    def createSwingFootModel(self, timeStep, supportFootIds, comTask=None, swingFootTask=None):
        """ Action model for a swing foot phase.

        :param timeStep: step duration of the action model
        :param supportFootIds: Ids of the constrained feet
        :param comTask: CoM task
        :param swingFootTask: swinging foot task
        :return action model for a swing foot phase
        # Creating a 3D multi-contact model, and then including the supporting
        # foot
        contactModel = crocoddyl.ContactModelMultiple(self.state, self.actuation.nu)
        for i in supportFootIds:
            xref = crocoddyl.FrameTranslation(i, np.matrix([0., 0., 0.]).T)
            supportContactModel = crocoddyl.ContactModel3D(self.state, xref, self.actuation.nu, np.matrix([0., 50.]).T)
            contactModel.addContact(self.rmodel.frames[i].name + "_contact", supportContactModel)

        # Creating the cost model for a contact phase
        costModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(self.state, self.actuation.nu)
        if isinstance(comTask, np.ndarray):
            comTrack = crocoddyl.CostModelCoMPosition(self.state, comTask, self.actuation.nu)
            costModel.addCost("comTrack", comTrack, 1e6)
        for i in supportFootIds:
            cone = crocoddyl.FrictionCone(self.nsurf, self.mu, 4, False)
            frictionCone = crocoddyl.CostModelContactFrictionCone(
                self.state, crocoddyl.ActivationModelQuadraticBarrier(crocoddyl.ActivationBounds(cone.lb, cone.ub)),
                cone, i, self.actuation.nu)
            costModel.addCost(self.rmodel.frames[i].name + "_frictionCone", frictionCone, 1e1)
        if swingFootTask is not None:
            for i in swingFootTask:
                xref = crocoddyl.FrameTranslation(i.frame, i.oMf.translation)
                footTrack = crocoddyl.CostModelFrameTranslation(self.state, xref, self.actuation.nu)
                costModel.addCost(self.rmodel.frames[i.frame].name + "_footTrack", footTrack, 1e6)

        stateWeights = np.array([0.] * 3 + [500.] * 3 + [0.01] * (self.rmodel.nv - 6) + [10.] * 6 + [1.] *
                                (self.rmodel.nv - 6))
        stateReg = crocoddyl.CostModelState(self.state,
                                            self.rmodel.defaultState, self.actuation.nu)
        ctrlReg = crocoddyl.CostModelControl(self.state, self.actuation.nu)
        costModel.addCost("stateReg", stateReg, 1e1)
        costModel.addCost("ctrlReg", ctrlReg, 1e-1)

        lb = self.state.diff(0 * self.state.lb, self.state.lb)
        ub = self.state.diff(0 * self.state.ub, self.state.ub)
        stateBounds = crocoddyl.CostModelState(
            self.state, crocoddyl.ActivationModelQuadraticBarrier(crocoddyl.ActivationBounds(lb, ub)),
            0 * self.rmodel.defaultState, self.actuation.nu)
        costModel.addCost("stateBounds", stateBounds, 1e3)

        # Creating the action model for the KKT dynamics with simpletic Euler
        # integration scheme
        dmodel = crocoddyl.DifferentialActionModelContactFwdDynamics(self.state, self.actuation, contactModel,
                                                                     costModel, 0., True)
        model = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(dmodel, timeStep)
        return model
    def createPseudoImpulseModel(self, supportFootIds, swingFootTask):
        """ Action model for pseudo-impulse models.

        A pseudo-impulse model consists of adding high-penalty cost for the contact velocities.
        :param swingFootTask: swinging foot task
        :return pseudo-impulse differential action model

        # Creating a 6D multi-contact model, and then including the supporting
        # foot
        contactModel = crocoddyl.ContactModelMultiple(self.state,
        for i in supportFootIds:
            Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(i, pinocchio.SE3.Identity())
            supportContactModel = crocoddyl.ContactModel6D(
                self.state, Mref, self.actuation.nu, np.array([0., 0.]))
            contactModel.addContact(self.rmodel.frames[i].name + "_contact",

