def display_dl1_event(event, camera_geometry, tel_id=1, axes=None, **kwargs): """ Display a DL1 event (image and pulse time map) side by side Parameters ---------- event: ctapipe event tel_id: int axes: list of `matplotlib.pyplot.axes` of shape (2,) or None kwargs: kwargs for `ctapipe.visualization.CameraDisplay` Returns ------- axes: `matplotlib.pyplot.axes` """ if axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 5)) image =[tel_id].image peak_time =[tel_id].peak_time if image is None or peak_time is None: raise Exception( f"There is no calibrated image or pulse time map for telescope {tel_id}" ) d1 = CameraDisplay(camera_geometry, image, ax=axes[0], **kwargs) d1.add_colorbar(ax=axes[0]) d2 = CameraDisplay(camera_geometry, peak_time, ax=axes[1], **kwargs) d2.add_colorbar(ax=axes[1]) return axes
def make_camera_binary_image(image, sigma, clean_bound, death_pixel_ids_list): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 7)) geom = CameraGeometry.from_name('LSTCam-003') disp0 = CameraDisplay(geom, ax=ax[0]) disp0.image = image disp0.cmap = disp0.add_colorbar(ax=ax[0]) ax[0].set_title( "Cleaning threshold from interleaved pedestal. \n sigma = {}".format( sigma), fontsize=15) disp1 = CameraDisplay(geom, ax=ax[1]) disp1.image = image cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(['black', 'red']) bounds = [0, clean_bound, 2 * clean_bound] norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) disp1.cmap = cmap disp1.add_colorbar(norm=norm, boundaries=bounds, ticks=[0, clean_bound, 2 * clean_bound]) disp1.set_limits_minmax(0, 2 * clean_bound) disp1.highlight_pixels(death_pixel_ids_list, linewidth=3) ax[1].set_title("Red pixels - above cleaning tailcut threshold", fontsize=15) plt.tight_layout()
def plot_window_trans_perpix(fname): """ IMPORTANT display mean value on the camera Plot of the mean value of trans_norm_cher per pixel :param window_number: 1 or 2 to choose between the first or second window :return: plot the camera pixels with the mean value of trans_norm_cher for each of the pixels """ ave_irradiance_per_pixel = np.loadtxt(fname=fname, usecols=1, skiprows=1, unpack=True) fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() ax.set_alpha(0) CameraDisplay(DigiCam.geometry, ave_irradiance_per_pixel, cmap='viridis', title='').highlight_pixels(range(1296), color='k', linewidth=0.2) CameraDisplay(DigiCam.geometry, ave_irradiance_per_pixel, cmap='viridis', title='').add_colorbar(label="I [A]") # plt.annotate("mean: {0:.2f}\%".format(np.mean(ave_irradiance_per_pixel)*100.), # xy=(-430, 490), # xycoords="data", # va="center", # ha="center", # bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w", ec="silver")) plt.xlim(-550, 550) plt.ylim(-550, 550) return fig, ax
def plot_window_trans_perpix(window_number): """ Plot of the mean value of trans_norm_cher per pixel :param window_number: 1 or 2 to choose between the first or second window :return: plot the camera pixels with the mean value of trans_norm_cher for each of the pixels """ pix_trans_cher = np.loadtxt( "data/mean_transmittance_per_pixel_{0}_wdw.txt".format( num[window_number - 1]), usecols=1, skiprows=1, unpack=True) fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() ax.set_alpha(0) CameraDisplay(DigiCam.geometry, pix_trans_cher, cmap='viridis', title='').highlight_pixels(range(1296), color='k', linewidth=0.2) CameraDisplay( DigiCam.geometry, pix_trans_cher, cmap='viridis', title='').add_colorbar(label="Transmittance $\otimes$ norm\_cher") plt.annotate("mean: {0:.2f}\%".format(np.mean(pix_trans_cher) * 100.), xy=(-430, 490), xycoords="data", va="center", ha="center", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w", ec="silver")) plt.xlim(-550, 550) plt.ylim(-550, 550) fig.savefig('{0}/trans_values_perpixel_{1}wdw.pdf'.format( folder[window_number - 1], num[window_number - 1]))
