def getconfig_crossconnects(self, **kwargs): """create the oxc b/w given ingress and egress ports and create the xml for cross-connects tag for get-config operation, get the xml output from this, then parsed this xml , from parsed xml get the ingress and egress port list, then compare this ports with given ports.Fially save the output in final.csv file Arguments: file_name : any file name ingressPort list : valid ingress port list egressPort list : valid egress port list """ self.create_box('getconfig_crossconnects') s = time.time()'-----[ create oxc conection ]-----\n') self.edit_config_create_oxc_without_opr(kwargs['ingress_ports'], kwargs['egress_ports'])'-----[ create xml for get-config operation ]-----\n') crossconnects = Element('opsw:cross-connects', {'xmlns:plts':"", 'xmlns:opsw':""}) xmlstr = tostring(crossconnects) xmlout = self.getconfig_rpc_request(xmlstr, kwargs['file_name']) result = self.compare_list(xmlout) e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s)* 1000)) csvOutput('cross-connects', 'getconfig_crossconnects', d, result)
def getconfig_egress(self, **kwargs): """create the oxc b/w given ingress and egress ports and create the xml for egress port tag for get-config operation, get the xml output from this, then parsed this xml , from parsed xml get the ingress and egress port list, then compare this ports with given ports.Finally save the output in final.csv file Arguments: file_name : any file name ingressPort list : valid ingress port list egressPort list : valid egress port list """ self.create_box('test_getconfig_egress') s = time.time()'-----[ create xml for get-config operation ]-----\n') crossconnects = Element('opsw:cross-connects', {'xmlns:plts':"", 'xmlns:opsw':""}) pairs = SubElement(crossconnects, 'opsw:pairs') egress = SubElement(pairs, 'opsw:egress') xmlstr = tostring(crossconnects) xmlout = self.getconfig_rpc_request(xmlstr, kwargs['file_name']) result = self.compare_list(xmlout) e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s)* 1000)) csvOutput('cross-connects', 'getconfig_egress_port', d, result)'PASS', result)
def get(tcName, xmlstr, outFileName): ### get the given switch product information #### global swMgr try:'Quering for running configuration data from switch using get\n\n')'-------[[[Get - pass xml query to switch]]]-------\n\n') prettyXmlstr = prettify(xmlstr)'xml str is : \n\n%s\n\n' %prettyXmlstr) print '\n\n' s = time.time() xmlData = swMgr.get(filter=('subtree',xmlstr)).data_xml print '\n\n' prettyXml = prettify(xmlData)'-------[[[Get - Output from the switch]]]-------\n\n%s\n' % prettyXml) e = time.time() t = int(round((e - s)* 1000)) writeToFile(outFileName,prettyXml); csvOutput('productInformation', tcName, t, 'PASS') except Exception as err: print '\n\n' logger.error('\t\t-------[[[ Error from the Switch ]]]-------\n\n%s\n\n', err) csvOutput('productInformation', tcName, 0, 'FAIL')
def get_software_version(self, **kwargs): """create xml to get software version info then parse get manufacturer switch output xml , compare it with existing values.Finally save the output in final.csv file Arguments: file_name : any file name software_version : software_version value """ self.create_box('test_get_software_version') s = time.time() global existing_product_info existing_product_info = kwargs['software_version'].split()'-----[ create xml for get operation ]-----\n') product_info = Element( 'opsw:product-information', {'xmlns:plts': "", 'xmlns:opsw': ""}) software_version = SubElement(product_info, 'opsw:software-version') xmlstr = tostring(product_info) xmlout = self.get_rpc_request(xmlstr, kwargs['file_name']) result = self.compare_list(xmlout) e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s) * 1000)) csvOutput('product-information', 'get_software_version', d, result)'PASS', result)
