def _py_init_ClassIDSvc():
    import cppyy
    # IClassIDSvc bindings from dictionary

    # make sure the global C++ namespace has been created
    gbl = cppyy.makeNamespace('')  # noqa: F841

    # load the AthenaInternal::getClid helper method
    # Really make sure that dictionaries are loaded.
    # Needed this with 20.7.X-VAL.

    # retrieve the IClassIDSvc class
    global IClassIDSvc
    IClassIDSvc = cppyy.gbl.IClassIDSvc

    _missing_clids = {
        'DataHistory': 83814411,
        83814411: 'DataHistory',

    # re-use the python-based clid generator
    # (faster than calling back into C++ via Reflex bindings)
    from CLIDComps.clidGenerator import clidGenerator
    IClassIDSvc._clidgen = clidGenerator(db=None)

    # add pythonized methods
    def _clid(self, name):
        # handle special cases where CLID has been registered with a typedef
            name = _clid_typename_aliases[name]
        except KeyError:
            return _missing_clids[name]
        except KeyError:
        return self._clidgen.getClidFromName(name)

    IClassIDSvc.clid = _clid
    del _clid

    def _typename(self, clid):
        # handle special cases of missing clids
            return _missing_clids[clid]
        except KeyError:
        return self._clidgen.getNameFromClid(clid)

    IClassIDSvc.typename = _typename
    del _typename

    return IClassIDSvc
def _py_init_ThinningSvc():
    import cppyy
    # IThinningSvc bindings from dictionary

    # we also need StoreGate bindings to be initialized
    sgbindings = _py_init_StoreGateSvc()

    # make sure the global C++ namespace has been created
    gbl = cppyy.makeNamespace('')

    # make sure AthenaInternal namespace has been created
    gbl.AthenaInternal = cppyy.makeNamespace('AthenaInternal')

    #global py_thinning
    py_thinning = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.thinContainer

    #global py_thinning_idx
    py_thinning_idx = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.thinIdxContainer

    # retrieve the IThinningSvc class
    #global IThinningSvc
    IThinningSvc = cppyy.gbl.IThinningSvc
        IThinningSvc.RemovedIdx = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.thinRemovedIdx()
    except TypeError:

    # add specialized filter method
    from operator import isCallable
    from string import lower

    def filter(self, container, selection, op='and'):
        if isCallable(selection):
            selection = map(selection, container)
        if lower(op) == 'and': op = 0  # IThinningSvc.Operator.And
        elif lower(op) == 'or': op = 1  # IThinningSvc.Operator.Or
        else: op = 0  # IThinningSvc default
        return py_thinning(self, container, selection, op)

    IThinningSvc.filter = filter

    # add specialized index method
    def index(self, container, idx):
        return py_thinning_idx(self, container, idx)

    IThinningSvc.index = index

    return IThinningSvc
def gen_typeregistry_dso(oname=_dflt_typereg_fname):
    '''inspect all the accessible reflex types and get their rootmap-naming.
    also associate the clid if available.
    import CLIDComps.clidGenerator as _c
    cliddb = _c.clidGenerator(db=None)
    del _c

    import PyUtils.path as _p
    oname = _p.path(oname)
    del _p

    import PyUtils.Logging as _L
    msg = _L.logging.getLogger('typereg-dso')
    #msg.setLevel(_L.logging.VERBOSE)   #MN
    del _L

    msg.info("installing registry in [%s]...", oname)

    # FIXME: should use the Cxx one...
    #reg = DsoDb()
    reg = PyDsoDb()

    cls_names = reg.db.keys()
    import cppyy
    _load_lib = cppyy.loadDict

    # if int(cppyy.get_version().split('.')[0]) < 6:
    if hasattr(cppyy, 'hasCintex'):
        # load reflex for ROOT ver<6
        msg.debug("::: loading reflex")
        rflx = cppyy.makeNamespace('Reflex')
        if not rflx:
            rflx = cppyy.makeNamespace('ROOT::Reflex')
        rflx = rflx.Type
        assert (rflx)

    def _load_dict(libname, retry=10):
        msg.debug("::: loading [%s]...", libname)
            return _load_lib(libname)
        except (
        ), err:
            msg.warning("**error** %s", err)
def _py_init_IIncidentSvc():
    import cppyy
    # IIncidentSvc bindings from dictionary
    # make sure the global C++ namespace has been created
    gbl = cppyy.makeNamespace('')  # noqa: F841

    # retrieve the IIncidentSvc class
    global IIncidentSvc
    IIncidentSvc = cppyy.gbl.IIncidentSvc

    IIncidentSvc._cpp_addListener = IIncidentSvc.addListener

    def addListener(self, *args):
        listener = args[0]
        if hasattr(listener, '_cppHandle'):
            args = (getattr(listener, '_cppHandle'), ) + args[1:]
        return self._cpp_addListener(*args)

    addListener.__doc__ = IIncidentSvc._cpp_addListener.__doc__
    IIncidentSvc.addListener = addListener
    del addListener

    IIncidentSvc._cpp_removeListener = IIncidentSvc.removeListener

    def removeListener(self, *args):
        listener = args[0]
        if hasattr(listener, '_cppHandle'):
            args = (getattr(listener, '_cppHandle'), ) + args[1:]
        return self._cpp_removeListener(*args)

    removeListener.__doc__ = IIncidentSvc._cpp_removeListener.__doc__
    IIncidentSvc.removeListener = removeListener
    del removeListener
    return IIncidentSvc
def _py_init_EventType():
    import cppyy
    # EventStreamInfo bindings from dictionary
    _load_dict( "libEventInfoDict" )
    # make sure the global C++ namespace has been created
    gbl = cppyy.makeNamespace('')

    # retrieve the EventType class
    cls = cppyy.gbl.EventType
    cls.bit_mask_typecodes = [
        ('IS_DATA','IS_SIMULATION'),    #0
        ('IS_ATLAS', 'IS_TESTBEAM'),    #1
    # retrieve the PyEventType class
    py_cls = cppyy.gbl.PyEventType
    def raw_bit_mask(self):
        self._raw_bit_mask = py_cls.bit_mask(self)
        return self._raw_bit_mask
    cls.raw_bit_mask = property(raw_bit_mask)
    def bit_mask(self):
        def decode_bitmask(idx):
            if len(self.raw_bit_mask) <= idx:
                return self.bit_mask_typecodes[idx][0]
            isa_idx = self.raw_bit_mask[idx]
            return self.bit_mask_typecodes[idx][isa_idx]
        bm = map(decode_bitmask,
        return tuple(bm)
    cls.bit_mask = property(bit_mask)
    return cls
def _py_init_EventStreamInfo():
    import cppyy
    # EventStreamInfo bindings from dictionary
    _load_dict( "libEventInfoDict" )
    # make sure the global C++ namespace has been created
    gbl = cppyy.makeNamespace('')

