 def apply_stake_actions(self, validators, actions):
     for action in actions:
         if isinstance(action, PenaltyTransaction):
             for conflict in action.conflicts:
                 culprit = self.get_block_validator(conflict)
         elif isinstance(action, PenaltyGossipTransaction):
             culprit = self.get_conflict_gossip_sender(action)
             self.release_stake(validators, Keys.to_bytes(culprit))
         elif isinstance(action, StakeHoldTransaction):
             self.hold_stake(validators, action.pubkey, action.amount)
         elif isinstance(action, StakeReleaseTransaction):
             self.release_stake(validators, action.pubkey)
     return validators
 def filter_out_skipped_public_keys(private_keys, public_keys):
     filtered_private_keys = []
     for private_key in private_keys:
         if private_key == None:
             expected_public = Private.publickey(
             if Keys.to_bytes(expected_public) in public_keys.values():
     return filtered_private_keys
    def extract_shared_random(self, block_hash):
        if block_hash == self.dag.genesis_block().get_hash():
            return 0

        private_keys = self.get_private_keys_for_epoch(block_hash)
        public_keys = self.get_public_keys_for_epoch(block_hash)
        published_private_keys = self.filter_out_skipped_public_keys(
            private_keys, public_keys)
        random_pieces_list = self.get_random_splits_for_epoch(block_hash)

        # self.log("pubkeys")
        # for _, public_key in public_keys.items():
        # self.log(Keys.to_visual_string(public_key))
        # self.log("privkeys converted")
        private_key_count = 0  # amount of sent keys
        matching_keys_count = 0  # amount of keys which have matching pubkeys
        for key in published_private_keys:
            if not key:
                # self.log("None")
            pubkey = Private.publickey(key)
            # self.log(Keys.to_visual_string(pubkey))
            private_key_count += 1
            if Keys.to_bytes(pubkey) in public_keys.values():
                matching_keys_count += 1

        pubkey_count = len(public_keys)
        self.log("pubkey count", pubkey_count, "privkey count",
                 private_key_count, "of them matching", matching_keys_count)

        half_of_pubkeys = int(pubkey_count / 2) + 1
        half_of_privkeys = int(private_key_count / 2) + 1

        # TODO we should have a special handling for when not enough keys was sent for each round
        assert pubkey_count > 1, "Not enough public keys to decrypt random"
        assert private_key_count > 1, "Not enough private keys to decrypt random"
        assert pubkey_count >= half_of_privkeys, "Not enough public keys to decrypt random"
        assert private_key_count >= half_of_pubkeys, "Not enough private keys to decrypt random"
        assert matching_keys_count >= half_of_pubkeys, "Not enough matching keys in epoch"
        assert matching_keys_count >= half_of_privkeys, "Not enough matching keys in epoch"

        ordered_private_keys_count = len(
            private_keys)  # total amount of both sent and unsent keys
        randoms_list = []
        for random_pieces in random_pieces_list:
            assert ordered_private_keys_count >= len(
            ), "Amount of splits must match amount of public keys"
            random = decode_random(
                random_pieces, Keys.list_from_bytes(published_private_keys))

        seed = sum_random(randoms_list)
        return seed
    def test_private_keys_extraction(self):
        dag = Dag(0)
        epoch = Epoch(dag)
        node_private = Private.generate()

        prev_hash = dag.genesis_block().get_hash()
        round_start, round_end = Epoch.get_round_bounds(1, Round.PRIVATE)
        for i in range(1, round_start):
            block = BlockFactory.create_block_with_timestamp([prev_hash],
                                                             BLOCK_TIME * i)
            signed_block = BlockFactory.sign_block(block, node_private)
            dag.add_signed_block(i, signed_block)
            prev_hash = block.get_hash()

        generated_private_keys = []
        for i in range(round_start,
                       round_end):  # intentionally skip last block of round
            generated_private = Private.generate()

            private_key_tx = PrivateKeyTransaction()
            private_key_tx.key = Keys.to_bytes(generated_private)
            block = Block()
            block.system_txs = [private_key_tx]
            block.prev_hashes = dag.get_top_blocks_hashes()
            block.timestamp = i * BLOCK_TIME
            signed_block = BlockFactory.sign_block(block, node_private)
            dag.add_signed_block(i, signed_block)
            prev_hash = block.get_hash()