def getConfig(tcName, xmlstr, fileName): ### getConfig - configuration for required operation ### global swMgr global cnt try:"Quering for running configuration data from switch using getConfig\n\n")"Get - pass XML str to the switch...\n\n") prettyXml = prettify(xmlstr)"xml str is : \n\n%s\n\n" % prettyXml) s = time.time() xmlData = swMgr.get_config(source="running", filter=("subtree", xmlstr)).data_xml print "\n\n" prettyXml = prettify(xmlData)"Get - Output from the switch\n\n%s\n" % prettyXml) e = time.time() t = int(round((e - s) * 1000)) # t = (e - s)* 1000 writeToFile(fileName, prettyXml) csvOutput("Ports", tcName, t, "PASS") except Exception as err: print "\n\n" logger.error("\t\t-----[ Error from the Switch ]-----\n\n%s\n\n", err) csvOutput("Ports", tcName, 0, "FAIL")
def getConfig(tcName, xmlstr, fileName): ### getConfig - configuration for required operation ### global swMgr global cnt try:'Quering for running configuration data from switch using getConfig\n\n')'Get - pass XML str to the switch...\n\n') prettyXml = prettify(xmlstr)'xml str is : \n\n%s\n\n' % prettyXml) s = time.time() xmlData = swMgr.get_config(source='running', filter=('subtree',xmlstr)).data_xml print '\n\n' prettyXml = prettify(xmlData)'Get - Output from the switch\n\n%s\n' % prettyXml) e = time.time() t = int(round((e - s)* 1000)) #t = (e - s)* 1000 writeToFile(fileName,prettyXml); csvOutput('Ports', tcName, t, 'PASS') except Exception as err: print '\n\n' logger.error('\t\t-----[ Error from the Switch ]-----\n\n%s\n\n', err) csvOutput('Ports', tcName, 0, 'FAIL')
def getConfig(tcName, xmlstr, fileName): global swMgr global cnt c = len(tcName)+7 p = ' +' + (c * '-') + '+ ' q = '| ' + str(cnt) +' - '+ str(tcName) + ' |' try:'\n\n%s\n %s\n%s\n\n' % (p, q, p))'Quering for running configuration data from switch using get_config\n\n')'Get Config - Response from the switch...\n\n') s = time.time() xmlData = swMgr.get_config(source='running', filter=('subtree',xmlstr)).data_xml print '\n\n' prettyXml = prettify(xmlData)'Get Config - Output from the switch\n\n%s\n' % prettyXml) e = time.time() t = int(round((e - s)* 1000)) writeToFile(fileName, prettyXml); csvOutput(cnt, tcName, t, 'PASS') except Exception as err: print '\n\n' logger.error('\t\t-----[ Error from the Switch ]-----\n\n%s\n\n', err) csvOutput(cnt, tcName, 0, 'FAIL') cnt = cnt+1
def editconfig_create_user_with_password_and_group(self, **kwargs): """ create xml for creating user using editconfig operation, then get this using getconfig operation, finally parsed the output of getconfig operation , compare parsed output with given input """ global gvn_names global gvn_passwords global gvn_groups global xmlstr gvn_names = kwargs['names'].split(',') gvn_passwords = kwargs['passwords'].split(',') gvn_groups = kwargs['groups'].split(',') l = len(gvn_names) s = time.time() self.create_box('test_editconfig_create_user_with_password_and_group') xmlstr = self.create_xml_for_user_with_password_and_group() result = self.edit_config_opr() if result == 'PASS': '-----[ create xml for get-config operation with names ]-----\n\n') system_config = Element( 'opsw:system-config', {'xmlns:plts': "", 'xmlns:opsw': ""}) for tag1 in range(0, l): user = SubElement(system_config, 'opsw:user') names = SubElement(user, 'opsw:name') names_val = gvn_names[tag1] names.text = str(names_val) xmlstr = tostring(system_config) xmlout, result = self.getconfig_rpc_request( xmlstr, kwargs['file_name']) result1, result2 = self.get_parsed_values(xmlout) if str(gvn_names) == str(result1) and str(gvn_groups) == str(result2):'gvn_names : %s' % gvn_names) #'gvn_passwords : %s' % gvn_passwords)'gvn_groups : %s\n\n' % gvn_groups)'compare names, passwords, groups : PASS\n') result = 'PASS' else: LOG.error('comparision failed : FAIL\n') result = 'FAIL' e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s) * 1000)) csvOutput( 'system-config', 'editconfig_create_user_with_password_and_group', d, result) else:'getting error from switch : FAIL\n\n')'PASS', result)
