def iterBuildInfoHeader(targetPlatform, cpuName, flavour, installShareDir):
    platformVars = extractMakeVariables(
        joinpath(dirname(__file__), 'platform-%s.mk' % targetPlatform),
        dict.fromkeys(('COMPILE_FLAGS', 'LINK_FLAGS', 'LDFLAGS',
                       'TARGET_FLAGS', 'OPENMSX_TARGET_CPU'), ''))
    setWindowIcon = parseBool(platformVars.get('SET_WINDOW_ICON', 'true'))

    targetCPU = getCPU(cpuName)

    # TODO: Add support for device-specific configuration.
    platformDingux = targetPlatform == 'dingux'
    platformPandora = targetPlatform == 'pandora'
    platformAndroid = targetPlatform == 'android'

    # Defaults.
    have16BPP = True
    have32BPP = True
    minScaleFactor = 1
    maxScaleFactor = 4

    # Platform overrides.
    if platformDingux:
        maxScaleFactor = 1
    elif platformAndroid:
        # At the moment, libsdl android crashes when trying to dynamically change the scale factor
        # TODO: debug why it crashes and then change the maxScaleFactor parameter here
        # so that people with a powerfull enough android device can use a higher scale factor
        have32BPP = False
        minScaleFactor = 2
        maxScaleFactor = 2
    elif platformPandora:
        have32BPP = False
        maxScaleFactor = 3

    yield '// Automatically generated by build process.'
    yield ''
    yield '#ifndef BUILD_INFO_HH'
    yield '#define BUILD_INFO_HH'
    yield ''
    # Use a macro i.s.o. a boolean to prevent compilation errors on inline asm.
    # Assembly doesn't appear to work with MINGW64... TODO: find out why
    yield '#ifdef __MINGW64__'
    yield '#define ASM_X86 0'
    yield '#define ASM_X86 0'
    yield '#define ASM_X86_32 0'
    yield '#define ASM_X86_64 0'
    yield '#else'
    # A compiler will typically only understand the instruction set that it
    # generates code for.
    yield '#define ASM_X86 %d' % (targetCPU is X86 or targetCPU is X86_64)
    yield '#define ASM_X86_32 %d' % (targetCPU is X86)
    yield '#define ASM_X86_64 %d' % (targetCPU is X86_64)
    yield '#endif'
    # Use a macro iso integer because we really need to exclude code sections
    # based on this.
    yield '#define PLATFORM_DINGUX %d' % platformDingux
    yield '#define PLATFORM_ANDROID %d' % platformAndroid
    yield '#define HAVE_16BPP %d' % have16BPP
    yield '#define HAVE_32BPP %d' % have32BPP
    yield '#define MIN_SCALE_FACTOR %d' % minScaleFactor
    yield '#define MAX_SCALE_FACTOR %d' % maxScaleFactor
    yield ''
    yield 'namespace openmsx {'
    yield ''
    # Note: Don't call it "BIG_ENDIAN", because some system header may #define
    #       that.
    yield 'static const bool OPENMSX_BIGENDIAN = %s;' \
     % str(targetCPU.bigEndian).lower()
    yield 'static const bool OPENMSX_UNALIGNED_MEMORY_ACCESS = %s;' \
     % str(targetCPU.unalignedMemoryAccess).lower()
    yield 'static const bool OPENMSX_SET_WINDOW_ICON = %s;' \
     % str(setWindowIcon).lower()
    yield 'static const char* const DATADIR = "%s";' % installShareDir
    yield 'static const char* const BUILD_FLAVOUR = "%s";' % flavour
    yield 'static const char* const TARGET_PLATFORM = "%s";' % targetPlatform
    yield ''
    yield '} // namespace openmsx'
    yield ''
    yield '#endif // BUILD_INFO_HH'
def iterBuildInfoHeader(targetPlatform, cpuName, flavour, installShareDir):
	platformVars = extractMakeVariables(
		'build/platform-%s.mk' % targetPlatform,
	setWindowIcon = parseBool(platformVars.get('SET_WINDOW_ICON', 'true'))

	targetCPU = getCPU(cpuName)

	# TODO: Add support for device-specific configuration.
	platformDingux = targetPlatform == 'dingux'
	platformMaemo5 = targetPlatform == 'maemo5'
	platformPandora = targetPlatform == 'pandora'
	platformAndroid = targetPlatform == 'android'

	# Defaults.
	have16BPP = True
	have32BPP = True
	minScaleFactor = 1
	maxScaleFactor = 4

	# Platform overrides.
	if platformDingux:
		maxScaleFactor = 1
	elif platformAndroid:
		# At the moment, libsdl android crashes when trying to dynamically change the scale factor
		# TODO: debug why it crashes and then change the maxScaleFactor parameter here
		# so that people with a powerfull enough android device can use a higher scale factor
		have32BPP = False
		maxScaleFactor = 1
	elif platformMaemo5:
		# TODO: These are in fact N900 specific settings, but we have no
		#       support yet for device specific configuration and the N900
		#       is the most popular Maemo device currently.
		have32BPP = False
		maxScaleFactor = 2
	elif platformPandora:
		have32BPP = False
		maxScaleFactor = 3

