class RouterController(WorkerController):
    A native Crossbar.io worker that runs a WAMP router which can manage
    multiple realms, run multiple transports and links, as well as host
    multiple (embedded) application components.
    WORKER_TYPE = 'router'
    WORKER_TITLE = 'Router'
    router_realm_class = RouterRealm
    router_factory_class = RouterFactory

    def __init__(self, config=None, reactor=None, personality=None):
        # base ctor
        WorkerController.__init__(self, config=config, reactor=reactor, personality=personality)

        # factory for producing (per-realm) routers
        self._router_factory = self.router_factory_class(self.config.extra.node, self.config.extra.worker, self)

        # factory for producing router sessions
        self._router_session_factory = RouterSessionFactory(self._router_factory)

        # map: realm ID -> RouterRealm
        self.realms = {}

        # map: realm URI -> realm ID
        self.realm_to_id = {}

        # map: component ID -> RouterComponent
        self.components = {}

        # "global" shared between all components
        self.components_shared = {
            'reactor': reactor

        # map: transport ID -> RouterTransport
        self.transports = {}

    def realm_by_name(self, name):
        realm_id = self.realm_to_id.get(name, None)
        assert(realm_id in self.realms)
        return self.realms[realm_id]

    def router_factory(self):

        :return: The router factory used for producing (per-realm) routers.
        return self._router_factory

    def router_session_factory(self):

        :return: The router session factory for producing router sessions.
        return self._router_session_factory

    def onWelcome(self, msg):
        # this is a hook for authentication methods to deny the
        # session after the Welcome message -- do we need to do
        # anything in this impl?

    def onJoin(self, details, publish_ready=True):
        Called when worker process has joined the node's management realm.
        self.log.info('Router worker session for "{worker_id}" joined realm "{realm}" on node router {method}',

        yield WorkerController.onJoin(self, details, publish_ready=False)

        # WorkerController.publish_ready()

        self.log.info('Router worker session for "{worker_id}" ready',

    def onLeave(self, details):
        # when this router is shutting down, we disconnect all our
        # components so that they have a chance to shutdown properly
        # -- e.g. on a ctrl-C of the router.
        leaves = []
        if self.components:
            for component in self.components.values():
                if component.session.is_connected():
                    d = maybeDeferred(component.session.leave)

                    def done(_):
                            "component '{id}' disconnected",
        dl = DeferredList(leaves, consumeErrors=True)
        # we want our default behavior, which disconnects this
        # router-worker, effectively shutting it down .. but only
        # *after* the components got a chance to shutdown.
        dl.addBoth(lambda _: super(RouterController, self).onLeave(details))

    def get_router_realms(self, details=None):
        Get realms currently running on this router worker.

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`

        :returns: List of realms currently running.
        :rtype: list[str]
        self.log.debug("{name}.get_router_realms", name=self.__class__.__name__)

        return sorted(self.realms.keys())

    def get_router_realm(self, realm_id, details=None):
        Return realm detail information.

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`

        :returns: realm information object
        :rtype: dict
        self.log.debug("{name}.get_router_realm(realm_id={realm_id})", name=self.__class__.__name__, realm_id=realm_id)

        if realm_id not in self.realms:
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with ID '{}'".format(realm_id))

        return self.realms[realm_id].marshal()

    def get_router_realm_stats(self, realm_id=None, details=None):
        Return realm messaging statistics.

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`

        :returns: realm statistics object
        :rtype: dict
        self.log.debug("{name}.get_router_realm_stats(realm_id={realm_id})", name=self.__class__.__name__, realm_id=realm_id)

        if realm_id is not None and realm_id not in self.realms:
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with ID '{}'".format(realm_id))

        if realm_id:
            realm_ids = [realm_id]
            realm_ids = self.realms.keys()

        res = {}
        for realm_id in realm_ids:
            realm = self.realms[realm_id]
            res[realm_id] = realm.router.stats()

        return res

    def start_router_realm(self, realm_id, realm_config, details=None):
        Starts a realm on this router worker.

        :param realm_id: The ID of the realm to start.
        :type realm_id: str

        :param realm_config: The realm configuration.
        :type realm_config: dict

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        self.log.info('Starting router realm {realm_id} {method}',
                      realm_id=hlid(realm_id), method=hltype(RouterController.start_router_realm))

        # prohibit starting a realm twice
        if realm_id in self.realms:
            emsg = "Could not start realm: a realm with ID '{}' is already running (or starting)".format(realm_id)
            raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.already_running', emsg)

        # check configuration
            self.personality.check_router_realm(self.personality, realm_config)
        except Exception as e:
            emsg = "Invalid router realm configuration: {}".format(e)
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)

        # URI of the realm to start
        realm_name = realm_config['name']

        # router/realm wide options
        options = realm_config.get('options', {})

        enable_meta_api = options.get('enable_meta_api', True)

        # expose router/realm service API additionally on local node management router
        bridge_meta_api = options.get('bridge_meta_api', False)
        if bridge_meta_api:
            # FIXME
            bridge_meta_api_prefix = 'crossbar.worker.{worker_id}.realm.{realm_id}.root.'.format(worker_id=self._worker_id, realm_id=realm_id)
            bridge_meta_api_prefix = None

        # track realm
        rlm = self.router_realm_class(self, realm_id, realm_config)
        self.realms[realm_id] = rlm
        self.realm_to_id[realm_name] = realm_id

        # create a new router for the realm
        rlm.router = self._router_factory.start_realm(rlm)

        if rlm.router._store and hasattr(rlm.router._store, 'start'):
            yield rlm.router._store.start()

        # add a router/realm service session
        extra = {
            # the RouterServiceAgent will fire this when it is ready
            'onready': Deferred(),

            # if True, forward the WAMP meta API (implemented by RouterServiceAgent)
            # that is normally only exposed on the app router/realm _additionally_
            # to the local node management router.
            'enable_meta_api': enable_meta_api,
            'bridge_meta_api': bridge_meta_api,
            'bridge_meta_api_prefix': bridge_meta_api_prefix,

            # the management session on the local node management router to which
            # the WAMP meta API is exposed to additionally, when the bridge_meta_api option is set
            'management_session': self,
        cfg = ComponentConfig(realm_name, extra)
        rlm.session = RouterServiceAgent(cfg, rlm.router)
                                         authid='routerworker-{}-realm-{}-serviceagent'.format(self._worker_id, realm_id),

        yield extra['onready']
        self.log.info('RouterServiceAgent started on realm "{realm_name}"', realm_name=realm_name)

        self.publish('{}.on_realm_started'.format(self._uri_prefix), realm_id)

        topic = '{}.on_realm_started'.format(self._uri_prefix)
        event = rlm.marshal()
        caller = details.caller if details else None
        self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))

        self.log.info('Realm "{realm_id}" (name="{realm_name}") started', realm_id=realm_id, realm_name=rlm.session._realm)
        return event

    def stop_router_realm(self, realm_id, details=None):
        Stop a realm currently running on this router worker.