def get(tcName, xmlstr, fileName): global swMgr global cnt c = len(tcName) + 7 l = len(str(cnt)) if l == 2: c = c + 1 p = ' +' + (c * '-') + '+ ' q = '| ' + str(cnt) + ' - ' + str(tcName) + ' |' else: p = ' +' + (c * '-') + '+ ' q = '| ' + str(cnt) + ' - ' + str(tcName) + ' |' try:'\n\n%s\n %s\n%s\n\n' % (p, q, p))'created xmlstr : \n%s\n\n' % xmlstr) s = time.time() xmlData = swMgr.get(filter=('subtree', xmlstr)).data_xml print '\n\n' prettyXml = prettify(xmlData)'response from the switch : \n%s\n\n' % prettyXml) e = time.time() t = int(round((e - s) * 1000)) writeToFile(fileName, prettyXml) csvOutput('crossconnects', tcName, t, 'PASS') except Exception as err: print '\n\n' logger.error('\t\t-----[ Error from the Switch ]-----\n\n%s\n\n', err) csvOutput('crossconnects', tcName, 0, 'FAIL') cnt = cnt + 1
def editconfig_replace_operation(self, **kwargs): """create the xml using replace operation, then get the configuration using get-config operation, parsed the output and then compare the both ports list Arguments: ingress_ports : valid ingress ports egress ports : valid egress ports """ global xmlstr self.create_box('test_editconfig_replace_operation') self.split_port_list(kwargs['ingress_ports'], kwargs['egress_ports']) s = time.time() xmlstr = self.create_xml('replace') result = self.edit_config_opr() if result == 'PASS':'-----[ create xml for get-config operation ]-----\n') crossconnects = Element('opsw:cross-connects', {'xmlns:plts':"", 'xmlns:opsw':""}) xmlstr = tostring(crossconnects) xmlout = self.getconfig_rpc_request(xmlstr, kwargs['file_name']) result = self.compare_list(xmlout) e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s)* 1000)) csvOutput('cross-connects', 'editconfig_replace_operation', d, result) else:'getting error from switch : FAIL')'PASS', result)
def get_egress_ports(self, **kwargs): """create the oxc b/w given ingress and egress ports and create the xml for many egress ports for get operation, get the xml output from this, then parsed this xml , from parsed xml get the ingress and egress port list, then compare this ports with given ports.Fially save the output in final.csv file Arguments: file_name : any file name ingressPort list : valid ingress port list egressPort list : valid egress port list """ global ex_egress_ports global req_egress_ports self.create_box('get_egress_ports') s = time.time()'-----[ create oxc conection ]-----\n') self.edit_config_create_oxc_without_opr(kwargs['ingress_ports'], kwargs['egress_ports'])'-----[ create xml for get operation ]-----\n') crossconnects = Element('opsw:cross-connects', {'xmlns:plts':"", 'xmlns:opsw':""}) egrSymbol = re.split(r'[\d]', portList) if str(egrSymbol[1]) == ',' or str(egrSymbol[1]) == '': req_egress_ports = portList.split(',') if str(ingSymbol[2]) == '-' or str(ingSymbol[1]) == '-': req_egress_ports = [] req_egress_ports1 = portList.split('-') for i in range(int(req_egress_ports1[0]), int(egrPLst1[1])+1): req_egress_ports.append(i)'egress port list: %s' % req_egress_ports) else: LOG.error('Give for example comma or hypen seperated values ...\n\n') l = len(req_egress_ports) for i in range(0, l): a = req_egress_ports[i] if a in ex_egress_ports: pairs = SubElement(crossconnects, 'opsw:pairs') egress = SubElement(pairs, 'opsw:egress') egress.text = str(a) else: pairs = SubElement(crossconnects, 'opsw:pairs') egress = SubElement(pairs, 'opsw:egress') egress.text = str(a) xmlstr = tostring(crossconnects) xmlout = self.get_rpc_request(xmlstr, kwargs['file_name']) result = self.compare_list(xmlout) e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s)* 1000)) csvOutput('cross-connects', 'get_egress_ports', d, result)
def editConfig(tcName, xmlstr): ### editConfig - configuration for required operation ### global swMgr global cnt global prtIdLst try:"Quering for running configuration data from switch using editConfig\n\n")"edit - the XML str & passs it to the switch...