def _sign(self, M, K):
     if (not hasattr(self, 'x')):
         raise TypeError('Private key not available in this object')
     p1 = self.p - 1
     K = Integer(K)
     if (K.gcd(p1) != 1):
         raise ValueError('Bad K value: GCD(K,p-1)!=1')
     a = pow(self.g, K, self.p)
     t = (Integer(M) - self.x * a) % p1
     while t < 0:
         t = t + p1
     b = (t * K.inverse(p1)) % p1
     return list(map(int, (a, b)))
def construct(rsa_components, consistency_check=True):
    r"""Construct an RSA key from a tuple of valid RSA components.

    The modulus **n** must be the product of two primes.
    The public exponent **e** must be odd and larger than 1.

    In case of a private key, the following equations must apply:

    .. math::

        p*q &= n \\
        e*d &\equiv 1 ( \text{mod lcm} [(p-1)(q-1)]) \\
        p*u &\equiv 1 ( \text{mod } q)

        rsa_components (tuple):
            A tuple of integers, with at least 2 and no
            more than 6 items. The items come in the following order:

            1. RSA modulus *n*.
            2. Public exponent *e*.
            3. Private exponent *d*.
               Only required if the key is private.
            4. First factor of *n* (*p*).
               Optional, but the other factor *q* must also be present.
            5. Second factor of *n* (*q*). Optional.
            6. CRT coefficient *q*, that is :math:`p^{-1} \text{mod }q`. Optional.

        consistency_check (boolean):
            If ``True``, the library will verify that the provided components
            fulfil the main RSA properties.

        ValueError: when the key being imported fails the most basic RSA validity checks.

    Returns: An RSA key object (:class:`RsaKey`).
    class InputComps(object):

    input_comps = InputComps()
    for (comp, value) in zip(('n', 'e', 'd', 'p', 'q', 'u'), rsa_components):
        setattr(input_comps, comp, Integer(value))

    n = input_comps.n
    e = input_comps.e
    if not hasattr(input_comps, 'd'):
        key = RsaKey(n=n, e=e)
        d = input_comps.d
        if hasattr(input_comps, 'q'):
            p = input_comps.p
            q = input_comps.q
            # Compute factors p and q from the private exponent d.
            # We assume that n has no more than two factors.
            # See 8.2.2(i) in Handbook of Applied Cryptography.
            ktot = d * e - 1
            # The quantity d*e-1 is a multiple of phi(n), even,
            # and can be represented as t*2^s.
            t = ktot
            while t % 2 == 0:
                t //= 2
            # Cycle through all multiplicative inverses in Zn.
            # The algorithm is non-deterministic, but there is a 50% chance
            # any candidate a leads to successful factoring.
            # See "Digitalized Signatures and Public Key Functions as Intractable
            # as Factorization", M. Rabin, 1979
            spotted = False
            a = Integer(2)
            while not spotted and a < 100:
                k = Integer(t)
                # Cycle through all values a^{t*2^i}=a^k
                while k < ktot:
                    cand = pow(a, k, n)
                    # Check if a^k is a non-trivial root of unity (mod n)
                    if cand != 1 and cand != (n - 1) and pow(cand, 2, n) == 1:
                        # We have found a number such that (cand-1)(cand+1)=0 (mod n).
                        # Either of the terms divides n.
                        p = Integer(n).gcd(cand + 1)
                        spotted = True
                    k *= 2
                # This value was not any good... let's try another!
                a += 2
            if not spotted:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unable to compute factors p and q from exponent d.")
            # Found !
            assert ((n % p) == 0)
            q = n // p

        if hasattr(input_comps, 'u'):
            u = input_comps.u
            u = p.inverse(q)

        # Build key object
        key = RsaKey(n=n, e=e, d=d, p=p, q=q, u=u)

    # Verify consistency of the key
    if consistency_check:

        # Modulus and public exponent must be coprime
        if e <= 1 or e >= n:
            raise ValueError("Invalid RSA public exponent")
        if Integer(n).gcd(e) != 1:
            raise ValueError("RSA public exponent is not coprime to modulus")

        # For RSA, modulus must be odd
        if not n & 1:
            raise ValueError("RSA modulus is not odd")

        if key.has_private():
            # Modulus and private exponent must be coprime
            if d <= 1 or d >= n:
                raise ValueError("Invalid RSA private exponent")
            if Integer(n).gcd(d) != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "RSA private exponent is not coprime to modulus")
            # Modulus must be product of 2 primes
            if p * q != n:
                raise ValueError("RSA factors do not match modulus")
            if test_probable_prime(p) == COMPOSITE:
                raise ValueError("RSA factor p is composite")
            if test_probable_prime(q) == COMPOSITE:
                raise ValueError("RSA factor q is composite")
            # See Carmichael theorem
            phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
            lcm = phi // (p - 1).gcd(q - 1)
            if (e * d % int(lcm)) != 1:
                raise ValueError("Invalid RSA condition")
            if hasattr(key, 'u'):
                # CRT coefficient
                if u <= 1 or u >= q:
                    raise ValueError("Invalid RSA component u")
                if (p * u % q) != 1:
                    raise ValueError("Invalid RSA component u with p")

    return key
def generate(bits, randfunc=None, e=65537):
    """Create a new RSA key pair.

    The algorithm closely follows NIST `FIPS 186-4`_ in its
    sections B.3.1 and B.3.3. The modulus is the product of
    two non-strong probable primes.
    Each prime passes a suitable number of Miller-Rabin tests
    with random bases and a single Lucas test.

      bits (integer):
        Key length, or size (in bits) of the RSA modulus.
        It must be at least 1024, but **2048 is recommended.**
        The FIPS standard only defines 1024, 2048 and 3072.
      randfunc (callable):
        Function that returns random bytes.
        The default is :func:`Crypto.Random.get_random_bytes`.
      e (integer):
        Public RSA exponent. It must be an odd positive integer.
        It is typically a small number with very few ones in its
        binary representation.
        The FIPS standard requires the public exponent to be
        at least 65537 (the default).

    Returns: an RSA key object (:class:`RsaKey`, with private key).

    .. _FIPS 186-4:

    if bits < 1024:
        raise ValueError("RSA modulus length must be >= 1024")
    if e % 2 == 0 or e < 3:
        raise ValueError(
            "RSA public exponent must be a positive, odd integer larger than 2."

    if randfunc is None:
        randfunc = Random.get_random_bytes

    d = n = Integer(1)
    e = Integer(e)

    while n.size_in_bits() != bits and d < (1 << (bits // 2)):
        # Generate the prime factors of n: p and q.
        # By construciton, their product is always
        # 2^{bits-1} < p*q < 2^bits.
        size_q = bits // 2
        size_p = bits - size_q

        min_p = min_q = (Integer(1) << (2 * size_q - 1)).sqrt()
        if size_q != size_p:
            min_p = (Integer(1) << (2 * size_p - 1)).sqrt()

        def filter_p(candidate):
            return candidate > min_p and (candidate - 1).gcd(e) == 1

        p = generate_probable_prime(exact_bits=size_p,

        min_distance = Integer(1) << (bits // 2 - 100)

        def filter_q(candidate):
            return (candidate > min_q and (candidate - 1).gcd(e) == 1
                    and abs(candidate - p) > min_distance)

        q = generate_probable_prime(exact_bits=size_q,

        n = p * q
        lcm = (p - 1).lcm(q - 1)
        d = e.inverse(lcm)

    if p > q:
        p, q = q, p

    u = p.inverse(q)

    return RsaKey(n=n, e=e, d=d, p=p, q=q, u=u)