    # retrieve the EventStreamInfo class
    ESI = cppyy.gbl.EventStreamInfo
    # retrieve the PyEventStreamInfo helper class
    PyESI= cppyy.gbl.PyEventStreamInfo
    def run_numbers(self):
        self._run_numbers = PyESI.runNumbers(self)
        return list(self._run_numbers)
    def evt_types(self):
        self._evt_types = PyESI.eventTypes(self)
        return list(self._evt_types)
    def item_list(self):
        self._item_list = PyESI.itemList(self)
        return list(tuple(i) for i in self._item_list)
    def lumi_blocks(self):
        self._lumi_blocks = PyESI.lumiBlockNumbers(self)
        return list(self._lumi_blocks)
    def processing_tags(self):
        self._processing_tags = PyESI.processingTags(self)
        return list(self._processing_tags)
    for fct in ('run_numbers', 'evt_types', 'item_list',
                'lumi_blocks', 'processing_tags'):
        setattr(ESI, fct, locals()[fct])

    return ESI
def _py_init_EventType():
    import cppyy
    # EventStreamInfo bindings from dictionary
    # make sure the global C++ namespace has been created
    gbl = cppyy.makeNamespace('')  # noqa: F841

    # retrieve the EventType class
    cls = cppyy.gbl.EventType
    cls.bit_mask_typecodes = [
        ('IS_DATA', 'IS_SIMULATION'),  #0
        ('IS_ATLAS', 'IS_TESTBEAM'),  #1
        ('IS_PHYSICS', 'IS_CALIBRATION'),  #2
    # retrieve the PyEventType class
    py_cls = cppyy.gbl.PyEventType

    def raw_bit_mask(self):
        self._raw_bit_mask = py_cls.bit_mask(self)
        return self._raw_bit_mask

    cls.raw_bit_mask = property(raw_bit_mask)

    def bit_mask(self):
        def decode_bitmask(idx):
            if len(self.raw_bit_mask) <= idx:
                return self.bit_mask_typecodes[idx][0]
            isa_idx = self.raw_bit_mask[idx]
            return self.bit_mask_typecodes[idx][isa_idx]

        bm = map(decode_bitmask, range(len(self.bit_mask_typecodes)))
        return tuple(bm)

    cls.bit_mask = property(bit_mask)
    return cls
def _py_init_IIncidentSvc():
    import cppyy
    # IIncidentSvc bindings from dictionary
    _load_dict( "libGaudiKernelDict" )
    # make sure the global C++ namespace has been created
    gbl = cppyy.makeNamespace('')

    # retrieve the IIncidentSvc class
    global IIncidentSvc
    IIncidentSvc = cppyy.gbl.IIncidentSvc

    IIncidentSvc._cpp_addListener = IIncidentSvc.addListener
    def addListener (self, *args):
        listener = args[0]
        if hasattr (listener, '_cppHandle'):
            args = (getattr (listener, '_cppHandle'),) + args[1:]
        return self._cpp_addListener (*args)
    addListener.__doc__ = IIncidentSvc._cpp_addListener.__doc__
    IIncidentSvc.addListener = addListener
    del addListener

    IIncidentSvc._cpp_removeListener = IIncidentSvc.removeListener
    def removeListener (self, *args):
        listener = args[0]
        if hasattr (listener, '_cppHandle'):
            args = (getattr (listener, '_cppHandle'),) + args[1:]
        return self._cpp_removeListener (*args)
    removeListener.__doc__ = IIncidentSvc._cpp_removeListener.__doc__
    IIncidentSvc.removeListener = removeListener
    del removeListener
    return IIncidentSvc
def have_cppyy():
    import sys, platform
        import cppyy as Dict
        if platform.system() == 'Linux':

        CPP = Dict.makeNamespace('CPP')
        gbl = Dict.gbl
        std = gbl.std

        Interactor = CPP.PyInteractor
        Event = CPP.Event
        BaseSensor = CPP.Sensor
        IocSensor = CPP.IocSensor
        TimeSensor = CPP.TimeSensor
        Sensor = gbl.UpiSensor
        UpiSensor = gbl.UpiSensor
        return True
    except Exception, X:
        print 'OnlineKernel: Failed to use cppyy - you need to live without. [%s]' % (
            str(X), )
        return None
 def __init__(self):
     # import cintex
     # import PyCintex; PyCintex.Cintex.Enable()
     import cppyy
     # import root
     import PyUtils.RootUtils as ru
     ROOT = ru.import_root()
     self._cxx = ROOT.Ath.DsoDb.instance()
     # if int(cppyy.get_version().split('.')[0]) < 6:
     if hasattr(cppyy, 'hasCintex'):
         # load reflex for ROOT ver<6
         _load_dict = cppyy.loadDict
         self._rflx = cppyy.makeNamespace('Reflex')
         if not self._rflx:
             self._rflx = cppyy.makeNamespace('ROOT::Reflex')
    def __init__(self, name_simu="", useISF=False):
        Default simulation engine object initialization.

        Only one instance per simulation job.
        if G4AtlasEngine._NumInstances > 0:
            msg = 'There is already an instance of the G4AtlasEngine class -- try to use it!'
            G4AtlasEngine.log.error('G4AtlasEngine: ' + msg)
            raise RuntimeError(
                'PyG4Atlas: G4AtlasEngine: __init__(): Attempted multiple instantiation'

        ## Init dictionaries and lists
        # TODO: Clean up this whole ugly "Dict*" mess
        G4AtlasEngine.Dict = dict()
        G4AtlasEngine.Dict_DetConfig = dict()
        G4AtlasEngine.Dict_Materials = dict()
        G4AtlasEngine.Dict_SpecialConfiguration = dict()

        ## Web doc links
        G4AtlasEngine.Dict_WebLinks = {
        G4AtlasEngine.List_Elements = []
        G4AtlasEngine.List_LoadedDict = []
        G4AtlasEngine.List_LoadedLib = []
        G4AtlasEngine.List_LoadedXML = []

        ## Simulation name and number of instances control
        G4AtlasEngine.Name = name_simu
        G4AtlasEngine._NumInstances += 1

        ## Counter to track the number of callback functions that have been executed
        G4AtlasEngine._callback_counter = 0

        ## Logging service
        G4AtlasEngine.log = Logging.logging.getLogger('G4AtlasApps')
        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
        G4AtlasEngine.log.setLevel(10 * (svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel - 1))

        # The profiler will work if log level = debug
        G4AtlasEngine._app_profiler = _app_profiler(G4AtlasEngine.log.level)

        # pylcgdict default dictionaries
        G4AtlasEngine.gbl = cppyy.makeNamespace("")
        G4AtlasEngine._ctrl = G4AtlasEngine.gbl.SimControl()
        self.init_status = 0

        self.useISF = useISF

        G4AtlasEngine._InitList = list()
        G4AtlasEngine.log.info('G4AtlasEngine: starting engine')
def _py_init_ThinningSvc():
    import cppyy
    # IThinningSvc bindings from dictionary
    _load_dict( "libAthenaPythonDict" )