\n\n") prettyXml = prettify(xmlstr)"xml str is : \n\n%s\n\n" % prettyXml) s = time.time() xmlData = swMgr.edit_config(target="running", config=xmlstr) prettyXml = prettify(str(xmlData))"EditConfig - Output from the switch\n\n%s\n" % prettyXml) ports = Element( "opsw:ports", { "xmlns:plts": "", "xmlns:opsw": "", }, ) try: l = len(prtIdLst) for i in range(0, l): a = prtIdLst[i] port = SubElement(ports, "opsw:port") port_id = SubElement(port, "opsw:port-id") port_id.text = str(a) port_label = SubElement(port, "opsw:port-label") except Exception as err: logger.error("\t\t-----[ Error from the Switch ]-----\n\n%s\n\n" % err) #'-----[ Compare the Edit Config and Get Config Ports ]-----\n\n') # xmlstr = tostring(ports) # xmlData = swMgr.get_config(source='running', filter=('subtree',xmlstr)).data_xml # print "\n\n" # prettyXml = prettify(xmlData) #'Get config - Response from the switch\n\n%s \n\n' % prettyXml) # result = cmpIngEgrPortLst(xmlData) e = time.time() t = int(round((e - s) * 1000)) csvOutput("Ports", tcName, t, "PASS") except Exception as err: print "\n\n" logger.error("\t\t-----[ Error from the Switch ]-----\n\n%s\n\n", err) csvOutput("Ports", tcName, 0, "FAIL")
def editconfig_negative_case_with_invalid_ingress_port(self, **kwargs): """create the xml with invalid ingress port, then get the configuration using get-config operation, parsed the output and then compare the both ports list Arguments: ingress_ports : valid ingress ports egress ports : valid egress ports """ global xmlstr global req_ingress_ports global req_egress_ports self.create_box( 'test_editconfig_negative_case_with_invalid_ingress_port') # self.split_port_list(kwargs['ingress_ports'], kwargs['egress_ports']) req_ingress_ports = kwargs['ingress_ports'].split() req_egress_ports = kwargs['egress_ports'] s = time.time() '-----[ create xml for edit-config invalid ingress port operation ]-----\n') xmlstr = self.create_xml('create') result = self.edit_config_opr() if result == 'PASS':'-----[ create xml for get-config operation ]-----\n') crossconnects = Element( 'opsw:cross-connects', {'xmlns:plts': "", 'xmlns:opsw': ""}) xmlstr = tostring(crossconnects)'xmlstr : \n%s' % xmlstr) xmlout = self.getconfig_rpc_request(xmlstr, kwargs['file_name']) result = self.compare_list(xmlout) e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s) * 1000)) csvOutput( 'cross-connects', 'editconfig_negative_case_with_ingress_port', d, result) else: e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s) * 1000)) csvOutput( 'cross-connects', 'editconfig_negative_case_with_invalid_ingress_port', d, 'PASS') 'getting error from switch using invalid ingress port : PASS\n\n') # e = time.time() # d = int(round((e - s)* 1000)) # csvOutput('cross-connects', # 'editconfig_negative_case_invalid_oxc_connection', d, result)'FAIL', result)
def editconfig_create_startup_mode_with_mode_volatile(self, **kwargs): """ create xml for creating startup mode wit mode preserve using editconfig operation, then get this using getconfig operation, finally parsed the output of getconfig operation , compare parsed output with given input """ global gvn_mode global xmlstr gvn_mode = kwargs['mode_volatile'] # print gvn_mode l = len(gvn_mode) s = time.time() self.create_box( 'test_editconfig_create_startup_mode_with_mode_volatile') xmlstr = self.create_xml_for_startup_mode_with_given_mode() result = self.edit_config_opr() if result == 'PASS':'-----[ create xml for get-config operation ]-----\n\n') system_config = Element( 'opsw:system-config', {'xmlns:plts': "", 'xmlns:opsw': ""}) startup_mode = SubElement(system_config, 'plts:startup-mode') xmlstr = tostring(system_config) xmlout, result = self.getconfig_rpc_request( xmlstr, kwargs['file_name']) result = self.get_parsed_values_startup_mode(xmlout) gvn_mode = kwargs['mode_volatile'].split() if str(gvn_mode) == str(result):'gvn_mode : %s\n\n' % gvn_mode)'compare mode : PASS\n') result = 'PASS' else: LOG.error('comparision failed : FAIL\n') result = 'FAIL' e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s) * 1000)) csvOutput( 'system-config', 'editconfig_create_startup_mode_with_mode_volatile', d, result) else:'getting error from switch : FAIL\n\n')'PASS', result)
