def main(): # Initialise recs = [] db_engine = None; try: # Initialise further db_engine = sa_engine.create_engine(run_settings.connstr) db_metadata = MetaData(db_engine) # Now loop over the crops for crop_no in range(1, 29): # Report which crop is next crop_name, mgmt_code = select_crop(db_engine, crop_no) msg = "About to get TSUM values for " + crop_name + " (" + mgmt_code + ")" print msg # Now retrieve how to divide over TSUM1 and TSUM2 cip = CropInfoProvider(crop_name, mgmt_code, run_settings.data_dir) cropdata = cip.getCropData(); fract1, fract2 = split_tsum(cropdata, 1) rec = {} rec["crop_no"] = crop_no rec["fract_tsum1"] = fract1 rec["fract_tsum2"] = fract2 recs.append(rec) cropinfodict = {"crop_no":1, "fract_tsum1":0.4 , "fract_tsum2":0.6} store_to_database(db_engine, recs, db_metadata, cropinfodict) except Exception as e: print str(e) finally: if db_engine != None: db_engine.dispose()
def main(): # Initialise recs = [] db_engine = None try: # Initialise further db_engine = sa_engine.create_engine(run_settings.connstr) db_metadata = MetaData(db_engine) # Now loop over the crops for crop_no in range(1, 29): # Report which crop is next crop_name, mgmt_code = select_crop(db_engine, crop_no) msg = "About to get TSUM values for " + crop_name + " (" + mgmt_code + ")" print msg # Now retrieve how to divide over TSUM1 and TSUM2 cip = CropInfoProvider(crop_name, mgmt_code, run_settings.data_dir) cropdata = cip.getCropData() fract1, fract2 = split_tsum(cropdata, 1) rec = {} rec["crop_no"] = crop_no rec["fract_tsum1"] = fract1 rec["fract_tsum2"] = fract2 recs.append(rec) cropinfodict = {"crop_no": 1, "fract_tsum1": 0.4, "fract_tsum2": 0.6} store_to_database(db_engine, recs, db_metadata, cropinfodict) except Exception as e: print str(e) finally: if db_engine != None: db_engine.dispose()
def main(): # Initialise db_engine = None; tasks = [] try: db_engine = sa_engine.create_engine(run_settings.connstr) db_metadata = MetaData(db_engine) task_id = 15051 for crop_no in range(19, 29): # Report which crop is next crop_name, mgmt_code = select_crop(db_engine, crop_no) msg = "About to get TSUM values for " + crop_name + " (" + mgmt_code + ")" print msg # Now retrieve how to divide over TSUM1 and TSUM2 cip = CropInfoProvider(crop_name, mgmt_code, run_settings.data_dir) cropdata = cip.getCropData(); nvlp = cip.getExtent() # Get the relevant spatial range and loop through y_range = get_range(db_engine, crop_no, nvlp.dy) x_range = arange(nvlp.getMinX() + 0.5*nvlp.dx, nvlp.getMaxX() + 0.5*nvlp.dy, nvlp.dx); taskdict = {"task_id":1, "status":"Pending" , "hostname":"None", "crop_no":1, "longitude":0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "tsum1":0.0, "tsum2":0.0, "process_id":1, "comment":""} for lat in y_range: # Retrieve the lat-lon combinations for which there are records in the table TSUM lons_with_tsums = get_places_with_tsums(db_engine, crop_no, lat) for lon in x_range: # Pixel should be on land, without tsum so far and there should be a crop calendar for it if not cip.get_landmask(lon, lat): continue; if lon in lons_with_tsums: continue; start_doy, end_doy = cip.getSeasonDates(lon, lat); if (start_doy == -99) or (end_doy == -99): continue; # tsum = get_tsum_from_db(db_engine, crop_no, lon, lat) tsum1, tsum2 = (0, 0) # split_tsum(cropdata, tsum) # Create a task and append it task = Task(task_id, "Pending", "None", crop_no, lon, lat, tsum1, tsum2, 0, "") tasks.append(task.as_dict()) task_id = task_id + 1 # Once in a while, write them to the database if (task_id % 1000 == 0): store_to_database(db_engine, tasks, db_metadata, taskdict) del tasks[:] print "Thousand records saved to database. Current latitude is %s" % lat # end lon # end lat store_to_database(db_engine, tasks, db_metadata, taskdict) print "Another %s records saved to database." % len(tasks) del tasks[:] except SQLAlchemyError, inst: print ("Database error: %s" % inst)