def plot(self, event, telid): chan = 0 image =[telid].image[chan] peakpos =[telid].peakpos[chan] if self._current_tel != telid: self._current_tel = telid self.ax_intensity.cla() self.ax_peakpos.cla() # Redraw camera geom = self.get_geometry(event, telid) self.c_intensity = CameraDisplay(geom, ax=self.ax_intensity) self.c_peakpos = CameraDisplay(geom, ax=self.ax_peakpos) tmaxmin =[telid].waveform.shape[2] t_chargemax = peakpos[image.argmax()] cmap_time = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( 'cmap_t', [(0 / tmaxmin, 'darkgreen'), (0.6 * t_chargemax / tmaxmin, 'green'), (t_chargemax / tmaxmin, 'yellow'), (1.4 * t_chargemax / tmaxmin, 'blue'), (1, 'darkblue')] ) self.c_peakpos.pixels.set_cmap(cmap_time) if not self.cb_intensity: self.c_intensity.add_colorbar( ax=self.ax_intensity, label='Intensity (p.e.)' ) self.cb_intensity = self.c_intensity.colorbar else: self.c_intensity.colorbar = self.cb_intensity self.c_intensity.update(True) if not self.cb_peakpos: self.c_peakpos.add_colorbar( ax=self.ax_peakpos, label='Peakpos (ns)' ) self.cb_peakpos = self.c_peakpos.colorbar else: self.c_peakpos.colorbar = self.cb_peakpos self.c_peakpos.update(True) self.c_intensity.image = image if peakpos is not None: self.c_peakpos.image = peakpos self.fig.suptitle( "Event_index={} Event_id={} Telescope={}" .format(event.count, event.r0.event_id, telid) ) if self.display: plt.pause(0.001) if self.pdf is not None: self.pdf.savefig(self.fig)
def plot_cam(geom, geom2d, geom1d, image, image2d, image1d): # plt.viridis() plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4)) ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) CameraDisplay(geom, image=image).add_colorbar() plt.subplot(1, 3, 2, sharex=ax, sharey=ax) CameraDisplay(geom2d, image=image2d).add_colorbar() plt.subplot(1, 3, 3, sharex=ax, sharey=ax) CameraDisplay(geom1d, image=image1d).add_colorbar()
def plot(self, event, telid): image =[telid].image peak_time =[telid].peak_time print("plot", image.shape, peak_time.shape) if self._current_tel != telid: self._current_tel = telid self.ax_intensity.cla() self.ax_peak_time.cla() # Redraw camera geom =[telid].camera.geometry self.c_intensity = CameraDisplay(geom, ax=self.ax_intensity) self.c_peak_time = CameraDisplay(geom, ax=self.ax_peak_time) if (peak_time != 0.0).all(): tmaxmin =[telid].waveform.shape[1] t_chargemax = peak_time[image.argmax()] cmap_time = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( "cmap_t", [ (0 / tmaxmin, "darkgreen"), (0.6 * t_chargemax / tmaxmin, "green"), (t_chargemax / tmaxmin, "yellow"), (1.4 * t_chargemax / tmaxmin, "blue"), (1, "darkblue"), ], ) self.c_peak_time.pixels.set_cmap(cmap_time) if not self.cb_intensity: self.c_intensity.add_colorbar(ax=self.ax_intensity, label="Intensity (p.e.)") self.cb_intensity = self.c_intensity.colorbar else: self.c_intensity.colorbar = self.cb_intensity self.c_intensity.update(True) if not self.cb_peak_time: self.c_peak_time.add_colorbar(ax=self.ax_peak_time, label="Pulse Time (ns)") self.cb_peak_time = self.c_peak_time.colorbar else: self.c_peak_time.colorbar = self.cb_peak_time self.c_peak_time.update(True) self.c_intensity.image = image if peak_time is not None: self.c_peak_time.image = peak_time self.fig.suptitle("Event_index={} Event_id={} Telescope={}".format( event.count, event.index.event_id, telid)) if self.display: plt.pause(0.001) if self.pdf is not None: self.pdf.savefig(self.fig)