        # Creating the cost model for a contact phase
        costModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(self.state, self.actuation.nu)
        for i in supportFootIds:
            cone = crocoddyl.WrenchCone(np.identity(3), self.mu,
                                        np.array([0.1, 0.05]))
            wrenchCone = crocoddyl.CostModelContactWrenchCone(
                    crocoddyl.ActivationBounds(cone.lb, cone.ub)),
                crocoddyl.FrameWrenchCone(i, cone), self.actuation.nu)
            costModel.addCost(self.rmodel.frames[i].name + "_wrenchCone",
                              wrenchCone, 1e1)

        if swingFootTask is not None:
            for i in swingFootTask:
                footTrack = crocoddyl.CostModelFramePlacement(
                    self.state, i, self.actuation.nu)
                costModel.addCost(self.rmodel.frames[i.id].name + "_footTrack",
                                  footTrack, 1e8)
                footVel = crocoddyl.FrameMotion(i.id, pinocchio.Motion.Zero())
                impulseFootVelCost = crocoddyl.CostModelFrameVelocity(
                    self.state, footVel, self.actuation.nu)
                    self.rmodel.frames[i.id].name + "_impulseVel",
                    impulseFootVelCost, 1e6)

        stateWeights = np.array([0] * 3 + [500.] * 3 + [0.01] *
                                (self.state.nv - 6) + [10] * self.state.nv)
        stateReg = crocoddyl.CostModelState(
            self.state, crocoddyl.ActivationModelWeightedQuad(stateWeights**2),
            self.rmodel.defaultState, self.actuation.nu)
        ctrlReg = crocoddyl.CostModelControl(self.state, self.actuation.nu)
        costModel.addCost("stateReg", stateReg, 1e1)
        costModel.addCost("ctrlReg", ctrlReg, 1e-3)

        # Creating the action model for the KKT dynamics with simpletic Euler
        # integration scheme
        dmodel = crocoddyl.DifferentialActionModelContactFwdDynamics(
            self.state, self.actuation, contactModel, costModel, 0., True)
        model = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(dmodel, 0.)
        return model
    def createPseudoImpulseModel(self, supportFootIds, swingFootTask):
        """ Action model for pseudo-impulse models.

        A pseudo-impulse model consists of adding high-penalty cost for the contact velocities.
        :param supportFootIds: Ids of the constrained feet
        :param swingFootTask: swinging foot task
        :return pseudo-impulse differential action model
        # Creating a 3D multi-contact model, and then including the supporting
        # foot
        nu = self.actuation.nu
        contactModel = crocoddyl.ContactModelMultiple(self.state, nu)
        for i in supportFootIds:
            supportContactModel = crocoddyl.ContactModel3D(self.state, i, np.array([0., 0., 0.]), nu,
                                                           np.array([0., 50.]))
            contactModel.addContact(self.rmodel.frames[i].name + "_contact", supportContactModel)

        # Creating the cost model for a contact phase
        costModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(self.state, nu)
        for i in supportFootIds:
            cone = crocoddyl.FrictionCone(self.Rsurf, self.mu, 4, False)
            coneResidual = crocoddyl.ResidualModelContactFrictionCone(self.state, i, cone, nu)
            coneActivation = crocoddyl.ActivationModelQuadraticBarrier(crocoddyl.ActivationBounds(cone.lb, cone.ub))
            frictionCone = crocoddyl.CostModelResidual(self.state, coneActivation, coneResidual)
            costModel.addCost(self.rmodel.frames[i].name + "_frictionCone", frictionCone, 1e1)
        if swingFootTask is not None:
            for i in swingFootTask:
                frameTranslationResidual = crocoddyl.ResidualModelFrameTranslation(self.state, i[0], i[1].translation,
                frameVelocityResidual = crocoddyl.ResidualModelFrameVelocity(self.state, i[0], pinocchio.Motion.Zero(),
                                                                             pinocchio.LOCAL, nu)
                footTrack = crocoddyl.CostModelResidual(self.state, frameTranslationResidual)
                impulseFootVelCost = crocoddyl.CostModelResidual(self.state, frameVelocityResidual)
                costModel.addCost(self.rmodel.frames[i[0]].name + "_footTrack", footTrack, 1e7)
                costModel.addCost(self.rmodel.frames[i[0]].name + "_impulseVel", impulseFootVelCost, 1e6)

        stateWeights = np.array([0.] * 3 + [500.] * 3 + [0.01] * (self.rmodel.nv - 6) + [10.] * self.rmodel.nv)
        stateResidual = crocoddyl.ResidualModelState(self.state, self.rmodel.defaultState, nu)
        stateActivation = crocoddyl.ActivationModelWeightedQuad(stateWeights**2)
        ctrlResidual = crocoddyl.ResidualModelControl(self.state, nu)
        stateReg = crocoddyl.CostModelResidual(self.state, stateActivation, stateResidual)
        ctrlReg = crocoddyl.CostModelResidual(self.state, ctrlResidual)
        costModel.addCost("stateReg", stateReg, 1e1)
        costModel.addCost("ctrlReg", ctrlReg, 1e-3)

