # create another variable
    avar = ax[0] + ax[1] + adyn
    # create f(x) = x[0] + x[1] + dynamic[0] + dynamic[1]
    ay = numpy.empty(1, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    ay[0] = avar
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
    # check some properties of f
    ok = ok and f.size_domain() == nx
    ok = ok and f.size_order() == 0
    # zero order forward mode using same values as during the recording
    y = cppad_py.vec_double(1)
    y = f.forward(0, x)
    ok = ok and y[0] == (x[0] + x[1] + dynamic[0] + dynamic[1])
    #  zero order forward mode using different value for dynamic parameters
    dynamic[0] = dynamic[0] + 1.0
    dynamic[1] = dynamic[1] + 1.0
    y = f.forward(0, x)
    ok = ok and y[0] == (x[0] + x[1] + dynamic[0] + dynamic[1])
    return ok
def a_double_cond_assign_xam():
    import numpy
    import cppad_py
    # initialize return variable
    ok = True
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    n_ind = 4
    n_dep = 1
    # create ax (value of independent variables does not matter)
    x = numpy.empty(n_ind, dtype=float)
    x[0] = 0.0
    x[1] = 1.0
    x[2] = 2.0
    x[3] = 3.0
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
    # arguments to conditional assignment
    left = ax[0]
    right = ax[1]
    if_true = ax[2]
    if_false = ax[3]
    # assignment
    target = cppad_py.a_double()
    target.cond_assign("<", left, right, if_true, if_false)
    # f(x) = taget
    ay = numpy.empty(n_dep, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    ay[0] = target
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
    # assignment with different independent variable values
    x[0] = 9.0  # left
    x[1] = 8.0  # right
    x[2] = 7.0  # if_true
    x[3] = 6.0  # if_false
    p = 0
    y = f.forward(p, x)
    ok = ok and y[0] == 6.0
    return (ok)
def cppad_error_xam() :
    import numpy
    import cppad_py
    # initialize return variable
    ok = True
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    n_ind = 1 # number of independent variables
    n_dep = 2 # number of dependent variables
    # dimension some vectors
    x  = numpy.empty(n_ind, dtype=float)
    ay = numpy.empty(n_dep, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    # independent variables
    x[0]  = 0.0
    ax    = cppad_py.independent(x)
    # dependent variables
    ay[0] = ax[0] ** 2.0
    ay[1] = cppad_py.pow_int(ax[0], 2)
    # define f(x) = y
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
    # Attempt to use first order before zero order
    try :
        y   = f.forward(1, x)
    except RuntimeError as error :
        message = str(error)
        index   = 0
        index   = message.find('file =', index)
        ok      = ok and 0 < index
        index   = message.find('line =', index)
        ok      = ok and 0 < index
        index   = message.find('exp =', index)
        ok      = ok and 0 < index
        index   = message.find('msg =', index)
        ok      = ok and 0 < index
    return ok
def fun_reverse_xam() :
	import numpy
	import cppad_py
	# initialize return variable
	ok = True
	# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	# number of dependent and independent variables
	n_dep = 1
	n_ind = 3
	# create the independent variables ax
	xp = numpy.empty(n_ind, dtype=float)
	for i in range( n_ind  ) :
		xp[i] = i
	ax = cppad_py.independent(xp)
	# create dependent variables ay with ay0 = ax_0 * ax_1 * ax_2
	ax_0  = ax[0]
	ax_1  = ax[1]
	ax_2  = ax[2]
	ay    = numpy.empty(n_dep, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
	ay[0] = ax_0 * ax_1 * ax_2
	# define af corresponding to f(x) = x_0 * x_1 * x_2
