def fill_missing_dates(dates, freq=None):
    Finds and fills the missing dates in a :class:`DateArray`.

    dates : {DateArray}
        Initial array of dates.
    freq : {freq_spec}, optional
        Frequency of result. 
        If not specified, the frequency of the input is used.
    # Check the frequency ........
    orig_freq = freq
    freq = check_freq(freq)
    if (orig_freq is not None) and (freq == _c.FR_UND):
        freqstr = check_freq_str(freq)
        errmsg = "Unable to define a proper date resolution (found %s)."
        raise ValueError(errmsg % freqstr)
    # Check the dates .............
    if not isinstance(dates, DateArray):
        errmsg = "A DateArray was expected, got %s instead."
        raise ValueError(errmsg % type(dates))
    # Convert the dates to the new frequency (if needed)
    if freq != dates.freq:
        dates = dates.asfreq(freq)
    # Flatten the array
    if dates.ndim != 1:
        dates = dates.ravel()
    # Skip if there's no need to fill
    if not dates.has_missing_dates():
        return dates
    # ...and now, fill it ! ......
    (tstart, tend) = dates[[0, -1]]
    return date_array(start_date=tstart, end_date=tend)
def fill_missing_dates(dates, freq=None):
    Finds and fills the missing dates in a :class:`DateArray`.

    dates : {DateArray}
        Initial array of dates.
    freq : {freq_spec}, optional
        Frequency of result. 
        If not specified, the frequency of the input is used.
    # Check the frequency ........
    orig_freq = freq
    freq = check_freq(freq)
    if (orig_freq is not None) and (freq == _c.FR_UND):
        freqstr = check_freq_str(freq)
        errmsg = "Unable to define a proper date resolution (found %s)."
        raise ValueError(errmsg % freqstr)
    # Check the dates .............
    if not isinstance(dates, DateArray):
        errmsg = "A DateArray was expected, got %s instead."
        raise ValueError(errmsg % type(dates))
    # Convert the dates to the new frequency (if needed)
    if freq != dates.freq:
        dates = dates.asfreq(freq)
    # Flatten the array
    if dates.ndim != 1:
        dates = dates.ravel()
    # Skip if there's no need to fill
    if not dates.has_missing_dates():
        return dates
    # ...and now, fill it ! ......
    (tstart, tend) = dates[[0, -1]]
    return date_array(start_date=tstart, end_date=tend)
 def freqstr(self):
     "Returns the frequency string code."
     return check_freq_str(self.freq)
def convert_to_float(datearray, ofreq):
    Convert a :class:`~scikits.timeseries.DateArray` object from a ndarray
    of integers to a ndarray of float at a lower frequency.

    datearray : DateArray
        Input :class:`~scikits.timeseries.DateArray` to convert.
    ofreq : var
        Valid frequency specifier.