    # we also need StoreGate bindings to be initialized
    sgbindings = _py_init_StoreGateSvc()

    # make sure the global C++ namespace has been created
    gbl = cppyy.makeNamespace('')

    # make sure AthenaInternal namespace has been created
    gbl.AthenaInternal = cppyy.makeNamespace('AthenaInternal')
    #global py_thinning
    py_thinning = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.thinContainer

    #global py_thinning_idx
    py_thinning_idx = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.thinIdxContainer

    # retrieve the IThinningSvc class
    #global IThinningSvc
    IThinningSvc = cppyy.gbl.IThinningSvc
    try: IThinningSvc.RemovedIdx = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.thinRemovedIdx()
    except TypeError: pass
    # add specialized filter method
    from operator import isCallable
    from string import lower
    def filter( self, container, selection, op = 'and' ):
        if isCallable(selection):
            selection = map( selection, container )
        if   lower(op) == 'and' : op = 0 # IThinningSvc.Operator.And
        elif lower(op) == 'or'  : op = 1 # IThinningSvc.Operator.Or
        else                    : op = 0 # IThinningSvc default
        return py_thinning( self, container, selection, op )
    IThinningSvc.filter = filter

    # add specialized index method
    def index( self, container, idx ):
        return py_thinning_idx( self, container, idx )
    IThinningSvc.index = index

    return IThinningSvc
def _py_init_ClassIDSvc():
    import cppyy
    # IClassIDSvc bindings from dictionary

    # make sure the global C++ namespace has been created
    gbl = cppyy.makeNamespace('')

    # load the AthenaInternal::getClid helper method
    # Really make sure that dictionaries are loaded.
    # Needed this with 20.7.X-VAL.
    _getClid = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.getClid

    # retrieve the IClassIDSvc class
    global IClassIDSvc
    IClassIDSvc = cppyy.gbl.IClassIDSvc

    _missing_clids = {
        'DataHistory': 83814411L,
        83814411L: 'DataHistory',
def _py_init_ClassIDSvc():
    import cppyy
    # IClassIDSvc bindings from dictionary
    _load_dict( "libAthenaPythonDict" )

    # make sure the global C++ namespace has been created
    gbl = cppyy.makeNamespace('')

    # load the AthenaInternal::getClid helper method
    # Really make sure that dictionaries are loaded.
    # Needed this with 20.7.X-VAL.
    _getClid = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.getClid
    # retrieve the IClassIDSvc class
    global IClassIDSvc
    IClassIDSvc = cppyy.gbl.IClassIDSvc

    _missing_clids  = {
        'DataHistory' : 83814411L, 
        83814411L     : 'DataHistory',
def _py_init_EventStreamInfo():
    import cppyy
    # EventStreamInfo bindings from dictionary
    # make sure the global C++ namespace has been created
    gbl = cppyy.makeNamespace('')

    # retrieve the EventStreamInfo class
    ESI = cppyy.gbl.EventStreamInfo
    # retrieve the PyEventStreamInfo helper class
    PyESI = cppyy.gbl.PyEventStreamInfo

    def run_numbers(self):
        self._run_numbers = PyESI.runNumbers(self)
        return list(self._run_numbers)

    def evt_types(self):
        self._evt_types = PyESI.eventTypes(self)
        return list(self._evt_types)

    def item_list(self):
        self._item_list = PyESI.itemList(self)
        return list(tuple(i) for i in self._item_list)

    def lumi_blocks(self):
        self._lumi_blocks = PyESI.lumiBlockNumbers(self)
        return list(self._lumi_blocks)

    def processing_tags(self):
        self._processing_tags = PyESI.processingTags(self)
        return list(self._processing_tags)

    for fct in ('run_numbers', 'evt_types', 'item_list', 'lumi_blocks',
        setattr(ESI, fct, locals()[fct])

    return ESI
def _setup():
    import cppyy
    # StoreGate bindings from dictionary
    cppyy.loadDictionary("libAthenaPythonDict")  # for clidsvc
    cppyy.loadDictionary("libStoreGateBindingsDict")  # for storegatesvc
                         )  # not linked from libStoreGateBindingsDict in ROOT6

    # make sure the global C++ namespace has been created
    gbl = cppyy.makeNamespace('')
    _ath = cppyy.makeNamespace('AthenaInternal')

    # ROOT6 workaround, kick the loading of headers
    # end workaround

    global py_retrieve
    py_retrieve = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.retrieveObjectFromStore

    global py_record
    py_record = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.recordObjectToStore

    global py_sg_contains
    py_sg_contains = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.py_sg_contains

    global py_sg_getitem
    py_sg_getitem = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.py_sg_getitem

    # retrieve the StoreGateSvc class
    global StoreGate, StoreGateSvc
    StoreGateSvc = cppyy.gbl.StoreGateSvc
    StoreGate = cppyy.gbl.StoreGate

    # add specialized retrieve method
    def retrieve(self, klass, key=None):
        ret = py_retrieve(self, klass, key)
        if ret and hasattr(ret, 'setStore') and not ret.hasStore():
            if not hasattr(ret, 'trackIndices') or ret.trackIndices():
                if py_sg_contains(self, 'SG::IConstAuxStore', key + 'Aux.'):
                    aux = py_retrieve(self, 'SG::IConstAuxStore', key + 'Aux.')
        return ret

    StoreGateSvc.retrieve = retrieve

    # add specialized record method
    def record(self, obj, key, allowMods=True, resetOnly=True, noHist=False):
        return py_record(self, obj, key, allowMods, resetOnly, noHist)

    StoreGateSvc.record = record

    # add specialized contains method
    def contains(self, klass_or_clid, key):
        print "---- StoreGateSvc.contains() ", klass_or_clid, key
        if isinstance(klass_or_clid, str):
                clid = int(klass_or_clid)
                klass = self._pyclidsvc.typename(clid)
            except ValueError:
                klass = str(klass_or_clid)
        elif isinstance(klass_or_clid, (int, long)):
            klass = self._pyclidsvc.typename(klass_or_clid)
        elif isinstance(klass_or_clid, type):
            klass = klass_or_clid.__name__
            raise TypeError(
                'argument 2 must be a typename, a clid or a type (got %r)' %
        return py_sg_contains(self, klass, key)

    StoreGateSvc.contains = contains

    # dict-pythonization of storegate: __setitem__
    def __setitem__(self, key, obj):
        return py_record(self, obj, key, True, True, False)

    StoreGateSvc.__setitem__ = __setitem__

    # dict-pythonization of storegate: __getitem__
    def __getitem__(self, key):
            ret = py_sg_getitem(self, key)
        except LookupError, err:
            raise KeyError(str(err))
        if ret and hasattr(ret, 'setStore') and not ret.hasStore():
            if not hasattr(ret, 'trackIndices') or ret.trackIndices():
                if py_sg_contains(self, 'SG::IConstAuxStore', key + 'Aux.'):
                    aux = py_retrieve(self, 'SG::IConstAuxStore', key + 'Aux.')
        return ret
def _py_init_THistSvc():
    import cppyy
    # ITHistSvc bindings from dictionary
    _load_dict( "libGaudiKernelDict" )