def get_edit_config(self, **kwargs): """create the oxc b/w given ingress and egress ports and create the xml for get the edit-config oxc connection tag for get operation, get the xml output from this, then parsed this xml , from parsed xml get the ingress and egress port list, then compare this ports with given ports.Fially save the output in final.csv file Arguments: file_name : any file name ingressPort list : valid ingress port list egressPort list : valid egress port list """ global ex_ingress_ports global req_ingress_ports global ex_egress_ports global req_egress_ports self.create_box('get_editconfig') s = time.time()'-----[ create oxc conection ]-----\n') self.edit_config_create_oxc_without_opr(kwargs['ingress_ports'], kwargs['egress_ports'])'-----[ create xml for get operation ]-----\n') crossconnects = Element('opsw:cross-connects', {'xmlns:plts':"", 'xmlns:opsw':""}) try: l = len(req_egress_ports) for i in range(0, l): a = req_ingress_ports[i] b = req_egress_ports[i] if a in ex_ingress_ports and b in ex_egress_ports: pairs = SubElement(crossconnects, 'opsw:pairs') ingress = SubElement(pairs, 'opsw:ingress') ingress.text = str(a) egress = SubElement(pairs, 'opsw:egress') egress.text = str(b) else: pairs = SubElement(crossconnects, 'opsw:pairs') ingress = SubElement(pairs, 'opsw:ingress') ingress.text = str(a) egress = SubElement(pairs, 'opsw:egress') egress.text = str(b) except Exception as err: LOG.error('\t\t-----[ Error from the Switch ]-----\n\n%s\n\n', err) xmlstr = tostring(crossconnects) xmlout = self.get_rpc_request(xmlstr, kwargs['file_name']) result = self.compare_list(xmlout) e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s)* 1000)) csvOutput('cross-connects', 'get_editconfig', d, result)
def editConfig(tcName, xmlstr): ### editConfig - configuration for required operation ### global swMgr global cnt global prtIdLst try:'Quering for running configuration data from switch using editConfig\n\n')'edit - the XML str & passs it to the switch...\n\n') prettyXml = prettify(xmlstr)'xml str is : \n\n%s\n\n' % prettyXml) s = time.time() xmlData = swMgr.edit_config(target='running', config=xmlstr) prettyXml = prettify(str(xmlData))'EditConfig - Output from the switch\n\n%s\n' % prettyXml) ports = Element('opsw:ports', {'xmlns:plts':"", 'xmlns:opsw':""}) try: l = len(prtIdLst) for i in range(0, l): port = SubElement(ports, 'opsw:port') port_id = SubElement(port, 'opsw:port-id') port_id.text = str(a) port_label = SubElement(port, 'opsw:port-label') except Exception as err: logger.error('\t\t-----[ Error from the Switch ]-----\n\n%s\n\n' % err)'-----[ Compare the Edit Config and Get Config Ports ]-----\n\n') xmlstr = tostring(ports) xmlData = swMgr.get_config(source='running', filter=('subtree',xmlstr)).data_xml print "\n\n" prettyXml = prettify(xmlData)'Get config - Response from the switch\n\n%s \n\n' % prettyXml) result = cmpIngEgrPortLst(xmlData) e = time.time() t = int(round((e - s)* 1000)) csvOutput('Ports', tcName, t, result) except Exception as err: print '\n\n' logger.error('\t\t-----[ Error from the Switch ]-----\n\n%s\n\n', err) csvOutput('Ports', tcName, 0, result)
def editconfig_create_user_with_group_and_invalid_password(self, **kwargs): """ create xml for creating user using editconfig operation, then get this using getconfig operation, finally parsed the output of getconfig operation , compare parsed output with given input """ global gvn_names global gvn_passwords global gvn_groups global xmlstr gvn_names = kwargs['names'].split(',') gvn_passwords = kwargs['passwords'].split(',') gvn_groups = kwargs['groups'].split(',') l = len(gvn_names) s = time.time() self.create_box( 'test_editconfig_create_user_with_group_and_invalid_password') xmlstr = self.create_xml_for_user_with_password_and_group() result = self.edit_config_opr()'gvn_name : %s' % gvn_names)'gvn_password : %s\n\n' % gvn_passwords)'gvn_group : %s\n\n' % gvn_groups) if result == 'PASS': e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s) * 1000))'Invalid case is passed : FAIL\n\n') csvOutput( 'system-config', 'editconfig_create_user_with_group_and_invalid_password', d, result) else: e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s) * 1000)) csvOutput( 'system-config', 'editconfig_create_user_with_group_and_invalid_password', d, result)'getting error from switch : PASS\n\n')'FAIL', result)
