def evaluate_model(trained_model, data_loader): net = CrowdCounter() network.load_net(trained_model, net) # net.cuda() net.eval() mae = 0.0 mse = 0.0 for blob in data_loader: im_data = blob['data'] gt_data = blob['gt_density'] density_map = net(im_data, gt_data) density_map = gt_count = np.sum(gt_data) et_count = np.sum(density_map) mae += abs(gt_count - et_count) mse += ((gt_count - et_count) * (gt_count - et_count)) mae = mae / data_loader.get_num_samples() mse = np.sqrt(mse / data_loader.get_num_samples()) return mae, mse
save_output = True data_path = './data/original/shanghaitech/part_A_final/test_data/images/' gt_path = './data/original/shanghaitech/part_A_final/test_data/ground_truth_csv/' model_path = './saved_models/mcnn_shtechA_110.h5' output_dir = './output/' model_name = os.path.basename(model_path).split('.')[0] file_results = os.path.join(output_dir, 'results_' + model_name + '_.txt') if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'density_maps_' + model_name) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) net = CrowdCounter() trained_model = os.path.join(model_path) network.load_net(trained_model, net) net.cuda() net.eval() mae = 0.0 mse = 0.0 mape = 0.0 total_count = 0.0 #load test data data_loader = ImageDataLoader(data_path, gt_path, shuffle=False, gt_downsample=True, pre_load=True)
#Tensorboard config use_tensorboard = False save_exp_name = method + '_' + dataset_name + '_' + 'v1' remove_all_log = False # remove all historical experiments in TensorBoard exp_name = None # the previous experiment name in TensorBoard # ------------ rand_seed = 64678 if rand_seed is not None: np.random.seed(rand_seed) torch.manual_seed(rand_seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(rand_seed) # load net net = CrowdCounter() network.weights_normal_init(net, dev=0.01) net.cuda() net.train() params = list(net.parameters()) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, net.parameters()), lr=lr) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) # tensorboad use_tensorboard = use_tensorboard and CrayonClient is not None if use_tensorboard:
rand_seed = 64678 if rand_seed is not None: np.random.seed(rand_seed) torch.manual_seed(rand_seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(rand_seed) #loadt training and validation data data_loader = ImageDataLoader(train_path, train_gt_path, shuffle=True, gt_downsample=False, pre_load=True) class_wts = data_loader.get_classifier_weights() data_loader_val = ImageDataLoader(val_path, val_gt_path, shuffle=False, gt_downsample=False, pre_load=True) #load net and initialize it net = CrowdCounter(ce_weights=class_wts) network.weights_normal_init(net, dev=0.01) net.cuda() net.train() params = list(net.parameters()) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, net.parameters()), lr=lr) #优化算法 if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) # tensorboad use_tensorboard = use_tensorboard and CrayonClient is not None if use_tensorboard: cc = CrayonClient(hostname='') if remove_all_log:
def detect(per_img, back_img, threshold, model_path, scene): # 用于存储最终结果 result_dic = {} person_list = [] total_person = 0 police_num = 0 prisoner_num = 0 other = 0 torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False vis = False save_output = True model_name = os.path.basename(model_path).split('.')[0] # 初始化网络 net = CrowdCounter() trained_model = os.path.join(model_path) # 加载权值文件 network.load_net(trained_model, net) # net.cuda() 用于进行cuda加速 net.eval() # 读取图片 img_r = cv2.imread(per_img) img1 = cv2.imread(per_img, 0) # 保存灰度化之后的图片 # img_gray = img1 img = img1.astype(np.float32, copy=False) ht = img.shape[0] wd = img.shape[1] ht_1 = int((ht / 4) * 4) wd_1 = int((wd / 4) * 4) img = cv2.resize(img, (wd_1, ht_1)) img = img.reshape((1, 1, img.shape[0], img.shape[1])) # 对图片进行预测 heat_map = net.forward(img) heat_map = torch.squeeze(heat_map) heat_map = [height, width] = heat_map.shape dst = cv2.resize(img_r, (width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # img_gray = cv2.resize(img_gray, (width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # 计算背景图和目标图片的梯度 hist1 = gradient(per_img, width, height) hist2 = gradient(back_img, width, height) result = np.empty([height, width]) # 计算梯度差 for i in range(width - 1): for j in range(height - 1): result[j, i] = abs(hist1[j, i] - hist2[j, i]) # 输出提督差结果 # for i in range(width - 1): # for j in range(height - 1): # print('{0}-{1},{2}'.format(result[j, i], i, j)) # 根据梯度差得出目标区域 l = [] for i in range(width - 1): for j in range(height - 1): # print('{0}-({1},{2})'.format(result[j, i], j, i)) count = 0 if heat_map[j, i] > 0: # 预测结果大于0即可能是人 # dst =, (i, j), 1, (0, 0, 255), -1) # 将目标点向左向右个扩充15个像素向下扩充50个像素对比梯度差 for ix in range(30): for jy in range(50): if (jy + j > 0) and (jy + j < height - 1) and ( ix + i - 5 > 0) and (ix + i - 5 < width - 1): if result[jy + j, ix + i - 15] > threshold: # 输出满足条件的点的阈值和坐标 count += 1 # 根据图片的大小对左下角和右上角文字区域进行重点过滤 if height == 180 and width == 320: if j > 22 and (i < 175 or j < 156) and (i < 276 or j < 127): if count > 500: l.append([i, j]) # 在满足条件的地方绘制十字 # dst =, (i, j), 1, (0, 0, 255), -1) elif height == 144 and width == 176: if (i > 87 or j > 12) and (i < 116 or j < 122) and (i < 148 or j < 103): if count > 500: l.append([i, j]) # dst =, (i, j), 1, (0, 0, 255), -1) else: if j > 22 and (i < 175 or j < 156) and (i < 276 or j < 127): if count > 500: l.append([i, j]) # 在满足条件的地方绘制十字 # dst =, (i, j), 1, (0, 0, 255), -1) rects = [] entry = True x = 0 y = 0 old_x = 0 old_y = 0 hsv = cv2.cvtColor(dst, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) h, s, v = cv2.split(hsv) lower_blue = np.array([110, 100, 50]) upper_blue = np.array([130, 255, 255]) lower_black = np.array([0, 0, 0]) upper_black = np.array([170, 255, 48]) mask1 = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_blue, upper_blue) mask2 = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_black, upper_black) # 将结果与原图做按位与 # blueThings = cv2.bitwise_and(dst, dst, mask=mask) # 对目标区域通过矩形框进行聚类 # 走廊/ab门 if scene == 1: for (i, j) in l: if entry: # cv2.rectangle(dst, (i - 10, j - 10), (i + 20, j + 40), (0, 255, 0), 1) rects.append([i - 10, j - 10, 30, 35]) x = i + 10 y = j + 20 old_x = i old_y = j entry = False if i > x or (j - y) > 35 or (old_y - j > 15 and abs(old_x - i) < 15): entry = True # else: # if j < old_y: # rects.pop() # rects.append([i - 10, j - 10, 30, 35]) # 对图片进行二值化 # ret, thresh1 = cv2.threshold(img_gray, 75, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # cv2.imshow("binary", thresh1) # thresh1 = thresh1.astype(np.uint32, copy=False) # for i in range(width - 1): # for j in range(height - 1): # print('{0}-({1},{2})'.format(thresh1[j, i], i, j)) # 对矩形框区域使用梯度差进行再次过滤 l2 = [] # 通过颜色判断人物的角色 # 黑色:警察 # 蓝色:囚犯 # 其他:普通人 for (x, y, w, h) in rects: count = 0 # 保存矩形框类的黑色和蓝色区域 black_count = 0 blue_count = 0 # 用于标示是否已添加文字类别 label_entry = True for i in range(w - 1): for j in range(h - 1): # 人员信息 person_dic = {} if mask1[y + j, x + i] == 255: blue_count += 1 if mask2[y + j, x + i] == 255: black_count += 1 # if thresh1[y + j, x + i] == 255: # thresh_count = thresh_count + 1 if result[y + j, x + i] > threshold: count += 1 if count > 350: # and thresh_count < (w * h)/3: l2.append([x, y, w, h]) # 根据颜色阈值对警察和囚犯进行标记 if label_entry: if blue_count > 50: total_person += 1 # 用于计数总人数 prisoner_num += 1 # 用于计数囚犯数目 label_entry = False person_dic['position'] = [x, y, x + w, y + h] person_dic['role'] = 'prisoner' cv2.rectangle(dst, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 0, 255), 1) cv2.putText(dst, 'prisoner', (x, y + 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, (0, 0, 255), 1) person_list.append(person_dic) elif black_count > 170: total_person += 1 # 用于计数总人数 police_num += 1 # 用于计数警察数目 label_entry = False person_dic['position'] = [x, y, x + w, y + h] person_dic['role'] = 'police' cv2.rectangle(dst, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 0, 0), 1) cv2.putText(dst, 'police', (x, y + 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, (255, 0, 0), 1) person_list.append(person_dic) # 人员信息 person_dic = {} if count > 350 and label_entry: label_entry = False total_person += 1 # 