def testCreateName(self): self.assertEqual(createUserName("First", "Last", "101", 21), "") self.assertEqual(createUserName("First", "Last", "101", 22), "") self.assertEqual(createUserName("First", "Last", "101", 23), "") self.assertEqual(createUserName("First", "Last", "101", 26), "") self.assertEqual(createUserName("First", "Last", "101", 27), "") self.assertEqual(createUserName("First", "Last", "101", 28), "") self.assertEqual(createUserName("First", "Last", "101", 29), "") self.assertEqual(createUserName("First", "Last", "101", 32), "") self.assertEqual(createUserName("First", "Last", "101", 33), "") self.assertEqual(createUserName("First", "Last", "101", 100), "") self.assertEqual(createUserName("Fi@#$%rst", "L.-_", "101", 100), "")
ownPrincipalId = ownUserProfile['ownerId'] ## get all Participants for Evaluation participants = syn.restGET("/evaluation/"+evaluationId+'/participant?limit=99999')['results'] print "total number of results: "+str(len(participants)) ## For each participant participantList = [] anyNewUsers = False for i,part in enumerate(participants): ## add to a list the user's first name, last name, email address, user name and principal ID ## "user name" is defined as <firstName>.<lastName>.<principalId> partId = part['userId'] up = syn.getUserProfile(partId) # scrub for illegal characters, control string length, convert to lower case userName = createUserName(up['firstName'], up['lastName'], partId, MAXIMUM_USER_NAME_LENGTH) participantList.append({'firstName':up['firstName'], 'lastName':up['lastName'], 'email':up['email'], 'userName':userName, 'bucketName':userName, 'principalId':partId}) print userName # Ensure user exists ## Create a IAM user for that participant's aws account. indexOfAccountForUser = findUser(userName, iamConnections) if (indexOfAccountForUser<0): # user does not exist anyNewUsers=True print "\t"+userName+" is a new user" # need to create user in an account that can accommodate a new bucket indexOfAccountForUser = findBucketSpace(s3Connections) if (indexOfAccountForUser<0): raise("No account has room for a new bucket!") iamConnections[indexOfAccountForUser].create_user(userName)
ownPrincipalId = ownUserProfile["ownerId"] ## get all Participants for Evaluation participants = syn.restGET("/evaluation/" + evaluationId + "/participant?limit=99999")["results"] print "total number of results: " + str(len(participants)) ## For each participant participantList = [] anyNewUsers = False for i, part in enumerate(participants): ## add to a list the user's first name, last name, email address, user name and principal ID ## "user name" is defined as <firstName>.<lastName>.<principalId> partId = part["userId"] up = syn.getUserProfile(partId) # scrub for illegal characters, control string length, convert to lower case userName = createUserName(up["firstName"], up["lastName"], partId, MAXIMUM_USER_NAME_LENGTH) participantList.append( { "firstName": up["firstName"], "lastName": up["lastName"], "email": up["email"], "userName": userName, "bucketName": userName, "principalId": partId, } ) print userName # Ensure user exists ## Create a IAM user for that participant's aws account. indexOfAccountForUser = findUser(userName, iamConnections)