        # Creating the action model for the KKT dynamics with simpletic Euler
        # integration scheme
        dmodel = crocoddyl.DifferentialActionModelContactFwdDynamics(self.state, self.actuation, contactModel,
                                                                     costModel, 0., True)
        if self.integrator == 'euler':
            model = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(dmodel, 0.)
        elif self.integrator == 'rk4':
            model = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelRK(dmodel, crocoddyl.RKType.four, 0.)
        elif self.integrator == 'rk3':
            model = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelRK(dmodel, crocoddyl.RKType.three, 0.)
        elif self.integrator == 'rk2':
            model = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelRK(dmodel, crocoddyl.RKType.two, 0.)
            model = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(dmodel, 0.)
        return model
    def createPseudoImpulseModel(self, supportFootIds, swingFootTask):
        """ Action model for pseudo-impulse models.

        A pseudo-impulse model consists of adding high-penalty cost for the contact velocities.
        :param supportFootIds: Ids of the constrained feet
        :param swingFootTask: swinging foot task
        :return pseudo-impulse differential action model
        # Creating a 3D multi-contact model, and then including the supporting
        # foot
        contactModel = crocoddyl.ContactModelMultiple(self.state,
        for i in supportFootIds:
            xref = crocoddyl.FrameTranslation(i, np.array([0., 0., 0.]))
            supportContactModel = crocoddyl.ContactModel3D(
                self.state, xref, self.actuation.nu, np.array([0., 50.]))
            contactModel.addContact(self.rmodel.frames[i].name + "_contact",

        # Creating the cost model for a contact phase
        costModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(self.state, self.actuation.nu)
        for i in supportFootIds:
            cone = crocoddyl.FrictionCone(self.nsurf, self.mu, 4, False)
            frictionCone = crocoddyl.CostModelContactFrictionCone(
                    crocoddyl.ActivationBounds(cone.lb, cone.ub)),
                crocoddyl.FrameFrictionCone(i, cone), self.actuation.nu)
            costModel.addCost(self.rmodel.frames[i].name + "_frictionCone",
                              frictionCone, 1e1)
        if swingFootTask is not None:
            for i in swingFootTask:
                xref = crocoddyl.FrameTranslation(i.frame, i.oMf.translation)
                vref = crocoddyl.FrameMotion(i.frame, pinocchio.Motion.Zero())
                footTrack = crocoddyl.CostModelFrameTranslation(
                    self.state, xref, self.actuation.nu)
                impulseFootVelCost = crocoddyl.CostModelFrameVelocity(
                    self.state, vref, self.actuation.nu)
                    self.rmodel.frames[i.frame].name + "_footTrack", footTrack,
                    self.rmodel.frames[i.frame].name + "_impulseVel",
                    impulseFootVelCost, 1e6)
        stateWeights = np.array([0.] * 3 + [500.] * 3 + [0.01] *
                                (self.rmodel.nv - 6) + [10.] * self.rmodel.nv)
        stateReg = crocoddyl.CostModelState(
            self.state, crocoddyl.ActivationModelWeightedQuad(stateWeights**2),
            self.rmodel.defaultState, self.actuation.nu)
        ctrlReg = crocoddyl.CostModelControl(self.state, self.actuation.nu)
        costModel.addCost("stateReg", stateReg, 1e1)
        costModel.addCost("ctrlReg", ctrlReg, 1e-3)

        # Creating the action model for the KKT dynamics with simpletic Euler
        # integration scheme
        dmodel = crocoddyl.DifferentialActionModelContactFwdDynamics(
            self.state, self.actuation, contactModel, costModel, 0., True)
        model = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(dmodel, 0.)
        return model
    def createSwingFootModel(self,
        """ Action model for a swing foot phase.