        ChainGenerator.fill_with_dummies(dag, prev_hash,
                                         Epoch.get_round_range(1, Round.FINAL))

        epoch_hash = dag.blocks_by_number[ROUND_DURATION * 6 + 1][0].get_hash()

        extracted_privates = epoch.get_private_keys_for_epoch(epoch_hash)

        for i in range(0, ROUND_DURATION - 1):
            self.assertEqual(extracted_privates[i], generated_private_keys[i])
    def test_pack_parse_reveal_transaction(self):
        for _ in range(10):
            dummy_private = Private.generate()

            original = RevealRandomTransaction()
            original.commit_hash = sha256(b"previous_transaction").digest()
            original.key = Keys.to_bytes(dummy_private)

            raw = original.pack()
            restored = RevealRandomTransaction()

            self.assertEqual(original.get_hash(), restored.get_hash())
    def create_dummy_commit_reveal(random_bytes, epoch_hash):
        node_private = Private.generate()

        private = Private.generate()

        encoded = Private.encrypt(random_bytes, private)

        commit = CommitRandomTransaction()
        commit.rand = encoded
        commit.pubkey_index = 10
        commit.signature = Private.sign(commit.get_signing_hash(epoch_hash),

        reveal = RevealRandomTransaction()
        reveal.commit_hash = commit.get_hash()
        reveal.key = Keys.to_bytes(private)

        return commit, reveal
    def test_stake_release_by_genesis_validator(self):
        # base initialization
        dag = Dag(0)
        epoch = Epoch(dag)
        permissions = Permissions(epoch)
        node_private = Private.generate()

        initial_validators = Validators.read_genesis_validators_from_file()

        genesis_hash = dag.genesis_block().get_hash()
        prev_hash = genesis_hash
        for i in range(1, 9):
            block = BlockFactory.create_block_with_timestamp([prev_hash],
                                                             BLOCK_TIME * i)
            signed_block = BlockFactory.sign_block(block, node_private)
            dag.add_signed_block(i, signed_block)
            prev_hash = block.get_hash()

        # get one of validators
        genesis_validator = initial_validators[9]

        # create stake release transaction for new stakeholder
        tx_release = StakeReleaseTransaction()
        tx_release.pubkey = Keys.to_bytes(genesis_validator.public_key)
        tx_release.signature = Private.sign(tx_release.get_hash(),

        # append signed stake release transaction

        # sign block by one of validators
        signed_block = BlockFactory.sign_block(block, node_private)
        # add signed block to DAG
        dag.add_signed_block(19, signed_block)

        resulting_validators = permissions.get_validators(block.get_hash())
        pub_keys = []
        for validator in resulting_validators:
        self.assertNotIn(genesis_validator.public_key, pub_keys)
    def form_split_random_transaction(self, top_hash, epoch_hash):
        ordered_senders = self.permissions.get_ordered_randomizers_pubkeys_for_round(
            epoch_hash, Round.PUBLIC)
        published_pubkeys = self.epoch.get_public_keys_for_epoch(top_hash)

        self.logger.info("Ordered pubkeys for secret sharing:")
        sorted_published_pubkeys = []
        for sender in ordered_senders:
            raw_pubkey = Keys.to_bytes(sender.public_key)
            raw_pubkey_index = self.permissions.get_signer_index_from_public_key(
                raw_pubkey, epoch_hash)
            if raw_pubkey_index in published_pubkeys:
                generated_pubkey = published_pubkeys[raw_pubkey_index]

        tx = self.form_secret_sharing_transaction(sorted_published_pubkeys,
        return tx
    def validate_private_transactions_in_block(self, block, current_round):
        private_key_transactions = []
        for tx in block.system_txs:
            if isinstance(tx, PrivateKeyTransaction):

        private_key_transactions_count_in_block = len(private_key_transactions)

        if current_round != Round.PRIVATE:
            if private_key_transactions_count_in_block > 0:
                raise AcceptionException(
                    "PrivateKeyTransaction was found in round " +


        if private_key_transactions_count_in_block == 0:
            raise AcceptionException(
                "Block has no PrivateKeyTransaction in private round!")

        elif private_key_transactions_count_in_block > 1:
            raise AcceptionException(
                "Block has more than one PrivateKeyTransaction!")

        return  # this check is too slow and I'm not sure if it's needed at all

        private_key = private_key_transactions[0].key
        expected_public = Private.publickey(private_key)
        epoch_hashes = self.epoch.get_epoch_hashes()

        for top, _epoch_hash in epoch_hashes.items():
            public_keys = self.epoch.get_public_keys_for_epoch(top)
            if not Keys.to_bytes(expected_public) in public_keys.values():
                raise AcceptionException(
                    "No corresponding public key was found for private key in PrivateKeyTransaction!"
    def test_secret_sharing_rounds(self):
        dag = Dag(0)
        epoch = Epoch(dag)

        dummy_private = Private.generate()

        signers = []
        for i in range(0, ROUND_DURATION + 1):

        private_keys = []

        block_number = 1
        genesis_hash = dag.genesis_block().get_hash()
        prev_hash = genesis_hash
        signer_index = 0
        for i in Epoch.get_round_range(1, Round.PUBLIC):
            private = Private.generate()

            signer = signers[signer_index]
            pubkey_tx = PublicKeyTransaction()
            pubkey_tx.generated_pubkey = Private.publickey(private)
            pubkey_tx.pubkey_index = signer_index
            pubkey_tx.signature = Private.sign(
                pubkey_tx.get_signing_hash(genesis_hash), signer)

            block = Block()
            block.timestamp = i * BLOCK_TIME
            block.prev_hashes = [prev_hash]
            block.system_txs = [pubkey_tx]
            signed_block = BlockFactory.sign_block(block, signer)
            dag.add_signed_block(i, signed_block)
            signer_index += 1
            prev_hash = block.get_hash()

        prev_hash = ChainGenerator.fill_with_dummies(
            dag, prev_hash, Epoch.get_round_range(1, Round.COMMIT))

        public_keys = []
        for private in private_keys:

        randoms_list = []
        expected_random_pieces = []
        for i in Epoch.get_round_range(1, Round.SECRETSHARE):
            random_bytes = os.urandom(32)
            random_value = int.from_bytes(random_bytes, byteorder='big')
            split_random_tx = SplitRandomTransaction()
            splits = split_secret(random_bytes, 2, 3)
            encoded_splits = encode_splits(splits, public_keys)
            split_random_tx.pieces = encoded_splits
            split_random_tx.pubkey_index = 0
            split_random_tx.signature = Private.sign(pubkey_tx.get_hash(),
            block = Block()
            block.timestamp = i * BLOCK_TIME
            block.prev_hashes = [prev_hash]
            block.system_txs = [split_random_tx]
            signed_block = BlockFactory.sign_block(block, dummy_private)
            dag.add_signed_block(i, signed_block)
            prev_hash = block.get_hash()

        expected_seed = sum_random(randoms_list)

        prev_hash = ChainGenerator.fill_with_dummies(
            dag, prev_hash, Epoch.get_round_range(1, Round.REVEAL))

