    def processImports( self ):

        # Import rules
        # - In the case of multiple imports, duplicate data is overridden
        #   by the successing import. This rule is implied by the iteration
        #   order of the imports list.
        # - Repositories from an imported RSpec are overriden/discarded by any
        #   repository in the importing RSpec, if they share the same ID. IDs
        #   are case insensitive.
        # - Import instructions are not inherited/imported. An import is regarded
        #   as obsolete once it has been processed.

        for rspec in self.imports:

            # First let the imported rspec process its own imports.
            rspec.processImports() # POINT OF RECURSION

            # Generate repository ID record
            existing_repo_ids = list()
            for r in self.getRepositories():
                existing_repo_ids.append( r.getID() )

            # Add all repositories from the imported RSpec, but skip those
            # with IDs we already have (override).
            for r in rspec.getRepositories():
                if r.getID() not in existing_repo_ids:
                    self.addRepository( r )
                    infoMessage("Repository '%s' in '%s' overridden by repository '%s' in '%s'"\
                                 %(r.getID(), rspec.rspecFileLocator.getHref(), r.getID(), self.rspecFileLocator.getHref()), 1)
    def update(self):
        if not treesAreEqual( self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getHref() ):

            print >>sys.stderr, '\n'
            infoMessage("Regular file repository '%s' is out of sync.\n'%s' and '%s' doesn't match. The system is unable to\nperform intelligent synchronization of non-revisioned repositories.\nDo you want to overwrite (delete and replace) the local copy '%s'\nwith the contents of the remote copy '%s'?"\
                %(self.getID(), self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getHref(), self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getHref() ), 0)
            choice = raw_input( "> yes/no: " ).lower()

            while choice not in ['yes','no']:
                infoMessage("Invalid choice, try again.", 0)
                choice = raw_input( "> yes/no: " ).lower()

            if choice == 'yes':
                infoMessage("Updating (replacing) local copy '%s' with '%s'"\
                    %(self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getHref()), 1)

                shutil.rmtree( self.getAbsLocalPath() )
                shutil.copytree( self.getHref(), self.getAbsLocalPath() )

            elif choice == 'no':
                infoMessage("Skipping update of repository '%s'"%self.getID(), 2)

                ctxAssert( False, "Unhandled choice" )
            infoMessage("Repository '%s' (%s) is up to date"%(self.getID(), self.getHref()), 1)
    def update(self):
        ctxAssert( self.isLocal(),
                   "This method should not be called without first checking for an existing working copy." )

        infoMessage("Updating RSpec repository '%s' (%s)"%(self.getID(), self.getHref()), 1)

        self.client.updateWorkingCopy( self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getRSpecRevision() )
def update_to_release ( svn_client, release, contexo_root ):

    cur_rel = get_current_version ( contexo_root )

    infoMessage("Updating " + cur_rel + " to release: " + release[0], 0) 
    update_dir = os.path.join (contexo_root, "update" )
    # call system/pre_update.py
    os.chdir (update_dir)
    execfile ( "pre_update.py" )
    # Svn switch to release ( would like to export here )
    shutil.rmtree ( contexo_root, ignore_errors = True )
    svn_client.export( release[1], contexo_root, force=True )
    # install modules
    # call system/install_pymods.py
    system_dir = os.path.join (contexo_root, "system" )
    os.chdir (system_dir)
    execfile( "install_pymods.py" )
    # Perform other post update activities
    # call system/post_update.py
    os.chdir (update_dir)
    execfile ( "post_update.py" )
    def checkout(self):
        import shutil
        import ctx_view
        ctxAssert( self.isLocal() == False,
                   "This method should not be called without first checking for an existing local copy." )

        infoMessage("Checking out repository '%s' (%s) to '%s'"
            %(self.getID(), self.getHref(), self.getAbsLocalPath()), 1)
        shutil.copytree( self.getHref(), self.getAbsLocalPath() )
    def checkout(self):
        ctxAssert( self.isLocal() == False,
                   "This method should not be called without first checking for an existing working copy." )

