文件: totp.py 项目: reidefe/foxy
class TOTP(object):
    def __init__(
        key: bytes,
        length: int,
        algorithm: _ALLOWED_HASH_TYPES,
        time_step: int,
        enforce_key_length: bool = True,
        backend = _get_backend(backend)
        if not isinstance(backend, HMACBackend):
            raise UnsupportedAlgorithm(
                "Backend object does not implement HMACBackend.",

        self._time_step = time_step
        self._hotp = HOTP(key, length, algorithm, backend, enforce_key_length)

    def generate(self, time: typing.Union[int, float]) -> bytes:
        counter = int(time / self._time_step)
        return self._hotp.generate(counter)

    def verify(self, totp: bytes, time: int) -> None:
        if not constant_time.bytes_eq(self.generate(time), totp):
            raise InvalidToken("Supplied TOTP value does not match.")

    def get_provisioning_uri(self, account_name: str,
                             issuer: typing.Optional[str]) -> str:
        return _generate_uri(self._hotp, "totp", account_name, issuer,
                             [("period", int(self._time_step))])
class TOTP(object):
    def __init__(self,
        if not isinstance(backend, HMACBackend):
            raise UnsupportedAlgorithm(
                "Backend object does not implement HMACBackend.",

        self._time_step = time_step
        self._hotp = HOTP(key, length, algorithm, backend, enforce_key_length)

    def generate(self, time):
        counter = int(time / self._time_step)
        return self._hotp.generate(counter)

    def verify(self, totp, time):
        if not constant_time.bytes_eq(self.generate(time), totp):
            raise InvalidToken("Supplied TOTP value does not match.")

    def get_provisioning_uri(self, account_name, issuer):
        return _generate_uri(self._hotp, "totp", account_name, issuer, [
            ("period", int(self._time_step)),
class TOTP(object):
    def __init__(
        key: bytes,
        length: int,
        algorithm: _ALLOWED_HASH_TYPES,
        time_step: int,
        backend: typing.Any = None,
        enforce_key_length: bool = True,
        self._time_step = time_step
        self._hotp = HOTP(key,

    def generate(self, time: typing.Union[int, float]) -> bytes:
        counter = int(time / self._time_step)
        return self._hotp.generate(counter)

    def verify(self, totp: bytes, time: int) -> None:
        if not constant_time.bytes_eq(self.generate(time), totp):
            raise InvalidToken("Supplied TOTP value does not match.")

    def get_provisioning_uri(self, account_name: str,
                             issuer: typing.Optional[str]) -> str:
        return _generate_uri(
            [("period", int(self._time_step))],
文件: otp.py 项目: yucaizhx/cryptokit
def generate_htop(length=6, salt=0):
    hotp = HOTP(key, length, SHA1(), backend=default_backend())
    hotp_value = hotp.generate(salt)

    #  hotp.verify(hotp_value, 0)

    return hotp_value.decode()
    def test_generate(self, backend, params):
        secret = params["secret"]
        counter = int(params["counter"])
        hotp_value = params["hotp"]

        hotp = HOTP(secret, 6, SHA1(), backend)

        assert hotp.generate(counter) == hotp_value
    def test_generate(self, backend, params):
        secret = params["secret"]
        counter = int(params["counter"])
        hotp_value = params["hotp"]

        hotp = HOTP(secret, 6, SHA1(), backend)

        assert hotp.generate(counter) == hotp_value
class TOTP(object):
    def __init__(self, key, length, algorithm, time_step, backend):
        self._time_step = time_step
        self._hotp = HOTP(key, length, algorithm, backend)

    def generate(self, time):
        counter = int(time / self._time_step)
        return self._hotp.generate(counter)

    def verify(self, totp, time):
        if not constant_time.bytes_eq(self.generate(time), totp):
            raise InvalidToken("Supplied TOTP value does not match")
文件: auth.py 项目: DroidX86/CloudSec
def send_aic(sessionid, role, bindkey, pubkey):
	Send an AIC to the ags, returns success value