        When a realm has stopped, no new session will be allowed to attach to the realm.
        Optionally, close all sessions currently attached to the realm.

        :param id: ID of the realm to stop.
        :type id: str

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        self.log.info("{name}.stop_router_realm", name=self.__class__.__name__)

        if realm_id not in self.realms:
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with ID '{}'".format(realm_id))

        rlm = self.realms[realm_id]
        realm_name = rlm.config['name']

        # stop the RouterServiceAgent living on the realm
        yield rlm.session.leave()
        self.log.info('RouterServiceAgent stopped on realm "{realm_name}"', realm_name=realm_name)

        detached_sessions = self._router_factory.stop_realm(realm_name)

        del self.realms[realm_id]
        del self.realm_to_id[realm_name]

        realm_stopped = {
            'id': realm_id,
            'name': realm_name,
            'detached_sessions': sorted(detached_sessions)

        self.publish('{}.on_realm_stopped'.format(self._uri_prefix), realm_id)

    def get_router_realm_roles(self, realm_id, details=None):
        Get roles currently running on a realm running on this router worker.

        :param realm_id: The ID of the realm to list roles for.
        :type realm_id: str

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`

        :returns: A list of roles.
        :rtype: list[dict]
        self.log.debug("{name}.get_router_realm_roles({realm_id})", name=self.__class__.__name__, realm_id=realm_id)

        if realm_id not in self.realms:
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with ID '{}'".format(realm_id))

        return self.realms[realm_id].roles.values()

    def get_router_realm_role(self, realm_id, role_id, details=None):
        Return role detail information.

        :param realm_id: The ID of the realm to get a role for.
        :type realm_id: str

        :param role_id: The ID of the role to get.
        :type role_id: str

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`

        :returns: role information object
        :rtype: dict
        self.log.debug("{name}.get_router_realm_role(realm_id={realm_id}, role_id={role_id})",
                       name=self.__class__.__name__, realm_id=realm_id, role_id=role_id)

        if realm_id not in self.realms:
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with ID '{}'".format(realm_id))

        if role_id not in self.realms[realm_id].roles:
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No role with ID '{}' on realm '{}'".format(role_id, realm_id))

        return self.realms[realm_id].roles[role_id].marshal()

    def start_router_realm_role(self, realm_id, role_id, role_config, details=None):
        Start a role on a realm running on this router worker.

        :param id: The ID of the realm the role should be started on.
        :type id: str

        :param role_id: The ID of the role to start under.
        :type role_id: str

        :param config: The role configuration.
        :type config: dict

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        self.log.info('Starting role "{role_id}" on realm "{realm_id}" {method}',
                      role_id=role_id, realm_id=realm_id, method=hltype(self.start_router_realm_role))

        if realm_id not in self.realms:
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with ID '{}'".format(realm_id))

        if role_id in self.realms[realm_id].roles:
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.already_exists", "A role with ID '{}' already exists in realm with ID '{}'".format(role_id, realm_id))

        self.realms[realm_id].roles[role_id] = RouterRealmRole(role_id, role_config)

        realm = self.realms[realm_id].config['name']
        self._router_factory.add_role(realm, role_config)

        topic = '{}.on_router_realm_role_started'.format(self._uri_prefix)
        event = self.realms[realm_id].roles[role_id].marshal()
        caller = details.caller if details else None
        self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))

        self.log.info('role {role_id} on realm {realm_id} started', realm_id=realm_id, role_id=role_id, role_config=role_config)
        return event

    def stop_router_realm_role(self, realm_id, role_id, details=None):
        Stop a role currently running on a realm running on this router worker.

        :param realm_id: The ID of the realm of the role to be stopped.
        :type realm_id: str

        :param role_id: The ID of the role to be stopped.
        :type role_id: str

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        self.log.debug("{name}.stop_router_realm_role", name=self.__class__.__name__)

        if realm_id not in self.realms:
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with ID '{}'".format(realm_id))

        if role_id not in self.realms[realm_id].roles:
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No role with ID '{}' in realm with ID '{}'".format(role_id, realm_id))

        role = self.realms[realm_id].roles.pop(role_id)

        topic = '{}.on_router_realm_role_stopped'.format(self._uri_prefix)
        event = role.marshal()
        caller = details.caller if details else None
        self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))

        self.log.info('role {role_id} on realm {realm_id} stopped', realm_id=realm_id, role_id=role_id)
        return event

    def get_router_components(self, details=None):
        Get app components currently running in this router worker.

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`

        :returns: List of app components currently running.
        :rtype: list[dict]
        self.log.debug("{name}.get_router_components", name=self.__class__.__name__)

        res = []
        for component in sorted(self.components.values(), key=lambda c: c.created):
                'id': component.id,
                'created': utcstr(component.created),
                'config': component.config,
        return res

    def get_router_component(self, id, details=None):
        Get details about a router component

        :param id: The ID of the component to get
        :type id: str

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`

        :returns: Details of component
        :rtype: dict
        self.log.debug("{name}.get_router_component({id})", name=self.__class__.__name__, id=id)
        if id in self.components:
            return self.components[id].marshal()
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No component {}".format(id))

    def start_router_component(self, id, config, details=None):
        Start an app component in this router worker.

