class NfcInitiator(object):
    LIBPATH = "/usr/lib/"

    def __init__(self, device, secure=False, libpath=LIBPATH):
        Initialize NFC device as initiator (reader), or as initiator with its secure element
            device (NfcDevice): NfcDevice instance.
            secure (bool, optional): Secure initialization when True. Defaults to False.
            libpath (string, optional): LibNfc library path. Defaults to LIBPATH constant.
            NfcError: When LibNfc do not returns NFC_SUCCESS
        self.lib = CDLL(libpath)
        if not secure:
    def __initCommon__(self, device):
        status = self.lib.nfc_initiator_init(device.device)
        if status != NfcError.NFC_SUCCESS:
            raise NfcError(status)
    def __initSecureElement__(self, device):
        raise NotImplementedError
文件: 项目: gmodena/pyNFC
class NFCWrapper(object):
        Wrap functions defined in libnfc/libnfc.h
        Supports all the functions provided by the library version 1.2.1.
    def __init__(self):
		if ==  "posix":
			try: self._libnfc = CDLL('')
			except OSError: print "libnfc not found"
		else: raise NFCError("pyNCF does not support %s platfom",

        # Initialize local structures
		self.pdi = None # stores device information, later bound to a pyDEV_INFO pointer
		self.tag = pyTAG_INFO() # stores tag information
		self.mifare_param = pyMIFARE_PARAM() # stores data generated upon querying a mifare card

    def connect(self):
            The device information is stored in a class instance of pyDEV_INFO.
            Information related to the device can be accessed via self.pdi
            TODO: provide properties to easilly dispaly information contained in self.pdi
        self._libnfc.nfc_connect.restype = POINTER(pyDEV_INFO)
        self._libnfc.nfc_connect.argtypes = []

        self.pdi = self._libnfc.nfc_connect()[0] 
        if self.pdi == INVALID_DEVICE_INFO:
            raise NFCError('Invalid device')
        else: return True
    def disconnect(self):
        self._libnfc.nfc_disconnect.restype = c_bool
        self._libnfc.nfc_disconnect.argtypes = [POINTER(pyDEV_INFO)]

        if not self._libnfc.nfc_disconnect(byref(self.pdi)):
            raise NFCError('Error while disconnecting the device')
    	else: return True
    def configure(self, config_option, enable):
        self._libnfc.nfc_configure.restype = c_bool
        self._libnfc.nfc_configure.argtypes = [POINTER(pyDEV_INFO), c_ubyte, c_bool]

        if not self._libnfc.nfc_configure(byref(self.pdi), config_option, enable):
            raise NFCError('Error while trying to configure the device')
        else: return True
    def initiator_init(self):
		self._libnfc.nfc_initiator_init.restype = c_bool
		self._libnfc.nfc_initiator_init.argtypes = [POINTER(pyDEV_INFO)]
		if not self._libnfc.nfc_initiator_init(byref(self.pdi)):
			raise NFCError('Error while trying to initiate the device')
		else: return True    
    def initiator_select_tag(self, init_modulation, pb_init_data, init_data_len):
            bool nfc_initiator_select_tag(const dev_info* pdi, const init_modulation im, 
                const byte_t* pbtInitData, const uint32_t uiInitDataLen, tag_info* pti); 
            Tag related information are stored in a pyTAG_INFO object.
            Information related to the selected tag can be accessed via self.tag
            TODO: provide properties to easilly dispaly information contained in self.tag
        pb_init_data_p = byref(c_uint8()) if pb_init_data else pb_init_data

        self._libnfc.nfc_initiator_select_tag.restype = c_bool
        self._libnfc.nfc_initiator_select_tag.argtypes = [POINTER(pyDEV_INFO), c_ubyte, POINTER(c_uint8), c_uint32, POINTER(pyTAG_INFO) ]	
        if not self._libnfc.nfc_initiator_select_tag(byref(self.pdi),
init_modulation, pb_init_data_p, init_data_len, byref(self.tag)):
			raise NFCError('Error while selecting tag')
        else: return pb_init_data_p

    def initiator_deselect_tag(self):
		self._libnfc.nfc_initiator_deselect_tag.restype = c_bool
		self._libnfc.nfc_initiator_deselect_tag.argtypes = [POINTER(pyDEV_INFO)]

