def bfs(G, start, return_sp_counter=False):
    Find the distances and predecessors for a breadth first traversal of a

    G : cugraph.graph
        cuGraph graph descriptor, should contain the connectivity information
        as an adjacency list.
    start : Integer
        The index of the graph vertex from which the traversal begins

    return_sp_counter : bool, optional, default=False
        Indicates if shortest path counters should be returned

    df : cudf.DataFrame
        df['vertex'][i] gives the vertex id of the i'th vertex

        df['distance'][i] gives the path distance for the i'th vertex from the
        starting vertex

        df['predecessor'][i] gives for the i'th vertex the vertex it was
        reached from in the traversal

        df['sp_counter'][i] gives for the i'th vertex the number of shortest
        path leading to it during traversal (Only if retrun_sp_counter is True)

    >>> M = cudf.read_csv('datasets/karate.csv', delimiter=' ',
    >>>                   dtype=['int32', 'int32', 'float32'], header=None)
    >>> G = cugraph.Graph()
    >>> G.from_cudf_edgelist(M, source='0', destination='1')
    >>> df = cugraph.bfs(G, 0)

    if type(G) is Graph:
        directed = False
        directed = True

    if G.renumbered is True:
        start = G.lookup_internal_vertex_id(cudf.Series([start]))[0]

    df = bfs_wrapper.bfs(G, start, directed, return_sp_counter)

    if G.renumbered:
        df = G.unrenumber(df, "vertex")
        df = G.unrenumber(df, "predecessor")
        df["predecessor"].fillna(-1, inplace=True)

    return df
def bfs(G, start, directed=True):
    Find the distances and predecessors for a breadth first traversal of a

    G : cugraph.graph
        cuGraph graph descriptor, should contain the connectivity information
        as an adjacency list.
    start : Integer
        The index of the graph vertex from which the traversal begins
    directed : bool
        Indicates whether the graph in question is a directed graph, or whether
        each edge has a corresponding reverse edge. (Allows optimizations if
        the graph is undirected)

    df : cudf.DataFrame
        df['vertex'][i] gives the vertex id of the i'th vertex

        df['distance'][i] gives the path distance for the i'th vertex from the
        starting vertex

        df['predecessor'][i] gives for the i'th vertex the vertex it was
        reached from in the traversal

    >>> M = cudf.read_csv('datasets/karate.csv', delimiter=' ',
    >>>                   dtype=['int32', 'int32', 'float32'], header=None)
    >>> sources = cudf.Series(M['0'])
    >>> destinations = cudf.Series(M['1'])
    >>> G = cugraph.Graph()
    >>> G.add_edge_list(sources, destinations, None)
    >>> df = cugraph.bfs(G, 0)

    df = bfs_wrapper.bfs(G, start, directed)

    return df
文件: bfs.py 项目: orrrrtem/cugraph
def bfs(G, start):
    Find the distances and predecessors for a breadth first traversal of a

    G : cugraph.graph
        cuGraph graph descriptor, should contain the connectivity information
        as an adjacency list.
    start : Integer
        The index of the graph vertex from which the traversal begins

    df : cudf.DataFrame
        df['vertex'][i] gives the vertex id of the i'th vertex

        df['distance'][i] gives the path distance for the i'th vertex from the
        starting vertex

        df['predecessor'][i] gives for the i'th vertex the vertex it was
        reached from in the traversal

    >>> M = cudf.read_csv('datasets/karate.csv', delimiter=' ',
    >>>                   dtype=['int32', 'int32', 'float32'], header=None)
    >>> G = cugraph.Graph()
    >>> G.from_cudf_edgelist(M, source='0', destination='1')
    >>> df = cugraph.bfs(G, 0)

    if type(G) is Graph:
        directed = False
        directed = True

    df = bfs_wrapper.bfs(G, start, directed)

    return df
def bfs(G,
    """Find the distances and predecessors for a breadth first traversal of a

    G : cugraph.Graph, networkx.Graph, CuPy or SciPy sparse matrix
        Graph or matrix object, which should contain the connectivity
        information. Edge weights, if present, should be single or double
        precision floating point values.

    start : Integer
        The index of the graph vertex from which the traversal begins

    return_sp_counter : bool, optional, default=False
        Indicates if shortest path counters should be returned

    i_start : Integer, optional
        Identical to start, added for API compatibility. Only start or i_start
        can be set, not both.

    directed : bool, optional
            For non-Graph-type (eg. sparse matrix) values of G only. Raises
            TypeError if used with a Graph object.

        If True (default), then convert the input matrix to a cugraph.DiGraph,
        otherwise a cugraph.Graph object will be used.

    Return value type is based on the input type.  If G is a cugraph.Graph,

          df['vertex'] vertex IDs

          df['distance'] path distance for each vertex from the starting vertex

          df['predecessor'] for each i'th position in the column, the vertex ID
          immediately preceding the vertex at position i in the 'vertex' column

          df['sp_counter'] for each i'th position in the column, the number of
          shortest paths leading to the vertex at position i in the 'vertex'
          column (Only if retrun_sp_counter is True)

    If G is a networkx.Graph, returns:

       pandas.DataFrame with contents equivalent to the cudf.DataFrame
       described above.

    If G is a CuPy or SciPy matrix, returns:
       a 2-tuple of CuPy ndarrays (if CuPy matrix input) or Numpy ndarrays (if
       SciPy matrix input) representing:

       distance: cupy or numpy ndarray
          ndarray of shortest distances between source and vertex.

       predecessor: cupy or numpy ndarray
          ndarray of predecessors of a vertex on the path from source, which
          can be used to reconstruct the shortest paths.

       ...or if return_sp_counter is True, returns a 3-tuple with the above two
       arrays plus:

       sp_counter: cupy or numpy ndarray
          ndarray of number of shortest paths leading to each vertex.

    >>> M = cudf.read_csv('datasets/karate.csv', delimiter=' ',
    >>>                   dtype=['int32', 'int32', 'float32'], header=None)
    >>> G = cugraph.Graph()
    >>> G.from_cudf_edgelist(M, source='0', destination='1')
    >>> df = cugraph.bfs(G, 0)

    (start, return_sp_counter, directed) = \
        _ensure_args(G, start, return_sp_counter, i_start, directed)

    # FIXME: allow nx_weight_attr to be specified
    (G, input_type) = ensure_cugraph_obj(
        matrix_graph_type=DiGraph if directed else Graph)

    if type(G) is Graph:
        is_directed = False
        is_directed = True

    if G.renumbered is True:
        start = G.lookup_internal_vertex_id(cudf.Series([start]))[0]

    df = bfs_wrapper.bfs(G, start, is_directed, return_sp_counter)

    if G.renumbered:
        df = G.unrenumber(df, "vertex")
        df = G.unrenumber(df, "predecessor")
        df["predecessor"].fillna(-1, inplace=True)

    return _convert_df_to_output_type(df, input_type)
def bfs(G, start, return_sp_counter=False):
    Find the distances and predecessors for a breadth first traversal of a

    G : cuGraph.Graph, NetworkX.Graph, or CuPy sparse COO matrix
        cuGraph graph descriptor with connectivity information. Edge weights,
        if present, should be single or double precision floating point values.

    start : Integer
        The index of the graph vertex from which the traversal begins

    return_sp_counter : bool, optional, default=False
        Indicates if shortest path counters should be returned

    Return value type is based on the input type.  If G is a cugraph.Graph,

          df['vertex'] vertex IDs

          df['distance'] path distance for each vertex from the starting vertex

          df['predecessor'] for each i'th position in the column, the vertex ID
          immediately preceding the vertex at position i in the 'vertex' column

          df['sp_counter'] for each i'th position in the column, the number of
          shortest paths leading to the vertex at position i in the 'vertex'
          column (Only if retrun_sp_counter is True)

    If G is a networkx.Graph, returns:

       pandas.DataFrame with contents equivalent to the cudf.DataFrame
       described above.

    If G is a CuPy sparse COO matrix, returns a 2-tuple of cupy.ndarray:

       distance: cupy.ndarray
          ndarray of shortest distances between source and vertex.

       predecessor: cupy.ndarray
          ndarray of predecessors of a vertex on the path from source, which
          can be used to reconstruct the shortest paths.

       sp_counter: cupy.ndarray
          ndarray of number of shortest paths leading to each vertex (only if
          retrun_sp_counter is True)

    >>> M = cudf.read_csv('datasets/karate.csv', delimiter=' ',
    >>>                   dtype=['int32', 'int32', 'float32'], header=None)
    >>> G = cugraph.Graph()
    >>> G.from_cudf_edgelist(M, source='0', destination='1')
    >>> df = cugraph.bfs(G, 0)
    # FIXME: allow nx_weight_attr to be specified
    (G, input_type) = ensure_cugraph_obj(G,

    if type(G) is Graph:
        directed = False
        directed = True

    if G.renumbered is True:
        start = G.lookup_internal_vertex_id(cudf.Series([start]))[0]

    df = bfs_wrapper.bfs(G, start, directed, return_sp_counter)

    if G.renumbered:
        df = G.unrenumber(df, "vertex")
        df = G.unrenumber(df, "predecessor")
        df["predecessor"].fillna(-1, inplace=True)

    return _convert_df_to_output_type(df, input_type)