    def get_roi(self, minlon, maxlon, minlat, maxlat):
        """Return numpy array of data specified by its geographical bounds

        minlon : int or float
            Western longitude bound [degrees].
        maxlon : int or float
            Eastern longitude bound [degrees].
        minlat : int or float
            Southern latitude bound [degrees].
        maxlat : int or float
            Northern latitude bound [degrees].

        roi : numpy 2D array
            Numpy array specified by extent given.

        # TODO
        if (not self.inbounds(minlat, minlon)
                or not self.inbounds(maxlat, maxlon)):
            raise DataImportError("Roi extent out of dataset bounds.")
        topind = ch.deg2pix(self.nlat - maxlat, self.ppd)
        height = ch.deg2pix(maxlat - minlat, self.ppd)
        if self.is_global() and (minlon < self.wlon or maxlon > self.elon):
            roi = self._wrap_roi_360(minlon, maxlon, topind, height)
            leftind = ch.deg2pix(minlon - self.wlon, self.ppd)
            width = ch.deg2pix(maxlon - minlon, self.ppd)
            roi = self.ReadAsArray(leftind, topind, width, height)
        return roi.astype(float)
 def test_deg2pix(self):
     """Test deg2pix function"""
     actual = ch.deg2pix(10, 20)
     expected = 200
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
     actual = ch.deg2pix(5.5, 2.5)
     expected = 13
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def polygon_mask(croi, poly_verts):
    """Mask the region inside a polygon given by poly_verts.

    Uses the matplotlib.Path module and included contains_points() method to
    calculate the interior of a polygon specified as a list of (lat, lon)

    croi : CraterRoi
        Crater region of interest being masked.
    poly_verts : list of tuple
        List of (lon, lat) polygon vertices.

    mask : numpy 2D array

    >>> import os.path as p
    >>> f = p.join(p.dirname(p.abspath('__file__')), 'examples', 'moon.tif')
    >>> cds = CraterpyDataset(f, radius=1737)
    >>> croi = CraterRoi(cds, -27.2, 80.9, 207)  # Humboldt crater
    >>> poly = [[-27.5, 80.5], [-28, 80.5], [-28, 81], [-27.5, 81]]
    >>> mask = polygon_mask(cds, roi, extent, poly)
    >>> croi.mask(mask)
    >>> croi.plot()
    from matplotlib.path import Path
    minlon, maxlon, minlat, maxlat = croi.extent
    # Create grid
    nlat, nlon = croi.roi.shape
    x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nlon), np.arange(nlat))
    x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten()
    gridpoints = np.vstack((x, y)).T
    poly_pix = [(ch.deg2pix(lon - minlon, croi.cds.ppd),
                 ch.deg2pix(lat - minlat, croi.cds.ppd))
                for lon, lat in poly_verts]
    path = Path(poly_pix)
    mask = path.contains_points(gridpoints).reshape((nlat, nlon))
    return mask
    def _wrap_roi_360(self, minlon, maxlon, topind, height):
        """Return roi that is split by the 360 degree edge of a global dataset.

            Read the left and right sub-arrays and then concatenate them into
            the full roi.

            minlon : int or float
                Western longitude bound [degrees].
            maxlon : int or float
                Eastern longitude bound [degrees].
            topind : int
                Top index of returned roi.
            height : int
                Height of returned roi.

            roi: 2Darray
                Concatenated roi wrapped around lon bound.
        if minlon < self.wlon:
            leftind = ch.deg2pix(minlon - (self.wlon - 360), self.ppd)
            leftwidth = ch.deg2pix(self.wlon - minlon, self.ppd)
            rightind = 0
            rightwidth = ch.deg2pix(maxlon - self.wlon, self.ppd)
        elif maxlon > self.elon:
            leftind = ch.deg2pix(self.elon - minlon, self.ppd)
            leftwidth = ch.deg2pix(self.elon - minlon, self.ppd)
            rightind = 0
            rightwidth = ch.deg2pix(maxlon - self.elon, self.ppd)
        left_roi = self.ReadAsArray(leftind, topind, leftwidth, height)
        right_roi = self.ReadAsArray(rightind, topind, rightwidth, height)
        return np.concatenate((left_roi, right_roi), axis=1)