		if  self._libnfc.nfc_initiator_deselect_tag(byref(self.pdi)):
			self.tag = None
			return True
		else: raise NFCError('Error while deselecting tag')

    def initiator_transceive_bits(self, pbtTx, uiTxBits, pbtTxPar, pbtRx, puiRxBits, pbtRxPar):
            (int, int, int, int) initiator_transceive_bits(pbtTx, uiTxBits, pbtTxPar, pbtRx, puiRxBits, pbtRxPar)
                bool nfc_initiator_transceive_bits(const dev_info* pdi, const byte_t* pbtTx, 
                                                    const uint32_t uiTxBits, const byte_t* pbtTxPar, 
                                                        byte_t* pbtRx, uint32_t* puiRxBits, byte_t* pbtRxPar);
        self._libnfc.nfc_initiator_transceive_bits.restype = c_bool
        self._libnfc.nfc_initiator_transceive_bits.argtypes = [POINTER(pyDEV_INFO), POINTER(c_uint8), c_uint32, POINTER(c_uint8), POINTER(c_uint8), POINTER(c_uint32), POINTER(c_uint8)]
        pbtTx_p = byref(c_uint8()) if pbTx == True else pbTx
        pbtTxPar_p = byref(c_uint8()) if pbtTxPar == True else pbtTxPar
        pbtRx_p = byref(c_uint8()) if pbtRx == True else pbtRx
        puiRxBits_p = byref(c_uint32()) if puiRxBits == True else puiRxBits
        pbtRxPar_p = byref(c_uint8()) if pbtRxPar == True else pbtRxPar
        if not self._libnfc.nfc_initiator_transceive_bits(byref(self.pdi), pbtTx_p, uiTxBits, pbtTxPar_p, pbtRx_p, uiRxBits_p, pbtRxPar_p):
            raise NFCError('initiator_transceive_bits failed')
    	else: return pbtTx_p, pbtTxPar_p, pbtRx_p, puiRxBits_p, pbtRxPar_p

    def initiator_transceive_bytes(self, pbtTX, uiTxLen, pbtRx, puiRxLen):
            (int, int, int) initiator_transceive_bytes(pbtTX, uiTxLen, pbtRx, puiRxLen)
                bool nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes(const dev_info* pdi, const byte_t* pbtTx,
                                                    const uint32_t uiTxLen, byte_t* pbtRx,
                                                        uint32_t* puiRxLen);
        self._libnfc.nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes.restype = c_bool
        self._libnfc.nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes.argtypes = [POINTER(pyDEV_INFO), POINTER(c_uint8), c_uint32, POINTER(c_uint8), POINTER(c_uint32)]

        pbtTx_p = byref(c_uint8()) if pbTx == True else pbTx
        pbtRx_p = byref(c_uint8()) if pbtRx == True else pbtRx
        puiRxLen_p = byref(c_uint32()) if puiRxLen == True else puiRxLen

        if not self._libnfc.nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes(byref(self.pdi), pbtTX_p, uiTxLen, pbtRx_p, puiRxLen_p):
            raise NFCError('initiator_transceive_bytes failed')
    	else: return pbtTx_p, pbtRx_p, puiRxLen_p

    def initiator_mifare_cmd(self, mifare_cmd, ui8Block):
		    bool initiator_mifare_cmd(mifare_cmd, ui8Block)
		    Instantiates and initialises a new mifare_param attribute.
                bool nfc_initiator_mifare_cmd(const dev_info* pdi, const mifare_cmd mc, 
                                                    const uint8_t ui8Block, mifare_param* pmp);
		self._libnfc.nfc_initiator_mifare_cmd.restype = c_bool
		self._libnfc.nfc_initiator_mifare_cmd.argtypes = [POINTER(pyDEV_INFO), c_uint8, c_uint8, POINTER(pyMIFARE_PARAM) ]
		if not self._libnfc.nfc_initiator_mifare_cmd(byref(self.pdi), mifare_cmd, ui8Block, byref(self.mifare_param)):
			raise NFCError('initiator_mifare_cmd failed')
		else: return True
    def target_init(self, pbtRx, puiRxBits):
            (int, int) target_init(pbtRx, puiRxBits)
                bool nfc_target_init(const dev_info* pdi, 
                    byte_t* pbtRx, uint32_t* puiRxBits);
        self._libnfc.nfc_target_init.restype = c_bool
        self._libnfc.nfc_target_init.argtypes = [POINTER(pyDEV_INFO), POINTER(c_uint8), POINTER(c_uint32)]
        pbtRx_p = byref(c_uint8()) if pbtRx == True else pbtRx
        puiRxBits_p = byref(c_uint32()) if puiRxBits == True else puiRxBits
        if not self._libnfc.nfc_target_init(byref(self.pdi), pbtRx_p, puiRxBits_p):
            raise NFCError('target_init failed')
    	else: return pbtRx_p, puiRxBits_p

