    def create_circuit_hop1(self) -> int:
		The function to setup circuit with the first hop in the circuit. Creates the CREATE/CREATE2 cell and sends it
		down the socket. It assumes that the open_connection was called on the first node and the socket is connected
		to the first node
		:return: Returns a status code. 0 --> Success DH Handshake and -1 --> Means error in processing the cell or the DH Handshake.
		On error it closes the socket to node 1
        # First create a CREATE2 Cell.
        x, x_bytes, gx, gx_bytes = CoreCryptoDH.generate_dh_priv_key()
        create_cell = Builder.build_create_cell(
            'TAP', x_bytes, gx_bytes, self.circ_id,

        # Sending a JSON String down the socket
        # self.skt.client_send_data(Serialize.obj_to_json(create_cell).encode('utf-8'))

        # Get the created cell in response and convert it to python Cell Object
        cell_bytes = self.skt.client_recv_data()
        created_cell = Parser.parse_encoded_created_cell(cell_bytes)

        self.session_key01 = Processor.process_created_cell(
            created_cell, self.circ_id, x_bytes)
        if self.session_key01 is None:
            return -1

        return 0
    def create_circuit_hop2(self) -> int:
		The function to setup circuit with the second hop in the circuit. Creates the EXTEND/EXTEND2 cell and sends it
		down the socket. It assumes that the open_connection was called on the first node and the socket is connected
		to the first node, and that to the second node
		:return: Returns a status code. 0 --> Success DH Handshake and -1 --> Means error in processing the cell or the DH Handshake.
		On error it closes the socket to node 2.
        # First create a EXTEND2 Cell.
        x, x_bytes, gx, gx_bytes = CoreCryptoDH.generate_dh_priv_key()

        # For hop2 we get its IP:port for LSPEC ==> Link specifier
        hop2_ip = self.node_container[2].host
        hop2_port = self.node_container[2].port
        extend_cell = Builder.build_extend_cell(
            'TAP', x_bytes, gx_bytes, self.circ_id,
            self.node_container[2].onion_key_pub, hop2_ip, hop2_port)


        # Sending a JSON String down the socket

        # Get the extended cell in response and convert it to python Cell Object
        cell_bytes = self.skt.client_recv_data()
        extended_cell = Parser.parse_encoded_extended_cell(cell_bytes)

        self.session_key02 = Processor.process_extended_cell(
            extended_cell, self.circ_id, x_bytes)
        if self.session_key02 is None:
            return -1

        return 0
	def handle_create_cell(self, cell_bytes, direction):
			# Call the Parser for create cell
			create_cell = Parser.parse_encoded_create_cell(cell_bytes)

			# Process the create cell
			y, y_bytes, gy, gy_bytes = CoreCryptoDH.generate_dh_priv_key()
			gx_bytes, kdf_dict = Processor.process_create_cell(create_cell, self.node.onion_key_pri, y_bytes)

			# After processing the create cell, we make a created cell
			# and send it down the socket
			created_cell = Builder.build_created_cell(y_bytes, gy_bytes, self.circ_id, gx_bytes)
			print("Created cell sent")

			self.session_key = kdf_dict
			return 0