def __init__(self, message, token=None): if token: message += " (" if token.parent: message += "while processing %s in \"%s\"" % ( token.__class__.__name__, token.parent.toString(cssparser.CSSOptions(colorize=True))) else: message += "while processing %s: \"%s\"" % ( token.__class__.__name__, token.toString(cssparser.CSSOptions(colorize=True))) message += ")" Exception.__init__(self, message)
def compile(self, token, options=cssparser.CSSOptions()): if token.isRuleSet(): self.pushScope() if token.isAtRule(): self.compileAtRule(token, options) if token.parent == None: # the token could have been removed return i = 0 while i < len(token.children): child = token.children[i] if child.parent == None: raise SCSSCompileError( "Child is looking for its parents, please report at the tent next to the main stage", child) self.compile(child, options) if child.parent: # the token could have been removed i += 1 if token.isAnyToken(): self.compileAny(token) elif token.isValue(): self.compileValue(token) elif token.isDeclaration(): self.compileDeclaration(token) elif token.isAssignment(): SCSSExpression.processAssignment(token, self.getCurrentScope()) elif token.isRuleSet(): self.compileRuleSet(token) self.popScope() elif token.isAtRule() and token.getKeyWord() == "extend": self.processExtend(token)
def toString(self, options = cssparser.CSSOptions()): strings = [] for item in self.items: if isinstance(item, SCSSList) and len(item.items) == 0: continue strings.append(item.toString(options)) return self.separator.join(strings)
def fromStream(stream): options = cssparser.CSSOptions(compileScss=True) value = cssparser.CSSValueToken(None) token = value while token and not stream.isEndOfFile(): token = token.process(stream, options) return SCSSExpression(value.getStrippedChildren())
def fromString(expression, options=None): if options: options.compileScss = True else: options = cssparser.CSSOptions(compileScss=True) stream = cssparser.CSSStream(expression, options) return SCSSExpression.fromStream(stream)
def toString(self, options = cssparser.CSSOptions()): result = "" stream = cssparser.CSSStream(self.value) character = stream.take() while character != cssparser.CSS_EOF: if character == "\"": result += "\\" result += character character = stream.take() if options.stripQuotes: return result else: return "\"" + result + "\""
def start(self, options=cssparser.CSSOptions()): compiler = scsscompiler.SCSSCompiler() scope = compiler.getGlobalScope() while True: statement = raw_input(">> ") if statement == "\\q" or statement == "exit()": print "Bye." return try: expression = scssexpression.SCSSExpression.fromString( statement, options) expression.evaluate(scope) for token in expression.tokens: print token.toString(options) except Exception, exception: print exception
def processExtend(self, token): ruleSets = token.getStyleSheet().getRuleSets() mySelector = token.getParentRuleSet().getSelector() options = cssparser.CSSOptions(stripWhiteSpace=True) signatureString = cssparser.tokenListToString(token.getSignature(), options) for ruleSet in ruleSets: selector = ruleSet.getSelector() for sub1 in selector.getSubSelectors(): if cssparser.tokenListToString(sub1, options) == signatureString: for sub2 in mySelector.getSubSelectors(): if selector.getLastChild().isWhiteSpace(): selector.getLastChild().remove() selector.createDelimiterChild(",") for child in sub2: selector.add(child.clone()) break token.remove()
def toString(self, options = cssparser.CSSOptions()): if self.a == 0.0: return "transparent" # just use some long strings so they are not used by accident hex = "012345678901234567890123456789" hsl = "012345678901234567890123456789" key = "012345678901234567890123456789" rgb = "012345678901234567890123456789" if not self.isRgbValue(): if self.a == 1.0: hsl = "hsl(%s,%s%%,%s%%)" % (int(self.h * 360), int(self.s * 100), int(self.l * 100)) else: hsl = "hsla(%s,%s,%s,%s)" % (int(self.h * 360), int(self.s * 100), int(self.l * 100), str(self.a)[1:]) self.convertToRgb() if self.a == 1.0: keyword = self.colorToKeyword([self.r * 255, self.g * 255, self.b * 255]) if keyword: key = keyword hex = "" for c in [self.r, self.g, self.b]: hex += string.hexdigits[15 if c * 16 > 15 else int(c * 16)] + string.hexdigits[int((c * 255) % 16)] if hex[0] == hex[1] and hex[2] == hex[3] and hex[4] == hex[5]: hex = hex[0] + hex[2] + hex[4] hex = "#" + hex else: rgb = "rgba(%s,%s,%s,%s)" % (int(self.r * 255), int(self.g * 255), int(self.b * 255), str(self.a)[1:]) # always pick the shortest representation if len(key) < len(hsl) and len(key) < len(hex) and len(key) < len(rgb): return key elif len(hsl) < len(hex) and len(hsl) < len(rgb): return hsl elif len(hex) < len(rgb): return hex else: return rgb
def processInterpolation(token, scope=None): result = "" stream = cssparser.CSSStream([1:-1] if token.isString() else character = stream.take() while character != cssparser.CSS_EOF: if character == "#" and stream.current() == "{": stream.take() # skip the { expression = SCSSExpression.fromStream(stream) expression.evaluate(scope) result += expression.toString( cssparser.CSSOptions(stripQuotes=True)) stream.take() # skip the } else: if character == "\"": result += "\\" result += character character = stream.take() if token.isString(): return cssparser.CSSStringToken(None, "\"" + result + "\"") else: return cssparser.CSSIdentifierToken(None, result)
#!/usr/bin/python import optparse import sys import cssparser if __name__ == "__main__": usage = "Usage: stdin | %prog [options] | stdout" optionParser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) optionParser.add_option("", "--color", action="store_true", help="Colorize the output") (options, args) = optionParser.parse_args() parser = cssparser.CSSParser() options = cssparser.CSSOptions(stripWhiteSpace=True, stripComments=True, minimizeValues=True, stripExtraSemicolons=True, colorize=options.color, compileScss=True) token = parser.parse(, options) print token.toString(options)
def toString(self, options = cssparser.CSSOptions()): return self.token.toString(options)
def toString(self, options = cssparser.CSSOptions()): return "true" if self.value else "false"
def toString(self, options = cssparser.CSSOptions()): return str(self.value) + self.unit
for entry in sorted(os.listdir(path)): if entry[0] == ".": continue yield entry if __name__ == "__main__": usage = "Usage: %prog [options]" optionParser = optparse.OptionParser(usage = usage) optionParser.add_option("", "--color", action = "store_true", help = "Colorize the output") (o, args) = optionParser.parse_args() for test in dirEntries("test/sass"): parser = cssparser.CSSParser() options = cssparser.CSSOptions(stripWhiteSpace = True, compileScss = True) colorOptions = cssparser.CSSOptions(stripWhiteSpace = True, compileScss = True, colorize = True) with"test/sass/%s/in.scss" % test, "r", "utf-8") as f: token = parser.parse(, options) compiler = scsscompiler.SCSSCompiler() compiler.compile(token) output = token.toString(options) with"test/sass/%s/out.css" % test, "r", "utf-8") as f: expected = if output == expected.strip(): print "Test %s passed." % test else:
def toString(self, options=cssparser.CSSOptions()): string = "" for token in self.tokens: string += token.toString(options) return string