        signer_index = 0
        private_key_index = 0
        raw_private_keys = []
        for i in Epoch.get_round_range(1, Round.PRIVATE):
            private_key_tx = PrivateKeyTransaction()
            private_key_tx.key = Keys.to_bytes(private_keys[private_key_index])
            signer = signers[signer_index]
            block = Block()
            block.system_txs = [private_key_tx]
            block.prev_hashes = [prev_hash]
            block.timestamp = block_number * BLOCK_TIME
            signed_block = BlockFactory.sign_block(block, signer)
            dag.add_signed_block(i, signed_block)
            signer_index += 1
            private_key_index += 1
            prev_hash = block.get_hash()

        prev_hash = ChainGenerator.fill_with_dummies(
            dag, prev_hash, Epoch.get_round_range(1, Round.FINAL))

        top_block_hash = dag.get_top_blocks_hashes()[0]

        random_splits = epoch.get_random_splits_for_epoch(top_block_hash)
        self.assertEqual(expected_random_pieces, random_splits)

        restored_randoms = []
        for i in range(0, len(random_splits)):
            random = decode_random(random_splits[i],

        self.assertEqual(randoms_list, restored_randoms)

        seed = epoch.extract_shared_random(top_block_hash)
        self.assertEqual(expected_seed, seed)
    def test_release_stake(self):
        # base initialization
        dag = Dag(0)
        epoch = Epoch(dag)
        permissions = Permissions(epoch)
        node_private = Private.generate()

        initial_validators = Validators.read_genesis_validators_from_file()

        genesis_hash = dag.genesis_block().get_hash()
        prev_hash = genesis_hash
        for i in range(1, 9):
            block = BlockFactory.create_block_with_timestamp([prev_hash],
                                                             BLOCK_TIME * i)
            signed_block = BlockFactory.sign_block(block, node_private)
            dag.add_signed_block(i, signed_block)
            prev_hash = block.get_hash()

        block = BlockFactory.create_block_with_timestamp([prev_hash],
                                                         BLOCK_TIME * 9)

        # create new node for stake hold
        new_node_private = Private.generate()
        new_node_public = Private.publickey(new_node_private)

        # create transaction for stake hold for new node
        tx_hold = StakeHoldTransaction()
        tx_hold.amount = 2000
        tx_hold.pubkey = Keys.to_bytes(new_node_public)
        tx_hold.signature = Private.sign(tx_hold.get_hash(), new_node_private)

        # append signed stake hold transaction

        # sign block by one of validators
        signed_block = BlockFactory.sign_block(block, node_private)
        # add signed block to DAG
        dag.add_signed_block(9, signed_block)

        resulting_validators = permissions.get_validators(block.get_hash())
        pub_keys = []
        for validator in resulting_validators:
        self.assertIn(new_node_public, pub_keys)

        # add blocks for new epoch
        for i in range(10, 18):
            block = BlockFactory.create_block_with_timestamp([prev_hash],
                                                             BLOCK_TIME * i)
            signed_block = BlockFactory.sign_block(block, node_private)
            dag.add_signed_block(i, signed_block)
            prev_hash = block.get_hash()

        # create stake release transaction for new stakeholder
        tx_release = StakeReleaseTransaction()
        tx_release.pubkey = Keys.to_bytes(new_node_public)
        tx_release.signature = Private.sign(tx_hold.get_hash(),

        # append signed stake release transaction

        # sign block by one of validators
        signed_block = BlockFactory.sign_block(block, node_private)
        # add signed block to DAG
        dag.add_signed_block(19, signed_block)

        # verify that new stake holder now is NOT in validators list (after stake release transaction signed by holder)
        resulting_validators = permissions.get_validators(block.get_hash())
        pub_keys = []
        for validator in resulting_validators:
        self.assertNotIn(new_node_public, pub_keys)
 def create_private_key_transaction(epoch_private_key):
     tx = PrivateKeyTransaction()
     tx.key = Keys.to_bytes(epoch_private_key)
     return tx
 def create_reveal_random_transaction(commit_hash, private):
     tx = RevealRandomTransaction()
     tx.commit_hash = commit_hash
     tx.key = Keys.to_bytes(private)
     return tx