def register_translation_batch(src_image,
    # assume complex data is already in Fourier space
    if space.lower() == 'fourier':
        src_freq = src_image
        target_freq = target_image
    # real data needs to be fft'd.
    elif space.lower() == 'real':
        src_freq = cp.fft.fft2(src_image)
        target_freq = cp.fft.fft2(target_image)

    # Whole-pixel shift - Compute cross-correlation by an IFFT
    shape = src_freq.shape
    image_product = src_freq * target_freq.conj()
    cross_correlation = cp.fft.ifft2(image_product)
    A = cp.abs(cross_correlation)
    maxima = A.reshape(A.shape[0], -1).argmax(1)
    maxima = cp.column_stack(cp.unravel_index(maxima, A[0, :, :].shape))

    midpoints = np.array([cp.fix(axis_size / 2) for axis_size in shape[1:]])

    shifts = cp.array(maxima, dtype=cp.float64)
    ids = cp.where(shifts[:, 0] > midpoints[0])
    shifts[ids[0], 0] -= shape[1]
    ids = cp.where(shifts[:, 1] > midpoints[1])
    shifts[ids[0], 1] -= shape[2]
    if upsample_factor > 1:
        # Initial shift estimate in upsampled grid
        shifts = np.round(shifts * upsample_factor) / upsample_factor
        upsampled_region_size = np.ceil(upsample_factor * 1.5)
        # Center of output array at dftshift + 1
        dftshift = np.fix(upsampled_region_size / 2.0)

        normalization = (src_freq[0].size * upsample_factor**2)
        # Matrix multiply DFT around the current shift estimate

        sample_region_offset = dftshift - shifts * upsample_factor
        cross_correlation = _upsampled_dft_batch(image_product.conj(),
        cross_correlation /= normalization
        # Locate maximum and map back to original pixel grid
        A = cp.abs(cross_correlation)
        maxima = A.reshape(A.shape[0], -1).argmax(1)
        maxima = cp.column_stack(cp.unravel_index(maxima, A[0, :, :].shape))

        maxima = cp.array(maxima, dtype=cp.float64) - dftshift

        shifts = shifts + maxima / upsample_factor

    # If its only one row or column the shift along that dimension has no
    # effect. We set to zero.
    for dim in range(src_freq.ndim):
        if shape[dim] == 1:
            shifts[dim] = 0

    return shifts
def _log_polar_mapping(output_coords, k_angle, k_radius, center):
    """Inverse mapping function to convert from Cartesian to polar coordinates

    output_coords : ndarray
        `(M, 2)` array of `(col, row)` coordinates in the output image
    k_angle : float
        Scaling factor that relates the intended number of rows in the output
        image to angle: ``k_angle = nrows / (2 * np.pi)``
    k_radius : float
        Scaling factor that relates the radius of the circle bounding the
        area to be transformed to the intended number of columns in the output
        image: ``k_radius = width / math.log(radius)``
    center : tuple (row, col)
        Coordinates that represent the center of the circle that bounds the
        area to be transformed in an input image.

    coords : ndarray
        `(M, 2)` array of `(col, row)` coordinates in the input image that
        correspond to the `output_coords` given as input.
    angle = output_coords[:, 1] / k_angle
    rr = ((cp.exp(output_coords[:, 0] / k_radius)) * cp.sin(angle)) + center[0]
    cc = ((cp.exp(output_coords[:, 0] / k_radius)) * cp.cos(angle)) + center[1]
    coords = cp.column_stack((cc, rr))
    return coords
 def test_indices_with_labels(self):
     image = cp.asarray(np.random.uniform(size=(40, 60)))
     i, j = cp.mgrid[0:40, 0:60]
     labels = 1 + (i >= 20) + (j >= 30) * 2
     i, j = cp.mgrid[-3:4, -3:4]
     footprint = i * i + j * j <= 9
     expected = cp.zeros(image.shape, float)
     for imin, imax in ((0, 20), (20, 40)):
         for jmin, jmax in ((0, 30), (30, 60)):
                      jmin:jmax] = ndi.maximum_filter(image[imin:imax,
     expected = cp.column_stack(cp.nonzero(expected == image))
     expected = expected[cp.argsort(image[tuple(expected.T)])[::-1]]
     result = peak.peak_local_max(
     result = result[cp.argsort(image[tuple(result.T)])[::-1]]
     assert (result == expected).all()
def exactFilter(tilt_angles, tiltAngle, sX, sY, sliceWidth, arr=[]):
    exactFilter: Generates the exact weighting function required for weighted backprojection - y-axis is tilt axis
    Reference : Optik, Exact filters for general geometry three dimensional reconstuction, vol.73,146,1986.
    @param tilt_angles: list of all the tilt angles in one tilt series
    @param titlAngle: tilt angle for which the exact weighting function is calculated
    @param sizeX: size of weighted image in X
    @param sizeY: size of weighted image in Y