        :param id: The ID of the component to start.
        :type id: str

        :param config: The component configuration.
        :type config: dict

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        self.log.debug("{name}.start_router_component", name=self.__class__.__name__)

        # prohibit starting a component twice
        if id in self.components:
            emsg = "Could not start component: a component with ID '{}'' is already running (or starting)".format(id)
            raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.already_running', emsg)

        started_d = Deferred()

        # check configuration
            self.personality.check_router_component(self.personality, config)
        except Exception as e:
            emsg = "Invalid router component configuration: {}".format(e)
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
            self.log.debug("Starting {type}-component on router.",

        # resolve references to other entities
        references = {}
        for ref in config.get('references', []):
            ref_type, ref_id = ref.split(':')
            if ref_type == 'connection':
                if ref_id in self._connections:
                    references[ref] = self._connections[ref_id]
                    emsg = "cannot resolve reference '{}' - no '{}' with ID '{}'".format(ref, ref_type, ref_id)
                    raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
                emsg = "cannot resolve reference '{}' - invalid reference type '{}'".format(ref, ref_type)
                raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)

        # create component config
        realm = config.get('realm', None)
        assert isinstance(realm, str)

        extra = config.get('extra', {})
        assert isinstance(extra, dict)

        # forward crossbar node base directory
        extra['cbdir'] = self.config.extra.cbdir

        # allow access to controller session
        controller = self if self.config.extra.expose_controller else None

        # expose an object shared between components
        shared = self.components_shared if self.config.extra.expose_shared else None

        # this is the component configuration provided to the components ApplicationSession
        component_config = ComponentConfig(realm=realm,

        # define component ctor function
            create_component = _appsession_loader(config)
        except ApplicationError as e:
            # for convenience, also log failed component loading
            self.log.error('component loading failed', log_failure=Failure())
            if 'No module named' in str(e):
                self.log.error('  Python module search paths:')
                for path in e.kwargs['pythonpath']:
                    self.log.error('    {path}', path=path)

        # .. and create and add an WAMP application session to
        # run the component next to the router
            session = create_component(component_config)

            # any exception spilling out from user code in onXXX handlers is fatal!
            def panic(fail, msg):
                    "Fatal error in component: {msg} - {log_failure.value}",
                    msg=msg, log_failure=fail
            session._swallow_error = panic
        except Exception:
                "Component instantiation failed",

        # Note that 'join' is fired to listeners *before* onJoin runs,
        # so if you do 'yield self.leave()' in onJoin we'll still
        # publish "started" before "stopped".

        def publish_stopped(session, stop_details):
                "stopped component: {session} id={session_id}",
            topic = self._uri_prefix + '.on_component_stop'
            event = {'id': id}
            caller = details.caller if details else None
            self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))
            if not started_d.called:
                started_d.errback(Exception("Session left before being ready"))
            return event

        def publish_ready(session):
            when our component is ready, we publish .on_component_ready
                "component ready: {session} id={session_id}",
            topic = self._uri_prefix + '.on_component_ready'
            event = {'id': id}
            self.publish(topic, event)
            return event

        def publish_started(session, start_details):
            when our component starts, we publish .on_component_start

            # hook up handlers for "session is ready"
            session.on('ready', publish_ready)

            # publish .on_component_start
                "started component: {session} id={session_id}",
            topic = self._uri_prefix + '.on_component_start'
            event = {'id': id}
            caller = details.caller if details else None
            self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))
            return event

        session.on('leave', publish_stopped)
        session.on('join', publish_started)

        self.components[id] = RouterComponent(id, config, session)
        router = self._router_factory.get(realm)
        self._router_session_factory.add(session, router, authrole=config.get('role', 'anonymous'))
            "Added component {id} (type '{name}')",
        return started_d

    def stop_router_component(self, id, details=None):
        Stop an app component currently running in this router worker.

        :param id: The ID of the component to stop.
        :type id: str

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        self.log.debug("{name}.stop_router_component({id})", name=self.__class__.__name__, id=id)

        if id in self.components:
            self.log.debug("Worker {worker}: stopping component {id}", worker=self.config.extra.worker, id=id)

                # self._components[id].disconnect()
                del self.components[id]
            except Exception as e:
                raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.cannot_stop", "Failed to stop component {}: {}".format(id, e))
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No component {}".format(id))

    def get_router_transports(self, details=None):
        Get transports currently running in this router worker.

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`

        :returns: List of transports currently running.
        :rtype: list[dict]
        self.log.debug("{name}.get_router_transports", name=self.__class__.__name__)

        res = []
        for transport in sorted(self.transports.values(), key=lambda c: c.created):
        return res

    def get_router_transport(self, transport_id, details=None):
        Get transports currently running in this router worker.

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`

        :returns: List of transports currently running.
        :rtype: list[dict]
        self.log.debug("{name}.get_router_transport", name=self.__class__.__name__)

        if transport_id in self.transports:
            transport = self.transports[transport_id]
            obj = transport.marshal()
            return obj
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No transport {}".format(transport_id))

    def start_router_transport(self, transport_id, config, create_paths=False, details=None):
        Start a transport on this router worker.

        :param transport_id: The ID of the transport to start.
        :type transport_id: str

        :param config: The transport configuration.
        :type config: dict

        :param create_paths: If set, start subservices defined in the configuration too.
            This currently only applies to Web services, which are part of a Web transport.
        :type create_paths: bool

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        self.log.info('Starting router transport "{transport_id}" {method}',
                      transport_id=transport_id, method=hltype(self.start_router_transport))

        # prohibit starting a transport twice
        if transport_id in self.transports:
            _emsg = 'Could not start transport: a transport with ID "{}" is already running (or starting)'.format(transport_id)
            raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.already_running', _emsg)

        # create a transport and parse the transport configuration
        router_transport = self.personality.create_router_transport(self, transport_id, config)

        caller = details.caller if details else None
        event = {
            'id': transport_id
        topic = '{}.on_router_transport_starting'.format(self._uri_prefix)
        self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))

        # start listening ..
        d = router_transport.start(create_paths)

        def ok(_):
            self.transports[transport_id] = router_transport
            self.log.debug('Router transport "{transport_id}" started and listening', transport_id=transport_id)

            topic = '{}.on_router_transport_started'.format(self._uri_prefix)
            self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))

            return router_transport.marshal()

        def fail(err):
            _emsg = "Cannot listen on transport endpoint: {log_failure}"
            self.log.error(_emsg, log_failure=err)

            topic = '{}.on_router_transport_stopped'.format(self._uri_prefix)
            self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))

            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.cannot_listen", _emsg)

        d.addCallbacks(ok, fail)
        return d

    def stop_router_transport(self, transport_id, details=None):
        Stop a transport currently running in this router worker.

        :param transport_id: The ID of the transport to stop.
        :type transport_id: str

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        self.log.debug("{name}.stop_router_transport", name=self.__class__.__name__)

        if transport_id not in self.transports or self.transports[transport_id].state != self.personality.RouterTransport.STATE_STARTED:
            emsg = "Cannot stop transport: no transport with ID '{}' or transport is already stopping".format(transport_id)
            raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.not_running', emsg)

        router_transport = self.transports[transport_id]

        self.log.debug("Stopping transport with ID '{transport_id}'", transport_id=transport_id)

        caller = details.caller if details else None
        event = router_transport.marshal()
        topic = '{}.on_router_transport_stopping'.format(self._uri_prefix)
        self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))

        # stop listening ..
        d = router_transport.stop()

        def ok(_):
            del self.transports[transport_id]

            topic = '{}.on_router_transport_stopped'.format(self._uri_prefix)
            self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))

            return event

        def fail(err):
            emsg = "Cannot stop listening on transport endpoint: {log_failure}"
            self.log.error(emsg, log_failure=err)

            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.cannot_stop", emsg)

        d.addCallbacks(ok, fail)
        return d

    def start_web_transport_service(self, transport_id, path, config, details=None):
        Start a service on a Web transport.