def get_observation_parameters(charge: np.array, peak: np.array, cam_name: str, cutflow: CutFlow, boundary_threshold: float = None, picture_threshold: float = None, min_neighbours: float = None, plot: bool = False, cut: bool = True): """ :param charge: Charge image :param peak: Peak time image :param cam_name: Camera name. e.g. FlashCam, ASTRICam, etc. :param cutflow: Cutflow for selection :param boundary_threshold: (Optional) Cleaning parameter: boundary threshold :param picture_threshold: (Optional) Cleaning parameter: picture threshold :param min_neighbours: (Optional) Cleaning parameter: minimum neighbours :param plot: If True, for each observation a plot will be shown (Default: False) :param cut: If true, tight else loose :return: hillas containers, leakage container, number of islands, island IDs, timing container, timing gradient """ charge_biggest, mask = clean_charge(charge, cam_name, boundary_threshold, picture_threshold, min_neighbours) camera = get_camera(cam_name) geometry = camera.geometry charge_biggest, camera_biggest, n_islands = mask_from_biggest_island( charge, geometry, mask) if cut: if cutflow.cut(CFO_MIN_PIXEL, charge_biggest): return if cutflow.cut(CFO_MIN_CHARGE, np.sum(charge_biggest)): return if cutflow.cut(CFO_NEGATIVE_CHARGE, charge_biggest): return leakage_c = leakage(geometry, charge, mask) if plot: _, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2) CameraDisplay(geometry, charge, ax=ax1).add_colorbar() CameraDisplay(camera_biggest, charge_biggest, ax=ax2).add_colorbar() moments = hillas_parameters(camera_biggest, charge_biggest) if cut: if cutflow.cut(CFO_CLOSE_EDGE, moments, camera.camera_name): return if cutflow.cut(CFO_BAD_ELLIP, moments): return if cutflow.cut(CFO_POOR_MOMENTS, moments): return timing_c = timing_parameters(geometry, charge, peak, moments, mask) time_gradient = timing_c.slope.value if geometry.camera_name != 'ASTRICam' else moments.skewness return moments, leakage_c, timing_c, time_gradient, n_islands
def transform_and_clean_hex_samples(pmt_samples, cam_geom): # rotate all samples in the image to a rectangular image rot_geom, rot_samples = convert_geometry_1d_to_2d( cam_geom, pmt_samples, cam_geom.cam_id) print("rot samples.shape:", rot_samples.shape) # rotate the samples back to hex image unrot_geom, unrot_samples = convert_geometry_back(rot_geom, rot_samples, cam_geom.cam_id) global fig global cb1, ax1 global cb2, ax2 global cb3, ax3 if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) else: fig.delaxes(ax1) fig.delaxes(ax2) fig.delaxes(ax3) cb1.remove() cb2.remove() cb3.remove() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221) disp1 = CameraDisplay(rot_geom, image=np.sum(rot_samples, axis=-1), ax=ax1) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') plt.title("rotated image") disp1.cmap = disp1.add_colorbar() cb1 = disp1.colorbar ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222) disp2 = CameraDisplay(cam_geom, image=np.sum(pmt_samples, axis=-1), ax=ax2) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') plt.title("original image") disp2.cmap = disp2.add_colorbar() cb2 = disp2.colorbar ax3 = fig.add_subplot(223) disp3 = CameraDisplay(unrot_geom, image=np.sum(unrot_samples, axis=-1), ax=ax3) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') plt.title("de-rotated image") disp3.cmap = disp3.add_colorbar() cb3 = disp3.colorbar plt.pause(.1) response = input("press return to continue") if response != "": exit()
def test_camera_display_multiple(): """ create a figure with 2 subplots, each with a CameraDisplay """ from ..mpl_camera import CameraDisplay geom = CameraGeometry.from_name("LSTCam") fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1) d1 = CameraDisplay(geom, ax=ax[0]) d2 = CameraDisplay(geom, ax=ax[1]) image = np.ones(len(geom.pix_x), dtype=float) d1.image = image d2.image = image