    # make sure the global C++ namespace has been created
    gbl = cppyy.makeNamespace('')

    # retrieve the ITHistSvc class
    global ITHistSvc
    ITHistSvc = cppyy.gbl.ITHistSvc
    from weakref import WeakValueDictionary
    # per-object cache of ROOT objects
    #ITHistSvc._py_cache = WeakValueDictionary()
    #ITHistSvc._py_cache = dict()
    ROOT = _import_ROOT()
    def _py_cache(self):
            return self.__py_cache
        except AttributeError:
            self.__py_cache = dict()
        return self.__py_cache
    ITHistSvc._py_cache = _py_cache

    # save original regXYZ methods: we'll use some modified ones
    # to improve look-up time from python
    for n in ('Hist', 'Graph', 'Tree'):
        code = "ITHistSvc._cpp_reg%s = ITHistSvc.reg%s" % (n,n)
        exec code in globals(),locals()

    def book(self, oid, obj=None, *args, **kw):
        """book a histogram, profile or tree
         @param oid is the unique object identifier even across streams,
                ie: 'stream'+'id'
         @param obj either an already full-fledge constructed ROOT object
                or None (then `*args` or `**kw` need to be correctly setup)
         @param *args list of arguments to give to the constructor of the
                ROOT object one wants to book
         @param **kw a dictionary containing a key 'args' being the list of
                arguments to the constructor of the ROOT objects one wants to
         >>> th.book('/temp/1d/h1',    'TH1D', args=('h1','h1',100,0.,100.))
         >>> th.book('/temp/1d/h2', ROOT.TH1D, args=('h2','h2',100,0.,100.))
         >>> th.book('/temp/1d/h3', ROOT.TH1D, 'h3','h3',100,0.,100.)
         >>> th.book('/temp/1d/h4', ROOT.TH1D('h4','h4',100,0.,100.))
         >>> th.book('/temp/1d/h5', obj=ROOT.TH1D('h5','h5',100,0.,100.))
         >>> th.book('/temp/1d/h6', klass='TH1D', args=('h6','h6',100,0.,100.))

         >>> th.book('/temp/tree/t1', ROOT.TTree('t1','t1'))
         >>> th.book('/temp/tree/t2', obj=ROOT.TTree('t2','t2'))
         >>> th.book('/temp/tree/t3', klass='TTree', args=('t3','t3'))
        _err = "please provide _either_ an already constructed ROOT object or"\
               "a class name/class type (with appropriate arguments)"
        klass = kw.get('klass', None)
        assert not (obj is None and klass is None),         _err
        assert not (obj is not None and klass is not None), _err
        if isinstance(obj, (str,type)):
        if obj:
            if isinstance(obj, ROOT.TH1):
                # capture all of TH1x,TH2x,TH3x,TProfileXY
                meth = '_cpp_regHist'
            elif isinstance(obj, (ROOT.TGraph,)):
                meth = '_cpp_regGraph'
            elif isinstance(obj, (ROOT.TTree,)):
                meth = '_cpp_regTree'
                raise TypeError("invalid type '%r'"%type(obj))
            if getattr(self,meth)(oid, obj).isSuccess():
                return obj
            raise RuntimeError('could not book object [%r]'%obj)

        if klass:
            if isinstance(klass, str):
                klass = getattr(ROOT, klass)
            if args:
                return self.book(oid, obj=klass(*args))
            if kw and kw.has_key('args'):
                return self.book(oid, obj=klass(*kw['args']))
            err = "invalid arguments: either provide a valid `*args` or "\
                  "a `**kw` containing a 'args' key"
            raise RuntimeError(err)
        raise RuntimeError("unforseen case: oid='%r' obj='%r' args='%r' "\
    ITHistSvc.book = book

    def get(self, oid, klass=None):
        """retrieve an already booked ROOT object.
        If the object was booked on the C++ side, try to use the `klass` hint
        (the usual string or type) to find the object in the correct 'folder'
        (histograms, graphs or trees).
        If `klass` is None, then go through all the folders iteratively (slow)
            return self._py_cache[oid]
        except KeyError:
        def _get_helper(klass, hsvc, meth, oid, update_cache=True):
            import cppyy
            makeNullPtr = cppyy.libPyROOT.MakeNullPointer
            o = makeNullPtr(klass)
            if meth(oid, o).isSuccess():
                if update_cache:
                    hsvc._py_cache[oid] = o
                return o
        if klass:
            if isinstance(klass, str):
                klass = getattr(ROOT, klass)
            if issubclass(klass, (ROOT.TH1,)):
                return _get_helper(klass, self, self.getHist, oid)
            if issubclass(klass, (ROOT.TGraph,)):
                return _get_helper(klass, self, self.getGraph, oid)
            if issubclass(klass, (ROOT.TTree,)):
                return _get_helper(klass, self, self.getTree, oid)
            raise RuntimeError('unsupported type [%r]'%klass)

        # as we are sentenced to crawl through all these std::vector<str>
        # we might as well update our local cache...
        # first update histos
        oids = [n for n in self.getHists() if not n in self._py_cache.keys()]
        for name in oids:
            obj = _get_helper(ROOT.TH1, self, self.getHist, name,
            if obj:
                # now try with real class
                klass = getattr(ROOT, obj.ClassName())
                obj = _get_helper(klass, self, self.getHist, name)

        # then graphs
        ## FIXME: no 'ITHistSvc::getGraphs' method !!
        ## https://savannah.cern.ch/bugs/index.php?36379
##         oids = [n for n in self.getGraphs() if not n in self._py_cache.keys()]
##         for name in oids:
##             _get_helper(ROOT.TGraph, self, self.getGraph, name)
        # finally try ttrees
        oids = [n for n in self.getTrees() if not n in self._py_cache.keys()]
        for name in oids:
            _get_helper(ROOT.TTree, self, self.getTree, name)

        ## all done, crossing fingers
        return self._py_cache[oid]

    ITHistSvc.get = get
    del get

    def getitem(self, oid):
        return self.get(oid)
    ITHistSvc.__getitem__ = getitem
    del getitem
    def delitem(self, oid):
        if isinstance(oid, str):
            del self._py_cache[oid]
        assert self.deReg(oid).isSuccess(), \
               "could not remove object [%r]"%oid
    ITHistSvc.__delitem__ = delitem

    def setitem(self, k, v):
        return self.book(k, obj=v)
    ITHistSvc.__setitem__  = setitem
    del setitem