        :param timeStep: step duration of the action model
        :param supportFootIds: Ids of the constrained feet
        :param comTask: CoM task
        :param swingFootTask: swinging foot task
        :return action model for a swing foot phase
        # Creating a 6D multi-contact model, and then including the supporting
        # foot
        contactModel = crocoddyl.ContactModelMultiple(self.state,
        for i in supportFootIds:
            Mref = crocoddyl.FramePlacement(i, pinocchio.SE3.Identity())
            supportContactModel = \
                crocoddyl.ContactModel6D(self.state, Mref, self.actuation.nu, np.array([0., 0.]))
            contactModel.addContact(self.rmodel.frames[i].name + "_contact",

        # Creating the cost model for a contact phase
        costModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(self.state, self.actuation.nu)
        if isinstance(comTask, np.ndarray):
            comTrack = crocoddyl.CostModelCoMPosition(self.state, comTask,
            costModel.addCost("comTrack", comTrack, 1e6)
        for i in supportFootIds:
            cone = crocoddyl.WrenchCone(np.identity(3), self.mu,
                                        np.array([0.1, 0.05]))
            wrenchCone = crocoddyl.CostModelContactWrenchCone(
                    crocoddyl.ActivationBounds(cone.lb, cone.ub)),
                crocoddyl.FrameWrenchCone(i, cone), self.actuation.nu)
            costModel.addCost(self.rmodel.frames[i].name + "_wrenchCone",
                              wrenchCone, 1e1)

        if swingFootTask is not None:
            for i in swingFootTask:
                footTrack = crocoddyl.CostModelFramePlacement(
                    self.state, i, self.actuation.nu)
                costModel.addCost(self.rmodel.frames[i.id].name + "_footTrack",
                                  footTrack, 1e6)

        stateWeights = np.array([0] * 3 + [500.] * 3 + [0.01] *
                                (self.state.nv - 6) + [10] * self.state.nv)
        stateReg = crocoddyl.CostModelState(
            self.state, crocoddyl.ActivationModelWeightedQuad(stateWeights**2),
            self.rmodel.defaultState, self.actuation.nu)
        ctrlReg = crocoddyl.CostModelControl(self.state, self.actuation.nu)
        costModel.addCost("stateReg", stateReg, 1e1)
        costModel.addCost("ctrlReg", ctrlReg, 1e-1)

        # Creating the action model for the KKT dynamics with simpletic Euler
        # integration scheme
        dmodel = crocoddyl.DifferentialActionModelContactFwdDynamics(
            self.state, self.actuation, contactModel, costModel, 0., True)
        model = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(dmodel, timeStep)
        return model
import crocoddyl
import pinocchio
import example_robot_data
import numpy as np

from test_utils import NUMDIFF_MODIFIER, assertNumDiff

# Create robot model, data, state and actuation
ROBOT_MODEL = example_robot_data.loadICub().model
ROBOT_STATE = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(ROBOT_MODEL)
ACTUATION = crocoddyl.ActuationModelFloatingBase(ROBOT_STATE)

# Create friction cone and its activation
activation = crocoddyl.ActivationModelQuadraticBarrier(
    crocoddyl.ActivationBounds(np.array([0] * 4), np.array([np.inf] * 4)))

# Contact CoP position cost unittest
CONTACTS = crocoddyl.ContactModelMultiple(ROBOT_STATE, ACTUATION.nu)
CONTACT_6D_RF = crocoddyl.ContactModel6D(
                             pinocchio.SE3.Random()), ACTUATION.nu,
CONTACT_6D_LF = crocoddyl.ContactModel6D(
                             pinocchio.SE3.Random()), ACTUATION.nu,
CONTACTS.addContact("r_sole_contact", CONTACT_6D_RF)
CONTACTS.addContact("l_sole_contact", CONTACT_6D_LF)
contactModel.addContact(rightFoot + "_contact", supportContactModelRight)
contactData = contactModel.createData(rdata)