	sessionid -- Anonymized Session ID for user
	role -- Role as retrieved from database
	bindkey -- As generated during login
	pubkey -- Users stored public key
	context -- Users login context
	# AIC construct
	aic = {"sessionid":sessionid, "role":role, "bindkey":bindkey, "pubkey":pubkey}
	message = json.dumps(aic)
	logger.info("Genrated AIC: %s", message)
	# Secure the payload
	payload = transport_security.construct_message(message, srcprivkey=app_privatekey, destpubkey=ags_publickey)
	# Calculate the current HOTP token from file
	with open(ags_secretfile, 'r') as f:
		agsdict = json.loads(f.read())
		counter = agsdict['Counter']
		tfapass = agsdict['2FAKey']
	hotp = HOTP(bytes(tfapass, 'utf-8'), 6, hashes.SHA1(), backend=default_backend())
	tfaval = hotp.generate(counter).decode('utf-8')
	# Do the reques to the AGS
	#XXX: Change to https for deployment
	url = "http://{}:{}/ags/authorized?token={}".format(ags_address, ags_port, tfaval)
	logger.info("Adding AIC to AGS: %s", url)
		resp = requests.put(url, json=payload)
	except requests.Timeout:
		logger.warning("AGS connection timeout")
		return None
	except requests.ConnectionError:
		logger.warning("AGS connection error")
		return None
	logger.info("AGS AIC PUT status code: %s", resp.status_code)
	# A 200 OK response means the request was successful
	if resp.status_code == 200:
		# Update the HOTP counter value
		counter += 1
		agsdict['Counter'] = counter
		with open(ags_secretfile, 'w') as f:
		logger.info("AGS HOTP counter was incremented to %s", counter)
		# Return the validity as returned by the AGS
		return resp.json()['validity']
		logger.warning("AGS rejected AIC")
		return None
文件: ags.py 项目: DroidX86/CloudSec
def retrieve_keys(db, attribute):
	Retrieve keys from the KS; This involves querying the KS with an authentication token
	Then decrypting and returning the encrypted payload

	db -- Databse whose keys to retrieve
	attribute -- The attribute whose encryption key to retrieve
	# Load the HOTP secret and counter from the secret file of the Key Server
	with open(ks_secretfile, 'r') as f:
		ksdict = json.loads(f.read())
		counter = ksdict['Counter']
		tfapass = ksdict['2FAKey']
	# Calculate the HOTP token value
	hotp = HOTP(bytes(tfapass, 'utf-8'), 6, hashes.SHA1(), backend=default_backend())
	tfaval = hotp.generate(counter).decode('utf-8')
	# Do the request to the key server
	#XXX: Chnage to https for deployment
	url = "http://{}:{}/key/{}/{}?token={}".format(ks_address, ks_port, db, attribute, tfaval)
	logger.info("Trying to access key from KS: %s", url)
	# Do the request
		resp = requests.get(url)
	except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
		logger.warning("KS request timeout")
		return None
	except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
		logger.warning("KS connection refused")
		return None
	logger.info("KS response code: %s", resp.status_code)
	if resp.status_code == 200:	# Got 200 means KS incremented the counter
		counter += 1	# Increment our own counter
		# Save the updated secret
		ksdict['Counter'] = counter
		with open(ks_secretfile, 'w') as f:
		logger.info("KS HOTP counter was incremented to %s", counter)
		# Get the transport secure message
		secured_message = resp.json()
		key = transport_security.deconstruct_message(secured_message, destprivkey=app_privatekey, srcpubkey=ks_publickey)
		# Check if decryption was successful
		if not key:
			logger.warning("Secured message from KS was not decrypted properly")
			return None
		return key
		# KS did not return the key
		logger.warning("KS replied negatively. Something is wrong.")
		return None
class TOTP(object):
    def __init__(self, key, length, algorithm, time_step, backend):
        if not isinstance(backend, HMACBackend):
            raise UnsupportedInterface("Backend object does not implement HMACBackend")

        self._time_step = time_step
        self._hotp = HOTP(key, length, algorithm, backend)

    def generate(self, time):
        counter = int(time / self._time_step)
        return self._hotp.generate(counter)

    def verify(self, totp, time):
        if not constant_time.bytes_eq(self.generate(time), totp):
            raise InvalidToken("Supplied TOTP value does not match")
class TOTP(object):
    def __init__(self, key, length, algorithm, time_step, backend):
        if not isinstance(backend, HMACBackend):
            raise UnsupportedAlgorithm(
                "Backend object does not implement HMACBackend.",

        self._time_step = time_step
        self._hotp = HOTP(key, length, algorithm, backend)

    def generate(self, time):
        counter = int(time / self._time_step)
        return self._hotp.generate(counter)

    def verify(self, totp, time):
        if not constant_time.bytes_eq(self.generate(time), totp):
            raise InvalidToken("Supplied TOTP value does not match.")
def generate_hotp_code(secret, counter):
    """ Generate a Google authenticator compatible HOTP code
        secret: 16 character base32 secret (80 bit key)
        counter: unique integer value
        code: 6 digit one time use code

    if isinstance(secret, unicode):
        secret = secret.encode('utf-8')
        key = base64.b32decode(secret)
        hotp = HOTP(key, 6, SHA1(), backend=default_backend(), enforce_key_length=False)
        hotp_value = hotp.generate(counter)
        return hotp_value
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
    return None
class TOTP(object):
    def __init__(self, key, length, algorithm, time_step, backend, enforce_key_length=True):
        if not isinstance(backend, HMACBackend):
            raise UnsupportedAlgorithm(
                "Backend object does not implement HMACBackend.", _Reasons.BACKEND_MISSING_INTERFACE

        self._time_step = time_step
        self._hotp = HOTP(key, length, algorithm, backend, enforce_key_length)

    def generate(self, time):
        counter = int(time / self._time_step)
        return self._hotp.generate(counter)

    def verify(self, totp, time):
        if not constant_time.bytes_eq(self.generate(time), totp):
            raise InvalidToken("Supplied TOTP value does not match.")