def plot(self, event, telid): image =[telid].image peak_time =[telid].peak_time if self._current_tel != telid: self._current_tel = telid self.ax_intensity.cla() self.ax_peak_time.cla() # Redraw camera geom =[telid].camera.geometry self.c_intensity = CameraDisplay(geom, ax=self.ax_intensity) time_cmap = copy(plt.get_cmap("RdBu_r")) time_cmap.set_under("gray") time_cmap.set_over("gray") self.c_peak_time = CameraDisplay(geom, ax=self.ax_peak_time, cmap=time_cmap) if not self.cb_intensity: self.c_intensity.add_colorbar(ax=self.ax_intensity, label="Intensity (p.e.)") self.cb_intensity = self.c_intensity.colorbar else: self.c_intensity.colorbar = self.cb_intensity self.c_intensity.update(True) if not self.cb_peak_time: self.c_peak_time.add_colorbar(ax=self.ax_peak_time, label="Pulse Time (ns)") self.cb_peak_time = self.c_peak_time.colorbar else: self.c_peak_time.colorbar = self.cb_peak_time self.c_peak_time.update(True) self.c_intensity.image = image self.c_peak_time.image = peak_time # center around brightes pixel, show 10ns total t_chargemax = peak_time[image.argmax()] self.c_peak_time.set_limits_minmax(t_chargemax - 5, t_chargemax + 5) self.fig.suptitle("Event_index={} Event_id={} Telescope={}".format( event.count, event.index.event_id, telid)) if self.display: plt.pause(0.001) if self.pdf is not None: self.pdf.savefig(self.fig)
def create(self, image, coords, title, coeff, fitter): df = fitter.get_curve(coords.xi_mg, coords.yi_mg, coeff) camera = CameraDisplay(coords.geom,, image=image, cmap='viridis') camera.add_colorbar() camera.colorbar.set_label("Residual RMS (p.e.)", fontsize=20) camera.image = image amplitude, x0, y0, sigma, offset = coeff radius = fitter.find_containment_radius(coords, coeff, 0.8) radius_deg = radius * coords.degperm x70 = x0 + radius y70 = y0 z = offset + amplitude * np.exp( - ((((x70 - x0) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)) + (((y70 - y0) ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)))) CS =, coords.yi_mg, df, linewidths=0.5, colors='r', levels=[z]) text = "80% Containment \n({:.3} degrees)".format(radius_deg), y70, text, color='r') self.fig.suptitle("Jupiter RMS ON-OFF")[-0.06, 0.03, -0.06, 0.03]) #'off') minor_locator = AutoMinorLocator(10)
def plot_model(fitter, geometry, save=False, ids=''): """ Create a CameraDisplay object showing the spatial model fitted to the current event Parameters ------- save: bool Save and close the figure if True, return it otherwise ids: string Can be used to modify the save location Returns ------- cam_display: `ctapipe.visualization.CameraDisplay` Camera image using matplotlib """ params = fitter.end_parameters rl = 1 + params['rl'] if params['rl'] >= 0 else 1 / (1 - params['rl']) mu = asygaussian2d(params['charge'] * geometry.pix_area.to_value(u.m**2), geometry.pix_x.value, geometry.pix_y.value, params['x_cm'], params['y_cm'], params['wl'] * params['length'], params['length'], params['psi'], rl) fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8)) cam_display = CameraDisplay(geometry, mu, ax=axes) cam_display.add_colorbar(ax=axes) if save: cam_display.axes.get_figure().savefig('event/' + ids + '_model.png') plt.close() return None if save else cam_display