    ## ties some loose ends
    for n in ('Hist', 'Graph', 'Tree'):
        code = """\
def reg%s(self, oid, oid_type=None):
    if not (oid_type is None):
        return self.book(oid,obj=oid_type)
    if ITHistSvc._cpp_reg%s(self,oid).isSuccess():
        # update py_cache
        return self.get(oid)
    err = ''.join(['invalid arguments oid=',repr(oid),' oid_type=',
    raise ValueError(err)
ITHistSvc.reg%s = reg%s
del reg%s""" % (n,n,n,n,n)
        exec code in globals(),locals()
    def load(self, oid, oid_type):
        """Helper method to load a given object `oid' from a stream, knowing
        its type. `oid_type' is a string whose value is either:
         - 'hist',  to load any THx and TProfiles
         - 'tree',  to load TTrees
         - 'graph', to load TGraph and TGraphErrors
        _allowed_values = ('hist','tree','graph')
        if not oid_type in _allowed_values:
            raise ValueError(
                'oid_type (=%r) MUST be one of %r'%(oid_type,
        return getattr(self, 'reg%s'%oid_type.capitalize())(oid)
    ITHistSvc.load = load
    del load
    ## --
    ## 'dict-onization' of ITHistSvc
    for n in ('__contains__',
              'items', 'iteritems',
              'iterkeys', 'itervalues',
        code = """\
def %s(self, *args, **kw):
    return self._py_cache.%s(*args,**kw)
ITHistSvc.%s = %s
del %s""" % (n,n,n,n,n)
        exec code in globals(),locals()
    def pop(self, k):
        obj = self.get(k)
        assert self.deReg(obj).isSuccess(), \
               "could not remove object [%r]"%k
        return obj
    ITHistSvc.pop = pop
    del pop

    def popitem(self):
        k = self.iterkeys().next()
        return (k, self.pop(k))
    ITHistSvc.popitem = popitem
    del popitem
    ## ------------------------------

    ## try to install ttree access enhancement
        from RootUtils.PyROOTFixes import enable_tree_speedups
    except ImportError:

    ## FIXME: would be nice... but somehow interferes with _py_cache property
##     ## allow the use of the pythonized properties interface
##     def __getattr__( self, attr ):
##         try:                from GaudiPython.Bindings import iProperty
##         except ImportError: from gaudimodule          import iProperty
##         return getattr( iProperty('THistSvc', self), attr )

##     def __setattr__( self, attr, value ):
##         try:                from GaudiPython.Bindings import iProperty
##         except ImportError: from gaudimodule          import iProperty
##         return setattr( iProperty('THistSvc', self), attr, value )

##     ITHistSvc.__getattr__ = __getattr__
##     ITHistSvc.__setattr__ = __setattr__
    return ITHistSvc
def _py_init_THistSvc():
    import cppyy
    # ITHistSvc bindings from dictionary

    # make sure the global C++ namespace has been created
    gbl = cppyy.makeNamespace('')

    # retrieve the ITHistSvc class
    global ITHistSvc
    ITHistSvc = cppyy.gbl.ITHistSvc

    ROOT = _import_ROOT()

    def _py_cache(self):
            return self.__py_cache
        except AttributeError:
            self.__py_cache = dict()
        return self.__py_cache

    ITHistSvc._py_cache = _py_cache

    # save original regXYZ methods: we'll use some modified ones
    # to improve look-up time from python
    for n in ('Hist', 'Graph', 'Tree'):
        code = "ITHistSvc._cpp_reg%s = ITHistSvc.reg%s" % (n, n)
        exec(code, globals(), locals())

    def book(self, oid, obj=None, *args, **kw):
        """book a histogram, profile or tree
         @param oid is the unique object identifier even across streams,
                ie: 'stream'+'id'
         @param obj either an already full-fledge constructed ROOT object
                or None (then `*args` or `**kw` need to be correctly setup)
         @param *args list of arguments to give to the constructor of the
                ROOT object one wants to book
         @param **kw a dictionary containing a key 'args' being the list of
                arguments to the constructor of the ROOT objects one wants to
         >>> th.book('/temp/1d/h1',    'TH1D', args=('h1','h1',100,0.,100.))
         >>> th.book('/temp/1d/h2', ROOT.TH1D, args=('h2','h2',100,0.,100.))
         >>> th.book('/temp/1d/h3', ROOT.TH1D, 'h3','h3',100,0.,100.)
         >>> th.book('/temp/1d/h4', ROOT.TH1D('h4','h4',100,0.,100.))
         >>> th.book('/temp/1d/h5', obj=ROOT.TH1D('h5','h5',100,0.,100.))
         >>> th.book('/temp/1d/h6', klass='TH1D', args=('h6','h6',100,0.,100.))

         >>> th.book('/temp/tree/t1', ROOT.TTree('t1','t1'))
         >>> th.book('/temp/tree/t2', obj=ROOT.TTree('t2','t2'))
         >>> th.book('/temp/tree/t3', klass='TTree', args=('t3','t3'))
        _err = "please provide _either_ an already constructed ROOT object or"\
               "a class name/class type (with appropriate arguments)"
        klass = kw.get('klass', None)
        assert not (obj is None and klass is None), _err
        assert not (obj is not None and klass is not None), _err

        if isinstance(obj, (str, type)):
            klass = obj
            obj = None
        if obj:
            if isinstance(obj, ROOT.TH1):
                # capture all of TH1x,TH2x,TH3x,TProfileXY
                meth = '_cpp_regHist'
            elif isinstance(obj, (ROOT.TGraph, )):
                meth = '_cpp_regGraph'
            elif isinstance(obj, (ROOT.TTree, )):
                meth = '_cpp_regTree'
                raise TypeError("invalid type '%r'" % type(obj))
            if getattr(self, meth)(oid, obj).isSuccess():
                self._py_cache[oid] = obj
                return obj
            raise RuntimeError('could not book object [%r]' % obj)

        if klass:
            if isinstance(klass, str):
                klass = getattr(ROOT, klass)
            if args:
                return self.book(oid, obj=klass(*args))
            if kw and 'args' in kw:
                return self.book(oid, obj=klass(*kw['args']))
            err = "invalid arguments: either provide a valid `*args` or "\
                  "a `**kw` containing a 'args' key"
            raise RuntimeError(err)
        raise RuntimeError("unforseen case: oid='%r' obj='%r' args='%r' "
                           "kw='%r'" % (oid, obj, args, kw))

    ITHistSvc.book = book

    def get(self, oid, klass=None):
        """retrieve an already booked ROOT object.
        If the object was booked on the C++ side, try to use the `klass` hint
        (the usual string or type) to find the object in the correct 'folder'
        (histograms, graphs or trees).
        If `klass` is None, then go through all the folders iteratively (slow)
            return self._py_cache[oid]
        except KeyError:

        def _get_helper(klass, hsvc, meth, oid, update_cache=True):
            import cppyy
            makeNullPtr = cppyy.libPyROOT.MakeNullPointer
            o = makeNullPtr(klass)
            if meth(oid, o).isSuccess():
                if update_cache:
                    hsvc._py_cache[oid] = o
                return o

        if klass:
            if isinstance(klass, str):
                klass = getattr(ROOT, klass)
            if issubclass(klass, (ROOT.TH1, )):
                return _get_helper(klass, self, self.getHist, oid)
            if issubclass(klass, (ROOT.TGraph, )):
                return _get_helper(klass, self, self.getGraph, oid)
            if issubclass(klass, (ROOT.TTree, )):
                return _get_helper(klass, self, self.getTree, oid)
            raise RuntimeError('unsupported type [%r]' % klass)

