def __init__(self):
        self.waypoint_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('waypoint', waypointAction)       
        self.waypointGoal = waypointGoal()

        self.position = Point()

        rospy.Subscriber("base_pose_ground_truth", Odometry, callback=self.drone_position_callback)
        rospy.wait_for_message("base_pose_ground_truth", Odometry)

        xlims = rospy.get_param("xlims","[0,20]")
        ylims = rospy.get_param("ylims","[0,20]")

        Range = namedtuple("Range", "min max")

        xlims = loads(xlims)
        ylims = loads(ylims)
        self.xbounds = Range(xlims[0], xlims[1])
        self.ybounds = Range(ylims[0], ylims[1])
        self.map_boundary_reached = False

        self.has_reached_waypoint = True
        self._waypoint_resolution = 0.5
        self._position_epsilon = 1e-4

        self.waypoint_prev = self.get_drone_position()
        self.waypoint = self.get_drone_position()
        self.waypoint_heading = self.drone_heading

        self.wayPoint = Point()
        self.wayPoint.x = self.wayPoint.y = None
        self.wayPoint_prev = self.position   
 def sendWaypoint(self, x, y, z):
     # Send waypoint and set has_reached_waypoint to false. Set this back to true when the feedback from server comes true
     self.has_reached_waypoint = False
     self.waypointGoal = waypointGoal([Point(x, y, z)])
    def sendWaypoint(self, waypoint, wait_for_result=True):
        # Send waypoint and set has_reached_waypoint to false. Set this back to true when the feedback from server comes true
        self.has_reached_waypoint = False
        self.waypointGoal = waypointGoal([Point(waypoint[0], waypoint[1], waypoint[2])])

        self.waypoint_client.send_goal(self.waypointGoal, done_cb=self.actionDone)
        if wait_for_result:
        self.waypoint_prev = self.get_drone_position()
    def __init__(self):
        self.waypoint_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('waypoint', waypointAction)       
        self.waypointGoal = waypointGoal()
        self.drone_position = Point()

        rospy.Subscriber("base_pose_ground_truth", Odometry, callback=self.drone_position_callback)
        rospy.wait_for_message("base_pose_ground_truth", Odometry)

        self.has_reached_waypoint = True
        self._waypoint_resolution = 0.5
        self._position_epsilon = 1e-4

        self.waypoint_prev = self.drone_position
        self.waypoint = self.drone_position
        self.waypoint_heading = self.drone_heading
    def __init__(self):
        self.simulation_time = 0.0

        self.drone_x = 0.0
        self.drone_y = 0.0
        self.drone_heading = 0.0

        self.concentration_curr = 0.0
        self.concentration_prev = 0.0

        self.wind_speed = 0.0
        self.wind_direction = 0.0

        self.max_source_prob_x = 0.0
        self.max_source_prob_y = 0.0
        self.max_source_prob_z = 0.0
        self._position_epsilon = 1e-4
        # Define some epsilon based on the sensor configuration
        # Random value. Change later
        self._concentration_epsilon = 1e-4
        # Define some lamba. Based on what?
        # Random value. Change later
        self._probability_threshold = 1e-4

        self._move_step = 0.5

        self.waypoint_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('waypoints', waypointAction)
        self.goal = waypointGoal()

        self.waypoint_x = 0.0
        self.waypoint_y = 0.0
        self.waypoint_z = 3.0
        self.waypoint_heading = self.getNewHeuristic()
        self.has_reached_waypoint = True
 def sendWayPoint(self):
     self.has_reached_waypoint = False
     self.waypointGoal = waypointGoal([self.wayPoint])
     self.waypoint_client.send_goal(self.waypointGoal, done_cb=self.actionDone)
     self.wayPoint_prev = self.wayPoint
    def __init__(self):
        # catch errors for simulation_time or initialise it to an appropriate value
        self.simulation_time = 1.0

        self.source_reached = False

        # drone_spawn_heading is not yet added to rosparam
            self.drone_x = rospy.get_param(
            self.drone_y = rospy.get_param(
            self.drone_z = rospy.get_param(
            self.drone_heading = rospy.get_param(
        except KeyError:
            raise rospy.ROSInitException

        print(self.drone_x, self.drone_y, self.drone_heading)

        self.concentration_curr = 0.0
        self.concentration_prev = 0.0

        self.wind_speed = 0.0
        self.wind_direction = 0.0

        # This first initial readings from the sensor should be ignored as
        # they are very variant and the plume might not have reached the drone
        # in certain conditions. Assign the max probability of source as the
        # position of drone.
        self.max_source_prob_x = self.drone_x
        self.max_source_prob_y = self.drone_y
        self.max_source_prob_z = self.drone_z

        self._position_epsilon = 1e-4
        # Define some epsilon based on the sensor configuration
        # Random value. Change later
        self._concentration_epsilon = 1e-1