	yield '// Automatically generated by build process.'
	yield ''
	yield '#ifndef BUILD_INFO_HH'
	yield '#define BUILD_INFO_HH'
	yield ''
	# Use a macro i.s.o. a boolean to prevent compilation errors on inline asm.
	# Assembly doesn't appear to work with MINGW64... TODO: find out why
	yield '#ifdef __MINGW64__'
	yield '#define ASM_X86 0'
	yield '#define ASM_X86 0'
	yield '#define ASM_X86_32 0'
	yield '#define ASM_X86_64 0'
	yield '#else'
	# A compiler will typically only understand the instruction set that it
	# generates code for.
	yield '#define ASM_X86 %d' % (targetCPU is X86 or targetCPU is X86_64)
	yield '#define ASM_X86_32 %d' % (targetCPU is X86)
	yield '#define ASM_X86_64 %d' % (targetCPU is X86_64)
	yield '#endif'
	# Use a macro iso integer because we really need to exclude code sections
	# based on this.
	yield '#define PLATFORM_DINGUX %d' % platformDingux
	yield '#define PLATFORM_MAEMO5 %d' % platformMaemo5
	yield '#define PLATFORM_ANDROID %d' % platformAndroid
	yield '#define HAVE_16BPP %d' % have16BPP
	yield '#define HAVE_32BPP %d' % have32BPP
	yield '#define MIN_SCALE_FACTOR %d' % minScaleFactor
	yield '#define MAX_SCALE_FACTOR %d' % maxScaleFactor
	yield ''
	yield 'namespace openmsx {'
	yield ''
	# Note: Don't call it "BIG_ENDIAN", because some system header may #define
	#       that.
	yield 'static const bool OPENMSX_BIGENDIAN = %s;' \
		% str(targetCPU.bigEndian).lower()
	yield 'static const bool OPENMSX_UNALIGNED_MEMORY_ACCESS = %s;' \
		% str(targetCPU.unalignedMemoryAccess).lower()
	yield 'static const bool OPENMSX_SET_WINDOW_ICON = %s;' \
		% str(setWindowIcon).lower()
	yield 'static const char* const DATADIR = "%s";' % installShareDir
	yield 'static const char* const BUILD_FLAVOUR = "%s";' % flavour
	yield 'static const char* const TARGET_PLATFORM = "%s";' % targetPlatform
	yield ''
	yield '} // namespace openmsx'
	yield ''
	yield '#endif // BUILD_INFO_HH'
def getCPUFlags(cpuName):
	cpu = getCPU(cpuName)
	return ' '.join(cpu.gccFlags)
def getCPUFlags(cpuName):
    cpu = getCPU(cpuName)
    return ' '.join(cpu.gccFlags)
def iterBuildInfoHeader(targetPlatform, cpuName, flavour, installShareDir):
    platformVars = extractMakeVariables(
        'build/platform-%s.mk' % targetPlatform,
        dict.fromkeys(('COMPILE_FLAGS', 'LINK_FLAGS', 'TARGET_FLAGS',
                       'COMPILE_ENV', 'LINK_ENV'), ''))
    setWindowIcon = parseBool(platformVars.get('SET_WINDOW_ICON', 'true'))

    targetCPU = getCPU(cpuName)

    # TODO: Add support for device-specific configuration.
    platformDingux = targetPlatform == 'dingux'
    platformGP2X = False
    platformMaemo5 = targetPlatform == 'maemo5'
    platformPandora = targetPlatform == 'pandora'

    # Defaults.
    have16BPP = True
    have32BPP = True
    minScaleFactor = 1
    maxScaleFactor = 4

    # Platform overrides.
    if platformDingux or platformGP2X:
        have32BPP = False
        maxScaleFactor = 1
    elif platformMaemo5:
        # TODO: These are in fact N900 specific settings, but we have no
        #       support yet for device specific configuration and the N900
        #       is the most popular Maemo device currently.
        have32BPP = False
        maxScaleFactor = 2
    elif platformPandora:
        have32BPP = False
        maxScaleFactor = 3

    yield '// Automatically generated by build process.'
    yield ''
    yield '#ifndef BUILD_INFO_HH'
    yield '#define BUILD_INFO_HH'
    yield ''
    yield '#include <string>'
    yield ''
    # Use a macro i.s.o. a boolean to prevent compilation errors on inline asm.
    # A compiler will typically only understand the instruction set that it
    # generates code for.
    yield '#define ASM_X86 %d' % (targetCPU is X86 or targetCPU is X86_64)
    yield '#define ASM_X86_32 %d' % (targetCPU is X86)
    yield '#define ASM_X86_64 %d' % (targetCPU is X86_64)
    # Use a macro iso integer because we really need to exclude code sections
    # based on this.
    yield '#define PLATFORM_DINGUX %d' % platformDingux
    yield '#define PLATFORM_GP2X %d' % platformGP2X
    yield '#define PLATFORM_MAEMO5 %d' % platformMaemo5
    yield '#define HAVE_16BPP %d' % have16BPP
    yield '#define HAVE_32BPP %d' % have32BPP
    yield '#define MIN_SCALE_FACTOR %d' % minScaleFactor
    yield '#define MAX_SCALE_FACTOR %d' % maxScaleFactor
    yield ''
    yield 'namespace openmsx {'
    yield ''
    # Note: Don't call it "BIG_ENDIAN", because some system header may #define
    #       that.
    yield 'static const bool OPENMSX_BIGENDIAN = %s;' \
     % str(targetCPU.bigEndian).lower()
    yield 'static const bool OPENMSX_UNALIGNED_MEMORY_ACCESS = %s;' \
     % str(targetCPU.unalignedMemoryAccess).lower()
    yield 'static const bool OPENMSX_SET_WINDOW_ICON = %s;' \
     % str(setWindowIcon).lower()
    yield 'static const std::string DATADIR = "%s";' % installShareDir
    yield 'static const std::string BUILD_FLAVOUR = "%s";' % flavour
    yield ''
    yield '} // namespace openmsx'
    yield ''
    yield '#endif // BUILD_INFO_HH'