def __init__(self): # process command line options try: self._command = sys.argv[0] self.useSocks = False self.snap = 0 self.t0 = 0 self.tMax = 'INF' self.debug = False self.trace = 'on' = 'none' self.sort = 'none' = 0 self.pagesize = 1000 self.iovspan = 'time' self.jsondump = False self.dump = False self.user = '******' self.passwd = 'none' self.outfilename = '' self.api_client = None self.phtools = None self.urlsvc = os.getenv( 'CREST_HOST', '') longopts = [ 'help', 'socks', 'out=', 'jsondump', 't0=', 'tMax=', 'snap=', 'url=', 'debug', 'trace=', 'by=', 'page=', 'pagesize=', 'iovspan=', 'user='******'pass='******'sort=' ] opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', longopts) print('Options %s, args %s' % (opts, args)) self.procopts(opts, args) except getopt.GetoptError as e: print(e) self.usage() sys.exit(-1) if self.useSocks: self.activatesocks() self._config = Configuration() = self.urlsvc self.api_client = ApiClient(self._config) self.execute()
def __init__(self): print('Initialise RunLumiApi...') self._sockson = False self.urlsvc = os.getenv('CDMS_HOST', 'http://localhost:8080/crestapi') if os.getenv('CDMS_SOCKS', False) and not self._sockson: self.activatesocks() self._sockson = True self.api_client = ApiClient(host=self.urlsvc) self.__folder = None self.__iovlist = [] self.__tag = None self.__coolpayload = None self.__payload = {'hash': None, 'payload': None} logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s') self._logger = logging.getLogger('RunLumiApi') self._logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
def sanitizeForDeserialization(self,data, klass): api_client = ApiClient() instance = api_client._ApiClient__deserialize(data, klass) return instance
def sanitizeForSerialization(self,obj): api_client = ApiClient() obj_dict = api_client.sanitize_for_serialization(obj) # obj_dict = {obj.attribute_map[attr]: getattr(obj, attr) # for attr, _ in iteritems(obj.swagger_types) if getattr(obj, attr) is not None} return obj_dict
class PhysDBDriver(): def __init__(self): # process command line options try: self._command = sys.argv[0] self.useSocks = False self.snap = 0 self.t0 = 0 self.tMax = 'INF' self.debug = False self.trace = 'on' = 'none' self.sort = 'none' = 0 self.pagesize = 1000 self.iovspan = 'time' self.jsondump = False self.dump = False self.user = '******' self.passwd = 'none' self.outfilename = '' self.api_client = None self.phtools = None self.urlsvc = os.getenv( 'CREST_HOST', '') longopts = [ 'help', 'socks', 'out=', 'jsondump', 't0=', 'tMax=', 'snap=', 'url=', 'debug', 'trace=', 'by=', 'page=', 'pagesize=', 'iovspan=', 'user='******'pass='******'sort=' ] opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', longopts) print('Options %s, args %s' % (opts, args)) self.procopts(opts, args) except getopt.GetoptError as e: print(e) self.usage() sys.exit(-1) if self.useSocks: self.activatesocks() self._config = Configuration() = self.urlsvc self.api_client = ApiClient(self._config) self.execute() def usage(self): print("usage: {<options>} <action> {<args>}") print("Search conditions DB content using args") print( "Server url is needed in order to provide the system with the base url; defaults to localhost (see below)" ) print("Action determines which rest method to call") print("Actions list:") print( " - LS <type> [id] [type = tags, globaltags, ...] : retrieve list of resources of the selected type, use option <by> to filter it" ) print( " ex: FIND globaltags : retrieve full list of global tags") print( " ex: --by=name:BLKPA globaltags : retrieve list of global tags where name contains BLKPA" ) print(" ") print(" - INFO <tag name>: show metadata associated with tag. ") print(" ") print( " - TRACE <globaltag name>: show tags associated with the selected global tag. " ) print(" ") print( " - IOVS <tag name>: show iovs associated to the selected tag, use option to limit time range. " ) print(" ") print( " - PAYLOAD <hash>: show payload associated to the selected hash. " ) print(" ") print("Options: ") ### print (" --socks activate socks proxy on localhost 