    @return: filter volume


    from cupy import array, matrix, sin, pi, arange, float32, column_stack, argmin, clip, ones, ceil

    # Using Friedel Symmetry in Fourier space.
    # sY = sY // 2 + 1

    # Calculate the relative angles in radians.
    diffAngles = (array(tilt_angles) - tiltAngle) * pi / 180.

    # Closest angle to tiltAngle (but not tiltAngle) sets the maximal frequency of overlap (Crowther's frequency).
    # Weights only need to be calculated up to this frequency.
    sampling = min(abs(diffAngles)[abs(diffAngles) > 0.001])
    crowtherFreq = min(sX // 2, int(ceil(1 / sin(sampling))))
    arrCrowther = matrix(abs(arange(-crowtherFreq, min(sX // 2, crowtherFreq + 1))))

    # Calculate weights
    wfuncCrowther = 1. / (clip(1 - array(matrix(abs(sin(diffAngles))).T * arrCrowther) ** 2, 0, 2)).sum(axis=0)

    # Create full with weightFunc
    wfunc = ones((sX, sY, 1), dtype=float32)
    wfunc[sX // 2 - crowtherFreq:sX // 2 + min(sX // 2, crowtherFreq + 1), :, 0] = column_stack(
        ([(wfuncCrowther), ] * (sY))).astype(float32)
    return wfunc
def _get_high_intensity_peaks(image, mask, num_peaks):
    Return the highest intensity peak coordinates.
    # get coordinates of peaks
    coord = cp.nonzero(mask)
    intensities = image[coord]
    # Highest peak first
    idx_maxsort = cp.argsort(-intensities)
    coord = cp.column_stack(coord)[idx_maxsort]
    # select num_peaks peaks
    if len(coord) > num_peaks:
        coord = coord[:num_peaks]
    return coord
文件: peak.py 项目: mritools/cupyimg
def _get_high_intensity_peaks(image, mask, num_peaks, min_distance, p_norm):
    Return the highest intensity peak coordinates.
    # get coordinates of peaks
    coord = cp.nonzero(mask)
    intensities = image[coord]
    # Highest peak first
    idx_maxsort = cp.argsort(-intensities)
    coord = cp.column_stack(coord)[idx_maxsort]

    coord = ensure_spacing(coord, spacing=min_distance, p_norm=p_norm)
    if len(coord) > num_peaks:
        coord = coord[:num_peaks]
    return coord
 def test(self):
     test_images, test_labels = self.load_test()
     # Set test sample size
     self.SAMPLES_TEST = test_labels.shape[0]
     # Bias
     #test_inputs = np.c_[test_images, np.ones(self.SAMPLES_TEST)]
     # NOTE: Need to add bias for cupy
     test_inputs = np.column_stack((test_images, np.ones(self.SAMPLES_TEST)))
     # Copies
     test_target_array = np.zeros(test_labels.shape)
     np.copyto(test_target_array, test_labels)
     # Init predictions array
     test_predictions = np.zeros((self.SAMPLES_TEST,self.NEURONS))
     # Test samples but this time only with forward prop
     for N in range(self.SAMPLES_TEST):
         test_o, test_tar_k, test_prediction_n = self.forward(test_inputs[N],
         test_predictions[N] = test_prediction_n
     self.CORRECT_TEST_CONF, acc = self.get_confusion(test_target_array,
    def get_tsg(self, link_matrix, val_matrix=None, include_neighbors=False):
        """Returns time series graph matrix.

        Constructs a matrix of shape (N*tau_max, N*tau_max) from link_matrix.
        This matrix can be used for plotting the time series graph and analyzing
        causal pathways.

        link_matrix : bool array-like, optional (default: None)
            Matrix of significant links. Must be of same shape as val_matrix. Either
            sig_thres or link_matrix has to be provided.

        val_matrix : array_like
            Matrix of shape (N, N, tau_max+1) containing test statistic values.

        include_neighbors : bool, optional (default: False)
            Whether to include causal paths emanating from neighbors of i

        tsg : array of shape (N*tau_max, N*tau_max)
            Time series graph matrix.