        :param transport_id: The ID of the transport to start the Web transport service on.
        :type transport_id: str

        :param path: The path (absolute URL, eg "/myservice1") on which to start the service.
        :type path: str

        :param config: The Web service configuration.
        :type config: dict

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        if not isinstance(config, dict) or 'type' not in config:
            raise ApplicationError('crossbar.invalid_argument', 'config parameter must be dict with type attribute')

        self.log.info('Starting "{service_type}" Web service on path "{path}" of transport "{transport_id}" {method}',
                      service_type=config.get('type', None),

        transport = self.transports.get(transport_id, None)
        if not transport:
            emsg = 'Cannot start service on transport: no transport with ID "{}"'.format(transport_id)
            raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.not_running', emsg)

        if not isinstance(transport, self.personality.RouterWebTransport):
            emsg = 'Cannot start service on transport: transport is not a Web transport (transport_type={})'.format(hltype(transport.__class__))
            raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.not_running', emsg)

        if transport.state != self.personality.RouterTransport.STATE_STARTED:
            emsg = 'Cannot start service on Web transport service: transport is not running (transport_state={})'.format(
                transport_id, self.personality.RouterWebTransport.STATES.get(transport.state, None))
            raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.not_running', emsg)

        if path in transport.root:
            emsg = 'Cannot start service on Web transport "{}": a service is already running on path "{}"'.format(transport_id, path)
            raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.already_running', emsg)

        caller = details.caller if details else None
        self.publish(self._uri_prefix + '.on_web_transport_service_starting',

        # now actually add the web service ..
        # note: currently this is NOT async, but direct/sync.
        webservice_factory = self.personality.WEB_SERVICE_FACTORIES[config['type']]

        webservice = yield maybeDeferred(webservice_factory.create, transport, path, config)
        transport.root[path] = webservice

        on_web_transport_service_started = {
            'transport_id': transport_id,
            'path': path,
            'config': config
        caller = details.caller if details else None
        self.publish(self._uri_prefix + '.on_web_transport_service_started',


    def stop_web_transport_service(self, transport_id, path, details=None):
        Stop a service on a Web transport.

        :param transport_id: The ID of the transport to stop the Web transport service on.
        :type transport_id: str

        :param path: The path (absolute URL, eg "/myservice1") of the service to stop.
        :type path: str

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        self.log.info("{name}.stop_web_transport_service(transport_id={transport_id}, path={path})",

        transport = self.transports.get(transport_id, None)
        if not transport or \
           not isinstance(transport, self.personality.RouterWebTransport) or \
           transport.state != self.personality.RouterTransport.STATE_STARTED:
            emsg = "Cannot stop service on Web transport: no transport with ID '{}' or transport is not a Web transport".format(transport_id)
            raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.not_running', emsg)

        if path not in transport.root:
            emsg = "Cannot stop service on Web transport {}: no service running on path '{}'".format(transport_id, path)
            raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.not_running', emsg)

        caller = details.caller if details else None
        self.publish(self._uri_prefix + '.on_web_transport_service_stopping',

        # now actually remove the web service. note: currently this is NOT async, but direct/sync.
        # FIXME: check that the underlying Twisted Web resource doesn't need any stopping too!
        del transport.root[path]

        on_web_transport_service_stopped = {
            'transport_id': transport_id,
            'path': path,
        caller = details.caller if details else None
        self.publish(self._uri_prefix + '.on_web_transport_service_stopped',

        return on_web_transport_service_stopped

    def get_web_transport_service(self, transport_id, path, details=None):
        self.log.info("{name}.get_web_transport_service(transport_id={transport_id}, path={path})",

        transport = self.transports.get(transport_id, None)
        if not transport or \
           not isinstance(transport, self.personality.RouterWebTransport) or \
           transport.state != self.personality.RouterTransport.STATE_STARTED:
            emsg = "No transport with ID '{}' or transport is not a Web transport".format(transport_id)
            raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.not_running', emsg)

        if path not in transport.root:
            emsg = "Web transport {}: no service running on path '{}'".format(transport_id, path)
            raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.not_running', emsg)

        obj = {
            'path': transport.path,
            'config': transport.config,
        return obj

    def kill_by_authid(self, realm_id, authid, reason, message=None, details=None):
        self.log.info('Killing sessions by authid="{authid}" ..',
                      realm_id=hlid(realm_id), authid=hlid(authid),

        if realm_id not in self.realms:
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with ID '{}'".format(realm_id))

        # forward call directly to service agent
        return self.realms[realm_id].session.session_kill_by_authid(authid, reason, message=message, details=details)

    def get_router_realm_links(self, realm_id, details=None):
        Returns the currently running routing links to remote router realms.

        :param realm_id: The ID of the (local) realm to get links for.
        :type realm_id: str

        :returns: List of router link IDs.
        :rtype: list[str]
        assert type(realm_id) == str
        assert isinstance(details, CallDetails)

            'Getting router links for realm {realm_id} {method}',

        if realm_id not in self.realms:
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with ID '{}'".format(realm_id))

        rlink_manager = self.realms[realm_id].rlink_manager

        return rlink_manager.keys()

    def get_router_realm_link(self, realm_id, link_id, details=None):
        Get router link detail information.

        :param realm_id: The ID of the (local) realm of the link.
        :type realm_id: str

        :param link_id: The ID of the router link to return.
        :type link_id: str

        :returns: Router link detail information.
        :rtype: dict
        assert type(realm_id) == str
        assert type(link_id) == str
        assert isinstance(details, CallDetails)

            'Get router link {link_id} on realm {realm_id} {method}',

        if realm_id not in self.realms:
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with ID '{}'".format(realm_id))

        rlink_manager = self.realms[realm_id].rlink_manager

        if link_id not in rlink_manager:
            raise ApplicationError("crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No link with ID '{}'".format(link_id))

        rlink = rlink_manager[link_id]

        return rlink.marshal()

    def start_router_realm_link(self, realm_id, link_id, link_config, details=None):
        Start a new router link to a remote router on a (local) realm.