3129 " print(" --debug activate debugging output ") print(" --socks activate a socks proxy on localhost:3129 ") print(" --out={filename} activate dump on filename ") print(" --jsondump activate a dump of output lines in json format ") print( " --by : comma separated list of conditions for filtering a query (e.g.: by=name:pippo,value<10). DEFAULT=%s" % print( " --sort : comma separated list of conditions for sorting the output of a query (e.g.: sort=name:DESC,id:ASC). DEFAULT=%s" % self.sort) print( " --page [0,...N]: page number to retrieve; use it in combination with page size. DEFAULT=%s" % print( " --pagesize [1000,30,...]: page size; use it in combination with page. DEFAULT=%s" % self.pagesize) print(" --url [localhost:8080/crestapi]: use a specific server ") print(" --t0={t0 for iovs}. DEFAULT=%s" % self.t0) print(" --tMax={tMax for iovs}. DEFAULT=%s" % self.tMax) print( " --snap={snapshot time in milli seconds since EPOCH}. DEFAULT=%s" % self.snap) print(" --iovspan={time|date|runlb|timerun|daterun}. DEFAULT=%s" % self.iovspan) print(" time: iov in COOL format, allows Inf for infinity") print(" date: iov in yyyyMMddHHmmss format") print( " runlb: iov in run-lb format, only for run based folders " ) print( " the others make the conversion to run number, does not allow Inf for infinity " ) print("Examples: ") print(" TO BE DONE... ") def procopts(self, opts, args): "Process the command line parameters" for o, a in opts: print('Analyse options %s %s' % (o, a)) if (o == '--help'): self.usage() sys.exit(0) if (o == '--socks'): self.useSocks = True if (o == '--out'): self.dump = True self.outfilename = a if (o == '--debug'): self.debug = True if (o == '--jsondump'): self.jsondump = True if (o == '--url'): self.urlsvc = a if (o == '--snap'): self.snap = a if (o == '--t0'): self.t0 = a if (o == '--tMax'): self.tMax = a if (o == '--user'): self.user = a if (o == '--trace'): self.trace = a if (o == '--by'): = a if (o == '--sort'): self.sort = a if (o == '--page'): = a if (o == '--pagesize'): self.pagesize = a if (o == '--pass'): self.passwd = a if (o == '--iovspan'): self.iovspan = a if (len(args) < 2): raise getopt.GetoptError( "Insufficient arguments - need at least 3, or try --help") self.action = args[0].upper() self.args = args[1:] def execute(self): msg = ('Execute the command for action %s and arguments : %s ') % ( self.action, str(self.args)) self.printmsg(msg, 'cyan') start = if self.dump: outfile = open(self.outfilename, "w") _dict = {} params = {} if (self.action == 'LS'): try: print('Action LS is used to retrieve object from the DB') print('Found N arguments %s' % len(self.args)) object = self.args[0] msg = ('LS: selected object is %s ') % (object) if object in ['globaltags', 'tags', 'folders']: self.printmsg(msg, 'cyan') else: msg = ('LS: cannot apply command to object %s ') % (object) self.printmsg(msg, 'red') return -1 resp = if self.dump: # json.dump(resp, outfile) for el in resp: outfile.write(el['name']) outfile.write('\n') outfile.close() except Exception as e: sys.exit("failed on action LS: %s" % (str(e))) raise elif (self.action == 'INFO'): try: print( 'Action INFO is used to retrieve tags metadata associated to a given tag' ) print('Found N arguments %s' % len(self.args)) object = self.args[0] msg = ('INFO: selected tag is %s ') % (object) self.printmsg(msg, 'cyan') resp = self.infotags(object) if self.dump: json.dump(resp, outfile) outfile.close() except Exception as e: sys.exit("failed on action TRACE: %s" % (str(e))) raise elif (self.action == 'TRACE'): try: print( 'Action TRACE is used to retrieve tags associated to a given global tag' ) print('Found N arguments %s' % len(self.args)) object = self.args[0] msg = ('TRACE: selected global tag is %s ') % (object) self.printmsg(msg, 'cyan') resp = self.tracetags(object) if self.dump: json.dump(resp, outfile) outfile.close() except Exception as e: sys.exit("failed on action TRACE: %s" % (str(e))) raise elif (self.action == 'IOVS'): try: print( 'Action IOVS is used to retrieve IOVS associated to a given tag' ) print('Found N arguments %s' % len(self.args)) object = self.args[0] msg = ('IOVS: selected tag is %s ') % (object) self.printmsg(msg, 'cyan') resp = self.selectiovs(object) if self.dump: json.dump(resp, outfile) outfile.close() except Exception as e: sys.exit("failed on action IOVS: %s" % (str(e))) raise elif (self.action == 'GROUPS'): try: print( 'Action GROUPS is used to retrieve GROUPS associated to a given tag' ) print('Found N arguments %s' % len(self.args)) object = self.args[0] msg = ('GROUPS: selected tag is %s ') % (object) self.printmsg(msg, 'cyan') resp = None if '%' in object: if object == '%': print('Search all tags...') else: tagname = object.replace("%", "") = 'name:%s' % tagname self.printmsg(, 'red') taglist ='tags') print('Loop over tag list of length: %s' % len(taglist)) for atag in taglist: print('Use tagname for groups search : %s' % atag['name']) resp = self.selectgroups(atag['name']) if self.dump: # json.dump(resp, outfile) groupsarr = resp['groups'] print('Loop over array of %s groups ' % len(groupsarr)) for i, el in enumerate(groupsarr): # print ('Use element %s %s for tag %s' % (i,el, atag['name'])) if i > 0: # print ('Dump in file element %s %s %s' % (i,str(int(el)),str(int(groupsarr[i-1])))) outfile.write('%s,%s,%s' % (atag['name'], str(int(groupsarr[i - 1])), str(int(el)))) outfile.write('\n') outfile.close() sys.exit(0) else: resp = self.selectgroups(object) if self.dump: json.dump(resp, outfile) outfile.close() except Exception as e: sys.exit("failed on action GROUPS: %s" % (str(e))) raise elif (self.action == 'PAYLOAD'): try: print( 'Action PAYLOAD is used to retrieve PAYLOAD associated to a given hash' ) print('Found N arguments %s' % len(self.args)) object = self.args[0] msg = ('PAYLOAD: selected hash is %s ') % (object) self.printmsg(msg, 'cyan') resp = self.getpayload(object) if self.dump: json.dump(resp, outfile) outfile.close() except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() print("*** print_tb:") traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, limit=1, file=sys.stdout) print("*** print_exception:") traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, limit=2, file=sys.stdout) sys.exit("failed on action PAYLOAD: %s" % (str(e))) raise else: print("Command not recognized: please type -h for help") tend = print('Time spent (ms): %s' % (tend - start)) def printmsg(self, msg, color): try: from clint.textui import colored if color == 'cyan': print(colored.cyan(msg)) elif color == 'blue': print( elif color == 'green': print( elif color == 'red': print( except: print(msg) def activatesocks(self): try: import socket import socks # you need to install pysocks (use the command: pip install pysocks) # Configuration SOCKS5_PROXY_HOST = 'localhost' SOCKS5_PROXY_PORT = 3129 # Remove this if you don't plan to "deactivate" the proxy later # default_socket = socket.socket # Set up a proxy # if self.useSocks: socks.set_default_proxy(socks.SOCKS5, SOCKS5_PROXY_HOST, SOCKS5_PROXY_PORT) socket.socket = socks.socksocket print('Activated socks proxy on %s : %s' % (SOCKS5_PROXY_HOST, SOCKS5_PROXY_PORT)) except: print('Error in socks activation') def ls(self, objtype): by = # str | by: the search pattern {none} (optional) (default to none) page = # int | page: the page number {0} (optional) (default to 0) size = self.pagesize # int | size: the page size {1000} (optional) (default to 1000) sort = self.sort # str | sort: the sort pattern {name:ASC} (optional) (default to name:ASC) if sort == 'none': sort = 'name:DESC' if objtype == 'globaltags': print('Retrieve list of global tags from DB') # create an instance of the API class api_instance = GlobaltagsApi(self.api_client) try: # Finds a GlobalTagDtos lists. api_response = api_instance.list_global_tags(by=by, page=page, size=size, sort=sort) dictresp = self.api_client.sanitize_for_serialization( api_response) print(json.dumps(dictresp, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) return dictresp except ApiException as e: print( "Exception when calling GlobaltagsApi->list_global_tags: %s\n" % e) elif objtype == 