        N = len(link_matrix)
        max_lag = link_matrix.shape[2] + 1

        # Create TSG
        tsg = np.zeros((N * max_lag, N * max_lag))
        for i, j, tau in np.column_stack(np.where(link_matrix)):
            if tau > 0 or include_neighbors:
                for t in range(max_lag):
                    link_start = self.net_to_tsg(i, t - tau, max_lag)
                    link_end = self.net_to_tsg(j, t, max_lag)
                    if (0 <= link_start and (link_start % max_lag) <=
                        (link_end % max_lag)):
                        if val_matrix is not None:
                            tsg[link_start, link_end] = val_matrix[i, j, tau]
                            tsg[link_start, link_end] = 1
        return tsg
def Newtons_method_feasible_init_point(f,
    Newton's method to numerically approximate solution of min f subject to Ax = b.
    IMPORTANT: this implementation requires that initial point x_0, satisfies: Ax_0 = b
        f (fun): definition of function f as lambda expression or function definition.
        A (numpy ndarray): 2d numpy array of shape (m,n) defines system of constraints Ax=b.
        x_0 (numpy ndarray): initial point for Newton's method. Must satisfy: Ax_0 = b
        tol (float): tolerance that will halt method. Controls stopping criteria.
        tol_backtracking (float): tolerance that will halt method. Controls value of line search by backtracking.
        x_ast (numpy ndarray): solution of min f, now it's required that user knows the solution...
        p_ast (float): value of f(x_ast), now it's required that user knows the solution...
        maxiter (int): maximum number of iterations
        gf_symbolic (fun): definition of gradient of f. If given, no approximation is
                                     performed via finite differences.
        Hf_symbolic (fun): definition of Hessian of f. If given, no approximation is
                                     performed via fi
                                     nite differences.
        x (numpy ndarray): numpy array, approximation of x_ast.
        iteration (int): number of iterations.
        Err_plot (numpy ndarray): numpy array of absolute error between p_ast and f(x) with x approximation
                          of x_ast. Useful for plotting.
        x_plot (numpy ndarray): numpy array that containts in columns vector of approximations. Last column
                        contains x, approximation of solution. Useful for plotting.
    iteration = 0

    x = x_0

    feval = f(x)

    if gf_symbolic:
        gfeval = gf_symbolic(x, Sigma)
        gfeval = gradient_approximation(f, x)

    if Hf_symbolic:
        Hfeval = Hf_symbolic(x, Sigma)
        Hfeval = Hessian_approximation(f, x)

    normgf = np.linalg.norm(gfeval)
    condHf = solver.utils.condicion_cupy(Hfeval)

    Err_plot_aux = np.zeros(maxiter)
    Err_plot_aux[iteration] = solver.utils.compute_error(p_ast, feval)

    Err = solver.utils.compute_error(x_ast, x)

    if (A.ndim == 1):
        p = 1
        n = x.size
        zero_matrix = cp.zeros(p)
        first_stack = cp.column_stack((Hfeval, A.T))
        second_stack = cp.row_stack(
            (A.reshape(1, n).T, zero_matrix)).reshape(1, n + 1)[0]
        p, n = A.shape
        zero_matrix = cp.zeros((p, p))
        first_stack = np.column_stack((Hfeval, A.T))
        second_stack = np.column_stack((A, zero_matrix))

    x_plot = cp.zeros((n, maxiter))
    x_plot[:, iteration] = x

    system_matrix = cp.vstack((first_stack, second_stack))
    zero_vector = cp.zeros(p)
    rhs = cp.vstack((gfeval.reshape(n, 1), zero_vector.reshape(p, 1))).T[0]

    #Newton's direction and Newton's decrement
    dir_desc = cp.linalg.solve(system_matrix, -rhs)
    dir_Newton = dir_desc[0:n]
    dec_Newton = -gfeval.dot(dir_Newton)
    w_dual_variable_estimation = dir_desc[n:(n + p)]

        'I\tNormgf \tNewton Decrement\tError x_ast\tError p_ast\tline search\tCondHf'
        iteration, cp.around(normgf, 4), cp.around(dec_Newton, 4),
        cp.around(Err, 4), cp.around(Err_plot_aux[iteration], 4), "---",
        cp.around(condHf, 4)))
    stopping_criteria = dec_Newton / 2
    iteration += 1
    while (stopping_criteria > tol and iteration < maxiter):
        der_direct = -dec_Newton
        t = solver.line_search.line_search_by_backtracking(
            f, dir_Newton, x, der_direct)
        x = x + t * dir_Newton
        feval = f(x)

        if gf_symbolic:
            gfeval = gf_symbolic(x, Sigma)
            gfeval = gradient_approximation(f, x)

        if Hf_symbolic:
            Hfeval = Hf_symbolic(x, Sigma)
            Hfeval = Hessian_approximation(f, x)
        if (A.ndim == 1):
            first_stack = cp.column_stack((Hfeval, A.T))
            first_stack = cp.column_stack((Hfeval, A.T))

        system_matrix = cp.vstack((first_stack, second_stack))
        rhs = cp.vstack((gfeval.reshape(n, 1), zero_vector.reshape(p, 1))).T[0]
        #Newton's direction and Newton's decrement
        dir_desc = cp.linalg.solve(system_matrix, -rhs)
        dir_Newton = dir_desc[0:n]
        dec_Newton = -gfeval.dot(dir_Newton)
        w_dual_variable_estimation = dir_desc[n:(n + p)]