        # as we are sentenced to crawl through all these std::vector<str>
        # we might as well update our local cache...

        # first update histos
        oids = [n for n in self.getHists() if n not in self._py_cache.keys()]
        for name in oids:
            obj = _get_helper(ROOT.TH1,
            if obj:
                # now try with real class
                klass = getattr(ROOT, obj.ClassName())
                obj = _get_helper(klass, self, self.getHist, name)

        # then graphs
        ## FIXME: no 'ITHistSvc::getGraphs' method !!
        ## https://savannah.cern.ch/bugs/index.php?36379
##         oids = [n for n in self.getGraphs() if not n in self._py_cache.keys()]
##         for name in oids:
##             _get_helper(ROOT.TGraph, self, self.getGraph, name)

# finally try ttrees
        oids = [n for n in self.getTrees() if n not in self._py_cache.keys()]
        for name in oids:
            _get_helper(ROOT.TTree, self, self.getTree, name)

        ## all done, crossing fingers
        return self._py_cache[oid]

    ITHistSvc.get = get
    del get

    def getitem(self, oid):
        return self.get(oid)

    ITHistSvc.__getitem__ = getitem
    del getitem

    def delitem(self, oid):
        if isinstance(oid, str):
            del self._py_cache[oid]
        assert self.deReg(oid).isSuccess(), \
               "could not remove object [%r]"%oid

    ITHistSvc.__delitem__ = delitem

    def setitem(self, k, v):
        return self.book(k, obj=v)

    ITHistSvc.__setitem__ = setitem
    del setitem

    ## ties some loose ends
    for n in ('Hist', 'Graph', 'Tree'):
        code = """\
def reg%s(self, oid, oid_type=None):
    if not (oid_type is None):
        return self.book(oid,obj=oid_type)
    if ITHistSvc._cpp_reg%s(self,oid).isSuccess():
        # update py_cache
        return self.get(oid)
    err = ''.join(['invalid arguments oid=',repr(oid),' oid_type=',
    raise ValueError(err)
ITHistSvc.reg%s = reg%s
del reg%s""" % (n, n, n, n, n)
        exec(code, globals(), locals())

    def load(self, oid, oid_type):
        """Helper method to load a given object `oid' from a stream, knowing
        its type. `oid_type' is a string whose value is either:
         - 'hist',  to load any THx and TProfiles
         - 'tree',  to load TTrees
         - 'graph', to load TGraph and TGraphErrors
        _allowed_values = ('hist', 'tree', 'graph')
        if oid_type not in _allowed_values:
            raise ValueError('oid_type (=%r) MUST be one of %r' %
                             (oid_type, _allowed_values))
        return getattr(self, 'reg%s' % oid_type.capitalize())(oid)

    ITHistSvc.load = load
    del load
    ## --

    ## 'dict-onization' of ITHistSvc
    for n in ('__contains__', '__iter__', '__len__', 'has_key', 'items',
              'iteritems', 'iterkeys', 'itervalues', 'keys', 'values'):
        code = """\
def %s(self, *args, **kw):
    return self._py_cache.%s(*args,**kw)
ITHistSvc.%s = %s
del %s""" % (n, n, n, n, n)
        exec(code, globals(), locals())

    def pop(self, k):
        obj = self.get(k)
        assert self.deReg(obj).isSuccess(), \
               "could not remove object [%r]"%k
        return obj

    ITHistSvc.pop = pop
    del pop

    def popitem(self):
        k = self.iterkeys().next()
        return (k, self.pop(k))

    ITHistSvc.popitem = popitem
    del popitem
    ## ------------------------------

    ## FIXME: would be nice... but somehow interferes with _py_cache property
    ##     ## allow the use of the pythonized properties interface
    ##     def __getattr__( self, attr ):
    ##         try:                from GaudiPython.Bindings import iProperty
    ##         except ImportError: from gaudimodule          import iProperty
    ##         return getattr( iProperty('THistSvc', self), attr )

    ##     def __setattr__( self, attr, value ):
    ##         try:                from GaudiPython.Bindings import iProperty
    ##         except ImportError: from gaudimodule          import iProperty
    ##         return setattr( iProperty('THistSvc', self), attr, value )

    ##     ITHistSvc.__getattr__ = __getattr__
    ##     ITHistSvc.__setattr__ = __setattr__
    return ITHistSvc
# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration

# @author: Sebastien Binet <*****@*****.**>
# @date:   April 2007

__version__ = "$Revision: 1.8 $"
__author__  = "Sebastien Binet <*****@*****.**>"

__all__ = [ 
            'CpuHdr',  'IoHdr',  'MemHdr',  'PersHdr',
            'CpuData', 'IoData', 'MemData', #'PersData',

import cppyy

cppyy.loadDictionary( 'libPerfMonEventDict' )

PerfMon = cppyy.makeNamespace( 'PerfMon' )

CpuHdr  = PerfMon.CpuHdr
IoHdr   = PerfMon.IoHdr
MemHdr  = PerfMon.MemHdr
PersHdr = PerfMon.PersHdr

CpuData  = PerfMon.CpuData
IoData   = PerfMon.IoData
MemData  = PerfMon.MemData
#PersData = PerfMon.PersData
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#### This is the dbgHLTResult class for the Debug Stream event analysis

from __future__ import print_function

from PyUtils import RootUtils
ROOT = RootUtils.import_root()
from ROOT import std
import cppyy
from CLIDComps.clidGenerator import clidGenerator

clidg = clidGenerator("")

ActualHLTResult = cppyy.makeClass('HLT::HLTResult')

stringSerializer = cppyy.makeClass('StringSerializer')()

class hltResult(ActualHLTResult):
    def __init__(self):
        super(hltResult, self).__init__()
        self.as_int_v = std.vector('unsigned int')()

    def load(self, rob):
        self.nav_payload = []

        data = list(rob.rod_data())
def _setup():
    import cppyy
    # StoreGate bindings from dictionary
    cppyy.loadDictionary( "libAthenaPythonDict" )      # for clidsvc
    cppyy.loadDictionary( "libStoreGateBindingsDict" ) # for storegatesvc
    cppyy.loadDictionary( "libStoreGateBindings" ) # not linked from libStoreGateBindingsDict in ROOT6

    # make sure the global C++ namespace has been created
    gbl = cppyy.makeNamespace('')
    _ath= cppyy.makeNamespace('AthenaInternal')

