def import_code_violation():
    csv_file = 'code_violation_cleaned.csv'
    #816 is churchill
    currentmuni = 816
    codesource = 18
    defaultch = 1
    # db_conn = get_db_conn()
    # cursor = db_conn.cursor()
    # Using a hard-coded role description
    sql_command = """
        INSERT INTO public.codeelement(
            elementid, codesource_sourceid, ordchapterno, ordchaptertitle, 
            ordsecnum, ordsectitle, ordsubsecnum, ordsubsectitle, ordtechnicaltext, 
            ordhumanfriendlytext, isactive, resourceurl, datecreated, guideentryid)
    VALUES (DEFAULT, ?, ?, ?, 
            ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 
            ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);

    # Read CSV file with original Access Data
    with open(csv_file, 'r') as infile:
        reader = csv_utils.UnicodeReader(infile, delimiter=CSV_DELIMITER)
        # Ignore header
        for row in reader:
            if row[2] == currentmuni and row[3] != 'None' and row[4] != 'None':
                rowdict = {}
                rowdict['elementid'] = int(row[1]) + 1000
                rowdict['codesource_sourceid'] = codesource
                rawcodenum = row[3]
                exp = re.compile(r'(\d+)[\.-](\d+[.-]?\d*)\s(.*)')
                m =, rawcodenum)
def import_codeenfevent():
    csv_file = 'codeEnfEvent.csv'

    db_conn = get_db_conn()
    cursor = db_conn.cursor()
    # Using hard-coded event type ID: 18, for code enforcement letter type
    sql_command = """
        INSERT INTO codeenfevent
            (eventID, eventDate, eventDescription, letterText,
            codeOfficer_officerID, codeEnfCase_caseID, EventTyp_codeEnfEventTypeID)
        VALUES (%(eventID)s, %(eventDate)s, %(eventDescription)s,
            %(letterText)s, %(codeOfficer_officerID)s, %(codeEnfCase_caseID)s, 18)
    # Read CSV file with original Access Data
    with open(csv_file, 'r') as infile:
        reader = csv_utils.UnicodeReader(infile, delimiter=CSV_DELIMITER)
        # Get header
        header =
        # Sequence of eventid
        get_event_id = itertools.count(start=1)
        for row in reader:
            # Build a record dict from row and header
            record = dict(zip(header, row))
            # Assign eventid
            record['eventID'] =
            # Insert the data to the Postgres table
            cursor.execute(sql_command, record)
def import_propertyagent():
    table_name = 'propertyAgent'
    csv_file = 'propertyAgent_test.csv'
    db_conn = get_db_conn()
    cursor = db_conn.cursor()
    # Using hard-coded event type ID: 18, for code enforcement letter type
    sql_command = """
        INSERT INTO public.person(
            personid, persontype, muni_municode, fname, lname, jobtitle, 
            phonecell, phonehome, phonework, email, address_street, address_city, 
            address_state, address_zip, notes, lastupdated, expirydate, isactive, 
            isunder18, humanverifiedby)
        VALUES (%(personid)s, CAST('LegacyAgent' AS persontype), %(municode)s, %(fname)s, %(lname)s, NULL, 
                NULL, NULL, %(phonework)s, %(email)s, %(address_street)s, %(address_city)s, 
                %(address_state)s, %(address_zip)s, %(notes)s, now(), NULL, TRUE, 
                FALSE, NULL);

    # Read CSV file with original Access Data
    with open(csv_file, 'r') as infile:
        reader = csv_utils.UnicodeReader(infile, delimiter=CSV_DELIMITER)
        # Get header
        header =
        # Sequence of eventid
        get_personid = itertools.count(start=200)
        for row in reader:
            # Build a record dict from row and header
            record = dict(zip(header, row))
            if record['fname'] == None:
                record['fname'] == 'none'
            if record['lname'] == None:
                record['lname'] == 'none'
            record['personid'] =
            record['notes'] = 'person created from legacy table tblAgent with origin agentid of %s connected to property id %s' \
            % (record['agentid'], record['propertyid'])
            cursor.execute(sql_command, record)
                pgprop = fetch_pgpropertyid(record['parcelid'])
            except Exception:
                print('skipping person linking for %s' % (record['fname']))
            connect_person_to_property(pgprop, record['personid']) 
def import_codeofficer():
    csv_file = 'codeOfficer.csv'

    db_conn = get_db_conn()
    cursor = db_conn.cursor()
    # Using a hard-coded role description
    sql_command = """
        INSERT INTO codeofficer
            (officerid, firstname, lastname, roledescription)
        VALUES (%s, %s, %s, 'Code enforcement officer');
    # Read CSV file with original Access Data
    with open(csv_file, 'r') as infile:
        reader = csv_utils.UnicodeReader(infile, delimiter=CSV_DELIMITER)
        # Ignore header
        for row in reader:
            # Get code officer ID
            officer_id = row[0]
            # Split officer's name into first and last name
            first_name, last_name = row[1].split(' ')
            # Insert the data to the Postgres table
            cursor.execute(sql_command, (officer_id, first_name, last_name))
def store_owner_as_property():
    db_conn = get_db_conn()
    cursor = db_ conn.cursor()
    # Using hard-coded event type ID: 18, for code enforcement letter type
    sql_command = """