# Cost for self-collision
maxfloat = sys.float_info.max
xlb = np.concatenate([
    -maxfloat * np.ones(6),  # dimension of the SE(3) manifold
    -maxfloat * np.ones(state.nv)
xub = np.concatenate([
    maxfloat * np.ones(6),  # dimension of the SE(3) manifold
    maxfloat * np.ones(state.nv)
bounds = crocoddyl.ActivationBounds(xlb, xub, 1.)
xLimitResidual = crocoddyl.ResidualModelState(state, x0, actuation.nu)
xLimitActivation = crocoddyl.ActivationModelQuadraticBarrier(bounds)
limitCost = crocoddyl.CostModelResidual(state, xLimitActivation,

# Cost for state and control
xResidual = crocoddyl.ResidualModelState(state, x0, actuation.nu)
xActivation = crocoddyl.ActivationModelWeightedQuad(
    np.array([0] * 3 + [10.] * 3 + [0.01] * (state.nv - 6) +
             [10] * state.nv)**2)
uResidual = crocoddyl.ResidualModelControl(state, actuation.nu)
xTActivation = crocoddyl.ActivationModelWeightedQuad(
    np.array([0] * 3 + [10.] * 3 + [0.01] * (state.nv - 6) +
             [100] * state.nv)**2)
xRegCost = crocoddyl.CostModelResidual(state, xActivation, xResidual)
                             pinocchio.SE3.Random()), ACTUATION.nu,
CONTACT_3D = crocoddyl.ContactModel3D(
    ACTUATION.nu, pinocchio.utils.rand(2))
CONTACTS.addContact("r_sole_contact", CONTACT_6D)
CONTACTS.addContact("l_sole_contact", CONTACT_3D)
COSTS = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(ROBOT_STATE, ACTUATION.nu, True)

frictionCone = crocoddyl.FrictionCone(np.matrix([0., 0., 1.]).T, 0.7, 4, False)
activation = crocoddyl.ActivationModelQuadraticBarrier(
    crocoddyl.ActivationBounds(frictionCone.lb, frictionCone.ub))
    crocoddyl.CostModelContactFrictionCone(ROBOT_STATE, activation,
                                           ACTUATION.nu), 1.)
    crocoddyl.CostModelContactFrictionCone(ROBOT_STATE, activation,
                                           ACTUATION.nu), 1.)
MODEL = crocoddyl.DifferentialActionModelContactFwdDynamics(
DATA = MODEL.createData()
    def __init__(self, nx=12, nu=12, mu=0.8, log=True):

        crocoddyl.ActionModelAbstract.__init__(self, crocoddyl.StateVector(nx),
                                               nu, 1)
        #:param state: state description,
        #:param nu: dimension of control vector,
        #:param nr: dimension of the cost-residual vector (default 1)

        # Time step of the solver
        self.dt = 0.02

        # Mass of the robot
        self.mass = 2.97784899

        # Inertia matrix of the robot in body frame (found in urdf)
        self.gI = np.diag([0.00578574, 0.01938108, 0.02476124])

        # Friction coefficient
        self.mu = mu

        # Matrix A -- X_k+1 = AX + BU --
        self.A = np.zeros((12, 12))

        # Matrix B
        self.B = np.zeros((12, 12))

        # Vector xref
        self.xref = np.zeros(12)

        # Vector g
        self.g = np.zeros((12, ))

        # Weight vector for the state
        self.stateWeight = np.full(12, 2)

        # Weight on the friction cost
        self.frictionWeight = 0.1

        # Weight on the command forces
        self.weightForces = np.full(12, 0.1)

        # Levers Arms used in B
        self.lever_arms = np.zeros((3, 4))

        # Initial position of footholds in the "straight standing" default configuration
        # footholds = [[ px_foot1 , px_foot2 ...     ] ,
        #              [ py_foot1 , py_foot2 ...     ] ,
        #              [ pz_foot1 , pz_foot2 ...     ] ]  2D -- pz = 0
        self.footholds = np.array([[0.19, 0.19, -0.19, -0.19],
                                   [0.15005, -0.15005, 0.15005, -0.15005],
                                   [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])

        # S matrix
        # Represents the feet that are in contact with the ground such as :
        # S = [1 0 0 1] --> FL(Front Left) in contact, FR not , HL not , HR in contact
        self.S = np.ones(4)

        # List of the feet in contact with the ground used to compute B
        # if S = [1 0 0 1] ; L_feet = [1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1]
        self.L_feet = np.zeros(12)