        The link configuration (``link_config``) must include the transport definition
        to the remote router. Here is an example:

        .. code-block:: json

                "realm": "realm1",
                "transport": {
                    "type": "websocket",
                    "endpoint": {
                        "type": "tcp",
                        "host": "localhost",
                        "port": 8002
                    "url": "ws://localhost:8002/ws"

        :param realm_id: The ID of the (local) realm on which to start the link.
        :type realm_id: str

        :param link_id: The ID of the router link to start.
        :type link_id: str

        :param link_config: The router link configuration.
        :type link_config: dict

        :returns: The new link detail information.
        :rtype: dict
        assert type(realm_id) == str
        assert type(link_id) == str
        assert type(link_config) == dict
        assert isinstance(details, CallDetails)

            'Router link {link_id} starting on realm {realm_id} {method}',

        if realm_id not in self.realms:
            raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.no_such_object', 'no realm with ID {}'.format(realm_id))

        rlink_manager = self.realms[realm_id].rlink_manager

        if link_id in rlink_manager:
            raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.already_running',
                                   'router link {} already running'.format(link_id))

        link_config = RLinkConfig.parse(self.personality, link_config, id=link_id)

        caller = SessionIdent.from_calldetails(details)

        rlink = yield rlink_manager.start_link(link_id, link_config, caller)

        started = rlink.marshal()

        self.publish('{}.on_router_realm_link_started'.format(self._uri_prefix), started)

        self.log.info('Router link {link_id} started', link_id=hlid(link_id))


    def stop_router_realm_link(self, realm_id, link_id, details=None):
        Stop a currently running router link.

        :param realm_id: The ID of the (local) realm on which the link is running that is to be stopped.
        :type realm_id: str

        :param link_id: The ID of the router link to stop.
        :type link_id: str

        :returns: The stopped link detail information.
        :rtype: dict
        assert type(realm_id) == str
        assert type(link_id) == str
        assert isinstance(details, CallDetails)

            'Router link {link_id} stopping on realm {realm_id} {method}',

        if realm_id not in self.realms:
            raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.no_such_object', 'no realm with ID {}'.format(realm_id))

        rlink_manager = self.realms[realm_id].rlink_manager

        if link_id not in self.rlink_manager:
            raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.no_such_object',
                                   'no router link with ID {}'.format(link_id))

        caller = SessionIdent.from_calldetails(details)

        rlink = yield rlink_manager.stop_link(link_id, caller)

        stopped = rlink.marshal()

        self.publish('{}.on_router_realm_link_stopped'.format(self._uri_prefix), stopped)

        self.log.info('Router link {link_id} stopped', link_id=hlid(link_id))

class RouterController(WorkerController):
    A native Crossbar.io worker that runs a WAMP router which can manage
    multiple realms, run multiple transports and links, as well as host
    multiple (embedded) application components.
    WORKER_TYPE = u'router'
    WORKER_TITLE = u'Router'
    router_realm_class = RouterRealm
    router_factory_class = RouterFactory

    def __init__(self, config=None, reactor=None, personality=None):
        # base ctor
        WorkerController.__init__(self, config=config, reactor=reactor, personality=personality)

        # factory for producing (per-realm) routers
        self._router_factory = self.router_factory_class(None, self)

        # factory for producing router sessions
        self._router_session_factory = RouterSessionFactory(self._router_factory)

        # map: realm ID -> RouterRealm
        self.realms = {}

        # map: realm URI -> realm ID
        self.realm_to_id = {}

        # map: component ID -> RouterComponent
        self.components = {}

        # "global" shared between all components
        self.components_shared = {
            u'reactor': reactor

        # map: transport ID -> RouterTransport
        self.transports = {}

    def realm_by_name(self, name):
        realm_id = self.realm_to_id.get(name, None)
        assert(realm_id in self.realms)
        return self.realms[realm_id]

    def router_factory(self):

        :return: The router factory used for producing (per-realm) routers.
        return self._router_factory

    def router_session_factory(self):

        :return: The router session factory for producing router sessions.
        return self._router_session_factory

    def onWelcome(self, msg):
        # this is a hook for authentication methods to deny the
        # session after the Welcome message -- do we need to do
        # anything in this impl?

    def onJoin(self, details, publish_ready=True):
        Called when worker process has joined the node's management realm.
        self.log.info('Router worker session for "{worker_id}" joined realm "{realm}" on node router {method}',

        yield WorkerController.onJoin(self, details, publish_ready=False)

        # WorkerController.publish_ready()

        self.log.info('Router worker session for "{worker_id}" ready',

    def onLeave(self, details):
        # when this router is shutting down, we disconnect all our
        # components so that they have a chance to shutdown properly
        # -- e.g. on a ctrl-C of the router.
        leaves = []
        if self.components:
            for component in self.components.values():
                if component.session.is_connected():
                    d = maybeDeferred(component.session.leave)

                    def done(_):
                            "component '{id}' disconnected",
        dl = DeferredList(leaves, consumeErrors=True)
        # we want our default behavior, which disconnects this
        # router-worker, effectively shutting it down .. but only
        # *after* the components got a chance to shutdown.
        dl.addBoth(lambda _: super(RouterController, self).onLeave(details))

    def get_router_realms(self, details=None):
        Get realms currently running on this router worker.

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`

        :returns: List of realms currently running.
        :rtype: list[str]
        self.log.debug("{name}.get_router_realms", name=self.__class__.__name__)

        return sorted(self.realms.keys())

    def get_router_realm(self, realm_id, details=None):
        Return realm detail information.

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`

        :returns: realm information object
        :rtype: dict
        self.log.debug("{name}.get_router_realm(realm_id={realm_id})", name=self.__class__.__name__, realm_id=realm_id)

        if realm_id not in self.realms:
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with ID '{}'".format(realm_id))

        return self.realms[realm_id].marshal()

    def start_router_realm(self, realm_id, realm_config, details=None):
        Starts a realm on this router worker.

