def E(k, m):
    if len(m) != block_len * 4: return None

    m = split(m, block_len)

    c = [random_string(block_len)]
    t = ["\x00" * block_len]

    for i in range(4):
        c += [AES(k, xor_strings(m[i], c[i]))]
        t += [AES(k, xor_strings(m[i], t[i]))]

    return join(c), t[-1]
def E(k, m):
    if len(m) != block_len * 4: return None

    m = split(m, block_len)

    c = [random_string(block_len)]
    t = ["\x00" * block_len]

    for i in range(4):
        c += [AES(k, xor_strings(m[i], c[i]))]
        t += [AES(k, xor_strings(m[i], t[i]))]

    return join(c), t[-1]
def encrypt(k, m):
    if len(m) != block_size:
        return None

    m = [None] + split(m, block_size / 4)
    ce = [random_string(16)]
    cm = ["\x00" * 16]

    for i in range(1, 5):
        ce += [AES(k, xor_strings(ce[i - 1], m[i]))]
        cm += [AES(k, xor_strings(cm[i - 1], m[i]))]

    return join(ce), cm[4]
def D(k, (c, t)):
    if len(c) != block_len * 5: return None

    c = split(c, block_len)

    m = []
    tm = ["\x00" * block_len]

    for i in range(4):
        m += [xor_strings(AES_I(k, c[i+1]), c[i])]
        tm += [AES(k, xor_strings(m[i], tm[i]))]

    if tm[-1] != t: return None

    return join(m)

1. [20 points] Give an IND-CPA adversary that shows that this sceme is not
IND-CPA secure:

def A_1(lr):
    You must fill in this method. This is the adversary that the problem is
    asking for.

    :param lr: This is the oracle supplied by GameLR, you can call this
    oracle to get an encryption of the data you pass into it.
    :return: return 1 to indicate your adversary believes it is the right world
def D(k, (c, t)):
    if len(c) != block_len * 5: return None

    c = split(c, block_len)

    m = []
    tm = ["\x00" * block_len]

    for i in range(4):
        m += [xor_strings(AES_I(k, c[i + 1]), c[i])]
        tm += [AES(k, xor_strings(m[i], tm[i]))]

    if tm[-1] != t: return None

    return join(m)

1. [20 points] Give an IND-CPA adversary that shows that this sceme is not
IND-CPA secure:

def A_1(lr):
    You must fill in this method. This is the adversary that the problem is
    asking for.

    :param lr: This is the oracle supplied by GameLR, you can call this
    oracle to get an encryption of the data you pass into it.
def decrypt(k, (ce, t)):
    if len(ce) != block_size + 16:
        return None

    ce = split(ce, block_size / 4)
    cm = ["\x00" * 16]
    m = [None]

    for i in range(1, 5):
        m += [xor_strings(AES_I(k, ce[i]), ce[i - 1])]
        cm += [AES(k, xor_strings(cm[i - 1], m[i]))]

    if cm[4] != t:
        return None
        return join(m[1:])

Give an INT-CTXT adversary that shows that this sceme is not secure:

def adversary(enc, dec):
    You must fill in this method. This is the adversary that the problem is
    asking for.

    :param enc: This is an oracle supplied by GameINTCTXT, you can call this
    oracle to get an encryption of the data you pass into it.
    :param dec: This is an oracle supplied by GameINTCTXT, you can call this