def __init__(self, crop_no, model, climate, clim_scenario, sim_scenario, start_year, end_year): # Initialise self._crop_no = crop_no self._model = model self._climate = climate self._clim_scenario = clim_scenario self._sim_scenario = sim_scenario self._start_year = start_year self._end_year = end_year try: self._db_engine = sa_engine.create_engine(run_settings.connstr) # Retrieve some info about the crop self._crop_name, self._crop_label, self._mgmt_code = self._get_crop_info(crop_no) self._crop_info_provider = CropInfoProvider(self._crop_name, self._mgmt_code) except Exception as e: print " Error during initialisation of CropSimOutputWorker instance: \n" + str(e) raise e
def __init__(self, crop_no, model, climate, clim_scenario, sim_scenario, start_year, end_year): # Initialise self._crop_no = crop_no self._model = model self._climate = climate self._clim_scenario = clim_scenario self._sim_scenario = sim_scenario self._start_year = start_year self._end_year = end_year try: self._db_engine = sa_engine.create_engine(conv_settings.connstr) # Retrieve some info about the crop self._crop_name, self._crop_label, self._mgmt_code = self._get_crop_info(crop_no) self._crop_info_provider = CropInfoProvider(self._crop_name, self._mgmt_code) except Exception as e: print " Error during initialisation of CropSimOutputWorker instance: \n" + str(e) raise e
def task_runner(sa_engine, task): # Get crop_name and mgmt_code crop_no = task["crop_no"] lat = float(task["latitude"]) lon = float(task["longitude"]) year = 1900 cip = None wdp = None # Get a crop info provider try: t1 = time.time() cropname, watersupply = select_crop(sa_engine, crop_no) cip = CropInfoProvider(cropname, watersupply, run_settings.data_dir) cropdata = cip.getCropData() msg = "Retrieving data for crop %s, %s took %6.1f seconds" print msg % (cropname, watersupply, time.time() - t1) # Everything seems to be set for the task now! Lon-lat combination is # checked in the call to the getSeasonDates method. We assume that the # landmask was checked. Also we assume that the data on the growing # season were checked. These are represented by day-of-year values. start_doy, end_doy = cip.getSeasonDates(lon, lat) # Get the weather data wdp = Hdf5WeatherDataProvider(run_settings.hdf5_meteo_file, lat, lon) # Loop over the years t2 = time.time() tsums = [] for year in get_available_years(wdp): # Get timer data for the current year timerdata = cip.getTimerData(start_doy, end_doy, year) # Check that START_DATE does not fall before the first available # meteodata and END_DATE not beyond the last data with available # weather data. if timerdata['START_DATE'] < wdp.first_date: continue if timerdata['END_DATE'] > wdp.last_date: continue sitedata = {} soildata = {"SMFCF": 0.4} # Run simulation pheno = wofostEngine(sitedata, timerdata, soildata, cropdata, wdp, config="Wofost71_PhenoOnly.conf") sumresults = pheno.get_summary_output() if len(sumresults) > 0: tsums.append(sumresults[0]["TSUM"]) else: msg = "No summary results for crop/year/lat/lon: %s/%s/%s/%s" logging.error(msg, crop_no, year, lat, lon) # end year # Insert average etc. into database if len(tsums) > 0: insert_tsum(sa_engine, 1, crop_no, lat, lon, mean(tsums), std(tsums, ddof=1), min(tsums), max(tsums), len(tsums)) msg = "Simulating for lat-lon (%s, %s) took %6.1f seconds" print msg % (str(lat), str(lon), time.time() - t2) else: msg = "Failed calculating TSUMs for lat-lon (%s, %s): no TSUMs calculated for 30 years" logging.error(msg, lat, lon) finally: # Clean up if wdp is not None: wdp.close() if cip is not None: cip.close()