	f  = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
	# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
	# define          X(t) = (x_0 + t, x_1 + t, x_2 + t)
	# it follows that Y(t) = f(X(t)) = (x_0 + t) * (x_1 + t) * (x_2 + t)
	# and that       Y'(0) = x_1 * x_2 + x_0 * x_2 + x_0 * x_1
	# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
	# zero order forward mode
	p     = 0
	xp[0] = 2.0
	xp[1] = 3.0
	xp[2] = 4.0
	yp = f.forward(p, xp)
	ok = ok and yp[0] == 24.0
	# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
	# first order reverse (derivative of zero order forward)
	# define G( Y ) = y_0 = x_0 * x_1 * x_2
	m         = f.size_range()
	q         = 1
	yq1       = numpy.empty( (m, q), dtype=float)
	yq1[0, 0] = 1.0
	xq1       = f.reverse(q, yq1)
	# partial G w.r.t x_0
	ok = ok and xq1[0,0] == 3.0 * 4.0
	# partial G w.r.t x_1
	ok = ok and xq1[1,0] == 2.0 * 4.0
	# partial G w.r.t x_2
	ok = ok and xq1[2,0] == 2.0 * 3.0
	# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
	# first order forward mode
	p     = 1
	xp[0] = 1.0
	xp[1] = 1.0
	xp[2] = 1.0
	yp    = f.forward(p, xp)
	ok    = ok and yp[0] == 3.0*4.0 + 2.0*4.0 + 2.0*3.0
	# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
	# second order reverse (derivative of first order forward)
	# define G( y_0^0 , y_0^1 ) = y_0^1
	# = x_1^0 * x_2^0  +  x_0^0 * x_2^0  +  x_0^0  *  x_1^0
	q         = 2
	yq2       = numpy.empty( (m, q), dtype=float)
	yq2[0, 0] = 0.0 # partial of G w.r.t y_0^0
	yq2[0, 1] = 1.0 # partial of G w.r.t y_0^1
	xq2       = f.reverse(q, yq2)
	# partial G w.r.t x_0^0
	ok = ok and xq2[0, 0] == 3.0 + 4.0
	# partial G w.r.t x_1^0
	ok = ok and xq2[1, 0] == 2.0 + 4.0
	# partial G w.r.t x_2^0
	ok = ok and xq2[2, 0] == 2.0 + 3.0
	# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
	af = cppad_py.a_fun(f)
	# zero order forward
	axp   = numpy.empty(n_ind, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
	p     = 0
	axp[0] = 2.0
	axp[1] = 3.0
	axp[2] = 4.0
	ayp = af.forward(p, axp)
	ok = ok and ayp[0] == cppad_py.a_double(24.0)
	# first order reverse
	q          = 1
	ayq1       = numpy.empty( (m, q), dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
	ayq1[0, 0] = 1.0
	axq1       = af.reverse(q, ayq1)
	# partial G w.r.t x_0
	ok = ok and axq1[0,0] == cppad_py.a_double(3.0 * 4.0)
	# partial G w.r.t x_1
	ok = ok and axq1[1,0] == cppad_py.a_double(2.0 * 4.0)
	# partial G w.r.t x_2
	ok = ok and axq1[2,0] == cppad_py.a_double(2.0 * 3.0)
	return( ok )
def optimize_fun_xam():
    import numpy
    import cppad_py
    import scipy.optimize
    from optimize_fun_class import optimize_fun_class
    ok = True

    def a_objective(ax):
        return ax[0] * ax[3] * (ax[0] + ax[1] + ax[2]) + ax[2]

    def a_constraint(ax):
        return [numpy.prod(ax), numpy.sum(ax * ax)]

    # objective_ad
    x = numpy.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
    ay = numpy.array([a_objective(ax)])
    objective_ad = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
    # constraint_ad
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
    ay = numpy.array(a_constraint(ax))
    constraint_ad = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
    # optimize_fun
    optimize_fun = optimize_fun_class(objective_ad, constraint_ad)
    # constraints
    lower_bound = [25.0, 40.0]
    upper_bound = [numpy.inf, 40.0]
    nonlinear_constraint = scipy.optimize.NonlinearConstraint(
    constraints = [nonlinear_constraint]
    # bounds
    lower_bound = 4 * [1.0]
    upper_bound = 4 * [5.0]
    bounds = scipy.optimize.Bounds(lower_bound,
    # start_point
    start_point = [1.0, 5.0, 5.0, 1.0]
    options = {