        # Cone crocoddyl class
        R = np.identity(3)  # Rotation matrix wrt inertial frame
        number_facets = 4  # Number of facets for cone approximation
        self.cone = crocoddyl.FrictionCone(R, self.mu, number_facets, False)

        self.lb = np.tile(self.cone.lb, 4)
        self.ub = np.tile(self.cone.ub, 4)

        # Matrice Fa of the cone class, repeated 4 times (4 feet)
        self.Fa = np.zeros((20, 12))

        # Inequality activation model.
        #  The activation is zero when r is between the lower (lb) and upper (ub) bounds, beta
        #  determines how much of the total range is not activated. This is the activation
        #  equations:
        #  a(r) = 0.5 * ||r||^2 for lb < r < ub
        #  a(r) = 0. for lb >= r >= ub.
        self.activation = crocoddyl.ActivationModelQuadraticBarrier(
            (crocoddyl.ActivationBounds(self.lb, self.ub)))

        self.dataCost = self.activation.createData()

        self.Lu_f = np.zeros(12)

        self.Luu_f = np.zeros((12, 12))

        # Log parameters
        self.log = log
        self.log_cost_friction = []
        self.log_cost_state = []
        self.log_state = []
        self.log_u = []

        # Other dynamic models
        self.I_inv = np.zeros((3, 3))
        self.derivative_B = np.zeros(
            (12, 12))  # Here lever arm is constant, not used
import pinocchio
import example_robot_data
import numpy as np

from test_utils import NUMDIFF_MODIFIER, assertNumDiff

# Create robot model, data, state and actuation
ROBOT_MODEL = example_robot_data.loadICub().model
ROBOT_STATE = crocoddyl.StateMultibody(ROBOT_MODEL)
ACTUATION = crocoddyl.ActuationModelFloatingBase(ROBOT_STATE)

# Create wrench cone and its activation
wrenchCone = crocoddyl.WrenchCone(np.identity(3), 0.7, np.array([0.1, 0.05]))
activation = crocoddyl.ActivationModelQuadraticBarrier(
    crocoddyl.ActivationBounds(wrenchCone.lb, wrenchCone.ub))

# Contact wrench-cone cost unittest
CONTACTS = crocoddyl.ContactModelMultiple(ROBOT_STATE, ACTUATION.nu)
CONTACT_6D_r = crocoddyl.ContactModel6D(
                             pinocchio.SE3.Random()), ACTUATION.nu,
CONTACT_6D_l = crocoddyl.ContactModel6D(
                             pinocchio.SE3.Random()), ACTUATION.nu,

CONTACTS.addContact("r_sole_contact", CONTACT_6D_r)
    def createSwingFootModel(self, timeStep, supportFootIds, comTask=None, swingFootTask=None):
        """ Action model for a swing foot phase.

        :param timeStep: step duration of the action model
        :param supportFootIds: Ids of the constrained feet
        :param comTask: CoM task
        :param swingFootTask: swinging foot task
        :return action model for a swing foot phase
        # Creating a 3D multi-contact model, and then including the supporting
        # foot
        nu = self.actuation.nu
        contactModel = crocoddyl.ContactModelMultiple(self.state, nu)
        for i in supportFootIds:
            supportContactModel = crocoddyl.ContactModel3D(self.state, i, np.array([0., 0., 0.]), nu,
                                                           np.array([0., 50.]))
            contactModel.addContact(self.rmodel.frames[i].name + "_contact", supportContactModel)

        # Creating the cost model for a contact phase
        costModel = crocoddyl.CostModelSum(self.state, nu)
        if isinstance(comTask, np.ndarray):
            comResidual = crocoddyl.ResidualModelCoMPosition(self.state, comTask, nu)
            comTrack = crocoddyl.CostModelResidual(self.state, comResidual)
            costModel.addCost("comTrack", comTrack, 1e6)
        for i in supportFootIds:
            cone = crocoddyl.FrictionCone(self.Rsurf, self.mu, 4, False)
            coneResidual = crocoddyl.ResidualModelContactFrictionCone(self.state, i, cone, nu)
            coneActivation = crocoddyl.ActivationModelQuadraticBarrier(crocoddyl.ActivationBounds(cone.lb, cone.ub))
            frictionCone = crocoddyl.CostModelResidual(self.state, coneActivation, coneResidual)
            costModel.addCost(self.rmodel.frames[i].name + "_frictionCone", frictionCone, 1e1)
        if swingFootTask is not None:
            for i in swingFootTask:
                frameTranslationResidual = crocoddyl.ResidualModelFrameTranslation(self.state, i[0], i[1].translation,
                footTrack = crocoddyl.CostModelResidual(self.state, frameTranslationResidual)
                costModel.addCost(self.rmodel.frames[i[0]].name + "_footTrack", footTrack, 1e6)