        Err_plot_aux[iteration] = solver.utils.compute_error(p_ast, feval)
        x_plot[:, iteration] = x
        Err = solver.utils.compute_error(x_ast, x)
            iteration, cp.around(normgf, 4), cp.around(dec_Newton, 4),
            cp.around(Err, 4), cp.around(Err_plot_aux[iteration], 4),
            cp.around(t, 4), cp.around(condHf, 4)))
        stopping_criteria = dec_Newton / 2
        if t < tol_backtracking:  #if t is less than tol_backtracking then we need to check the reason
            iter_salida = iteration
            iteration = maxiter - 1
        iteration += 1
    print('{} {}'.format("Error of x with respect to x_ast:", Err))
    print('{} {}'.format("Approximate solution:", x))
    cond = Err_plot_aux > np.finfo(float).eps * 10**(-2)
    Err_plot = Err_plot_aux[cond]

    if iteration == maxiter and t < tol_backtracking:
            "Backtracking value less than tol_backtracking, check approximation"
        iteration = iter_salida
        if iteration == maxiter:
            print("Reached maximum of iterations, check approximation")
    x_plot = x_plot[:, :iteration]
    return [x, iteration, Err_plot, x_plot]
文件: test_join.py 项目: zelo2/cupy
 def test_column_stack_wrong_shape(self):
     a = cupy.zeros((3, 2))
     b = cupy.zeros((4, 3))
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         cupy.column_stack((a, b))
文件: test_join.py 项目: zelo2/cupy
 def test_column_stack_wrong_ndim1(self):
     a = cupy.zeros(())
     b = cupy.zeros((3, ))
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         cupy.column_stack((a, b))
    tempwt = []
    tempval = []

    for i in range(3000000):
        tempwt.append(random.randint(1, 100))
        tempval.append(i + 1)

    wt = cp.array(tempwt)
    val = cp.array(tempval)

    capacity = 5000000

    start = time.time()
    cost = cp.floor_divide(val, wt)

    iVal = cp.column_stack((wt, val, cost))

    # sorting items by value
    sorted_iVal = iVal[cp.argsort(-iVal[:, -1])]

    iVal_cpu = cp.asnumpy(sorted_iVal)

    #print("Finding Max")

    maxValue = getMaxValue(iVal_cpu, capacity)

    t = time.time() - start
    print("Maximum value in Knapsack =", maxValue)
 def test_column_stack_wrong_shape(self):
     a = cupy.zeros((3, 2))
     b = cupy.zeros((4, 3))
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         cupy.column_stack((a, b))
 def test_column_stack_wrong_ndim1(self):
     a = cupy.zeros(())
     b = cupy.zeros((3,))
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         cupy.column_stack((a, b))
    def train(self):
        # Initialize prev update arrays
        u_h = np.zeros(self.w_h.shape)
        u_o = np.zeros(self.w_o.shape)

        for e in range(self.EPOCHS):
            x, t = self.load()
            # Check that our set of training data is evenly distributed
            # NOTE: check_balanced() won't work because CuPy doesn't have random.get_state
            # while self.check_balanced(t) == False:
            #     x, t = self.load()
            # Add bias, copy arrays over
            #inputs = np.c_[x, np.ones(self.SAMPLES)]
            inputs = np.column_stack((x, np.ones(self.SAMPLES)))
            target_array = np.zeros((t.shape))
            np.copyto(target_array, t)

            # Hold onto our predictions
            predictions = np.zeros((self.SAMPLES,self.NEURONS))

            print("\n\nEpoch:%s lr:%s n:%s N:%s alpha:%s"
                   % (e+1, self.LR, self.HIDDEN, self.SAMPLES, self.ALPHA))

            for N in range(self.SAMPLES):

                # Forward prop
                n_o, target_k, prediction_n = self.forward(inputs[N], target_array[N])

                # Backprop
                # Summations on weights use dots of hidden output errors

                # Output deltas
                o_deltas = n_o * (1-n_o) * (target_k-n_o)
                # Hidden deltas
                h_deltas = self.n_h * (1-self.n_h) * np.dot(o_deltas, np.transpose(self.w_o))

