    def calc_e_up(self, phi=0., omega=0., chi=0.):
        phi, omega, chi = angles of detector in radians.

        They are zeros by defaults.
        orientation_ij = (self.u_11, self.u_12, self.u_13,
                          self.u_21, self.u_22, self.u_23,
                          self.u_31, self.u_32, self.u_33)

        phi_ij = (numpy.cos(phi), numpy.sin(phi), 0.*phi,
                  -numpy.sin(phi), numpy.cos(phi), 0.*phi,
                  0.*phi, 0.*phi, 0.*phi+1.)

        omega_ij = (numpy.cos(omega), numpy.sin(omega), 0.*omega,
                    -numpy.sin(omega), numpy.cos(omega), 0.*omega,
                    0.*omega, 0.*omega, 0.*omega+1.)

        chi_ij = (numpy.cos(chi), 0.*chi, numpy.sin(chi),
                  0.*chi, 0.*chi+1., 0.*chi,
                  -numpy.sin(chi), 0.*chi, numpy.cos(chi))

        u_11, u_12, u_13, u_21, u_22, u_23, u_31, u_32, u_33 = \
            calc_product_matrices(omega_ij, chi_ij, phi_ij, orientation_ij)
        ut_ij = (u_11, u_21, u_31, u_12, u_22, u_32, u_13, u_23, u_33)
        e_up_1, e_up_2, e_up_3 = calc_product_matrix_vector(
            ut_ij, (0., 0., 1.))
        return e_up_1, e_up_2, e_up_3
def calc_moment_2d_by_susceptibility(r_ij, susc_i, m_norm_ij, h_loc):
    """Recalculate chi_i given according to symmetry elements for each point.

    chi_i  is given in reciprocal unit cell.

    After susceptibility is multiplied in magnetic field defined 

    r_ij:= r_11, r_12, r_13, r_21, r_22, r_23, r_31, r_32, r_33 
    susc_i:= chi_11, chi_22, chi_33, chi_12, chi_13, chi_23

    Matrix m_norm  used to recalculate coordinates  from direct space
    (a1/|a1|, a2/|a2|, a3/|a3|) to Cartesian one (x||a*, z||c).

    x_cart = m_norm * x_direct

    m_norm  = [[(1 - cos**2 alpha1 - cos**2 alpha2 - cos**2 alpha3 + \
                 2 cos alpha1 cos alpha2 cos alpha3)**0.5/sin(alpha1),  0,  0],
           [(cos alpha3 - cos alpha1 cos alpha2) / sin alpha1, sin alpha1,  0],
           [cos alpha2, cos alpha1,  1]]

    Matrix m_norm should be given as

        m_norm_ij = (_11, _12, _13, _21, _22, _23, _31, _32, _33) 

        moment_2d: [points, symmetry]
    n_a = numpy.newaxis
    r_11, r_12, r_13, r_21, r_22, r_23, r_31, r_32, r_33 = r_ij
    chi_11, chi_22, chi_33, chi_12, chi_13, chi_23 = susc_i
    # [ind, symm]
    chi_2d_ij = calc_mRmCmRT(
        (r_11[n_a, :], r_12[n_a, :], r_13[n_a, :], r_21[n_a, :], r_22[n_a, :],
         r_23[n_a, :], r_31[n_a, :], r_32[n_a, :], r_33[n_a, :]),
        (chi_11[:, n_a], chi_12[:, n_a], chi_13[:, n_a], chi_12[:, n_a],
         chi_22[:, n_a], chi_23[:, n_a], chi_13[:, n_a], chi_23[:, n_a],
         chi_33[:, n_a]))
    chi_orto_ij = ortogonalize_matrix(chi_2d_ij, m_norm_ij)
    moment_2d = calc_product_matrix_vector(chi_orto_ij, h_loc)
    return moment_2d
def calc_phase_3d(hkl, r_ij, b_i, fract_xyz):
Calculation of phases over 3 dimensions (hkl, points, symmetry):

fract_xyz.shape = (pointxs, 3)

r_ij, b_i are elements of symmetry

phase = exp(2\pi i (h*Rs*x + h*bs))

phase_3d: [hkl, points, symmetry]
    h, k, l = hkl[0], hkl[1], hkl[2]
    x, y, z = fract_xyz[:, 0], fract_xyz[:, 1], fract_xyz[:, 2]
    r_11, r_12, r_13, r_21, r_22, r_23, r_31, r_32, r_33 = r_ij
    b_1, b_2, b_3 = b_i

    # [ind, symm]
    mr_2d_1, mr_2d_2, mr_2d_3 = calc_product_matrix_vector(
        (r_11[numpy.newaxis, :], r_12[numpy.newaxis, :],
         r_13[numpy.newaxis, :], r_21[numpy.newaxis, :],
         r_22[numpy.newaxis, :], r_23[numpy.newaxis, :],
         r_31[numpy.newaxis, :], r_32[numpy.newaxis, :],
         r_33[numpy.newaxis, :]),
        (x[:, numpy.newaxis], y[:, numpy.newaxis], z[:, numpy.newaxis]))

    # [hkl, ind, symm]
    hrr_3d = scalar_product(
        (h[:, numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis],
         k[:, numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis], l[:, numpy.newaxis,
        (mr_2d_1[numpy.newaxis, :, :], mr_2d_2[numpy.newaxis, :, :],
         mr_2d_3[numpy.newaxis, :, :]))