    def get_provisioning_uri(self, account_name, issuer):
        return _generate_uri(self._hotp, "totp", account_name, issuer, [("period", int(self._time_step))])
 def test_buffer_protocol(self, backend):
     key = bytearray(b"a long key with lots of entropy goes here")
     hotp = HOTP(key, 6, SHA1(), backend)
     assert hotp.generate(10) == b"559978"
 def test_buffer_protocol(self, backend):
     key = bytearray(b"a long key with lots of entropy goes here")
     hotp = HOTP(key, 6, SHA1(), backend)
     assert hotp.generate(10) == b"559978"
import collections

def count_frequency(arr):
    return collections.Counter(arr)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    hotp_holder = []

    key = os.urandom(20)
    hotp = HOTP(key, 8, SHA1(), backend=default_backend())

    for x in range(100000):
        hotp_value = hotp.generate(x)
        hotp_str = hotp_value.decode("utf-8")
        n = 2
        for i in range(0, len(hotp_str), n):
            hotp_holder.append(hotp_str[i:i + n])

    # matplotlib histogram
    plt.hist(hotp_holder, color='blue', edgecolor='black', bins=100)

    # seaborn histogram
                 hist_kws={'edgecolor': 'black'})
def primitive():
    # Initialize the errors variable to empty string. We will have the error messages
    # in that variable, if any.
    errors = ''
    if request.method == "GET":  # If the request is GET, render the form template.
        return render_template("index.html", errors=errors)

    if 'aesForm' in request.form:
        # The request is POST with some data, get POST data and validate it.
        # The form data is available in request.form dictionary. Stripping it to remove
        # leading and trailing whitespaces
        aesPlainText = request.form['aesPlainText'].strip()

        # Check if all the fields are non-empty and raise an error otherwise
        if not aesPlainText:
            errors = "Please enter all the fields."

        if not errors:
            # If there are no errors, create a dictionary containing all the entered
            # data and pass it to the template to be displayed
            a1 = "Symmetric Encryption\n"
            a2 = "This application will use DES Symmetric Encryption to encrypt and decrypt text\n"
            plainText = "Text to encrypt: "

            getInput = aesPlainText
            backend = default_backend()
            cfb_Key = os.urandom(16)
            aes_Key = os.urandom(32)

            #secretMessage = str.encode(input(plainText))
            secretMessage = str.encode(getInput)

            cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(aes_Key),
            encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
            encryptedText = encryptor.update(
                secretMessage) + encryptor.finalize()
            decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
            decryptedText = decryptor.update(
                encryptedText) + decryptor.finalize()

            dataAes = {
                'aes_Key': aes_Key,
                'cfb_Key': cfb_Key,
                'encryptedText': encryptedText,
                'decryptedText': decryptedText
            # Since the form data is valid, render the success template
            return render_template("prim/aes.html", dataAes=dataAes)
        # Render the form template with the error messages
        return render_template("index.html", errors=errors)

    if 'desForm' in request.form:
        # The request is POST with some data, get POST data and validate it.
        # The form data is available in request.form dictionary. Stripping it to remove
        desPlainText = request.form['desPlainText'].strip()
        #desBitKey = request.form['desBitKey'].strip()
        #desMode = request.form['desMode'].strip()

        # Check if all the fields are non-empty and raise an error otherwise
        if not desPlainText:
            errors = "Please enter all the fields."
        if not errors:
            # If there are no errors, create a dictionary containing all the entered
            # data and pass it to the template to be displayed
            plaintext = desPlainText
            mode = "CBC"
            key = "12345678"

            #key and plain text
            desKey = des(key, mode, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0")
            #print ("Key      : %r" % k.getKey())
            #print ("Plaintext     : %r" % plaintext)
            #desKey = k

            # Encrypted message
            desEnc = desKey.encrypt(plaintext, [], PAD_PKCS5)
            #print ("Encrypted: %r" % d)
            desEncMessage = desEnc