def task_runner(sa_engine, task): # Get crop_name and mgmt_code crop_no = task["crop_no"] lat = float(task["latitude"]) lon = float(task["longitude"]) year = 1900 cip = None wdp = None logger = logging.getLogger("GGCMI Task Runner")"Starting task runner for task %i" % task["task_id"]) # Get a crop info provider try: t1 = time.time() cropname, watersupply = select_crop(sa_engine, crop_no) cip = CropInfoProvider( cropname, watersupply, ) cropdata = cip.getCropData() if (not task.has_key("tsum1")) or (not task.has_key("tsum2")): msg = "Location specific values for crop parameter(s) missing: TSUM1 and/or TSUM2" raise PCSEError(msg) else: cropdata["TSUM1"] = float(task["tsum1"]) cropdata["TSUM2"] = float(task["tsum2"]) start_doy, end_doy = cip.getSeasonDates(lon, lat) msg = "Retrieving data for crop %s, %s took %6.1f seconds" % (cropname, watersupply, time.time() - t1)) # Everything seems to be set for the task now! Lon-lat combination is # checked in the call to the getSeasonDates method. We assume that the # landmask was checked. Also we assume that the data on the growing # season were checked. These are represented by day-of-year values. # Get the weather data t2 = time.time() wdp = Hdf5WeatherDataProvider(run_settings.hdf5_meteo_file, lat, lon) available_years = get_available_years(wdp) msg = "Retrieving weather data for lat-lon %s, %s took %6.1f seconds" logger.debug(msg % (str(lat), str(lon), time.time() - t2)) # Loop over the years t3 = time.time() allresults = [] msg = None for year in available_years: # Get timer data for the current year timerdata = cip.getTimerData(start_doy, end_doy, year) # Check that START_DATE does not fall before the first available # meteodata and END_DATE not beyond the last data with available # weather data. if timerdata['START_DATE'] < wdp.first_date: continue if timerdata['END_DATE'] > wdp.last_date: continue # Get soil and site data soildata = run_settings.get_soil_data(lon, lat) sitedata = run_settings.get_site_data(soildata) # Run simulation if watersupply == 'ir': configFile = 'GGCMI_PP.conf' else: configFile = 'GGCMI_WLP.conf' if msg is None: msg = "Starting simulation for %s-%s (%5.2f, %5.2f), planting " \ "at: %s, final harvest at: %s" msg = msg % (cropname, watersupply, lon, lat, timerdata['CROP_START_DATE'], timerdata['CROP_END_DATE']) wofost = wofostEngine(sitedata, timerdata, soildata, cropdata, wdp, config=configFile) wofost.run_till_terminate() results = wofost.get_output() sumresults = wofost.get_summary_output() if (len(results) > 0) and (len(sumresults) > 0): allresults.append({ "year": year, "summary": sumresults, "results": results }) else: msg = "Insufficient results for crop/year/lat/lon: %s/%s/%s/%s" logger.error(msg, crop_no, year, lat, lon) # end year if len(allresults) > 0: # pickle all results task_id = task["task_id"] obj = { "task_id": task_id, "crop_no": crop_no, "longitude": lon, "latitude": lat } obj["allresults"] = allresults # Write results to pickle file. First to .tmp then rename to .pkl # to avoid read/write collisions with ggcmi_processsor pickle_fname = run_settings.output_file_template % task_id if os.path.splitext(pickle_fname)[1] == ".pkl": pickle_fname += ".tmp" else: pickle_fname += ".pkl.tmp" pickle_fname_fp = os.path.join(run_settings.output_folder, pickle_fname) with open(pickle_fname_fp, 'wb') as f: cPickle.dump(obj, f, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) final_fname_fp = os.path.splitext(pickle_fname_fp)[0] os.rename(pickle_fname_fp, final_fname_fp) msg = "Simulating for lat-lon (%s, %s) took %6.1f seconds" % (str(lat), str(lon), time.time() - t3)) else: msg = "Failed simulating for lon,lat,crop, watersupply (%s, %s, " \ "%s, %s): no output available." msg = msg % (lon, lat, cropname, watersupply) raise PCSEError(msg) finally: if wdp is not None: wdp.close() if cip is not None: cip.close()
