def test_add_account(self):
        """Test that an account can be added."""
        credentials = Credentials()
        credentials.add_account("facebook", Account())

        self.assertTrue("facebook" in credentials.accounts)
class User:
    """Handle user interaction with credentials."""

    def __init__(self):
        """Store credentials and make banners instance."""
        self.credentials = Credentials()
        self.banners = Banners()
        self.password_locker = PasswordLocker()
        self.choices = ["instagram", "facebook", "twitch", "discord"]

    def get_account_name(self, index):
        """Get the name of the account based on an the index of the keys."""
        account_keys = list(self.credentials.accounts.keys())
        return account_keys[index]

    def get_accounts(self):
        """Get a list of the accounts the user has."""
        return list(self.credentials.accounts.keys())

    def view_account(self, index):
        """View a specific account's details and actions."""
        account_name = self.get_account_name(index - 1)
        account = self.credentials.accounts[account_name]


        # show choices
        print("  1. Add login credentials")
        print("  2. Check login credentials")
        print("  3. Go back")

        # ask for input
        choice = input("Enter one of the choices to proceed: ")

        # respond to input
        if int(choice) == 1:
            print("\n* Add Login Credentials: *\n")
            username = input("Enter your username: "******"Do you want a generated password? (yes/no): ")
            if password_choice.lower() == 'yes':
                password = password_gen.generate_password()
            elif password_choice.lower() == 'no':
                password = input("Enter your password: "******"\n* Check Login Credentials: *\n")
            print(f"username: {self.credentials.accounts[account_name].username}")
            print(f"password: {self.credentials.accounts[account_name].password}")
        elif int(choice) == 3:
            print("* Going Back *")
            # self.password_locker.show_main_menu(self.get_accounts)

    def view_add_account(self, choice):
        """View the prompt for adding an account."""

        choice_number = 0
        for choice_number in range(len(self.choices)):
            print(f"  {choice_number + 1}.{self.choices[choice_number].title()}")
        print(f"  {choice_number + 2}.Other")

        # add the account to the account list
        account_to_add = input("\nEnter one of the choices to proceed: ")

        if account_to_add == '1':
            self.credentials.add_account(self.choices[0], Account())
        elif account_to_add == '2':
            self.credentials.add_account(self.choices[1], Account())
        elif account_to_add == '3':
            self.credentials.add_account(self.choices[2], Account())
        elif account_to_add == '4':
            self.credentials.add_account(self.choices[3], Account())
        elif account_to_add == '5':
            account_name = input("\nEnter the name of the platform: ")
            self.credentials.add_account(account_name, Account())
            print("Invalid choice")

    def view_remove_account(self, choice):
        """View the prompt for removing an account."""
        accounts = self.get_accounts()

        for i in range(len(accounts)):
            print(f"  {i + 1}.{accounts[i]}")
        print("  a. Go back")

        account_to_remove = input("\nEnter one of the choices to proceed: ")

        if account_to_remove == 'a':
            print("* Going Back *")
            self.credentials.remove_account(self.get_account_name(int(account_to_remove) - 1))