        INSERT INTO public.person(
            personid, persontype, muni_municode, fname, lname, jobtitle, 
            phonecell, phonehome, phonework, email, address_street, address_city, 
            address_state, address_zip, notes, lastupdated, expirydate, isactive, 
            isunder18, "humanVerifiedby")
        VALUES (DEFAULT, CAST( 'ownercntylookup' AS persontype), %s, ?, ?, ?, 
                ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 
                ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 
                ?, ?);

        INSERT INTO codeenfevent
            (eventID, eventDate, eventDescription, letterText,
            codeOfficer_officerID, codeEnfCase_caseID, EventTyp_codeEnfEventTypeID)
        VALUES (%(eventID)s, %(eventDate)s, %(eventDescription)s,
            %(letterText)s, %(codeOfficer_officerID)s, %(codeEnfCase_caseID)s, 18)
    # Read CSV file with original Access Data
    with open(csv_file, 'r') as infile:
        reader = csv_utils.UnicodeReader(infile, delimiter=CSV_DELIMITER)
        # Get header
        header =
        # Sequence of eventid
        get_event_id = itertools.count(start=1)
        for row in reader:
            # Build a record dict from row and header
            record = dict(zip(header, row))
            # Assign eventid
            record['eventID'] =
            # Insert the data to the Postgres table
            cursor.execute(sql_command, record)
def import_code_elements():
    print 'importing code violations'
    csv_file = 'code_violation_cleaned.csv'
    # csv_file = 'testviolations.csv' 
    #816 is churchill
    currentmuni = 953
    codesource = 26
    defaultch = 0
    db_conn = get_db_conn()
    cursor = db_conn.cursor()
    # Using a hard-coded role description
    sql_command = """
        INSERT INTO public.codeelement(
            elementid, codesource_sourceid, ordchapterno, ordchaptertitle, 
            ordsecnum, ordsectitle, ordsubsecnum, ordsubsectitle, ordtechnicaltext, 
            ordhumanfriendlytext, isactive, resourceurl, datecreated, guideentryid, notes, legacyid)
    VALUES (DEFAULT, %(codesource_sourceid)s, %(ordchapterno)s, NULL, 
            %(ordsecnum)s, NULL, %(ordsubsecnum)s, %(ordsubsectitle)s, %(ordtechnicaltext)s, 
            NULL, CAST (%(isactive)s AS boolean), NULL, now(), NULL, %(notes)s, CAST(%(legacyid)s AS integer));

    rowdict = {}
    # Read CSV file with original Access Data
    with open(csv_file, 'r') as infile:
        reader = csv_utils.UnicodeReader(infile, delimiter=CSV_DELIMITER)
        # Ignore header
        for row in reader:
            muni = int(row[1])
            if muni == currentmuni:
                print '****************'
                print row[0]
                # rowdict['elementid'] = int(row[0]) + 1000
                rowdict['codesource_sourceid'] = codesource
                rowdict['ordchapterno'] = defaultch
                rawcodenum = row[2]
                exp = re.compile(r'(\d+)[\.-](\d+[\.-]?\w*[\.]?)\s+(.*)')
                # this exp is specific for separating out churchill specific ordinances which only use a - delimiter
                # exp = re.compile(r'(\d+).(\d+[\.-]?\w*[\.]?)\s+(.*)')
                m =,rawcodenum)
                if m:
                    rowdict['ordsecnum'] =
                    print rowdict['ordsecnum']
                    rowdict['ordsubsecnum'] =
                    print rowdict['ordsubsecnum']
                    rowdict['ordsubsectitle'] =
                    print rowdict['ordsubsectitle'] 
                    rowdict['ordtechnicaltext'] = row[3]
                    rowdict['isactive'] = row[4].upper()
                    rowdict['notes'] = 'pulled from legacy system on 16JUL18'
                    rowdict['legacyid'] = row[0]

                    # Insert the data to the Postgres table
                    cursor.execute(sql_command, rowdict)
                    print "no match"
                    rowdict['ordsecnum'] = 'NULL'
                    rowdict['ordsubsecnum'] = 'NULL'
                    rowdict['ordsubsectitle'] = 'NULL'