        :param realm_id: The ID of the realm to start.
        :type realm_id: str

        :param realm_config: The realm configuration.
        :type realm_config: dict

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        self.log.info('Starting router realm {realm_id} {method}',
                      realm_id=hlid(realm_id), method=hltype(RouterController.start_router_realm))

        # prohibit starting a realm twice
        if realm_id in self.realms:
            emsg = "Could not start realm: a realm with ID '{}' is already running (or starting)".format(realm_id)
            raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.already_running', emsg)

        # check configuration
            self.personality.check_router_realm(self.personality, realm_config)
        except Exception as e:
            emsg = "Invalid router realm configuration: {}".format(e)
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)

        # URI of the realm to start
        realm_name = realm_config['name']

        # router/realm wide options
        options = realm_config.get('options', {})

        enable_meta_api = options.get('enable_meta_api', True)

        # expose router/realm service API additionally on local node management router
        bridge_meta_api = options.get('bridge_meta_api', False)
        if bridge_meta_api:
            # FIXME
            bridge_meta_api_prefix = u'crossbar.worker.{worker_id}.realm.{realm_id}.root.'.format(worker_id=self._worker_id, realm_id=realm_id)
            bridge_meta_api_prefix = None

        # track realm
        rlm = self.router_realm_class(self, realm_id, realm_config)
        self.realms[realm_id] = rlm
        self.realm_to_id[realm_name] = realm_id

        # create a new router for the realm
        rlm.router = self._router_factory.start_realm(rlm)

        if rlm.router._store and hasattr(rlm.router._store, 'start'):
            yield rlm.router._store.start()

        # add a router/realm service session
        extra = {
            # the RouterServiceAgent will fire this when it is ready
            'onready': Deferred(),

            # if True, forward the WAMP meta API (implemented by RouterServiceAgent)
            # that is normally only exposed on the app router/realm _additionally_
            # to the local node management router.
            'enable_meta_api': enable_meta_api,
            'bridge_meta_api': bridge_meta_api,
            'bridge_meta_api_prefix': bridge_meta_api_prefix,

            # the management session on the local node management router to which
            # the WAMP meta API is exposed to additionally, when the bridge_meta_api option is set
            'management_session': self,
        cfg = ComponentConfig(realm_name, extra)
        rlm.session = RouterServiceAgent(cfg, rlm.router)
        self._router_session_factory.add(rlm.session, rlm.router, authrole=u'trusted')

        yield extra['onready']
        self.log.info('RouterServiceAgent started on realm "{realm_name}"', realm_name=realm_name)

        self.publish(u'{}.on_realm_started'.format(self._uri_prefix), realm_id)

        topic = u'{}.on_realm_started'.format(self._uri_prefix)
        event = rlm.marshal()
        caller = details.caller if details else None
        self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))

        self.log.info('Realm "{realm_id}" (name="{realm_name}") started', realm_id=realm_id, realm_name=rlm.session._realm)
        return event

    def stop_router_realm(self, realm_id, details=None):
        Stop a realm currently running on this router worker.

        When a realm has stopped, no new session will be allowed to attach to the realm.
        Optionally, close all sessions currently attached to the realm.

        :param id: ID of the realm to stop.
        :type id: str

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        self.log.info("{name}.stop_router_realm", name=self.__class__.__name__)

        if realm_id not in self.realms:
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with ID '{}'".format(realm_id))

        rlm = self.realms[realm_id]
        realm_name = rlm.config['name']

        # stop the RouterServiceAgent living on the realm
        yield rlm.session.leave()
        self.log.info('RouterServiceAgent stopped on realm "{realm_name}"', realm_name=realm_name)

        detached_sessions = self._router_factory.stop_realm(realm_name)

        del self.realms[realm_id]
        del self.realm_to_id[realm_name]

        realm_stopped = {
            u'id': realm_id,
            u'name': realm_name,
            u'detached_sessions': sorted(detached_sessions)

        self.publish(u'{}.on_realm_stopped'.format(self._uri_prefix), realm_id)

    def get_router_realm_roles(self, realm_id, details=None):
        Get roles currently running on a realm running on this router worker.

        :param realm_id: The ID of the realm to list roles for.
        :type realm_id: str

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`

        :returns: A list of roles.
        :rtype: list[dict]
        self.log.debug("{name}.get_router_realm_roles({realm_id})", name=self.__class__.__name__, realm_id=realm_id)

        if realm_id not in self.realms:
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with ID '{}'".format(realm_id))

        return self.realms[realm_id].roles.values()

    def get_router_realm_role(self, realm_id, role_id, details=None):
        Return role detail information.

        :param realm_id: The ID of the realm to get a role for.
        :type realm_id: str

        :param role_id: The ID of the role to get.
        :type role_id: str

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`

        :returns: role information object
        :rtype: dict
        self.log.debug("{name}.get_router_realm_role(realm_id={realm_id}, role_id={role_id})",
                       name=self.__class__.__name__, realm_id=realm_id, role_id=role_id)

        if realm_id not in self.realms:
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with ID '{}'".format(realm_id))

        if role_id not in self.realms[realm_id].roles:
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No role with ID '{}' on realm '{}'".format(role_id, realm_id))

        return self.realms[realm_id].roles[role_id].marshal()

    def start_router_realm_role(self, realm_id, role_id, role_config, details=None):
        Start a role on a realm running on this router worker.

        :param id: The ID of the realm the role should be started on.
        :type id: str

        :param role_id: The ID of the role to start under.
        :type role_id: str

        :param config: The role configuration.
        :type config: dict

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        self.log.info('Starting role "{role_id}" on realm "{realm_id}" {method}',
                      role_id=role_id, realm_id=realm_id, method=hltype(self.start_router_realm_role))

        if realm_id not in self.realms:
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with ID '{}'".format(realm_id))

        if role_id in self.realms[realm_id].roles:
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.already_exists", "A role with ID '{}' already exists in realm with ID '{}'".format(role_id, realm_id))

        self.realms[realm_id].roles[role_id] = RouterRealmRole(role_id, role_config)

        realm = self.realms[realm_id].config['name']
        self._router_factory.add_role(realm, role_config)

        topic = u'{}.on_router_realm_role_started'.format(self._uri_prefix)
        event = self.realms[realm_id].roles[role_id].marshal()
        caller = details.caller if details else None
        self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))

        self.log.info('role {role_id} on realm {realm_id} started', realm_id=realm_id, role_id=role_id, role_config=role_config)
        return event

    def stop_router_realm_role(self, realm_id, role_id, details=None):
        Stop a role currently running on a realm running on this router worker.

        :param realm_id: The ID of the realm of the role to be stopped.
        :type realm_id: str

        :param role_id: The ID of the role to be stopped.
        :type role_id: str

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        self.log.debug("{name}.stop_router_realm_role", name=self.__class__.__name__)

        if realm_id not in self.realms:
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No realm with ID '{}'".format(realm_id))

        if role_id not in self.realms[realm_id].roles:
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No role with ID '{}' in realm with ID '{}'".format(role_id, realm_id))

        role = self.realms[realm_id].roles.pop(role_id)

        topic = u'{}.on_router_realm_role_stopped'.format(self._uri_prefix)
        event = role.marshal()
        caller = details.caller if details else None
        self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))

        self.log.info('role {role_id} on realm {realm_id} stopped', realm_id=realm_id, role_id=role_id)
        return event

    def get_router_components(self, details=None):
        Get app components currently running in this router worker.