        # Define some lamba. Based on what?
        # Random value. Change later
        self._probability_threshold = 1e-4

        self.has_reached_waypoint = True
        self._move_step = 0.5

        self.skipping_max_source_probability = True
        self.skip_max_source_probability_msg = 5
        self.skip_max_source_probability_msg_count = 0

        self.waypoint_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
            'waypoint', waypointAction)
        self.waypointGoal = waypointGoal()

        # Previous waypoint would be the place where the drone is currently at
        self.waypoint_x_prev = self.drone_x
        self.waypoint_y_prev = self.drone_y
        self.waypoint_z_prev = self.drone_z
        self.waypoint_heading_prev = self.getNewWaypointHeading()

        self.waypoint_x = self.drone_x
        self.waypoint_y = self.drone_y
        self.waypoint_z = self.drone_z
        self.waypoint_heading = self.getNewWaypointHeading()
    def __init__(self):
        # drone_spawn_heading is not yet added to rosparam
        self.FOLLOW_WIND = -1
        self.UPWIND = 0
        self.ZIGZAG = 1
        self.METAHEURISTIC = 2

        self.drone = MoveDroneClient()

            self.algorithm = rospy.get_param("~Algorithm", 2)
        except KeyError:
            raise rospy.ROSInitException

        if self.algorithm == self.UPWIND:
            rospy.loginfo("Algorithm = RASTER SCAN AND UPWIND")
        elif self.algorithm == self.ZIGZAG:
            rospy.loginfo("Algorithm = ZIGZAG")
        elif self.algorithm == self.METAHEURISTIC:
            rospy.loginfo("Algorithm = METAHEURISTIC")
            rospy.logfatal("Invalid input for algorithm")

        Range = namedtuple("Range", "min max")

        # Waypoint resolution parameters
        self.waypoint_res = 0.5
        self.waypoint_heading = self.drone.heading

        # The following are to change the waypoint_resolution based on the concentration
        self.res_range = Range(1, 2.5)
        self.conc_range = Range(10.0, 200.0)

        self.waypoint_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
            'waypoint', waypointAction)
        self.waypointGoal = waypointGoal()

        self.raster = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("rasterScan",
        self.raster_goal = rasterScanGoal()

        self.listener = tf.TransformListener()
        self.fixed_frame = rospy.get_param("fixed_frame", "map")
        self.anemo_frame = rospy.get_param("anemometer_frame",

        # Temperature parameter
        self.Temp = 14.00
        self.delta_Temp = 0.5
        self.meta_std = 0.2

        # Zig-zag angle
        self.alpha = math.radians(35)

        self.source_reached = False

        self._position_epsilon = 1e-4
        # Define some epsilon based on the sensor configuration
        # Random value. Change later
        self._conc_grad_epsilon = 0

        # Minimum concentration to detect
        self._conc_epsilon = 10

        # Define some lamba. Based on what?
        # Random value. Change later
        self._probability_threshold = 1e-4

        self.maintain_dir_prob = 0.4

        self.max_probability_message_received = False
        self.has_reached_waypoint = True
        self.moving_to_source = False
        self.source_reached = False
        self.lost_plume = False
        self.lost_plume_max = 3

        self.max_conc_at = Point()
        self.max_conc_val = None
        self.concentration_hist = []
        self.lost_plume_counter = 0

        self.raster_scan_complete = True
        self.initial_scan_complete = False

        self.wind_hist = deque([])
        self.len_wind_hist = 15

        self.lost_distance = 1
#! /usr/bin/env python

import rospy
import actionlib
from crazyflie_control.msg import waypointAction, waypointGoal, waypointResult, waypointFeedback
from geometry_msgs.msg import Point

def define_waypoints():
    p = [Point(7, 3, 0)]
    return p

def feedback_cb(feedback):
    print('[Feedback] No. of points completed = %d/%d' %
          (feedback.num_completed, feedback.total_points))

client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('waypoints', waypointAction)

goal = waypointGoal()
goal.points = define_waypoints()
client.send_goal(goal, feedback_cb=feedback_cb)
print("Completion message: " + client.get_result().succ_msg)