        infoMessage("Checking out RSpec repository '%s' (%s)"%(self.getID(), self.getHref()), 1)

        if not os.path.isdir(self.getAbsLocalPath()):
            os.makedirs( self.getAbsLocalPath() )

        self.client.checkout( self.getHref(), self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getRSpecRevision() )
 def dispatch( self ):
     import pickle
     import sys
     export_dump = pickle.dumps( self.export_data )
     package = '%s%d$'%(export_header, len(export_dump))
     infoMessage("Dispatching package to 'stdout'", 2)
     sys.stdout.write( package )
     sys.stdout.write( export_dump )
 def checkMissmatchedRepo(self):
     if self.isLocal():
         url = self.client.getURLFromWorkingCopy(self.getAbsLocalPath())
         if not ctx_common.areURLsEqual(url, self.getHref()):
             path = self.getAbsLocalPath()
             infoMessage("Removing missmatched repository: %s" % (path), 1)
             for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=False):
                 for name in files:
                     filename = os.path.join(root, name)
                     os.chmod(filename, stat.S_IWRITE)
                 for name in dirs:
                     os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))
    def receive( self ):
        import pickle
        import sys
        data_buffer = str(sys.stdin.read())
        # Locate package header
        i = data_buffer.rfind( export_header )
        if i == -1:
            print data_buffer #Most likely errors from main system
            infoMessage("\n********** Export handler entry point **********\n\n", 2)
            userErrorExit("Unable to receive export package. Export header not found.\nThis is commonly the consequence of a terminal error raised by Contexo.")
        # Extract package size
        i += len(export_header)
        size_s = ""
        header_len = len(export_header)
        while data_buffer[i] != '$':
            size_s += data_buffer[i]
            header_len += 1
            i += 1
        header_len += 1
        package_start = i+1
        package_size  = int(size_s)
        package_end   = package_start + package_size
        # Extract package chunk, and print everything else as regular text
        package_dump = data_buffer[ package_start : package_end ]
        print data_buffer[ 0 : package_start - header_len ]
        print data_buffer[ package_end : -1 ]

        infoMessage("\n********** Export handler entry point **********\n\n", 2)
        #  Unpickle
        self.export_data = pickle.loads( package_dump )
    def receive( self ):
        import pickle
        import sys
        data_buffer = str(sys.stdin.read())
        # Locate package header
        i = data_buffer.rfind( export_header )
        if i == -1:
            print data_buffer #Most likely errors from main system
            infoMessage("\n********** Export handler entry point **********\n\n", 2)
            userErrorExit("Ctx export failed because of previous errors! Check the log for previous errors.")
        # Extract package size
        i += len(export_header)
        size_s = ""
        header_len = len(export_header)
        while data_buffer[i] != '$':
            size_s += data_buffer[i]
            header_len += 1
            i += 1
        header_len += 1
        package_start = i+1
        package_size  = int(size_s)
        package_end   = package_start + package_size
        # Extract package chunk, and print >>sys.stderr, everything else as regular text
        package_dump = data_buffer[ package_start : package_end ]
        print data_buffer[ 0 : package_start - header_len ]
        print data_buffer[ package_end : -1 ]

        infoMessage("\n********** Export handler entry point **********\n\n", 2)
        #  Unpickle
        self.export_data = pickle.loads( package_dump )
    def checkout(self):
        import shutil
        import ctx_view
        ctxAssert( self.isLocal() == False,
                   "This method should not be called without first checking for an existing local copy." )

        if self.getAccessPolicy() == ctx_view.AP_PREFER_REMOTE_ACCESS:
            infoMessage("Repository '%s' (%s) is accessible from its remote location, skipping checkout."
                         %(self.getID(), self.getHref()), 1)