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`

        :returns: List of app components currently running.
        :rtype: list[dict]
        self.log.debug("{name}.get_router_components", name=self.__class__.__name__)

        res = []
        for component in sorted(self.components.values(), key=lambda c: c.created):
                u'id': component.id,
                u'created': utcstr(component.created),
                u'config': component.config,
        return res

    def get_router_component(self, id, details=None):
        Get details about a router component

        :param id: The ID of the component to get
        :type id: str

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`

        :returns: Details of component
        :rtype: dict
        self.log.debug("{name}.get_router_component({id})", name=self.__class__.__name__, id=id)
        if id in self.components:
            return self.components[id].marshal()
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No component {}".format(id))

    def start_router_component(self, id, config, details=None):
        Start an app component in this router worker.

        :param id: The ID of the component to start.
        :type id: str

        :param config: The component configuration.
        :type config: dict

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        self.log.debug("{name}.start_router_component", name=self.__class__.__name__)

        # prohibit starting a component twice
        if id in self.components:
            emsg = "Could not start component: a component with ID '{}'' is already running (or starting)".format(id)
            raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.already_running', emsg)

        # check configuration
            self.personality.check_router_component(self.personality, config)
        except Exception as e:
            emsg = "Invalid router component configuration: {}".format(e)
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
            self.log.debug("Starting {type}-component on router.",

        # resolve references to other entities
        references = {}
        for ref in config.get('references', []):
            ref_type, ref_id = ref.split(':')
            if ref_type == u'connection':
                if ref_id in self._connections:
                    references[ref] = self._connections[ref_id]
                    emsg = "cannot resolve reference '{}' - no '{}' with ID '{}'".format(ref, ref_type, ref_id)
                    raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)
                emsg = "cannot resolve reference '{}' - invalid reference type '{}'".format(ref, ref_type)
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.invalid_configuration", emsg)

        # create component config
        realm = config.get('realm', None)
        assert isinstance(realm, str)

        extra = config.get('extra', {})
        assert isinstance(extra, dict)

        # forward crossbar node base directory
        extra['cbdir'] = self.config.extra.cbdir

        # allow access to controller session
        controller = self if self.config.extra.expose_controller else None

        # expose an object shared between components
        shared = self.components_shared if self.config.extra.expose_shared else None

        # this is the component configuration provided to the components ApplicationSession
        component_config = ComponentConfig(realm=realm,

        # define component ctor function
            create_component = _appsession_loader(config)
        except ApplicationError as e:
            # for convenience, also log failed component loading
            self.log.error(u'component loading failed', log_failure=Failure())
            if u'No module named' in str(e):
                self.log.error(u'  Python module search paths:')
                for path in e.kwargs['pythonpath']:
                    self.log.error(u'    {path}', path=path)

        # .. and create and add an WAMP application session to
        # run the component next to the router
            session = create_component(component_config)

            # any exception spilling out from user code in onXXX handlers is fatal!
            def panic(fail, msg):
                    "Fatal error in component: {msg} - {log_failure.value}",
                    msg=msg, log_failure=fail
            session._swallow_error = panic
        except Exception:
                "Component instantiation failed",

        # Note that 'join' is fired to listeners *before* onJoin runs,
        # so if you do 'yield self.leave()' in onJoin we'll still
        # publish "started" before "stopped".

        def publish_stopped(session, stop_details):
                "stopped component: {session} id={session_id}",
            topic = self._uri_prefix + '.on_component_stop'
            event = {u'id': id}
            caller = details.caller if details else None
            self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))
            return event

        def publish_started(session, start_details):
                "started component: {session} id={session_id}",
            topic = self._uri_prefix + '.on_component_start'
            event = {u'id': id}
            caller = details.caller if details else None
            self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))
            return event

        session.on('leave', publish_stopped)
        session.on('join', publish_started)

        self.components[id] = RouterComponent(id, config, session)
        router = self._router_factory.get(realm)
        self._router_session_factory.add(session, router, authrole=config.get('role', u'anonymous'))
            "Added component {id} (type '{name}')",

    def stop_router_component(self, id, details=None):
        Stop an app component currently running in this router worker.

        :param id: The ID of the component to stop.
        :type id: str

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        self.log.debug("{name}.stop_router_component({id})", name=self.__class__.__name__, id=id)

        if id in self.components:
            self.log.debug("Worker {worker}: stopping component {id}", worker=self.config.extra.worker, id=id)

                # self._components[id].disconnect()
                del self.components[id]
            except Exception as e:
                raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.cannot_stop", "Failed to stop component {}: {}".format(id, e))
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No component {}".format(id))

    def get_router_transports(self, details=None):
        Get transports currently running in this router worker.

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`

        :returns: List of transports currently running.
        :rtype: list[dict]
        self.log.debug("{name}.get_router_transports", name=self.__class__.__name__)

        res = []
        for transport in sorted(self.transports.values(), key=lambda c: c.created):
        return res

    def get_router_transport(self, transport_id, details=None):
        Get transports currently running in this router worker.

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`

        :returns: List of transports currently running.
        :rtype: list[dict]
        self.log.debug("{name}.get_router_transport", name=self.__class__.__name__)

        if transport_id in self.transports:
            transport = self.transports[transport_id]
            obj = transport.marshal()
            return obj
            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.no_such_object", "No transport {}".format(transport_id))

    def start_router_transport(self, transport_id, config, create_paths=False, details=None):
        Start a transport on this router worker.