    # ROOT6 workaround, kick the loading of headers
    # end workaround
    global py_retrieve
    py_retrieve = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.retrieveObjectFromStore

    global py_record
    py_record   = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.recordObjectToStore

    global py_sg_contains
    py_sg_contains = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.py_sg_contains

    global py_sg_getitem
    py_sg_getitem = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.py_sg_getitem

    # retrieve the StoreGateSvc class
    global StoreGate, StoreGateSvc
    StoreGateSvc = cppyy.gbl.StoreGateSvc
    StoreGate    = cppyy.gbl.StoreGate

    # add specialized retrieve method
    def retrieve( self, klass, key = None ):
        ret = py_retrieve( self, klass, key )
        if ret and hasattr(ret,'setStore') and not ret.hasStore():
            if not hasattr(ret,'trackIndices') or ret.trackIndices():
                if py_sg_contains (self, 'SG::IConstAuxStore', key + 'Aux.'):
                    aux = py_retrieve (self, 'SG::IConstAuxStore', key + 'Aux.')
                    ret.setStore (aux)
        return ret
    StoreGateSvc.retrieve = retrieve

    # add specialized record method
    def record( self, obj, key, allowMods=True, resetOnly=True, noHist=False ):
        return py_record( self, obj, key, allowMods, resetOnly, noHist )
    StoreGateSvc.record = record

    # add specialized contains method
    def contains( self, klass_or_clid, key ):
        print "---- StoreGateSvc.contains() ",  klass_or_clid, key
        if isinstance(klass_or_clid, str):
                clid = int(klass_or_clid)
                klass = self._pyclidsvc.typename(clid)
            except ValueError:
                klass = str(klass_or_clid)
        elif isinstance(klass_or_clid, (int, long)):
            klass = self._pyclidsvc.typename(klass_or_clid)
        elif isinstance(klass_or_clid, type):
            klass = klass_or_clid.__name__
            raise TypeError(
                'argument 2 must be a typename, a clid or a type (got %r)' %
        return py_sg_contains( self, klass, key )
    StoreGateSvc.contains = contains

    # dict-pythonization of storegate: __setitem__
    def __setitem__ (self, key, obj):
        return py_record( self, obj, key, True, True, False )
    StoreGateSvc.__setitem__ = __setitem__

    # dict-pythonization of storegate: __getitem__
    def __getitem__ (self, key):
            ret = py_sg_getitem(self, key)
        except LookupError,err:
            raise KeyError(str(err))
        if ret and hasattr(ret,'setStore') and not ret.hasStore():
            if not hasattr(ret,'trackIndices') or ret.trackIndices():
                if py_sg_contains (self, 'SG::IConstAuxStore', key + 'Aux.'):
                    aux = py_retrieve (self, 'SG::IConstAuxStore', key + 'Aux.')
                    ret.setStore (aux)
        return ret
    def execute(self):
        self.msg.info('running execute...')
        self.msg.info('dumping [%s] content', self.sg.name())

        listOfFolders = [
            "/LAR/BadChannels/BadChannels", "/LAR/BadChannels/MissingFEBs"
        iSelectedFolder = LArBadChannelBrowserTools.ChooseOptionFromList(
            "Folder list : ", "", "", listOfFolders, +1, False, {})

        if iSelectedFolder == 1:
            self.dbFolderName = "/LAR/BadChannels/BadChannels"
            self.folderId = BAD_CHANNEL
            self.dbFolderName = "/LAR/BadChannels/MissingFEBs"
            self.folderId = MISSING_FEB

        # -----------------------------------------------------------
        # Browse database a first time to catch tags name and IOV
        listOfTags, dictIOV, self.iNbCoolChannel = self.GetTagsAndIOVFromDatabase(

        # -----------------------------------------------------------
        # Create an objec instance for all interfaced python classes

        LArBadChannelDBTools = cppyy.makeNamespace('LArBadChannelDBTools')
        self.nspace_LArBadChannelDBTools = LArBadChannelDBTools()

        self.class_LArBadChannel = cppyy.makeClass('LArBadChannel')
        self.class_HWIdentifier = cppyy.makeClass('HWIdentifier')
        self.class_LArBadChanBitPacking = cppyy.makeClass(

        if self.folderId == BAD_CHANNEL:
            self.dbBrowserBadChan = LArDBFolderBrowser_BadChan.LArDBFolderBrowser_BadChan(
                self.class_LArBadChanBitPacking, self.class_LArBadChannel,
                self.class_HWIdentifier, self.onlineID, self.larCablingSvc,

        elif self.folderId == MISSING_FEB:
            self.dbBrowserMissingFeb = LArDBFolderBrowser_MissingFEBs.LArDBFolderBrowser_MissingFEBs(

        # -----------------------------------------------------------
        # Select the tag
        iSelectedTag = LArBadChannelBrowserTools.ChooseOptionFromList(
            "Tag list : ", "", "", listOfTags, +1, False, {})
        if iSelectedTag < 1:
        self.selectedTag = listOfTags[iSelectedTag - 1]

        # -----------------------------------------------------------
        # Construct IOV list based on selected tag
        self.tagIOVDict = {}
        for iChannel in range(0, self.iNbCoolChannel):
            self.tagIOVDict[iChannel] = dictIOV[

        # -----------------------------------------------------------
        # Show database content

        self.channelNameDict = self.ReadObjectsFromDatabase(
            self.dbFolderName, self.selectedTag, self.tagIOVDict)
        if self.folderId == BAD_CHANNEL:
#        sMessage="IOV : "+str(self.tagIOVDict)+"  /  channel : "+str(self.channelNameDict)
#        LArBadChannelBrowserTools.TypeEnterToContinue(sMessage)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        bEndOfCoolChannelModification = False
        while not bEndOfCoolChannelModification:

            # -----------------------------------------------------------
            # MISSING_FEB : go to correction menu
            if self.folderId == MISSING_FEB:  #

                coolChan = 0
                endOfModif = self.dbBrowserMissingFeb.MissingFeb_ModifyMissingFeb(

                if endOfModif == 'q':
                    sDBName = os.environ["PWD"] + "/MissingFebUpdate.db"
                    if os.path.isfile(sDBName):
                    dbstring = "sqlite://;schema=" + sDBName + ";dbname=BADCHAN"
                        dbstring, self.dbSvc, self.dbFolderName,
                        dbstring, self.dbSvc, self.dbFolderName,