        stateWeights = np.array([0.] * 3 + [500.] * 3 + [0.01] * (self.rmodel.nv - 6) + [10.] * 6 + [1.] *
                                (self.rmodel.nv - 6))
        stateResidual = crocoddyl.ResidualModelState(self.state, self.rmodel.defaultState, nu)
        stateActivation = crocoddyl.ActivationModelWeightedQuad(stateWeights**2)
        ctrlResidual = crocoddyl.ResidualModelControl(self.state, nu)
        stateReg = crocoddyl.CostModelResidual(self.state, stateActivation, stateResidual)
        ctrlReg = crocoddyl.CostModelResidual(self.state, ctrlResidual)
        costModel.addCost("stateReg", stateReg, 1e1)
        costModel.addCost("ctrlReg", ctrlReg, 1e-1)

        lb = np.concatenate([self.state.lb[1:self.state.nv + 1], self.state.lb[-self.state.nv:]])
        ub = np.concatenate([self.state.ub[1:self.state.nv + 1], self.state.ub[-self.state.nv:]])
        stateBoundsResidual = crocoddyl.ResidualModelState(self.state, nu)
        stateBoundsActivation = crocoddyl.ActivationModelQuadraticBarrier(crocoddyl.ActivationBounds(lb, ub))
        stateBounds = crocoddyl.CostModelResidual(self.state, stateBoundsActivation, stateBoundsResidual)
        costModel.addCost("stateBounds", stateBounds, 1e3)

        # Creating the action model for the KKT dynamics with simpletic Euler
        # integration scheme
        dmodel = crocoddyl.DifferentialActionModelContactFwdDynamics(self.state, self.actuation, contactModel,
                                                                     costModel, 0., True)
        if self.integrator == 'euler':
            model = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(dmodel, self.control, timeStep)
        elif self.integrator == 'rk4':
            model = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelRK(dmodel, self.control, crocoddyl.RKType.four, timeStep)
        elif self.integrator == 'rk3':
            model = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelRK(dmodel, self.control, crocoddyl.RKType.three, timeStep)
        elif self.integrator == 'rk2':
            model = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelRK(dmodel, self.control, crocoddyl.RKType.two, timeStep)
            model = crocoddyl.IntegratedActionModelEuler(dmodel, self.control, timeStep)
        return model
# simulating the cost on the power with a cost on the control
power_act = crocoddyl.ActivationModelQuad(conf.n_links)
u2 = crocoddyl.CostModelControl(
    state, power_act,
    actuation.nu)  # joule dissipation cost without friction, for benchmarking
stateAct = crocoddyl.ActivationModelWeightedQuad(
    np.concatenate([np.zeros(state.nq + 1),
                    np.ones(state.nv - 1)]))
v2 = crocoddyl.CostModelState(state, stateAct, np.zeros(state.nx),
joint_friction = CostModelJointFrictionSmooth(state, power_act, actuation.nu)
joule_dissipation = CostModelJouleDissipation(state, power_act, actuation.nu)

bounds = crocoddyl.ActivationBounds(
    np.concatenate([np.zeros(1), -1e3 * np.ones(state.nx - 1)]),
    1e3 * np.ones(state.nx))
stateAct = crocoddyl.ActivationModelWeightedQuadraticBarrier(
    bounds, np.concatenate([np.ones(1), np.zeros(state.nx - 1)]))
nonPenetration = crocoddyl.CostModelState(state, stateAct, np.zeros(state.nx),

jumpBounds = crocoddyl.ActivationBounds(
    -1e3 * np.ones(state.nx),
    np.concatenate([np.zeros(1), +1e3 * np.ones(state.nx - 1)]))
jumpAct = crocoddyl.ActivationModelWeightedQuadraticBarrier(
    bounds, np.concatenate([-np.ones(1), np.zeros(state.nx - 1)]))
maximizeJump = crocoddyl.CostModelState(state, jumpAct, np.ones(state.nx),