    # [hkl, symm]
    hb_2d = scalar_product(
        (h[:, numpy.newaxis], k[:, numpy.newaxis], l[:, numpy.newaxis]),
        (b_1[numpy.newaxis, :], b_2[numpy.newaxis, :], b_3[numpy.newaxis, :]))
    phase_3d = numpy.exp(2. * numpy.pi * 1j *
                         (hrr_3d + hb_2d[:, numpy.newaxis, :]))
    return phase_3d
def calc_moments(fract_x, fract_y, fract_z, field_loc,
                 density_point: DensityPointL, crystal: Crystal,
                 mem_parameters: MEMParameters):
    """Calculate magnetic moments in points fract_x, fract_y, fract_z."""
    points_a = mem_parameters.points_a
    points_b = mem_parameters.points_b
    points_c = mem_parameters.points_c

    cell = crystal.cell
    atom_site = crystal.atom_site

    np_ind_xyz = numpy.transpose(
            [fract_x * points_a, fract_y * points_b, fract_z * points_c],

    # np_ind_xyz = (fract_x*points_a, fract_y*points_b, fract_z*points_c)

    chi_3d_11, chi_3d_22, chi_3d_33, chi_3d_12, chi_3d_13, chi_3d_23, \
        chi_3d_iso = calc_densities_3d_for_mem(
        density_point, crystal, mem_parameters=mem_parameters)

    c_11 = tri_linear_interpolation(np_ind_xyz, chi_3d_11)
    c_22 = tri_linear_interpolation(np_ind_xyz, chi_3d_22)
    c_33 = tri_linear_interpolation(np_ind_xyz, chi_3d_33)
    c_12 = tri_linear_interpolation(np_ind_xyz, chi_3d_12)
    c_13 = tri_linear_interpolation(np_ind_xyz, chi_3d_13)
    c_23 = tri_linear_interpolation(np_ind_xyz, chi_3d_23)

    c_iso = tri_linear_interpolation(np_ind_xyz, chi_3d_iso)

    c_orto = cell.ortogonalize_matrix(
        (c_11, c_12, c_13, c_12, c_22, c_23, c_13, c_23, c_33))
    m_x, m_y, m_z = calc_product_matrix_vector(c_orto, field_loc)
    m_b_x, m_b_y, m_b_z = c_iso*field_loc[0], c_iso*field_loc[1], \

    moment_x, moment_y, moment_z = m_x + m_b_x, m_y + m_b_y, m_z + m_b_z

    return moment_x, moment_y, moment_z
def calc_asymmetric_unit_cell_indexes(n_x: int, n_y: int, n_z: int, r_ij, b_i)\
       -> NoReturn:
    Calculate indexes of asymmetric unit cell.

    Input parameters:
        - symmetry elements;
        - points number.

    Multiplication of points number on corresponding symmetry element should
    give integer number.

    r_11, r_12, r_13, r_21, r_22, r_23, r_31, r_32, r_33 = r_ij
    b_1, b_2, b_3 = b_i

    ind_x = numpy.array(range(n_x), dtype=int)
    ind_y = numpy.array(range(n_y), dtype=int)
    ind_z = numpy.array(range(n_z), dtype=int)

    ind_2d_x, ind_2d_y, ind_2d_z = numpy.meshgrid(ind_x,

    ind_x, ind_y = ind_2d_x.flatten(), ind_2d_y.flatten()
    ind_z = ind_2d_z.flatten()

    r_ij_2d = (r_11[numpy.newaxis, :], r_12[numpy.newaxis, :],
               r_13[numpy.newaxis, :], r_21[numpy.newaxis, :],
               r_22[numpy.newaxis, :], r_23[numpy.newaxis, :],
               r_31[numpy.newaxis, :], r_32[numpy.newaxis, :],
               r_33[numpy.newaxis, :])
    nb_i_2d = (numpy.around(n_x * b_1, 0).astype(int)[numpy.newaxis, :],
               numpy.around(n_y * b_2, 0).astype(int)[numpy.newaxis, :],
               numpy.around(n_z * b_3, 0).astype(int)[numpy.newaxis, :])

    ind_xyz = (ind_x[:, numpy.newaxis], ind_y[:, numpy.newaxis],
               ind_z[:, numpy.newaxis])

    ind_2d_a, ind_2d_b, ind_2d_c = calc_product_matrix_vector(r_ij_2d, ind_xyz)

    ind_2d_a += nb_i_2d[0]
    ind_2d_b += nb_i_2d[1]
    ind_2d_c += nb_i_2d[2]
    ind_2d_a = numpy.mod(ind_2d_a.astype(int), n_x)
    ind_2d_b = numpy.mod(ind_2d_b.astype(int), n_y)
    ind_2d_c = numpy.mod(ind_2d_c.astype(int), n_z)

    ind_2d_abc = n_z * n_y * ind_2d_a + n_z * ind_2d_b + ind_2d_c

    ind_2d_abc_sorted = numpy.sort(ind_2d_abc, axis=1)
    a, ind_a_u_c, counts_a_u_c = numpy.unique(ind_2d_abc_sorted[:, 0],

    ind_x_a_u_c = ind_x[ind_a_u_c]
    ind_y_a_u_c = ind_y[ind_a_u_c]
    ind_z_a_u_c = ind_z[ind_a_u_c]

    return ind_x_a_u_c, ind_y_a_u_c, ind_z_a_u_c, counts_a_u_c