def test_getattr_current(self): """Accessing the 'current' property should return the current state.""" assert transports.State().current == transports.State.pending
def test_instantiation_init_ok(self): """A new State with a valid init value should start in this state.""" state = transports.State(init=transports.State.running) assert state._state == transports.State.running
def test_instantiation_init_ko(self): """A new State with an invalid init value should raise InvalidStateError.""" with pytest.raises(transports.InvalidStateError, match='is not a valid state'): transports.State(init='invalid_state')
def test_instantiation_no_init(self): """A new State without an init value should start in the pending state.""" state = transports.State() assert state._state == transports.State.pending