        elif self.getAccessPolicy() == ctx_view.AP_NO_REMOTE_ACCESS:
            infoMessage("Checking out repository '%s' (%s) to '%s'"
                         %(self.getID(), self.getHref(), self.getAbsLocalPath()), 1)
            shutil.copytree( self.getHref(), self.getAbsLocalPath() )

            ctxAssert( False, "Unhandled access policy '%d'"%self.getAccessPolicy() )
    def __init__( self, cfgFilePath = None ):
        self.path            = cfgFilePath
        self.defaultBConf    = str()
        self.defaultView     = str()
        self.bcPaths         = list()
        self.cdefPaths       = list()
        self.EnvPaths        = list()
        self.verboseLevel    = 1

        #Copy default config into the user's directory if needed
        if not os.path.exists(cfgFilePath):
            import ctx_common
            defconfig = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.normpath('defaults/contexo.cfg')  )
            ctx_common.infoMessage("Copying config from '%s' to '%s'"%(defconfig,  cfgFilePath),  1)
                shutil.copy( defconfig,  cfgFilePath )
            except IOError, (errno, strerror):
                print "*** Error copying file %s"%defconfig
                print strerror
                raise IOError
def update_tool():
    infoMessage("Running contexo update tool (c) Scalado 2007", 0)

        contexo_root = os.path.abspath(getContexoRoot ())
        svn_client = pysvn.Client ()

        svn_client.callback_get_login = get_login
        svn_client.callback_ssl_server_trust_prompt = ssl_server_trust_prompt

        rel_dict = get_release_list (svn_client, release_url )

        # Get current release ( check property: contexo-release )
        cur_rel = get_current_version ( contexo_root )

        if len(rel_dict) > 0:
            update_list = get_required_list (svn_client, cur_rel, rel_dict )

        # If len (update_list) > 0, there are updates to perform. 
        update = False
        if len ( update_list ) > 0:
            update = raw_input ("Updates available, update to the latest version? (y)/(n)")
            if update == 'y':
                for item in update_list:
                    update_to_release ( svn_client, item, contexo_root )

                cur_rel = get_current_version ( contexo_root )
                infoMessage("Contexo is up-to-date. Current installed version is: " + cur_rel, 0) 
                update = True
        cur_rel = get_current_version ( contexo_root )
        infoMessage("Contexo is up-to-date. Current installed version is: " + cur_rel, 0) 
        return update
        infoMessage("Contexo failed to be updated...")
        return False
    def getLocalAccessPath(self):
        # TODO: wipe cache if root element and first export ok
        src = str()

        local_access_path = os.path.join( self.rspec_cache_dir, os.path.basename(self.getHref()))
        if not os.path.exists(self.rspec_cache_dir):
        if self.rcs == None:
            if not os.path.exists( local_access_path ):
                infoMessage("No RCS specified for RSpec '%s', attempting regular file access"\
                         %(self.getHref()), 4)
                if not os.path.exists(self.href):
                    userErrorExit("RSpec unreachable with regular file access: \n  %s"%(self.href))
                shutil.copyfile( self.getHref(), local_access_path )
            # access the local rspec if accessable
            # otherwise the user may be confused why changes in a locally modified would not be applied.
            if os.path.exists(self.href):
                local_access_path = self.getHref()

            if self.updating == True or not os.path.exists( local_access_path ):
                temp_dir = getUserTempDir()
                rspec_name = os.path.basename(self.getHref())
                temp_rspec = os.path.join( temp_dir, rspec_name )

                infoMessage("Downloading (svn-exporting) RSpec from '%s' to '%s' using RCS '%s'"\
                         %(str(self.getHref()), str(temp_rspec), str(self.rcs)), 1)

                if os.path.exists(temp_rspec):
                    os.remove( temp_rspec )