        'gtol': 1e-8,
        'xtol': 1e-8,
        'barrier_tol': 1e-8,
        'initial_tr_radius': 1.0,
        'initial_constr_penalty': 1.0,
        'initial_barrier_tolerance': 0.1,
        'initial_barrier_parameter': 0.1,
        'factorization_method': None,
        'finite_diff_rel_step': None,
        'maxiter': 50,
        'verbose': 0,
    result = scipy.optimize.minimize(
    ok = ok and result.success
    optimal_point = result.x
    check = [1.00000000, 4.74299963, 3.82114998, 1.37940829]
    rel_error = optimal_point / check - 1.0
    ok = ok and numpy.all(abs(rel_error) < 1e-5)
    return ok
文件: loss.py 项目: yevshong/CurveFit
import curvefit
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Loss Functions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
eps99 = 99.0 * numpy.finfo(float).eps
# test values for t, param
r = numpy.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=float)
nu = numpy.array([3, 2, 1], dtype=float)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# f(t) = st_loss
ar = cppad_py.independent(r)
aloss = curvefit.core.functions.st_loss(ar, nu)
ay = numpy.array([aloss])
f = cppad_py.d_fun(ar, ay)
y = f.forward(0, r)
check = curvefit.core.functions.st_loss(r, nu)
rel_error = y[0] / check - 1.0
assert abs(rel_error) < eps99
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# f(t) = normal_loss
ar = cppad_py.independent(r)
aloss = curvefit.core.functions.normal_loss(ar)
ay = numpy.array([aloss])
f = cppad_py.d_fun(ar, ay)
y = f.forward(0, r)
check = curvefit.core.functions.normal_loss(r)
rel_error = y[0] / check - 1.0
def sparse_jac_xam():
    import numpy
    import cppad_py
    # initialize return variable
    ok = True
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # number of dependent and independent variables
    n = 3
    # one
    aone = cppad_py.a_double(1.0)
    # create the independent variables ax
    x = numpy.empty(n, dtype=float)
    for i in range(n):
        x[i] = i + 2.0
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
    # create dependent variables ay with ay[i] = (j+1) * ax[j]
    # where i = mod(j + 1, n)
    ay = numpy.empty(n, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    for j in range(n):
        i = j + 1
        if i >= n:
            i = i - n
        aj = cppad_py.a_double(j)
        ay_i = (aj + aone) * ax[j]
        ay[i] = ay_i
    # define af corresponding to f(x)
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
    # sparsity pattern for identity matrix
    pat_eye = cppad_py.sparse_rc()
    pat_eye.resize(n, n, n)
    for k in range(n):
        pat_eye.put(k, k, k)
    # sparsity pattern for the Jacobian
    pat_jac = cppad_py.sparse_rc()
    f.for_jac_sparsity(pat_eye, pat_jac)
    # loop over forward and reverse mode
    for mode in range(2):
        # compute all possibly non-zero entries in Jacobian
        subset = cppad_py.sparse_rcv(pat_jac)
        # work space used to save time for multiple calls
        work = cppad_py.sparse_jac_work()
        if mode == 0:
            f.sparse_jac_for(subset, x, pat_jac, work)
        if mode == 1:
            f.sparse_jac_rev(subset, x, pat_jac, work)
        # check result
        ok = ok and n == subset.nnz()
        col_major = subset.col_major()
        row = subset.row()
        col = subset.col()
        val = subset.val()
        for k in range(n):
            ell = col_major[k]
            r = row[ell]
            c = col[ell]
            v = val[ell]
            i = c + 1
            if i >= n:
                i = i - n
            ok = ok and c == k
            ok = ok and r == i
            ok = ok and v == c + 1.0
    return (ok)