def get_ingress_ports(self, **kwargs): """create the oxc b/w given ingress and egress ports and create the xml for many ingress ports for get operation, get the xml output from this, then parsed this xml , from parsed xml get the ingress and egress port list, then compare this ports with given ports.Finally save the output in final.csv file Arguments: file_name : any file name ingressPort list : valid ingress port list egressPort list : valid egress port list """ global ex_ingress_ports global req_ingress_ports self.create_box('test_get_ingress_ports') s = time.time()'-----[ create xml for get operation ]-----\n') crossconnects = Element( 'opsw:cross-connects', {'xmlns:plts': "", 'xmlns:opsw': ""}) req_ingress_ports = kwargs['ingress_ports'] l = len(req_ingress_ports) for i in range(0, l): a = req_ingress_ports[i] if a in ex_ingress_ports: pairs = SubElement(crossconnects, 'opsw:pairs') ingress = SubElement(pairs, 'opsw:ingress') ingress.text = str(a) else: pairs = SubElement(crossconnects, 'opsw:pairs') ingress = SubElement(pairs, 'opsw:ingress') ingress.text = str(a) xmlstr = tostring(crossconnects)'xmlstr : \n%s' % xmlstr) xmlout = self.get_rpc_request(xmlstr, kwargs['file_name']) result = self.compare_list(xmlout) e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s) * 1000)) csvOutput('cross-connects', 'get_ingress_ports', d, result)'PASS', result)
def editconfig_create_invalid_startup_mode_with_mode_volatile( self, **kwargs): """ create xml for creating startup mode wit mode preserve using editconfig operation, then get this using getconfig operation, finally parsed the output of getconfig operation , compare parsed output with given input """ global gvn_mode global xmlstr gvn_mode = kwargs['mode_volatile'] # print gvn_mode l = len(gvn_mode) s = time.time() self.create_box( 'test_editconfig_create_invalid_startup_mode_with_mode_volatile') xmlstr = self.create_xml_for_startup_mode_with_given_mode() result = self.edit_config_opr() gvn_mode = kwargs['mode_volatile'].split()'gvn_mode : %s\n\n' % gvn_mode) if result == 'PASS': e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s) * 1000))'Invalid case is passed : FAIL\n\n') csvOutput( 'system-config', 'editconfig_create_invalid_startup_mode_with_mode_volatile', d, result) else: e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s) * 1000)) csvOutput( 'system-config', 'editconfig_create_invalid_startup_mode_with_mode_volatile', d, result)'getting error from switch : PASS\n\n')'FAIL', result)
def editconfig_create_operation(self, **kwargs): global xmlstr self.create_box('get_editconfig_create_operation') self.split_port_list(kwargs['ingress_ports'], kwargs['egress_ports']) s = time.time()'create xml using CREATE operation') xmlstr = self.create_xml('create') self.edit_config_opr()'-----[ create xml using get-config operation ]-----') crossconnects = Element('opsw:cross-connects', {'xmlns:plts':"", 'xmlns:opsw':""}) xmlstr = tostring(crossconnects) xmlout = self.getconfig_rpc_request(xmlstr, kwargs['file_name']) result = self.compare_list(xmlout) e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s)* 1000)) csvOutput('cross-connects', 'getconfig_crossconnects', d, result)
def get_interface_status(self, **kwargs): """ create xml for get interface status, then parsed this, compare parsed values with given values """ gvn_interface_status = kwargs['interface_status'].split(',') # print "gvn_interface_status : %s" % gvn_interface_status self.create_box('test_get_interface_status') s = time.time()'-----[ create xml for get operation ]-----\n') system_config = Element( 'opsw:system-config', {'xmlns:plts': "", 'xmlns:opsw': ""}) interface_status = SubElement(system_config, 'opsw:interface-status') xmlstr = tostring(system_config)'xmlstr : \n%s\n\n' % xmlstr) xmlout, result = self.get_rpc_request(xmlstr, kwargs['file_name']) if result == 'PASS': result = self.get_parsed_values_for_intr_status( xmlout, 'interface-status') if str(gvn_interface_status) == str(result): #"validate system config info\n\n") 'gvn_interface_status : %s\n\n' % gvn_interface_status)'compare interface_status : PASS\n') result = 'PASS' else: LOG.error('comparision failed : FAIL\n') result = 'FAIL' else:'getting error from switch : FAIL\n\n') result = self.compare_list(xmlout) e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s) * 1000)) csvOutput('system_config', 'get_interface_status', d, result)'PASS', result)