            # -----------------------------------------------------------
            # Select Cool channel

            sCoolChannelMenuDict = [("s", "(summary)"), ("a", "(abort)"),
                                    ("q", "(save and quit)")]
            listCoolChannel = []
            for i in range(0, self.iNbCoolChannel):
                listCoolChannel.append(self.channelNameDict[i] + " (IOV " +
                                       str(self.tagIOVDict[i]) + ")")
            repCoolChan = LArBadChannelBrowserTools.ChooseOptionFromList(
                "Cool channel list : ", "", "", listCoolChannel, 0, False,

            if repCoolChan == "a":
                iAbortConfirmation = LArBadChannelBrowserTools.YesNoQuestion(
                    "Are you sure you want to quit ? ")
                if iAbortConfirmation == 1:
            elif repCoolChan == "q":
                print(" SAUVEGARDE FINALE")
                if self.folderId == BAD_CHANNEL:
                    sDBName = os.environ["PWD"] + "/BadChannelUpdate.db"
                    if os.path.isfile(sDBName):
                    dbstring = "sqlite://;schema=" + sDBName + ";dbname=BADCHAN"
                        dbstring, self.dbSvc, self.dbFolderName,
                        dbstring, self.dbSvc, self.dbFolderName,

                bEndOfCoolChannelModification = True
            elif repCoolChan == "s":
                for i in range(0, self.iNbCoolChannel):
                # -----------------------------------------------------------
                # Display selected Cool channel
                coolChan = int(repCoolChan)
                if self.folderId == BAD_CHANNEL:
#                    $Revision$
#  Last modification $Date$
#  by                $Author$
# =============================================================================
""" Module with decoration of histo&text objects for efficient use in python
# =============================================================================
__version__ = "$Revision$"
__author__ = "Vanya BELYAEV [email protected]"
__date__ = "2011-06-07"
__all__ = ()
# =============================================================================
import ROOT, cppyy  ## attention here!!
cpp = cppyy.makeNamespace('')
VE = cpp.Gaudi.Math.ValueWithError
# =============================================================================
# logging
# =============================================================================
from Ostap.Logger import getLogger
if '__main__' == __name__: logger = getLogger('Ostap.HTextDeco')
else: logger = getLogger(__name__)
# =============================================================================
logger.debug('Some useful decorations for Histo&Text objects')
# =============================================================================
## further decoration
    import GaudiPython.HistoUtils
    logger.debug('Histogram utilities from GaudiPython.HistoUtils')
def _setup():
    import cppyy
    # StoreGate bindings from dictionary
    cppyy.loadDictionary("libAthenaPythonDict")  # for clidsvc
    cppyy.loadDictionary("libStoreGateBindingsDict")  # for storegatesvc
                         )  # not linked from libStoreGateBindingsDict in ROOT6

    # make sure the global C++ namespace has been created
    gbl = cppyy.makeNamespace('')  # noqa: F841
    _ath = cppyy.makeNamespace('AthenaInternal')

    # ROOT6 workaround, kick the loading of headers
    # end workaround

    global py_retrieve
    py_retrieve = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.retrieveObjectFromStore

    global py_record
    py_record = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.recordObjectToStore

    global py_sg_contains
    py_sg_contains = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.py_sg_contains

    global py_sg_getitem
    py_sg_getitem = cppyy.gbl.AthenaInternal.py_sg_getitem

    # retrieve the StoreGateSvc class
    global StoreGate, StoreGateSvc
    StoreGateSvc = cppyy.gbl.StoreGateSvc
    StoreGate = cppyy.gbl.StoreGate

    # add specialized retrieve method
    def retrieve(self, klass, key=None):
        ret = py_retrieve(self, klass, key)
        if ret and hasattr(ret, 'setStore') and not ret.hasStore():
            if not hasattr(ret, 'trackIndices') or ret.trackIndices():
                if py_sg_contains(self, 'SG::IConstAuxStore', key + 'Aux.'):
                    aux = py_retrieve(self, 'SG::IConstAuxStore', key + 'Aux.')
        return ret

    StoreGateSvc.retrieve = retrieve

    # add specialized record method
    def record(self, obj, key, allowMods=True, resetOnly=True, noHist=False):
        return py_record(self, obj, key, allowMods, resetOnly, noHist)

    StoreGateSvc.record = record

    # add specialized contains method
    def contains(self, klass_or_clid, key):
        print("---- StoreGateSvc.contains() ", klass_or_clid, key)
        from builtins import int
        if isinstance(klass_or_clid, str):
                clid = int(klass_or_clid)
                klass = self._pyclidsvc.typename(clid)
            except ValueError:
                klass = str(klass_or_clid)
        elif isinstance(klass_or_clid, int):
            klass = self._pyclidsvc.typename(klass_or_clid)
        elif isinstance(klass_or_clid, type):
            klass = klass_or_clid.__name__
            raise TypeError(
                'argument 2 must be a typename, a clid or a type (got %r)' %
        return py_sg_contains(self, klass, key)

    StoreGateSvc.contains = contains

    # dict-pythonization of storegate: __setitem__
    def __setitem__(self, key, obj):
        return py_record(self, obj, key, True, True, False)

    StoreGateSvc.__setitem__ = __setitem__

    # dict-pythonization of storegate: __getitem__
    def __getitem__(self, key):
            ret = py_sg_getitem(self, key.encode())
        except LookupError as err:
            raise KeyError(str(err))
        if ret and hasattr(ret, 'setStore') and not ret.hasStore():
            if not hasattr(ret, 'trackIndices') or ret.trackIndices():
                if py_sg_contains(self, 'SG::IConstAuxStore', key + 'Aux.'):
                    aux = py_retrieve(self, 'SG::IConstAuxStore', key + 'Aux.')
        return ret

    StoreGateSvc.__getitem__ = __getitem__

    # dict-pythonization of storegate: __len__
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.keys())

    StoreGateSvc.__len__ = __len__

    # make dump print, rather than return string
    def dump(self, fd=None):
        if fd is None:
            import sys
            fd = sys.stdout
        print(self.__class__._dump(self), file=fd)

    StoreGateSvc._dump = StoreGateSvc.dump
    StoreGateSvc.dump = dump

    # allow the use of the pythonized properties interface
    def __getattr__(self, attr):
            from GaudiPython.Bindings import iProperty
        except ImportError:
            from gaudimodule import iProperty
        return getattr(iProperty("StoreGateSvc", self), attr)

    def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
            from GaudiPython.Bindings import iProperty
        except ImportError:
            from gaudimodule import iProperty
        return setattr(iProperty("StoreGateSvc", self), attr, value)

    StoreGateSvc.__getattr__ = __getattr__
    StoreGateSvc.__setattr__ = __setattr__

    import AthenaPython.PyAthena as PyAthena
    StoreGateSvc._pyclidsvc = PyAthena.py_svc('ClassIDSvc')

    def keys(self, clid=None, allKeys=False):
        """return the list of keys for a given CLID (int, type or class_name)
           if clid is None, it will return the list of all keys.
           When 'allKeys' is True it will also return the key aliases.
        if isinstance(clid, str):
            clid = self._pyclidsvc.clid(clid)
        if isinstance(clid, type):
            clid = self._pyclidsvc.clid(clid.__name__)
        if clid is None:
            return [p.name() for p in self.proxies()]
        return list(self._cpp_keys(clid, allKeys))

    StoreGateSvc._cpp_keys = StoreGateSvc.keys
    StoreGateSvc.keys = keys