                # Hidden to output weight update
                u_o = (self.LR
                    * (np.dot((np.transpose(np.array(self.n_h)[np.newaxis])),
                    + (self.ALPHA * u_o))
                # Update
                self.w_o += u_o

                # Input to hidden weight update
                u_h = (self.LR
                    * (np.dot((np.transpose((inputs[N])[np.newaxis])),
                    + (self.ALPHA * u_h)) #- self.LAMBDA*u_h)
                self.w_h += u_h

                # Add predictions of sample to predictions array to compute confusion matrix
                predictions[N] = prediction_n

            # Append the returned accuracy to correctness array
            self.CORRECT_CONF, train_acc = self.get_confusion(target_array, predictions)

            # Run tests after every epoch
            print("\nRunning test")
 def test_column_stack_wrong_ndim2(self):
     a = cupy.zeros((3, 2, 3))
     b = cupy.zeros((3, 2))
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         cupy.column_stack((a, b))
def moments_coords_central(coords, center=None, order=3):
    """Calculate all central image moments up to a certain order.

    The following properties can be calculated from raw image moments:
     * Area as: ``M[0, 0]``.
     * Centroid as: {``M[1, 0] / M[0, 0]``, ``M[0, 1] / M[0, 0]``}.

    Note that raw moments are neither translation, scale nor rotation

    coords : (N, D) double or uint8 array
        Array of N points that describe an image of D dimensionality in
        Cartesian space. A tuple of coordinates as returned by
        ``cp.nonzero`` is also accepted as input.
    center : tuple of float, optional
        Coordinates of the image centroid. This will be computed if it
        is not provided.
    order : int, optional
        Maximum order of moments. Default is 3.

    Mc : (``order + 1``, ``order + 1``, ...) array
        Central image moments. (D dimensions)

    .. [1] Johannes Kilian. Simple Image Analysis By Moments. Durham
           University, version 0.2, Durham, 2001.

    >>> coords = cp.array([[row, col]
    ...                    for row in range(13, 17)
    ...                    for col in range(14, 18)])
    >>> moments_coords_central(coords)
    array([[16.,  0., 20.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
           [20.,  0., 25.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]])

    As seen above, for symmetric objects, odd-order moments (columns 1 and 3,
    rows 1 and 3) are zero when centered on the centroid, or center of mass,
    of the object (the default). If we break the symmetry by adding a new
    point, this no longer holds:

    >>> coords2 = cp.concatenate((coords, [[17, 17]]), axis=0)
    >>> cp.round(moments_coords_central(coords2),
    ...          decimals=2)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    array([[17.  ,  0.  , 22.12, -2.49],
           [ 0.  ,  3.53,  1.73,  7.4 ],
           [25.88,  6.02, 36.63,  8.83],
           [ 4.15, 19.17, 14.8 , 39.6 ]])

    Image moments and central image moments are equivalent (by definition)
    when the center is (0, 0):

    >>> cp.allclose(moments_coords(coords),
    ...             moments_coords_central(coords, (0, 0)))
    if isinstance(coords, tuple):
        # This format corresponds to coordinate tuples as returned by
        # e.g. cp.nonzero: (row_coords, column_coords).
        # We represent them as an npoints x ndim array.
        coords = cp.column_stack(coords)
    check_nD(coords, 2)
    ndim = coords.shape[1]
    if center is None:
        center = cp.mean(coords, axis=0)
        center = cp.asarray(center)

    # center the coordinates
    coords = coords.astype(float) - center

    # Note: for efficiency, sum over the last axis (which is memory contiguous)
    # generate all possible exponents for each axis in the given set of points
    # produces a matrix of shape (order + 1, D, N)
    coords = coords.T
    powers = cp.arange(order + 1)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
    coords = coords[cp.newaxis, ...] ** powers

    # add extra dimensions for proper broadcasting
    coords = coords.reshape((1,) * (ndim - 1) + coords.shape)

    calc = cp.moveaxis(coords[..., 0, :], -2, 0)

    for axis in range(1, ndim):
        # isolate each point's axis
        isolated_axis = coords[..., axis, :]

        # rotate orientation of matrix for proper broadcasting
        isolated_axis = cp.moveaxis(isolated_axis, -2, axis)

        # calculate the moments for each point, one axis at a time
        calc = calc * isolated_axis
    # sum all individual point moments to get our final answer
    Mc = cp.sum(calc, axis=-1)

    return Mc