def plot_muon_event(ax, geom, image, centroid, ringrad_camcoord, ringrad_inner, ringrad_outer, event_id): """ Paramenters --------- ax: `matplotlib.pyplot.axis` geom: CameraGeometry centroid: `float` centroid of the muon ring ringrad_camcoord: `float` ring radius in camera coordinates ringrad_inner: `float` inner ring radius in camera coordinates ringrad_outer: `float` outer ring radius in camera coordinates event_id: `int` id of the analyzed event Returns --------- ax: `matplotlib.pyplot.axis` """ disp0 = CameraDisplay(geom, ax=ax) disp0.image = image disp0.cmap = 'viridis' disp0.add_colorbar(ax=ax) disp0.add_ellipse(centroid, ringrad_camcoord.value, ringrad_camcoord.value, 0., 0., color="red") disp0.add_ellipse(centroid, ringrad_inner.value, ringrad_inner.value, 0., 0., color="magenta") disp0.add_ellipse(centroid, ringrad_outer.value, ringrad_outer.value, 0., 0., color="magenta") ax.set_title(f"Event {event_id}") return ax
def start(self): geom = None imsum = None disp = None for data in hessio_event_source(self.infile, allowed_tels=self._selected_tels, max_events=None): if geom is None: x, y = data.inst.pixel_pos[self._base_tel] flen = data.inst.optical_foclen[self._base_tel] geom = CameraGeometry.guess(x, y, flen) imsum = np.zeros(shape=x.shape, dtype=np.float) disp = CameraDisplay(geom, title=geom.cam_id) disp.add_colorbar() disp.cmap = 'viridis' if len(data.r0.tels_with_data) <= 2: continue imsum[:] = 0 for telid in data.r0.tels_with_data: imsum +=[telid].adc_sums[0]"event={} ntels={} energy={}" \ .format(data.r0.event_id, len(data.r0.tels_with_data), disp.image = imsum plt.pause(0.1)
def display_event(event): """an extremely inefficient display. It creates new instances of CameraDisplay for every event and every camera, and also new axes for each event. It's hacked, but it works """ print("Displaying... please wait (this is an inefficient implementation)") global fig ntels = len(event.r0.tels_with_data) fig.clear() plt.suptitle("EVENT {}".format(event.r0.event_id)) disps = [] for ii, tel_id in enumerate(event.r0.tels_with_data): print("\t draw cam {}...".format(tel_id)) nn = int(ceil(sqrt(ntels))) ax = plt.subplot(nn, nn, ii + 1) geom =[tel_id].camera disp = CameraDisplay(geom, ax=ax, title="CT{0}".format(tel_id)) disp.pixels.set_antialiaseds(False) disp.autoupdate = False disp.cmap = random.choice(cmaps) chan = 0 signals =[tel_id].adc_sums[chan].astype(float) signals -= signals.mean() disp.image = signals disp.set_limits_percent(95) disp.add_colorbar() disps.append(disp) return disps
def test_camera_display_single(): """ test CameraDisplay functionality """ from ..mpl_camera import CameraDisplay geom = CameraGeometry.from_name("LSTCam") disp = CameraDisplay(geom) image = np.random.normal(size=len(geom.pix_x)) disp.image = image disp.add_colorbar() disp.cmap = "nipy_spectral" disp.set_limits_minmax(0, 10) disp.set_limits_percent(95) disp.enable_pixel_picker() disp.highlight_pixels([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) disp.norm = "log" disp.norm = "symlog" disp.cmap = "rainbow" with pytest.raises(ValueError): disp.image = np.ones(10) with pytest.raises(ValueError): disp.add_colorbar() disp.add_ellipse(centroid=(0, 0), width=0.1, length=0.1, angle=0.1) disp.clear_overlays()
def start(self): geom = None imsum = None disp = None for event in self.reader: self.calibrator(event) if geom is None: geom =[self._base_tel].camera imsum = np.zeros(shape=geom.pix_x.shape, dtype=np.float) disp = CameraDisplay(geom, title=geom.cam_id) disp.add_colorbar() disp.cmap = 'viridis' if len(event.dl0.tels_with_data) <= 2: continue imsum[:] = 0 for telid in event.dl0.tels_with_data: imsum +=[telid].image"event={} ntels={} energy={}".format( event.r0.event_id, len(event.dl0.tels_with_data), disp.image = imsum plt.pause(0.1) if self.output_suffix is not "": filename = "{:020d}{}".format(event.r0.event_id, self.output_suffix)"saving: '{filename}'") plt.savefig(filename)