def get_egress_ports_type_info(self, **kwargs): """create xml to get egress ports type info then parse get manufacturer switch output xml , compare it with existing values.Finally save the output in final.csv file Arguments: file_name : any file name manufacturer : manufacturer value """ self.create_box('test_get_egress_ports_type_info') s = time.time() global existing_product_info egress_port_ids = kwargs['egress_port_ids'] port_types = ['EGRESS_PORT', 'EGRESS_PORT', 'EGRESS_PORT']'-----[ create xml for get operation ]-----\n') product_info = Element( 'opsw:product-information', {'xmlns:plts': "", 'xmlns:opsw': ""}) # ports = SubElement(product_info, 'opsw:ports') for id in range(0, len(egress_port_ids)): ports = SubElement(product_info, 'opsw:ports') port_id = SubElement(ports, 'opsw:port-id') port_id.text = str(egress_port_ids[id]) port_type = SubElement(ports, 'opsw:port-type') existing_product_info = egress_port_ids + port_types xmlstr = tostring(product_info) xmlout = self.get_rpc_request(xmlstr, kwargs['file_name']) result = self.compare_list(xmlout) e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s) * 1000)) csvOutput( 'product-information', 'get_egress_ports_type_info', d, result)'PASS', result)
def get_current_datetime(self, **kwargs): """ create xml for creating startup mode with mode volatile using editconfig operation, then get this using get operation, finally parsed the output of get operation , compare parsed output with given input """ global gvn_mode global xmlstr s = time.time() self.create_box('test_get_current_datetime') result = 'PASS' if result == 'PASS':'-----[ create xml for get operation ]-----\n\n') system_config = Element( 'opsw:system-config', {'xmlns:plts': "", 'xmlns:opsw': ""}) current_datetime = SubElement( system_config, 'opsw:current-datetime') xmlstr = tostring(system_config)'xmlstr : \n%s\n\n' % xmlstr) xmlout, result = self.get_rpc_request(xmlstr, kwargs['file_name']) result = self.get_parsed_values_get_curent_datetime(xmlout)"current time value : %s" % result) result = 'PASS' e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s) * 1000)) csvOutput('system-config', 'get_current_datetime', d, result) else:'getting error from switch : FAIL\n\n')'PASS', result)
def editConfig(tcName): global swMgr global xmlstr global cnt global ingPorts global ingPLst global egrPorts global egrPLst s = time.time() c = len(tcName)+7 p = ' +' + (c * '-') + '+ ' q = '| ' + str(cnt) +' - '+ str(tcName) + ' |' try:'\n\n%s\n %s\n%s\n\n' % (p, q, p))'Existing ingress port list: %s' % ingPorts)'Existing egress port list : %s\n\n' % egrPorts)'ingress port list: %s' % ingPLst)'egress port list : %s\n\n' % egrPLst)"Issuing edit config to switch for cross-connect configuration\n") xmldata = swMgr.edit_config(target='running', config=xmlstr) print "\n\n"'Edit config - Response from the switch\n\n%s\n\n' % xmldata) crossconnects = Element('opsw:cross-connects', {'xmlns:plts':"", 'xmlns:opsw':""}) try: l = len(egrPLst) for i in range(0, l): a = ingPLst[i] b = egrPLst[i] if a in ingPorts and b in egrPorts: pairs = SubElement(crossconnects, 'opsw:pairs') ingress = SubElement(pairs, 'opsw:ingress') ingress.text = str(a) egress = SubElement(pairs, 'opsw:egress') egress.text = str(b) else: pairs = SubElement(crossconnects, 'opsw:pairs') ingress = SubElement(pairs, 'opsw:ingress') ingress.text = str(a) egress = SubElement(pairs, 'opsw:egress') egress.text = str(b) except Exception as err: logger.error('\t\t-----[ Error from the Switch ]-----\n\n%s\n\n' % err)'-----[ Compare the Edit Config and Get Config Ports ]-----\n\n') xmlstr = tostring(crossconnects) xmlData = swMgr.get_config(source='running', filter=('subtree',xmlstr)).data_xml print "\n\n" prettyXml = prettify(xmlData)'Get config - Response from the switch\n\n%s \n\n' % prettyXml) result = cmpIngEgrPortLst(xmlData) e = time.time() t = int(round((e - s)* 1000)) csvOutput('oxC', tcName, t, result) except Exception as err: print "\n\n" logger.error('\t\t-----[ Error from the Switch ]-----\n\n%s\n\n' % err) e = time.time() t = int(round((e - s)* 1000)) csvOutput('oxC', tcName, t, 'FAIL') cnt = cnt+1