    def target_receive_bits(self, pbtRX, puiRxBits, pbtRxPar):
            (int, int, int) target_receive_bits(pbtRX, puiRxBits, pbtRxPar)
                bool nfc_target_receive_bits(const dev_info* pdi, byte_t* 
                                                pbtRx, uint32_t* puiRxBits, byte_t* pbtRxPar);
        self._libnfc.nfc_target_receive_bits.restype = c_bool
        self._libnfc.nfc_target_receive_bits.argtypes = [POINTER(pyDEV_INFO), POINTER(c_uint8), POINTER(c_uint32), POINTER(c_uint8)]
        pbtRx_p = byref(c_uint8()) if pbtRx else pbtRx
        puiRxBits_p = byref(c_uint32()) if puiRxBits else puiRxBits
        pbtRxPar_p = byref(c_uint32()) if pbtRxPar else epbtRxPar
        if not self._libnfc.nfc_target_receive_bits(byref(self.pdi), pbtRX_p, puiRxBits_p, pbtRxPar_p):
            raise NFCError('Read error')
    	else: return pbtRx_p, puiRxBits_p, pbtRxPar_p

    def target_receive_bytes(self, pbtRx, puiRxLen):
		    (int, int) target_receive_bytes(pbtRx, puiRxLen)
                bool nfc_target_receive_bytes(const dev_info* pdi, byte_t* pbtRx, uint32_t* puiRxLen);
        self._libnfc.nfc_target_receive_bytes.restype = c_bool
        self._libnfc.nfc_target_receive_bytes.argtypes = [POINTER(pyDEV_INFO), POINTER(c_uint8), POINTER(c_uint32)]
        pbtRx_p =  byref(c_uint8()) if pbtRx else pbtRx
        puiRxLen_p = byref(c_uint32()) if puiRxLen else puiRxLen
        if not self._libnfc.nfc_target_receive_bytes(byref(self.pdi), pbtRx_p, puiRxLen_p): raise NFCError('Read error')
        else: return pbtRx_p, puiRxLen_p

    def target_send_bits(self, pbtTx, uiTxBits, pbtTxPar):
            (int, int) target_send_bits(pbtTx, uiTxBits, pbtTxPar)
                bool nfc_target_send_bits(const dev_info* pdi, const byte_t* pbtTx, 
                                            const uint32_t uiTxBits, const byte_t* pbtTxPar);
        self._libnfc.nfc_target_send_bits.restype = c_bool
        self._libnfc.nfc_target_send_bits.argtypes = [POINTER(pyDEV_INFO), POINTER(c_uint8), c_uint32, POINTER(c_uint8) ]
        pbtTx_p = byref(c_uint8()) if pbtTx else pbtTx
        pbtTxPar_p = byref(c_uint8()) if pbtTxPar else pbtTxPar
        if not self.libnfx.nfc_target_send_bits(byref(self.pdi), pbtTx_p, uiTxBits, pbtTxPar_p):
            raise NFCError('Write error')
    	else: return pbtTx_p, pbtTxPar_p
    def target_send_bytes(self, pbtTx, uiTxLen):

            int target_send_bytes(pbtTx, uiTxLen)
                bool nfc_target_send_bytes(const dev_info* pdi, 
                    const byte_t* pbtTx, const uint32_t uiTxLen);
        self._libnfc.nfc_target_send_bytes.restype = c_bool
        self._libnfc.nfc_target_send_bytes.argtypes = [POINTER(pyDEV_INFO), POINTER(c_uint8), c_uint32]
        pbtTx_p = byref(c_uint8()) if pbtTx else pbtTx
        if not self._libnfc.nfc_target_send_bytes(byref(self.pdi), pbtTx, uiTxLen):
            raise NFCError('Write error')
    	else: return True
    def __repr__(self):
        rep = ['%s=%r' % (k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__dict__]
        return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(rep))