post_dict["category"] = cat
    post_dict["word_count"] = utils.word_count (html.unescape (utils.strip_tags (post_dict ["contents"])))
    if "auto_paragraphs" in post_dict:
      post_dict ["contents"] = utils.auto_paragraphs (post_dict ["contents"])
    if cat == 'blog':
      post_dict['contents'] += signature
for name,story in long_stories.items():
  story["word_count"] = 0
  for post_dict in story["pages"]:
    story["word_count"] = story["word_count"] + post_dict["word_count"]

css.insert ('''
a.small_story {display: block; padding: 0.8em 0; color: black; text-decoration: none;}
a.small_story h2 {font-weight: bold; color: black;}
a.small_story .blurb {font-size:71%;}
.big_story .index_entry {padding-top: 0.8em; padding-bottom: 0.1em; font-weight: bold; font-size: 100%;}

def stories_index (full):
  import blog
  import category_pages
  def info (story):
    words = story["word_count"]
    return " [" + (story ["word_count_override"] if "word_count_override" in story else str(((words + 50)//100)*100) + " words") + "]"
  def big_story (story):
    if story in stories_map:
      story = stories_map [story]
      story ["listed"] = True
def do_css_for_comic(comic_id):
  comic_width = comics_metadata[comic_id]["image_width"]
  ancestor_str = 'html.'+comics_metadata[comic_id]["html_class"]
  transcript_at_side_width = comic_width + 3*sideways_space + min_transcript_width
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'''+ancestor_str+''' div.comic_and_nav {
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'''+ancestor_str+''' img.comic_image {
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'''+ancestor_str+''' div.comic_nav_bar {
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'''+ancestor_str+''' .comic_nav_button_main {
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margin: 0 auto;}

@media screen and (max-width:'''+str( comic_width - 1) +'''px) {
'''+ancestor_str+''' div.comic_and_nav {
  width: 100%; }
'''+ancestor_str+''' img.comic_image {
  width: 100%; }
'''+ancestor_str+''' .comic_nav_button_main {
  width: '''+str(navbut_wid*100//navhalf_wid )+'''%;}
'''+('' if "no_transcript" in comics_metadata[comic_id] else '''
@media screen and (min-width: '''+str(transcript_at_side_width)+'''px) {
  '''+ancestor_str+''' div.comic_and_nav {
    width: auto;
    padding-left: '''+str(sideways_space)+'''px; }
  '''+ancestor_str+''' div.comic_image {
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    width: '''+str(comic_width)+'''px; }
  '''+ancestor_str+''' div.comic_annotation_outer {
    width: '''+str(comic_width)+'''px; }

  '''+ancestor_str+''' div.comic_transcript_outer {
    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: top;
    width: auto;
    margin-left: '''+str(comic_width)+'''px; }
  '''+ancestor_str+'''.transcripts_hidden div.comic_and_nav {
    width: '''+str((transcript_at_side_width+comic_width)/2)+'''px;
    padding-left: '''+str((transcript_at_side_width-comic_width)/2)+'''px; }
  '''+ancestor_str+'''.transcripts_hidden div.comic_transcript_outer {
    width: '''+str((transcript_at_side_width-comic_width)/2)+'''px; }
@media screen and (min-width: '''+str(transcript_maximized_width)+'''px) {
  '''+ancestor_str+''' div.comic_and_nav {
    width: '''+str(transcript_maximized_width)+'''px; }
  '''+ancestor_str+''' div.comic_transcript_outer {
    width: '''+str(transcript_maximized_width-comic_width)+'''px; }

div.blog_page_limits {
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div.blog_left_margin {
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div.blog_stream {
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a.stream_media_reference img {
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a.stream_media_reference:hover {text-decoration: underline;}

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margin-right: 1.5em;
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a.continue_reading {

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div.user_comment:hover>div.comment_body_hover_marker>*>div.comment_body {
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a:link.blog_end_link { color:yellow; }
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padding-bottom:0.1em;   }
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a.random_post.enabled {
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padding: 0.6em 0.8em;

background-color: white;
border:0.15em solid #555;
position: relative;}
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display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
width:2em; }
a.Patreon_link span {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
a.Patreon_link:hover {
a.Patreon_link:hover span {text-decoration: underline;}

a.blog_Patreon_appeal {
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p.reply_input_info { padding-left: 0.5em; }
span.big_quote_mark_outer { width: 2.5em; height: 0; float: left; margin-top: -0.5em; }
span.big_quote_mark_inner { font-size: 5em; color: #d0d0d0; }
div.footnotes { margin-top: 2em; }
a.footnote_link { color: black; }