def main(): # Initialise db_engine = None tasks = [] try: db_engine = sa_engine.create_engine(run_settings.connstr) db_metadata = MetaData(db_engine) task_id = 15051 for crop_no in range(19, 29): # Report which crop is next crop_name, mgmt_code = select_crop(db_engine, crop_no) msg = "About to get TSUM values for " + crop_name + " (" + mgmt_code + ")" print msg # Now retrieve how to divide over TSUM1 and TSUM2 cip = CropInfoProvider(crop_name, mgmt_code, run_settings.data_dir) cropdata = cip.getCropData() nvlp = cip.getExtent() # Get the relevant spatial range and loop through y_range = get_range(db_engine, crop_no, nvlp.dy) x_range = arange(nvlp.getMinX() + 0.5 * nvlp.dx, nvlp.getMaxX() + 0.5 * nvlp.dy, nvlp.dx) taskdict = { "task_id": 1, "status": "Pending", "hostname": "None", "crop_no": 1, "longitude": 0.0, "latitude": 0.0, "tsum1": 0.0, "tsum2": 0.0, "process_id": 1, "comment": "" } for lat in y_range: # Retrieve the lat-lon combinations for which there are records in the table TSUM lons_with_tsums = get_places_with_tsums( db_engine, crop_no, lat) for lon in x_range: # Pixel should be on land, without tsum so far and there should be a crop calendar for it if not cip.get_landmask(lon, lat): continue if lon in lons_with_tsums: continue start_doy, end_doy = cip.getSeasonDates(lon, lat) if (start_doy == -99) or (end_doy == -99): continue # tsum = get_tsum_from_db(db_engine, crop_no, lon, lat) tsum1, tsum2 = (0, 0) # split_tsum(cropdata, tsum) # Create a task and append it task = Task(task_id, "Pending", "None", crop_no, lon, lat, tsum1, tsum2, 0, "") tasks.append(task.as_dict()) task_id = task_id + 1 # Once in a while, write them to the database if (task_id % 1000 == 0): store_to_database(db_engine, tasks, db_metadata, taskdict) del tasks[:] print "Thousand records saved to database. Current latitude is %s" % lat # end lon # end lat store_to_database(db_engine, tasks, db_metadata, taskdict) print "Another %s records saved to database." % len(tasks) del tasks[:] except SQLAlchemyError, inst: print("Database error: %s" % inst)
class CropSimOutputWorker(): _crop_no = 0 _crop_name = "" _crop_label = "" _mgmt_code = "" _model = "" _climate = "" _clim_scenario = "" _sim_scenario = "" _timestep = "annual" _start_year = 1945 _end_year = 2045 _db_engine = None _crop_info_provider = None _joint_shelves = None def __init__(self, crop_no, model, climate, clim_scenario, sim_scenario, start_year, end_year): # Initialise self._crop_no = crop_no self._model = model self._climate = climate self._clim_scenario = clim_scenario self._sim_scenario = sim_scenario self._start_year = start_year self._end_year = end_year try: self._db_engine = sa_engine.create_engine(conv_settings.connstr) # Retrieve some info about the crop self._crop_name, self._crop_label, self._mgmt_code = self._get_crop_info(crop_no) self._crop_info_provider = CropInfoProvider(self._crop_name, self._mgmt_code) except Exception as e: print " Error during initialisation of CropSimOutputWorker instance: \n" + str(e) raise e def set_joint_shelves(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, JointShelves): self._joint_shelves = obj; def _get_path_to_template(self): template_fn = "output_template_{clim_lc}_{timestep}_{start_year}_{end_year}.nc4" template_fn = template_fn.format(clim_lc=self._climate.lower(), timestep=self._timestep, start_year=self._start_year, end_year=self._end_year) return os.path.join(conv_settings.results_folder, template_fn) def _get_output_filename_pattern(self): ncdfname_templ = "{model}_{climate}_{clim_scenario}_{sim_scenario}_{variable}_{crop}_{timestep}_{start_year}_{end_year}.nc4" if self._mgmt_code == 'rf': simcode = self._sim_scenario + "_noirr" else: simcode = self._sim_scenario + "_firr" result = ncdfname_templ.format(model=self._model, climate=self._climate.lower(), clim_scenario=self._clim_scenario, sim_scenario=simcode, variable="*", crop=self._crop_label, timestep=self._timestep, start_year=self._start_year, end_year=self._end_year) return result def _get_length_of_season(self, doh, dom, dos, task_id): if doh or dom: # doh or dom is specified - assume date objects f = lambda x, y, z: (x-z).days if x else (y-z).days return f(doh, dom, dos) else: crop_no, lon, lat = self._get_task_info(task_id) if crop_no != self._crop_no: raise ValueError("The crop number found for task %s is not as expected" % task_id) start_doy, end_doy = self._crop_info_provider.getSeasonDates(float(lon), float(lat)) timerdata = self._crop_info_provider.getTimerData(start_doy, end_doy, dos.year) result = (timerdata['CROP_END_DATE'] - dos).days if result < 0: result = result + 365 return result def close(self): self._db_engine = None self._joint_shelves.close() self._joint_shelves = None del self._joint_shelves def _get_crop_info(self, crop_no): crop_name = "" crop_label = "" mgmt_code = "" conn = self._db_engine.connect() sqlStr = """SELECT m.crop_no,, x.label, m.mgmt_code FROM crop m INNER JOIN cropinfo x ON m.crop_no = x.crop_no WHERE m.crop_no=%s""" rows = conn.execute(sqlStr % crop_no) for row in rows: crop_name = row["name"] crop_label = row["label"] mgmt_code = row["mgmt_code"] break conn.close() return crop_name, crop_label, mgmt_code def _get_task_info(self, taskId): crop_no = 0 lon = 180.0 lat = 90.0 conn = self._db_engine.connect() sqlStr = """select t.crop_no, t.longitude, t.latitude from tasklist t where t.task_id =""" + str(taskId) rows = conn.execute(sqlStr) for row in rows: crop_no = row["crop_no"] lon = row["longitude"] lat = row["latitude"] break conn.close() return crop_no, lon, lat def _get_finished_tasks(self, crop_no): result = [] conn = self._db_engine.connect() sqlStr = """SELECT task_id FROM tasklist WHERE crop_no=%s AND status='Finished'""" rows = conn.execute(sqlStr % crop_no) conn.close() for row in rows: result.append(row["task_id"]) return result def _get_simresult(self, task_id): try: key_fmt = "%010i" return self._joint_shelves[key_fmt % task_id] except KeyError: msg = "No results found for task_id %s " % task_id print msg logging.warn(msg) return None
class CropSimOutputWorker(): _crop_no = 0 _crop_name = "" _crop_label = "" _mgmt_code = "" _model = "" _climate = "" _clim_scenario = "" _sim_scenario = "" _timestep = "annual" _start_year = 1945 _end_year = 2045 _db_engine = None _crop_info_provider = None _joint_shelves = None def __init__(self, crop_no, model, climate, clim_scenario, sim_scenario, start_year, end_year): # Initialise self._crop_no = crop_no self._model = model self._climate = climate self._clim_scenario = clim_scenario self._sim_scenario = sim_scenario self._start_year = start_year self._end_year = end_year try: self._db_engine = sa_engine.create_engine(run_settings.connstr) # Retrieve some info about the crop self._crop_name, self._crop_label, self._mgmt_code = self._get_crop_info(crop_no) self._crop_info_provider = CropInfoProvider(self._crop_name, self._mgmt_code) except Exception as e: print " Error during initialisation of CropSimOutputWorker instance: \n" + str(e) raise e def set_joint_shelves(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, JointShelves): self._joint_shelves = obj; def _get_path_to_template(self): template_fn = "output_template_{clim_lc}_{timestep}_{start_year}_{end_year}.nc4" template_fn = template_fn.format(clim_lc=self._climate.lower(), timestep=self._timestep, start_year=self._start_year, end_year=self._end_year) return os.path.join(run_settings.results_folder, template_fn) def _get_output_filename_pattern(self): ncdfname_templ = "{model}_{climate}_{clim_scenario}_{sim_scenario}_{variable}_{crop}_{timestep}_{start_year}_{end_year}.nc4" if self._mgmt_code == 'rf': simcode = self._sim_scenario + "_noirr" else: simcode = self._sim_scenario + "_firr" result = ncdfname_templ.format(model=self._model, climate=self._climate.lower(), clim_scenario=self._clim_scenario, sim_scenario=simcode, variable="*", crop=self._crop_label, timestep=self._timestep, start_year=self._start_year, end_year=self._end_year) return result def _get_length_of_season(self, doh, dom, dos, task_id): if doh or dom: # doh or dom is specified - assume date objects f = lambda x, y, z: (x-z).days if x else (y-z).days return f(doh, dom, dos) else: crop_no, lon, lat = self._get_task_info(task_id) if crop_no != self._crop_no: raise ValueError("The crop number found for task %s is not as expected" % task_id) start_doy, end_doy = self._crop_info_provider.getSeasonDates(float(lon), float(lat)) timerdata = self._crop_info_provider.getTimerData(start_doy, end_doy, dos.year) result = (timerdata['CROP_END_DATE'] - dos).days if result < 0: result = result + 365 return result def close(self): self._db_engine = None self._joint_shelves = None def _get_crop_info(self, crop_no): crop_name = "" crop_label = "" mgmt_code = "" conn = self._db_engine.connect() sqlStr = """SELECT m.crop_no,, x.label, m.mgmt_code FROM crop m INNER JOIN cropinfo x ON m.crop_no = x.crop_no WHERE m.crop_no=%s""" rows = conn.execute(sqlStr % crop_no) for row in rows: crop_name = row["name"] crop_label = row["label"] mgmt_code = row["mgmt_code"] break conn.close() return crop_name, crop_label, mgmt_code def _get_task_info(self, taskId): crop_no = 0 lon = 180.0 lat = 90.0 conn = self._db_engine.connect() sqlStr = """select t.crop_no, t.longitude, t.latitude from tasklist t where t.task_id =""" + str(taskId) rows = conn.execute(sqlStr) for row in rows: crop_no = row["crop_no"] lon = row["longitude"] lat = row["latitude"] break conn.close() return crop_no, lon, lat def _get_finished_tasks(self, crop_no): result = [] conn = self._db_engine.connect() sqlStr = """SELECT task_id FROM tasklist WHERE crop_no=%s AND status='Finished'""" rows = conn.execute(sqlStr % crop_no) conn.close() for row in rows: result.append(row["task_id"]) return result def _get_simresult(self, task_id): try: key_fmt = "%010i" return self._joint_shelves[key_fmt % task_id] except KeyError: msg = "No results found for task_id %s " % task_id print msg logging.warn(msg) return None
def task_runner(sa_engine, task): # Attributes cip = None; extent = None; cropdata = None; crop_no = 0; # Initialise datadir = r"/home/hoek008/projects/ggcmi/data/" fn = r"./AgMERRA/AgMERRA_1980-01-01_2010-12-31_final.hf5" # Get crop_name and mgmt_code crop_no = task["crop_no"]; cropname, watersupply = select_crop(sa_engine, crop_no); print "About to simulate for " + cropname + " (" + watersupply + ")"; try: # Get a crop info provider t1 = time.time() cip = CropInfoProvider(cropname, watersupply, datadir); extent = cip.getExtent(); cropdata = cip.getCropData(); msg = ("Retrieving data for crop %s, %s took %6.1f seconds" % (cropname, watersupply, time.time()-t1)) print msg; except Exception as e: print str(e); # Everything seems to be set for the task now! try: # Make sure we can loop over the grid cells from UL down to LR corner nvlp = extent; x_range = arange(nvlp.getMinX() + 0.5*nvlp.dx, nvlp.getMaxX() + 0.5*nvlp.dy, nvlp.dx); y_range = arange(nvlp.getMinY() + 0.5*nvlp.dy, nvlp.getMaxY() + 0.5*nvlp.dx, nvlp.dy); if (nvlp.xcoords_sort != 'ASC'): x_range = reversed(x_range); if (nvlp.ycoords_sort != 'DESC'): y_range = reversed(y_range); # Find out whether maybe another process already calculated TSUMs for this crop minlat, maxlon = get_resumption_point(sa_engine, crop_no); # Loop but make sure not to waste time on pixels that are not interesting for lat in y_range: if (lat > minlat): continue; eps = 0.0000001; for lon in x_range: if abs(lat - minlat) < eps and (lon - maxlon) < eps: continue; # Check the landmask if not cip.get_landmask(lon, lat): continue; # Check the data on the growing season; start_day -99 means that area is # usu. only little above crop_specific base temperature and end_day equal to -99 # means that hot periods need to be avoided - start_day, end_day = cip.getSeasonDates(lon, lat); if (start_day == -99) or (end_day == -99): continue; # Initialise wdp = None try: # Retrieve the relevant weather data wdp = Hdf5WeatherDataProvider(fn, lat, lon, datadir); # Loop over the years t2 = time.time() tsums = []; for year in get_available_years(wdp): try: # Get timer data for the current year timerdata = cip.getTimerData(start_day, end_day, year); sitedata = {}; soildata = {"SMFCF":0.4}; # Run simulation pheno = wofostEngine(sitedata, timerdata, soildata, cropdata, wdp, config="Wofost71_PhenoOnly.conf") # Retrieve result results = pheno.get_output() #if (results != None) and isinstance(results, list): # print results[-1]; sumresults = pheno.get_summary_output(); print sumresults; if isinstance(sumresults[0], dict) and isinstance(sumresults[0]["TSUM"], float): tsums.append(sumresults[0]["TSUM"]); except Exception, e: print str(e); # end try # end year # Insert average etc. into database if len(tsums) > 0: insert_tsum(sa_engine, 1, crop_no, lat, lon, mean(tsums), std(tsums, ddof=1), min(tsums), max(tsums), len(tsums)); msg = ("Simulating for lat-lon (%s, %s) took %6.1f seconds" % (str(lat), str(lon), time.time()-t2)) print msg; except Exception, e: print str(e);
def task_runner(sa_engine, task): # Get crop_name and mgmt_code crop_no = task["crop_no"] lat = float(task["latitude"]) lon = float(task["longitude"]) year = 1900 cip = None wdp = None # Get a crop info provider try: t1 = time.time() cropname, watersupply = select_crop(sa_engine, crop_no) cip = CropInfoProvider(cropname, watersupply, run_settings.data_dir) cropdata = cip.getCropData() msg = "Retrieving data for crop %s, %s took %6.1f seconds" print msg % (cropname, watersupply, time.time()-t1) # Everything seems to be set for the task now! Lon-lat combination is # checked in the call to the getSeasonDates method. We assume that the # landmask was checked. Also we assume that the data on the growing # season were checked. These are represented by day-of-year values. start_doy, end_doy = cip.getSeasonDates(lon, lat) # Get the weather data wdp = Hdf5WeatherDataProvider(run_settings.hdf5_meteo_file, lat, lon) # Loop over the years t2 = time.time() tsums = [] for year in get_available_years(wdp): # Get timer data for the current year timerdata = cip.getTimerData(start_doy, end_doy, year) # Check that START_DATE does not fall before the first available # meteodata and END_DATE not beyond the last data with available # weather data. if timerdata['START_DATE'] < wdp.first_date: continue if timerdata['END_DATE'] > wdp.last_date: continue sitedata = {} soildata = {"SMFCF":0.4} # Run simulation pheno = wofostEngine(sitedata, timerdata, soildata, cropdata, wdp, config="Wofost71_PhenoOnly.conf") sumresults = pheno.get_summary_output() if len(sumresults) > 0: tsums.append(sumresults[0]["TSUM"]) else: msg = "No summary results for crop/year/lat/lon: %s/%s/%s/%s" logging.error(msg, crop_no, year, lat, lon) # end year # Insert average etc. into database if len(tsums) > 0: insert_tsum(sa_engine, 1, crop_no, lat, lon, mean(tsums), std(tsums, ddof=1), min(tsums), max(tsums), len(tsums)) msg = "Simulating for lat-lon (%s, %s) took %6.1f seconds" print msg % (str(lat), str(lon), time.time()-t2) else: msg = "Failed calculating TSUMs for lat-lon (%s, %s): no TSUMs calculated for 30 years" logging.error(msg, lat, lon) finally: # Clean up if wdp is not None: wdp.close() if cip is not None: cip.close()