    This function is currently restricted to conversion between annual (``'A'``),
    quarterly (``'Q'``), monthly (``'M'``) and daily (``'D'``) frequencies only.
    if not isinstance(datearray, DateArray):
        raise TypeError("The input should be a valid DateArray instance !"\
                        " (got '%s' instead)" % type(datearray))
    errmsg = "Not implemented for the frequencies ('%s', '%s')"
    freqdict = dict([(f, check_freq(f)) for f in ('A', 'Q', 'M', 'D')])
    ifreq = datearray.freq
    ofreq = check_freq(ofreq)
    errmsg = "Not implemented for the frequencies ('%s', '%s')" % \
             (check_freq_str(ifreq), check_freq_str(ofreq))
    if ifreq < ofreq:
        output = datearray.asfreq(ofreq).tovalue().astype(float)
    elif ifreq == ofreq:
        output = datearray.tovalue().astype(float)
    # Quarterly.........
    elif (ifreq >= freqdict['Q']) and (ifreq < freqdict['M']):
        if (ofreq >= freqdict['A']) and (ofreq < freqdict['Q']):
            output = datearray.years.astype(float) + (datearray.quarters - 1.) / 4.
    # Monthly...........
    elif ifreq == freqdict['M']:
        #... to annual
        if (ofreq >= freqdict['A']) and (ofreq < freqdict['Q']):
            output = datearray.years.astype(float) + (datearray.months - 1) / 12.
            raise NotImplementedError(errmsg)
    # Daily ............
    elif ifreq == freqdict['D']:
        # ... to annual
        if (ofreq >= freqdict['A']) and (ofreq < freqdict['Q']):
            output = datearray.asfreq('A')
            output = output.tovalue().astype(float) + \
                     (datearray.yeardays - 1.) / output.yeardays.astype(float)
        # ... to quarterly
        elif (ofreq >= freqdict['Q']) and (ofreq < freqdict['M']):
            raise NotImplementedError
        # ... to monthly
        elif ofreq == freqdict['M']:
            output = datearray.asfreq('M')
            output = output.tovalue().astype(float) + \
                     (datearray.days - 1.) / output.days.astype(float)
        # ... to other
            raise NotImplementedError(errmsg)
    # Less than daily
    elif ifreq > freqdict['D']:
        raise NotImplementedError(errmsg)
        raise NotImplementedError(errmsg)
    return output
 def freqstr(self):
     "Returns the frequency string code."
     return check_freq_str(self.freq)
def convert_to_float(datearray, ofreq):
    Convert a :class:`~scikits.timeseries.DateArray` object from a ndarray
    of integers to a ndarray of float at a lower frequency.

    datearray : DateArray
        Input :class:`~scikits.timeseries.DateArray` to convert.
    ofreq : var
        Valid frequency specifier.

    This function is currently restricted to conversion between annual (``'A'``),
    quarterly (``'Q'``), monthly (``'M'``) and daily (``'D'``) frequencies only.
    if not isinstance(datearray, DateArray):
        raise TypeError("The input should be a valid DateArray instance !"\
                        " (got '%s' instead)" % type(datearray))
    errmsg = "Not implemented for the frequencies ('%s', '%s')"
    freqdict = dict([(f, check_freq(f)) for f in ('A', 'Q', 'M', 'D')])
    ifreq = datearray.freq
    ofreq = check_freq(ofreq)
    errmsg = "Not implemented for the frequencies ('%s', '%s')" % \
             (check_freq_str(ifreq), check_freq_str(ofreq))
    if ifreq < ofreq:
        output = datearray.asfreq(ofreq).tovalue().astype(float)
    elif ifreq == ofreq:
        output = datearray.tovalue().astype(float)
    # Quarterly.........
    elif (ifreq >= freqdict['Q']) and (ifreq < freqdict['M']):
        if (ofreq >= freqdict['A']) and (ofreq < freqdict['Q']):
            output = datearray.years.astype(float) + (datearray.quarters -
                                                      1.) / 4.
    # Monthly...........
    elif ifreq == freqdict['M']:
        #... to annual
        if (ofreq >= freqdict['A']) and (ofreq < freqdict['Q']):
            output = datearray.years.astype(float) + (datearray.months -
                                                      1) / 12.
            raise NotImplementedError(errmsg)
    # Daily ............
    elif ifreq == freqdict['D']:
        # ... to annual
        if (ofreq >= freqdict['A']) and (ofreq < freqdict['Q']):
            output = datearray.asfreq('A')
            output = output.tovalue().astype(float) + \
                     (datearray.yeardays - 1.) / output.yeardays.astype(float)
        # ... to quarterly
        elif (ofreq >= freqdict['Q']) and (ofreq < freqdict['M']):
            raise NotImplementedError
        # ... to monthly
        elif ofreq == freqdict['M']:
            output = datearray.asfreq('M')
            output = output.tovalue().astype(float) + \
                     (datearray.days - 1.) / output.days.astype(float)
        # ... to other
            raise NotImplementedError(errmsg)
    # Less than daily
    elif ifreq > freqdict['D']:
        raise NotImplementedError(errmsg)
        raise NotImplementedError(errmsg)
    return output