def c12():
    # Find block size
    length = crypto.detect_cipher_block_size(crypto.encrypt_append_secret_ECB)
    print('Determined block size to be {0}.'.format(length))

    # Check the cipher uses ECB mode
    ecb = crypto.detect_ECB(crypto.encrypt_append_secret_ECB)
    if ecb:
        print('The cipher uses ECB mode')
        raise ValueError('The cipher does not use ECB mode')

    # Find number of blocks to crack for the secret
    num_blocks = int(len(crypto.encrypt_append_secret_ECB(b'')) / length)
    print ('There are {0} blocks to crack'.format(num_blocks))

    print('Finding the secret...')
    secret = bytes(0)
    for j in range(num_blocks):
        for i in range(length):
            block = {}
            for b in range(0, 255):
                plain = crypto.str_to_bytes('A' * (length - (i + 1))) + secret + b.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
                block[b] = crypto.encrypt_append_secret_ECB(plain)[j*length:(j+1)*length]
            match = crypto.encrypt_append_secret_ECB(b'A' * (length - (i + 1)))[j*length:(j+1)*length]
            byte = [k for k,v in block.items() if v == match]
            if not byte:
                # Done - or failed to find a match (i.e padding)
            secret += byte[0].to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
def c11():
    cipher = crypto.encrypt_ECB_or_CBC
    result = crypto.detect_ECB(cipher)
    if result:
        print('Cipher used ECB')
        print('Cipher used CBC')