def camera_image(input_file, ax): first_event = input_file.get_event(0) geom = CameraGeometry.guess(*first_event.meta.pixel_pos[telid], first_event.meta.optical_foclen[telid]) camera = CameraDisplay(geom, ax=ax) camera.cmap = import time def update(iframe, source): data = next(source) print(iframe) # data = np.zeros((2048,128)) # data[iframe,0] = iframe camera.image = data return camera.pixels, source = get_data(input_file) anim = FuncAnimation(fig, update, fargs=[source], blit=True, frames=1000, interval=1, repeat=False)
def draw_camera(self, tel, data, axes=None): """ Draw a camera image using the correct geometry. Parameters ---------- tel : int The telescope you want drawn. data : `np.array` 1D array with length equal to npix. axes : `matplotlib.axes.Axes` A matplotlib axes object to plot on, or None to create a new one. Returns ------- `ctapipe.visualization.CameraDisplay` """ geom = self.get_geometry(tel) axes = axes if axes is not None else plt.gca() camera = CameraDisplay(geom, ax=axes) camera.image = data camera.cmap = # camera.add_colorbar(ax=axes, label="Amplitude (ADC)") # camera.set_limits_percent(95) # autoscale return camera
def create(self, df, geom): super().save() camera = CameraDisplay(geom,,, cmap='viridis') camera.add_colorbar(pad=-0.2) camera.colorbar.set_label("Peak Time (ns)", fontsize=20) with PdfPages(self.output_path) as pdf: n_rows = len(df.index) desc = "Saving image pages" for index, row in tqdm(df.iterrows(), total=n_rows, desc=desc): event_id = row['id'] tel = row['tel'] image = row['peak_time'] tc = row['tc'] hillas = row['hillas'] cleaned_image =, mask=~tc) cleaned_image.fill_value = 0 max_ = np.percentile(cleaned_image.compressed(), 99) min_ = np.percentile(cleaned_image.compressed(), 1) camera.image = cleaned_image camera.set_limits_minmax(min_, max_) camera.highlight_pixels(np.arange(2048), 'black', 1, 0.2) # camera.overlay_moments_update(hillas, color='red')"Event: {}, Tel: {}".format(event_id, tel))'off') pdf.savefig(self.fig)
def plot_array_camera(data, label='', limits=None, **kwargs): mask = np.isfinite(data) if limits is not None: mask *= (data >= limits[0]) * (data <= limits[1]) data[~mask] = 0 fig = plt.figure() cam = DigiCam geom = cam.geometry cam_display = CameraDisplay(geom, **kwargs) cam_display.cmap.set_bad(color='k') cam_display.image = data cam_display.axes.set_title('') cam_display.axes.set_xticks([]) cam_display.axes.set_yticks([]) cam_display.axes.set_xlabel('') cam_display.axes.set_ylabel('') cam_display.axes.axis('off') cam_display.add_colorbar(label=label) cam_display.axes.get_figure().set_size_inches((10, 10)) plt.axis('equal') if limits is not None: if not isinstance(limits, tuple): raise TypeError('Limits must be a tuple()') cam_display.colorbar.set_clim(vmin=limits[0], vmax=limits[1]) cam_display.update() return cam_display, fig
def go(self): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) disp = None source = hessio_event_source(self.filename, requested_event=24) for event in source: self.calib.calibrate(event) for i in range(50): ipix = np.random.randint(0, 2048) samp =[1]['pe_samples'][0][ipix] # plt.plot(range(len(samp)),samp) if disp is None: geom =[1].camera disp = CameraDisplay(geom) # disp.enable_pixel_picker() disp.add_colorbar() # im =[1].image[0] mask = tailcuts_clean(geom, im, picture_thresh=10, boundary_thresh=5) im[~mask] = 0.0 maxpe = max([1].image[0]) disp.image = im print(np.mean(im), '+/-', np.std(im))
def Simple_CamPlot(image, geom, pix_ids, title=""): disp1 = CameraDisplay(geom, title=title) disp1.add_colorbar() disp1.set_limits_minmax(zmin=image.min() * 0.98, zmax=image.max() * 1.02) blankam1 = np.zeros(1855) blankam1[pix_ids] = image disp1.image = blankam1