'tags': print('Retrieve list of tags from DB') api_instance = TagsApi(self.api_client) try: # Finds a TagDtos lists. api_response = api_instance.list_tags(by=by, page=page, size=size, sort=sort) dictresp = self.api_client.sanitize_for_serialization( api_response) print(json.dumps(dictresp, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) return dictresp except ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling TagsApi->list_tags: %s\n" % e) elif objtype == 'folders': api_instance = FoldersApi(self.api_client) try: # Finds a TagDtos lists. api_response = api_instance.list_folders(by=by, sort=sort) pprint(api_response) except ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling FoldersApi->list_folders: %s\n" % e) else: print('Cannot use resource %s ' % objtype) return def infotags(self, tagname): print('Trace global tag %s ' % tagname) api_instance = TagsApi(self.api_client) try: # Finds a TagDtos lists associated to the global tag name in input. api_response = api_instance.find_tag_meta(tagname) dictresp = self.api_client.sanitize_for_serialization(api_response) print(json.dumps(dictresp, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) return dictresp except ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling TagsApi->find_tag_meta: %s\n" % e) return def tracetags(self, globaltagname, record='', label=''): print('Trace global tag %s ' % globaltagname) api_instance = GlobaltagsApi(self.api_client) try: # Finds a TagDtos lists associated to the global tag name in input. api_response = api_instance.find_global_tag_fetch_tags( globaltagname, record=record, label=label) dictresp = self.api_client.sanitize_for_serialization(api_response) print(json.dumps(dictresp, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) return dictresp except ApiException as e: print( "Exception when calling GlobaltagsApi->find_global_tag_fetch_tags: %s\n" % e) return def selectiovs(self, tagname): # create an instance of the API class api_instance = IovsApi(self.api_client) since = self.t0 # str | since: the since time as a string {0} (optional) (default to 0) until = self.tMax # str | until: the until time as a string {INF} (optional) (default to INF) snapshot = self.snap # int | snapshot: the snapshot time {0} (optional) (default to 0) try: # Select iovs for a given tagname and in a given range. api_response = api_instance.select_iovs(tagname=tagname, since=since, until=until, snapshot=snapshot) dictresp = self.api_client.sanitize_for_serialization(api_response) print(json.dumps(dictresp, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) print('Retrieved list of %d iovs for tag %s' % (len(api_response), tagname)) return dictresp except ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling IovsApi->select_iovs: %s\n" % e) return def selectgroups(self, tagname): # create an instance of the API class api_instance = IovsApi(self.api_client) snapshot = self.snap # int | snapshot: the snapshot time {0} (optional) (default to 0) try: # Select iovs for a given tagname and in a given range. api_response = api_instance.select_groups(tagname=tagname, snapshot=snapshot) dictresp = self.api_client.sanitize_for_serialization(api_response) print(json.dumps(dictresp, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) print('Retrieved list of %d groups for tag %s' % (len(api_response.groups), tagname)) return dictresp except ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling IovsApi->select_groups: %s\n" % e) return def getpayload(self, pyldhash): # create an instance of the API class api_instance = PayloadsApi(self.api_client) try: # Select iovs for a given tagname and in a given range. print('Selecting payload using hash %s' % pyldhash) api_response = api_instance.get_blob(pyldhash) # dictresp = self.api_client.sanitize_for_serialization(api_response) #print (json.dumps(dictresp, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) print(api_response) dictresp = api_response return dictresp except ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling PayloadsApi->get_payload: %s\n" % e) return