            # Decrypted message
            desDec = desKey.decrypt(desEncMessage, [], PAD_PKCS5)
            #print ("Decrypted Plaintext: %r" % d)
            desDecMessage = desDec

            dataDes = {
                'desPlainText': desPlainText,
                'desKey': desKey,
                'desEncMessage': desEncMessage,
                'desDecMessage': desDecMessage
            # Since the form data is valid, render the success template
            return render_template("prim/des.html", dataDes=dataDes)
        # Render the form template with the error messages
        return render_template("index.html", errors=errors)

    if 'hmacForm' in request.form:
        # The request is POST with some data, get POST data and validate it.
        # The form data is available in request.form dictionary. Stripping it to remove
        hmacPlainText = request.form['hmacPlainText'].strip()

        # Check if all the fields are non-empty and raise an error otherwise
        if not hmacPlainText:
            errors = "Please enter all the fields."
        if not errors:
            # If there are no errors, create a dictionary containing all the entered
            # data and pass it to the template to be displayed
            shared_key = os.urandom(16)
            # Create a HMAC object
            digest = hmac.HMAC(shared_key,
            # enter the message has input to be hased in bytes
            plaintext = str.encode(hmacPlainText)
            # Finalized and produce the HMAC that will be attached to the message
            hash_code = digest.finalize()

            print("message", hmacPlainText)
            print("hash_code", hash_code)
            print("random Key:", shared_key)

            dataHmac = {
                'hmacPlainText': hmacPlainText,
                'hash_code': hash_code,
                'shared_key': shared_key

            # Since the form data is valid, render the success template
            return render_template("prim/hmac.html", dataHmac=dataHmac)
        # Render the form template with the error messages
        return render_template("index.html", errors=errors)

    if 'diffForm' in request.form:
        # The request is POST with some data, get POST data and validate it.
        # The form data is available in request.form dictionary. Stripping it to remove
        diifPlainText = request.form['diifPlainText'].strip()
        diffPub1 = request.form['diffPub1'].strip()
        diffPub2 = request.form['diffPub2'].strip()

        # Check if all the fields are non-empty and raise an error otherwise
        if not diifPlainText or not diffPub1 or not diffPub2:
            errors = "Please enter all the fields."
        if not errors:
            # If there are no errors, create a dictionary containing all the entered
            # data and pass it to the template to be displayed

            Xa = int(diffPub1)
            Xb = int(diffPub2)

            diifPlainText = int(diifPlainText)
            check_num = 0
            prK = 2
            a = prK
            #Compute Public Key for first user
            Ya = (a**Xa) % diifPlainText
            #Compute Public Key for second user
            Yb = (a**Xb) % diifPlainText
            #Compute shared key
            Ka = (Yb**Xa) % diifPlainText
            Kb = (Ya**Xb) % diifPlainText

            #Shared key should be same value for both users
            print("primitive_root: prK and prQ")
            print("1 shared key is", Ka)
            print("2 shared key is", Kb, "\n")
            print("1 and 2 secret shared key is", Ka, "\n")

            print("primitive_root", prK)
            print("a_pupKey", Ya)
            print("a_sharedKey", Ka)
            print("b_pupKey", Yb)
            print("b_sharedKey:", Kb)

            dataDiff = {
                'prime': diifPlainText,
                'primitive_root': prK,
                'a_pupKey': Ya,
                'a_sharedKey': Ka,
                'b_pupKey': Yb,
                'b_sharedKey': Kb

            # Since the form data is valid, render the success template
            return render_template("prim/diff.html", dataDiff=dataDiff)
        # Render the form template with the error messages
        return render_template("index.html", errors=errors)

    if '2faForm' in request.form:
        # The request is POST with some data, get POST data and validate it.
        # The form data is available in request.form dictionary. Stripping it to remove
        #diifPlainText = request.form['diifPlainText'].strip()

        # Check if all the fields are non-empty and raise an error otherwise
        #if not diifPlainText or not diffPub1 or not diffPub2:
        #errors = "Please enter all the fields."
        if not errors:
            # If there are no errors, create a dictionary containing all the entered
            # data and pass it to the template to be displayed

            #Key is a secret key which is being randomly generated bytes
            key2Fa = os.urandom(20)
            #HOTP is an HMAC one-time password algorithm.
            #Length parameter is controls the length of the generated password which must be >=6 and <=8; Is using SHA1() hash function to encrypt
            hotp = HOTP(key2Fa, 6, SHA1(), backend=default_backend())
            #Hotp.generate, generates the random 6 digit token
            hotp_value = hotp.generate(0)
            hotp.verify(hotp_value, 0)

            print("hashed_value: ", hotp_value)
            print("generated key: ", key2Fa)

            data2Fa = {'hotp_value': hotp_value, 'key2Fa': key2Fa}

            # Since the form data is valid, render the success template
            return render_template("prim/2fa.html", data2Fa=data2Fa)
        # Render the form template with the error messages
        return render_template("index.html", errors=errors)