                # rspec access is still handled by svn
                if self.rcs == 'svn' or self.rcs == 'git':

                    svn = ctx_svn_client.CTXSubversionClient()
                    # does this fail if rspec cannot be fetched?
                    svn.export( self.getHref(), temp_dir, self.revision )
                    if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(temp_dir, os.path.basename(self.getHref()))):
                        userErrorExit("RSpec unreachable with remote Subversion access: \n  %s"%(self.getHref()))

                    userErrorExit("Unsupported RCS: %s"%(self.rcs))
                src = os.path.join( temp_dir, rspec_name)
                shutil.copyfile( src, local_access_path )

        infoMessage("RSpec local access path resolved to: %s"\
                     %(local_access_path), 4)

        return local_access_path
    def getLocalAccessPath(self):

        local_access_path = None

        if self.rcs == None:

            infoMessage("No RCS specified for RSpec '%s', attempting regular file access"\
                         %(self.getHref()), 4)

            if not os.path.exists(self.href):
                userErrorExit("RSpec unreachable with regular file access: \n  %s"%(self.href))

            local_access_path = self.getHref()


            temp_dir = getUserTempDir()
            rspec_name = os.path.basename(self.getHref())
            temp_rspec = os.path.join( temp_dir, rspec_name )

            infoMessage("Downloading (svn-exporting) RSpec from '%s' to '%s' using RCS '%s'"\
                         %(str(self.getHref()), str(temp_rspec), str(self.rcs)), 1)

            if os.path.exists(temp_rspec):
                os.remove( temp_rspec )

            # rspec access is still handled by svn
            if self.rcs == 'svn' or self.rcs == 'git':

                svn = ctx_svn_client.CTXSubversionClient()
                svn.export( self.getHref(), temp_dir, self.revision )
                local_access_path = temp_rspec

            #elif self.rcs == 'git':
                #git = ctx_git_client.CTXGitClient()

                userErrorExit("Unsupported RCS: %s"%(self.rcs))

        infoMessage("RSpec local access path resolved to: %s"\
                     %(local_access_path), 4)

        return local_access_path
    def update(self):
        import ctx_view

        ctxAssert( self.isLocal(), "This method should not be called without first checking for an existing local copy." )
        ctxAssert( self.getAccessPolicy() != None, "No access policy has been set for repository '%s'"%(self.getID()) )

        if self.getAccessPolicy() == ctx_view.AP_PREFER_REMOTE_ACCESS:
            infoMessage("Repository '%s' (%s) is accessed from its remote location, skipping update."%(self.getID(), self.getHref()), 1)

        elif self.getAccessPolicy() == ctx_view.AP_NO_REMOTE_ACCESS:

            if not treesAreEqual( self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getHref() ):

                print '\n'
                infoMessage("Regular file repository '%s' is out of sync.\n'%s' and '%s' doesn't match. The system is unable to\nperform intelligent synchronization of non-revisioned repositories.\nDo you want to overwrite (delete and replace) the local copy '%s'\nwith the contents of the remote copy '%s'?"\
                             %(self.getID(), self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getHref(), self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getHref() ), 0)
                choice = raw_input( "> yes/no: " ).lower()

                while choice not in ['yes','no']:
                    infoMessage("Invalid choice, try again.", 0)
                    choice = raw_input( "> yes/no: " ).lower()

                if   choice == 'yes':
                    infoMessage("Updating (replacing) local copy '%s' with '%s'"\
                                 %(self.getAbsLocalPath(), self.getHref()), 1)

                    shutil.rmtree( self.getAbsLocalPath() )
                    shutil.copytree( self.getHref(), self.getAbsLocalPath() )

                elif choice == 'no':
                    infoMessage("Skipping update of repository '%s'"%self.getID(), 2)

                    ctxAssert( False, "Unhandled choice" )
                infoMessage("Repository '%s' (%s) is up to date"%(self.getID(), self.getHref()), 1)

            ctxAssert( False, "Unhandled access policy '%d'"%self.getAccessPolicy() )