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html.restricted_user .hidden_from_restricted_users {display: none;}

html.voldemorts_children div.comic_archive {
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html.voldemorts_children .metabar_content_warnings_enabled.content_warning {
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html.voldemorts_children .metabar_content_warnings_disabled {
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html.voldemorts_children                           div.comic_nav_button:hover img.comic_nav_button_main.content_warning { background-color: #'''+active_cw_color     +'''; }
html.voldemorts_children.content_warnings_disabled                            img.comic_nav_button_main.content_warning { background-color: #'''+arrow_color_dull    +'''; }
html.voldemorts_children.content_warnings_disabled div.comic_nav_button:hover img.comic_nav_button_main.content_warning { background-color: #'''+arrow_color_bright  +'''; }
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html.voldemorts_children div.user_comment:hover>div.comment_body_hover_marker>*>div.comment_body {
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html.voldemorts_children .blog_post_metadata {
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html.voldemorts_children .MailChimp_form {
background-color: black;
border-color: #'''+arrow_color_dull+''';

color: #'''+ arrow_color_bright +''';

html.voldemorts_children .MailChimp_form .email {
border-color: #'''+arrow_color_bright +''';
background-color: black; color: white;}
html.voldemorts_children .MailChimp_form .button {
html.voldemorts_children .MailChimp_form .button:hover {
background-color:#'''+arrow_color_bright +''';}

div.comic_content_warning_box {
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html.content_warnings_disabled .metabar_content_warnings_enabled {
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html.content_warnings_disabled a.comic_disable_content_warnings {
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div.comic_box_after_content_warning {
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html.content_warnings_disabled .remove_if_content_warnings_disabled {
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div.comic_and_nav {
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div.comic_image {
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div.comic_transcript_inner {
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div.comic_transcript_label {
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.transcripts_hidden p.comic_transcript_line { display: none; }
p.comic_transcript_line {
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div.comic_annotation {
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div.comic_nav_bar {
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div.comic_nav_button {
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div.comic_nav_button a {
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span.comic_nav_content_warning {
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img.small_inline_image {height:1em; width: auto;}

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border-style: solid; border-color: transparent; border-top-width: 59px;}

div.comic_metabar {
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div.comic_archive {
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div.hidden_cw_box {
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html.content_warnings_disabled a.reveal_cw_button { display:block; }
html.content_warnings_disabled div.hidden_cws { display:none; }
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division

import re
import html

import css
import html_pages

span.inline_separator {
  margin: 0 0.3em; }

inline_separator = '<span class="inline_separator"> &middot; </span>'
canonical_scheme_and_domain = ''

def background_image (name ='colorful-background.jpg'):
  return '<div><img role="presentation" alt="" class="background" src="/media/' + name + '?rr" /></div>'

def capitalize_string(string):
  if len(string) == 0:
    return string
  return string[0].upper()+string[1:]

def strip_tags(string):
  return re.sub(r"<.+?>","",string)
div.bars_outer_box {
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div.bars_inner_box {
  padding-bottom: 5em;
@media screen and (max-width: 30em) {
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division

import css


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blurb = "A collection of drawings I did for a studio art class."
blurb_big = '''<p>In AP Studio Art, each student makes a portfolio of 24 drawings. 12 are "breadth" drawings, where you try to show your expertise with as many different materials and subjects as you can. The other 12 are "concentration" drawings. You pick a single concept to focus on, and make 12 drawings exploring that theme, whatever it is.</p>

<p>For my concentration, I chose "bringing meaning to empty spaces". I felt like it would help me learn the craft of arranging an image on a page &ndash; so that I could draw attention to a space and make it meaningful, even if there was nothing there.</p>

<p>Click on each image to get a closer view, and see my notes on each one.</p>'''


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pages = [

{"source": "postage_stamp.jpg", "chapter_start": "Breadth", "annotation":'''Pencil on paper. This is a self-portrait as a postage stamp, at the actual size of a postage stamp, drawn on an actual envelope.

I used a mechanical pencil for this, as I do for almost all my pencil drawings. When I draw with mechanical pencil, I alternate drawing with scribbling at an angle on a piece of scrap paper, to wear down the lead in a specific pattern. One side of the lead becomes a wide flat surface, suitable for shading. The other side becomes a very fine point. This fine point was what I used to make the tiny, precise lines of this drawing.'''},
{"source": "fiery_stuff.jpg", "annotation":'''Oil pastel on black paper, if I remember right. (I have the original artwork stored somewhere in my house, but I'm only looking at the digital versions as I write this.)