        :param transport_id: The ID of the transport to start.
        :type transport_id: str

        :param config: The transport configuration.
        :type config: dict

        :param create_paths: If set, start subservices defined in the configuration too.
            This currently only applies to Web services, which are part of a Web transport.
        :type create_paths: bool

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        self.log.info('Starting router transport "{transport_id}" {method}',
                      transport_id=transport_id, method=hltype(self.start_router_transport))

        # prohibit starting a transport twice
        if transport_id in self.transports:
            _emsg = 'Could not start transport: a transport with ID "{}" is already running (or starting)'.format(transport_id)
            raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.already_running', _emsg)

        # create a transport and parse the transport configuration
        router_transport = self.personality.create_router_transport(self, transport_id, config)

        caller = details.caller if details else None
        event = {
            u'id': transport_id
        topic = u'{}.on_router_transport_starting'.format(self._uri_prefix)
        self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))

        # start listening ..
        d = router_transport.start(create_paths)

        def ok(_):
            self.transports[transport_id] = router_transport
            self.log.debug('Router transport "{transport_id}" started and listening', transport_id=transport_id)

            topic = u'{}.on_router_transport_started'.format(self._uri_prefix)
            self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))

            return router_transport.marshal()

        def fail(err):
            _emsg = "Cannot listen on transport endpoint: {log_failure}"
            self.log.error(_emsg, log_failure=err)

            topic = u'{}.on_router_transport_stopped'.format(self._uri_prefix)
            self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))

            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.cannot_listen", _emsg)

        d.addCallbacks(ok, fail)
        return d

    def stop_router_transport(self, transport_id, details=None):
        Stop a transport currently running in this router worker.

        :param transport_id: The ID of the transport to stop.
        :type transport_id: str

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        self.log.debug("{name}.stop_router_transport", name=self.__class__.__name__)

        if transport_id not in self.transports or self.transports[transport_id].state != self.personality.RouterTransport.STATE_STARTED:
            emsg = "Cannot stop transport: no transport with ID '{}' or transport is already stopping".format(transport_id)
            raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.not_running', emsg)

        router_transport = self.transports[transport_id]

        self.log.debug("Stopping transport with ID '{transport_id}'", transport_id=transport_id)

        caller = details.caller if details else None
        event = router_transport.marshal()
        topic = u'{}.on_router_transport_stopping'.format(self._uri_prefix)
        self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))

        # stop listening ..
        d = router_transport.stop()

        def ok(_):
            del self.transports[transport_id]

            topic = u'{}.on_router_transport_stopped'.format(self._uri_prefix)
            self.publish(topic, event, options=PublishOptions(exclude=caller))

            return event

        def fail(err):
            emsg = "Cannot stop listening on transport endpoint: {log_failure}"
            self.log.error(emsg, log_failure=err)

            raise ApplicationError(u"crossbar.error.cannot_stop", emsg)

        d.addCallbacks(ok, fail)
        return d

    def start_web_transport_service(self, transport_id, path, config, details=None):
        Start a service on a Web transport.

        :param transport_id: The ID of the transport to start the Web transport service on.
        :type transport_id: str

        :param path: The path (absolute URL, eg "/myservice1") on which to start the service.
        :type path: str

        :param config: The Web service configuration.
        :type config: dict

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        if not isinstance(config, dict) or 'type' not in config:
            raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.invalid_argument', 'config parameter must be dict with type attribute')

        self.log.info('Starting "{service_type}" Web service on path "{path}" of transport "{transport_id}" {method}',
                      service_type=config.get('type', None),

        transport = self.transports.get(transport_id, None)
        if not transport:
            emsg = 'Cannot start service on transport: no transport with ID "{}"'.format(transport_id)
            raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.not_running', emsg)

        if not isinstance(transport, self.personality.RouterWebTransport):
            emsg = 'Cannot start service on transport: transport is not a Web transport (transport_type={})'.format(hltype(transport.__class__))
            raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.not_running', emsg)

        if transport.state != self.personality.RouterTransport.STATE_STARTED:
            emsg = 'Cannot start service on Web transport service: transport is not running (transport_state={})'.format(
                transport_id, self.personality.RouterWebTransport.STATES.get(transport.state, None))
            raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.not_running', emsg)

        if path in transport.root:
            emsg = 'Cannot start service on Web transport "{}": a service is already running on path "{}"'.format(transport_id, path)
            raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.already_running', emsg)

        caller = details.caller if details else None
        self.publish(self._uri_prefix + u'.on_web_transport_service_starting',

        # now actually add the web service ..
        # note: currently this is NOT async, but direct/sync.
        webservice_factory = self.personality.WEB_SERVICE_FACTORIES[config['type']]

        webservice = yield maybeDeferred(webservice_factory.create, transport, path, config)
        transport.root[path] = webservice

        on_web_transport_service_started = {
            u'transport_id': transport_id,
            u'path': path,
            u'config': config
        caller = details.caller if details else None
        self.publish(self._uri_prefix + u'.on_web_transport_service_started',


    def stop_web_transport_service(self, transport_id, path, details=None):
        Stop a service on a Web transport.

        :param transport_id: The ID of the transport to stop the Web transport service on.
        :type transport_id: str

        :param path: The path (absolute URL, eg "/myservice1") of the service to stop.
        :type path: str

        :param details: Call details.
        :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails`
        self.log.info("{name}.stop_web_transport_service(transport_id={transport_id}, path={path})",

        transport = self.transports.get(transport_id, None)
        if not transport or \
           not isinstance(transport, self.personality.RouterWebTransport) or \
           transport.state != self.personality.RouterTransport.STATE_STARTED:
            emsg = "Cannot stop service on Web transport: no transport with ID '{}' or transport is not a Web transport".format(transport_id)
            raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.not_running', emsg)

        if path not in transport.root:
            emsg = "Cannot stop service on Web transport {}: no service running on path '{}'".format(transport_id, path)
            raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.not_running', emsg)

        caller = details.caller if details else None
        self.publish(self._uri_prefix + u'.on_web_transport_service_stopping',

        # now actually remove the web service. note: currently this is NOT async, but direct/sync.
        # FIXME: check that the underlying Twisted Web resource doesn't need any stopping too!
        del transport.root[path]

        on_web_transport_service_stopped = {
            u'transport_id': transport_id,
            u'path': path,
        caller = details.caller if details else None
        self.publish(self._uri_prefix + u'.on_web_transport_service_stopped',

        return on_web_transport_service_stopped

    def get_web_transport_service(self, transport_id, path, details=None):
        self.log.info("{name}.get_web_transport_service(transport_id={transport_id}, path={path})",

        transport = self.transports.get(transport_id, None)
        if not transport or \
           not isinstance(transport, self.personality.RouterWebTransport) or \
           transport.state != self.personality.RouterTransport.STATE_STARTED:
            emsg = "No transport with ID '{}' or transport is not a Web transport".format(transport_id)
            raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.not_running', emsg)

        if path not in transport.root:
            emsg = "Web transport {}: no service running on path '{}'".format(transport_id, path)
            raise ApplicationError(u'crossbar.error.not_running', emsg)

        obj = {
            'path': transport.path,
            'config': transport.config,
        return obj