def plot_camera(self): #TPA fig2 = plt.figure(2, figsize=(7, 7)) ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111) # print(self.geom) disp = CameraDisplay(self.geom) disp.add_colorbar() image = [1] * 2048 disp.image = image
def make_camera_image(image): plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) geom = CameraGeometry.from_name('LSTCam-003') disp = CameraDisplay(geom) disp.image = image disp.cmap = disp.add_colorbar()
def plot_event_with_shower_position_seperate_events(self, event1, event2): x, y, alt, az = self.transform_to_telescope_xy_altaz_from_event(event1) x = x.to_value(u.m) y = y.to_value(u.m) # Cameras m1_cam = copy.deepcopy([1].camera) m2_cam = copy.deepcopy([2].camera) m1_cam.rotate(-19.1*u.deg)#(-90+70.9) m2_cam.rotate((-90+70.9)*u.deg) # Charge images m1_event_image =[1].image m2_event_image =[2].image # Peak position maps #m1_event_times = b5["M1"][1].peakpos #m2_event_times = b5["M2"][2].peakpos fig1, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15,10)) # M1 charge map disp1 = CameraDisplay(m1_cam, m1_event_image, ax=ax1, title="MAGIC 1 image") disp1.add_colorbar(ax=ax1) # M2 charge map disp2 = CameraDisplay(m2_cam, m2_event_image, ax=ax2, title="MAGIC 2 image") disp2.add_colorbar(ax=ax2) ax1.plot(x, y, marker='*', color='red') ax1.annotate( s="Peter", xy=(x, y), xytext=(5, 5), textcoords='offset points', color='red', ) #ax1.scatter(cam.pix_x, cam.pix_y, marker="o", s=10, c='red') ax2.plot(x, y, marker='*', color='red') ax2.annotate( s="Peter", xy=(x, y), xytext=(5, 5), textcoords='offset points', color='red', )
def test_overlay_disp_vector(): from ctapipe.image import hillas_parameters geom = CameraGeometry.from_name('LSTCam') image = np.random.rand(geom.n_pixels) display = CameraDisplay(geom, image) hillas = hillas_parameters(geom, image) disp = disp_parameters_event(hillas, 0.1 * u.m, 0.3 * u.m) overlay_disp_vector(display, disp, hillas)
def main(): fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, constrained_layout=True, figsize=(6, 3)) model = Gaussian(0 * u.m, 0.1 * u.m, 0.3 * u.m, 0.05 * u.m, 25 * u.deg) cam = CameraGeometry.from_name('FlashCam') image, *_ = model.generate_image(cam, 2500) CameraDisplay(cam, ax=axs[0], image=image) CameraDisplay( cam.transform_to(EngineeringCameraFrame()), ax=axs[1], image=image, ) axs[0].set_title('CameraFrame') axs[1].set_title('EngineeringCameraFrame')
def remove_star_and_run(self, list_of_file, max_events, noise_pixels_id_list): signal_place_after_clean = np.zeros(1855) sum_ped_ev = 0 alive_ped_ev = 0 for input_file in list_of_file: print(input_file) r0_r1_calibrator = LSTR0Corrections(pedestal_path=None, r1_sample_start=3, r1_sample_end=39) reader = LSTEventSource(input_url=input_file, max_events=max_events) for i, ev in enumerate(reader): r0_r1_calibrator.calibrate(ev) if i % 10000 == 0: print(ev.r0.event_id) if[1].evt.tib_masked_trigger == 32: sum_ped_ev += 1 self.r1_dl1_calibrator(ev) img =[1].image img[noise_pixels_id_list] = 0 geom =[1].camera clean = tailcuts_clean(geom, img, **self.cleaning_parameters) cleaned = img.copy() cleaned[~clean] = 0.0 signal_place_after_clean[np.where(clean == True)] += 1 if np.sum(cleaned > 0) > 0: alive_ped_ev += 1 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8)) geom =[1].camera disp0 = CameraDisplay(geom, ax=ax) disp0.image = signal_place_after_clean / sum_ped_ev disp0.highlight_pixels(noise_pixels_id_list, linewidth=3) disp0.add_colorbar(ax=ax, label="N times signal remain after cleaning [%]") disp0.cmap = 'gnuplot2' ax.set_title("{} \n {}/{}".format( input_file.split("/")[-1][8:21], alive_ped_ev, sum_ped_ev), fontsize=25) print("{}/{}".format(alive_ped_ev, sum_ped_ev)) ax.set_xlabel(" ") ax.set_ylabel(" ") plt.tight_layout()