def task_runner(sa_engine, task): # Get crop_name and mgmt_code crop_no = task["crop_no"] cropname, watersupply = select_crop(sa_engine, crop_no) msg = "Starting to simulate for %s (%s)" % (cropname, watersupply) print msg # Get a crop info provider t1 = time.time() cip = CropInfoProvider(cropname, watersupply, run_settings.datadir) extent = cip.getExtent() cropdata = cip.getCropData() msg = ("Retrieving data for crop %s, %s took %6.1f seconds" % (cropname, watersupply, time.time()-t1)) print msg # Everything seems to be set for the task now! # Make sure we can loop over the grid cells from UL down to LR corner nvlp = extent x_range = arange(nvlp.getMinX() + 0.5*nvlp.dx, nvlp.getMaxX() + 0.5*nvlp.dy, nvlp.dx) y_range = arange(nvlp.getMinY() + 0.5*nvlp.dy, nvlp.getMaxY() + 0.5*nvlp.dx, nvlp.dy) if nvlp.xcoords_sort != 'ASC': x_range = reversed(x_range) if nvlp.ycoords_sort != 'DESC': y_range = reversed(y_range) # Find out whether maybe another process already calculated TSUMs for this crop minlat, maxlon = get_resumption_point(sa_engine, crop_no) # Loop but make sure not to waste time on pixels that are not interesting for lat in y_range: if (lat > minlat): continue eps = 0.0000001 for lon in x_range: try: if abs(lat - minlat) < eps and (lon - maxlon) < eps: continue # Check the landmask if not cip.get_landmask(lon, lat): continue # Check the data on the growing season represented by day-of-year # values. If start_doy or end_doy return nodata value (-99), then # continue with next grid directly. start_doy, end_doy = cip.getSeasonDates(lon, lat) if (start_doy == -99) or (end_doy == -99): continue wdp = Hdf5WeatherDataProvider(run_settings.hdf5_meteo_file, lat, lon) # Loop over the years t2 = time.time() tsums = [] for year in get_available_years(wdp): # Get timer data for the current year timerdata = cip.getTimerData(start_doy, end_doy, year) # Check that START_DATE does not fall before the first # available meteodata and END_DATE not beyond the # last data with available weather data. if timerdata['START_DATE'] < wdp.first_date or \ timerdata['END_DATE'] > wdp.last_date: continue sitedata = {} soildata = {"SMFCF":0.4} # Run simulation pheno = wofostEngine(sitedata, timerdata, soildata, cropdata, wdp, config="Wofost71_PhenoOnly.conf") sumresults = pheno.get_summary_output() if len(sumresults) > 0: tsums.append(sumresults[0]["TSUM"]) else: msg = "No summary results for crop/year/lat/lon: %s/%s/%s/%s" logging.error(msg, crop_no, year, lat, lon) # end year # Insert average etc. into database if len(tsums) > 0: insert_tsum(sa_engine, 1, crop_no, lat, lon, mean(tsums), std(tsums, ddof=1), min(tsums), max(tsums), len(tsums)) msg = ("Simulating for lat-lon (%s, %s) took %6.1f seconds" % (str(lat), str(lon), time.time()-t2)) print msg else: msg = "Failed calculating TSUMs for lat-lon (%s, %s): no TSUMs calculated for 30 years" logging.error(msg, lat, lon) if wdp is not None: wdp.close() except tables.NoSuchNodeError: msg = "No weather data found for lat/lon: %s/%s" logging.error(msg, lat, lon) except PCSEError: msg = "Error in PCSE for crop/year/lat/lon: %s/%s/%s/%s" logging.exception(msg, crop_no, year, lat, lon) print "Finished simulating for " + cropname + " (" + watersupply + ")" cip.close()