def _rectangular_pixel_row_column(pix_x, pix_y):
    Get the row and column of rectangular pixels of a camera that are
    arranged in a grid
     The cameras in CTA with rectangular pixels have a curved focal plane
    surface. Pixels on a curved focal surface do not have consistent x and y
    coordinates along a single row or column. Therefore, a somewhat
    reliable technique to obtain the row and column is to define bin edges
    which the pixels are presumed to be within.
     This function first finds a row and column of the camera which contains a
    full set of pixels. The coordinates of these pixels are then used to
    define the bin edges for the entire camera.
    pix_x : ndarray
        X coordinates of camera pixels
    pix_y : ndarray
        Y coordinates of camera pixels
    row : ndarray
        Row for each camera pixel
    column : ndarray
        Column for each camera pixel
    # Estimate the maximum number of rows and columns of pixels
    dist = _get_min_pixel_seperation(pix_x, pix_y)
    max_nrow = int(np.ceil((pix_y.max() - pix_y.min()) / dist)) + 1
    max_ncol = int(np.ceil((pix_x.max() - pix_x.min()) / dist)) + 1

    # Bin the pixel positions on a 2D grid
    hist_x = np.histogram2d(pix_x,
                            bins=[max_ncol, max_nrow])[0]
    hist_y = np.histogram2d(pix_x,
                            bins=[max_ncol, max_nrow])[0]
    hist_xc = np.histogram2d(pix_x, pix_y, bins=[max_ncol, max_nrow])[0]
    hist_yc = np.histogram2d(pix_x, pix_y, bins=[max_ncol, max_nrow])[0]
    # Find row and col with a complete number of pixels along them
    full_col = np.bincount(hist_x.nonzero()[0]).argmax()
    full_row = np.bincount(hist_y.nonzero()[0]).argmax()
    # Obtain coordinates of the pixels along this row and column
    full_x = hist_x[:, full_col][hist_xc[:, full_col].nonzero()]
    full_y = hist_y[full_row, :][hist_yc[full_row, :].nonzero()]

    # Define pixel bin edges based on full row and column of pixels
    mid_dist = _get_min_pixel_seperation(full_x, full_y) / 2
    edges_x = np.array([*(full_x - mid_dist), full_x[-1] + mid_dist])
    edges_y = np.array([*(full_y - mid_dist), full_y[-1] + mid_dist])

    # Obtain the corresponding row and column bin for each pixel
    column = np.digitize(pix_x, edges_x) - 1
    row = np.digitize(pix_y, edges_y) - 1

    return row, column
def get_pixel_2d(x_pix, y_pix, values=None):
    n_pix = x_pix.size
    if values is None:
        # By default, fill with pixel id
        values = np.arange(n_pix)

    gx = np.histogram2d(x_pix, y_pix, weights=x_pix, bins=[53, 53])[0]
    gy = np.histogram2d(x_pix, y_pix, weights=y_pix, bins=[53, 53])[0]
    i = np.bincount(gx.nonzero()[0]).argmax()
    j = np.bincount(gy.nonzero()[0]).argmax()
    xc = gx[:, i][gx[:, i].nonzero()]
    yc = gy[j, :][gy[j, :].nonzero()]

    dist = _get_min_pixel_seperation(xc, yc)
    edges_x = np.zeros(xc.size + 1)
    edges_x[0:xc.size] = xc - dist / 2
    edges_x[-1] = xc[-1] + dist / 2
    edges_y = np.zeros(yc.size + 1)
    edges_y[0:yc.size] = yc - dist / 2
    edges_y[-1] = yc[-1] + dist / 2

    camera = np.histogram2d(-y_pix,
                            bins=[-edges_y[::-1], edges_x],
                            weights=values + 1)[0]
    camera[camera == 0] = np.nan
    camera -= 1
    return camera
    def fit(self, x, y, data):
        minsep = _get_min_pixel_seperation(x, y)
        p0 = (data.max(), x.mean(), y.mean(),
              minsep, np.median(data))
        bounds = ([0, x.min(), y.min(), 0, -np.inf],
                  [np.inf, x.max(), y.max(), np.inf, np.inf])
        popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(self._fit_function, (x, y), data,
                                        p0=p0, bounds=bounds)
        coeff = popt

        return coeff
def test_get_min_pixel_seperation():
    x, y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-5, 5, 5), np.linspace(-5, 5, 5))
    pixsep = _get_min_pixel_seperation(x.ravel(), y.ravel())
    assert pixsep == 2.5
    def create(self, coords, data, coeff, fitter, axis):
        di = coords.get_gridded_data(data)
        df = fitter.get_curve(coords.xi_mg, coords.yi_mg, coeff)

        di_1d = di.max(axis=axis)
        df_1d = df.max(axis=axis)

        if axis == 0:
            x_pixels = coords.pix_x_u
            x_plot = coords.xi
            axis_txt = 'X'
            x_pixels = coords.pix_y_u
            x_plot = coords.yi
            axis_txt = 'Y'

        minsep = _get_min_pixel_seperation(coords.pix_x, coords.pix_y)
        hx = []
        hy =[]
        for x, y in zip(x_pixels, di_1d):
            hx.extend([x - minsep/2, x - minsep/2, x + minsep/2, x + minsep/2])
            hy.extend([0, y, y, 0])

        self.ax.plot(hx, hy, color='grey', linewidth=0.7, antialiased=False)
        self.ax.axhline(0, color='grey', linewidth=0.7, antialiased=False)
        self.ax.plot(x_plot, df_1d, color='blue', linewidth=0.7, antialiased=False)

        self.fig.suptitle("Fit Comparison, {} Projection".format(axis_txt))
        # self.ax.axis('off')
        self.ax.set_xlabel("{} (degrees)".format(axis_txt))
        self.ax.set_ylabel("Residual RMS (p.e.)")

        amplitude, x0, y0, sigma, offset = coeff
        radius = fitter.find_containment_radius(coords, coeff, 0.8)
        if axis == 0:
            x0 = x0
            x0 = y0
        xl = x0 - radius
        xr = x0 + radius

        self.ax.axvline(xl, color='green')
        self.ax.axvline(xr, color='green')
        self.ax.text(0.99, 0.99, "80% Volume Containment", color='green', transform=self.ax.transAxes, ha='right', va='top')

        # xl = x0 - sigma
        # xr = x0 + sigma
        # self.ax.axvline(xl, color='red')
        # self.ax.axvline(xr, color='red')
        # sep = np.diff(coords.pix_x_u).min()/2
        # xl = x0 - sep
        # xr = x0 + sep
        # self.ax.axvline(xl, color='blue')
        # self.ax.axvline(xr, color='blue')

        minor_locator = AutoMinorLocator(10)
        # self.ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(minor_locator)

        self.ax.axes.set_xlim(-0.8, 0.8)
def test_get_min_pixel_seperation():
    x, y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-5, 5, 5), np.linspace(-5, 5, 5))
    pixsep = _get_min_pixel_seperation(x.ravel(), y.ravel())
    assert(pixsep == 2.5)