def editconfig_delete_all_users(self, **kwargs): """ create xml for delete all users except admin using edit-config and get this modification using get-config then parsed this xml and compare parsed users with given users Arguments: xmlData : xmlstr """ gvn_user = ['admin'] global xmlstr self.create_box('test_delete_all_users') s = time.time()'-----[ create xml for get operation ]-----\n') system_config = Element( 'opsw:system-config', {'xmlns:plts': "", 'xmlns:opsw': ""}) user = SubElement(system_config, 'opsw:user') xmlstr = tostring(system_config)'xmlstr : \n%s\n\n' % xmlstr) xmlout, result = self.get_rpc_request(xmlstr, kwargs['file_name']) config = Element( 'config', {'xmlns:ns': "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"}) system_config = SubElement( config, 'system-config', {'xmlns': ""}) if result == 'PASS': result1, result2 = self.get_parsed_values(xmlout) l = len(result1) for user_ind in range(0, l): name_val = result1[user_ind] # user = SubElement(system_config, 'user', # {'ns:operation':'delete'}) if name_val == 'admin': continue else: user = SubElement( system_config, 'user', {'ns:operation': 'delete'}) name = SubElement(user, 'name') name.text = str(name_val) xmlstr = tostring(config) self.edit_config_opr() system_config = Element( 'opsw:system-config', {'xmlns:plts': "", 'xmlns:opsw': ""}) user = SubElement(system_config, 'opsw:user') xmlstr = tostring(system_config) xmlout, result = self.get_rpc_request(xmlstr, kwargs['file_name']) result1, result2 = self.get_parsed_values(xmlout) if str(gvn_user) == str(result1):'gvn_user : %s\n\n' % gvn_user)'compare user : PASS\n') result = 'PASS' else: LOG.error('comparision failed : FAIL\n') result = 'FAIL' else:'getting error from switch : FAIL\n\n') result = self.compare_list(xmlout) e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s) * 1000)) csvOutput('system_config', 'get_interface', d, result)'PASS', result)
def set_and_get_boot_datetime(self, **kwargs): """create xml to get restart datetime info then parse get switch output xml , compare it with existing values.Finally save the output in final.csv file Arguments: file_name : any file name """ global sw_mgr global host global curr_time self.create_box('test_set_and_get_boot_datetime') username = get_config_arg("login_credentials", "cli_username") password = get_config_arg("login_credentials", "cli_password") s = time.time() ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(host, username=username, password=password) stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%s%z'") sys_restart = ssh.exec_command("reboot") t = stdout.readlines() now = curr_time = now.isoformat()'-----[ create xml for set operation ]-----\n') xmlstr = """<system-restart xmlns="">"""'%s\n\n' % xmlstr) try: xmlout = sw_mgr.rpc(xmlstr) except: time.sleep(180) print '\n\n' self.connect_switch()'-----[ output from switch ]-----\n\n%s\n\n' % xmlout)'-----[ create xml for get operation ]-----\n') sys_config = Element('opsw:system-config', {'xmlns:plts':"", 'xmlns:opsw':""}) boot_time = SubElement(sys_config, 'opsw:boot-datetime') xmlstr = tostring(sys_config) xmlout = self.get_rpc_request(xmlstr) prettyXml = self.prettify(xmlout) self.write_to_file(kwargs['file_name'], prettyXml); curr_time = str(t).split('\'') match ='(\d+-\d+-\d+T\d+:\d+)', curr_time[1]) curr_time = result = self.compare_list(xmlout) e = time.time() d = int(round((e - s)* 1000)) csvOutput('set-current-datetime', 'set_and_get_boot_datetime', d, result)'PASS', result)