用于计数总人数 other += 1 # 用于计数普通人数目 person_dic['position'] = [x, y, x + w, y + h] person_dic['role'] = 'other' cv2.rectangle(dst, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 255, 0), 1) cv2.putText(dst, 'other', (x, y + 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, (255, 255, 0), 1) person_list.append(person_dic) # 会见室 elif scene == 2: l.reverse() for (i, j) in l: if entry: # cv2.rectangle(dst, (i - 10, j - 10), (i + 20, j + 25), (0, 255, 0), 1) rects.append([i - 10, j - 10, 30, 35]) x = i + 20 y = j + 20 entry = False if i > x or j > y: entry = True # 对矩形框区域使用梯度差进行再次过滤 l2 = [] for (x, y, w, h) in rects: count = 0 # 保存矩形框类的黑色和蓝色区域 black_count = 0 blue_count = 0 # 用于标示是否已添加文字类别 label_entry = True for i in range(w - 1): for j in range(h - 1): # 人员信息 person_dic = {} if mask1[y + j, x + i] == 255: blue_count += 1 if mask2[y + j, x + i] == 255: black_count += 1 if result[y + j, x + i] > threshold: count += 1 if count > 420: l2.append([x, y, w, h]) if label_entry: if blue_count > 50: total_person += 1 # 用于计数总人数 prisoner_num += 1 # 用于计数囚犯数目 label_entry = False person_dic['position'] = [x, y, x + w, y + h] person_dic['role'] = 'prisoner' cv2.rectangle(dst, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 0, 255), 1) cv2.putText(dst, 'prisoner', (x, y + 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, (0, 0, 255), 1) person_list.append(person_dic) elif black_count > 170: label_entry = False total_person += 1 # 用于计数总人数 police_num += 1 # 用于计数警察数目 person_dic['position'] = [x, y, x + w, y + h] person_dic['role'] = 'police' cv2.rectangle(dst, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 0, 0), 1) cv2.putText(dst, 'police', (x, y + 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, (255, 0, 0), 1) person_list.append(person_dic) # 人员信息 person_dic = {} if count > 420 and label_entry: label_entry = False total_person += 1 # 用于计数总人数 other += 1 # 用于计数普通人数目 person_dic['position'] = [x, y, x + w, y + h] person_dic['role'] = 'other' cv2.rectangle(dst, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 255, 0), 1) cv2.putText(dst, 'other', (x, y + 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, (255, 255, 0), 1) person_list.append(person_dic) print(count) # 组装生成最后的结果 result_dic['total_people'] = total_person result_dic['police_num'] = police_num result_dic['prisoner_num'] = prisoner_num result_dic['other'] = other result_dic['people_list'] = person_list print(result_dic) cv2.namedWindow("result") cv2.imshow("result", dst) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() return result_dic
#Tensorboard config use_tensorboard = False save_exp_name = method + '_' + dataset_name + '_' + 'v1' remove_all_log = False # remove all historical experiments in TensorBoard exp_name = None # the previous experiment name in TensorBoard # ------------ rand_seed = 64678 if rand_seed is not None: np.random.seed(rand_seed) torch.manual_seed(rand_seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(rand_seed) # load net net = CrowdCounter() network.weights_normal_init(net, dev=0.01) net.cuda() net.train() params = list(net.parameters()) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, net.parameters()), lr=lr) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) # tensorboad use_tensorboard = use_tensorboard and CrayonClient is not None if use_tensorboard: cc = CrayonClient(hostname='') if remove_all_log:
#loadt training and validation data data_loader = ImageDataLoader(train_path, train_gt_path, shuffle=True, gt_downsample=False, pre_load=True) class_wts = data_loader.get_classifier_weights() data_loader_val = ImageDataLoader(val_path, val_gt_path, shuffle=False, gt_downsample=False, pre_load=True) #load net and initialize it net = CrowdCounter(ce_weights=class_wts) network.weights_normal_init(net, dev=0.01) net.cuda() net.train() params = list(net.parameters()) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, net.parameters()), lr=lr) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) # tensorboad use_tensorboard = use_tensorboard and CrayonClient is not None if use_tensorboard: