def test_exists_true(self): """ Check for existence of object that exists """ uri = self.s3path + '/arealkey' s3.upload(self.payload, uri) self.assertTrue(s3.exists(uri)) s3.delete(uri)
def setUpClass(cls): """ Put some input files up on S3 """ # create the bucket first cls.s3 = s3.get_client() cls.s3.create_bucket(Bucket=cls.bucket) fouts = cls.create_files(cls.input_files) for f in fouts: s3.upload(f, os.path.join(cls.s3path, os.path.basename(f)))
def test_download(self): """ Download file from S3 """ # first upload something uri = self.s3path + '/file.txt' s3.upload(self.payload, uri) fout =, path=self.path) self.assertEqual(fout, os.path.join(self.path, 'file.txt')) s3.delete(uri) os.remove(fout)
def add_ancillary_file(self, local_file): """ Add ancillary file""" config = self.config md5_sum = self._get_md5_sum(local_file) md5_file = f'{local_file}.md5' filename = os.path.split(md5_file)[1] collection_string = (f'{config["collection"]["name"]}__' + f'{config["collection"]["version"]}') md5_key = (f's3://{config["buckets"]["internal"]["name"]}/staging/' + f'{config["stack"]}/{collection_string}/{filename}') self._write_md5sum_file(md5_file, md5_sum) upload(md5_file, md5_key) return md5_key
def test_upload(self): """ Upload file to S3 then delete """ filename = os.path.basename(__file__) s3_uri = os.path.join(self.s3path, filename) uri = s3.upload(__file__, s3_uri) self.assertEqual(uri, s3_uri) s3.delete(s3_uri)
def upload_file_to_s3(self, filename, uri): """ Upload a local file to s3 if collection payload provided """ try: return s3.upload(filename, uri, extra={}) except Exception as e: self.logger.error( "{self.dmrpp_version}: Error uploading file %s: %s" % (os.path.basename(os.path.basename(filename)), str(e)))
def upload_file(self, filename): """ Upload a local file to s3 if collection payload provided """ info = self.get_publish_info(filename) if info is None: return filename try: return s3.upload(filename, info['s3'], extra={}) if info.get('s3', False) else None except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error uploading file %s: %s" % (os.path.basename(os.path.basename(filename)), str(e)))
def upload_file(self, filename): """ Upload a local file to s3 if collection payload provided """ warnings.warn( 'upload_file method is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. ' + 'use upload functions in s3 module instead', DeprecationWarning) info = self.get_publish_info(filename) if info is None: return filename try: return upload(filename, info['s3'], extra={}) if info.get( 's3', False) else None except Exception as e: self.logger.error( "Error uploading file %s: %s" % (os.path.basename(os.path.basename(filename)), str(e)))
def upload_files(files, bucket, prefix): """uploads list of local files to a given bucket and prefix Arguments: files: list of file paths bucket: name of the bucket to upload the data to prefix: the prefix key the appears before the filename Returns: returns a list of s3 uris e.g. s3://example-bucket/my/prefix/filename.txt """ list_of_uris = [] for f in files: s3_uri = os.path.join('s3://', bucket, prefix, os.path.basename(f)) list_of_uris.append(upload(f, s3_uri)) return list_of_uris
def upload_file(self, filename): """ Upload a local file to s3 if collection payload provided """ warnings.warn( 'upload_file method is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. ' + 'use upload functions in s3 module instead', DeprecationWarning ) info = self.get_publish_info(filename) if info is None: return filename try: uri = None if info.get('s3', None) is not None: bucket = self.buckets.get(info.get('bucket', 'public'), None) bucketType = None if bucket is not None: bucketType = bucket['type'] extra = {'ACL': 'public-read'} if bucketType == 'public' else {} uri = upload(filename, info['s3'], extra=extra) return uri except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error uploading file %s: %s" % (os.path.basename(os.path.basename(filename)), str(e)))
def _setUpClass(cls): """ Put some input files up on S3 """ fouts = cls.create_files(cls.input_files) for f in fouts: s3.upload(f, cls.s3path) os.remove(f)